The Devil by Samantha Nicole - HTML preview

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Chapter Twenty-Five


Giving Him Everything


I woke up this morning to see Justin's eyes closed and his arm wrapped around my waist holding me close to him. I smiled to myself because of what he said last night. I moved his hand off me and walked into the bathroom to shower and brush my teeth. I turned on the shower and let it run as I turned on my Ipod loud in the bathroom and started to brush my teeth. I hit the playlist that said Christmas and let the song take over. I whipped my face and undressed as I sang to myself and stepped in the shower. I showered and turned off the water, grabbed the towel that was on the shower door and wrapped it around myself. I opened the door and stepped onto the rug that was on the floor. Dancing and singing to myself I got dressed. Once I was done I dried my hair and curled it.

I walked out the bathroom to see Justin looking at me with a smile. I was in a good mood today and nothing was going to ruin that. Justin told the guys not to come to the house or call us because he wanted time with me and only me. He said that he was leaving Travis in charge for today but if something happened than to call us but not to show up at the door or shimmer into the house. I jumped on the bed landing on him and he laughed.

"Why do you smell like peppermint?" I asked him

"Maybe because I took a shower in the other bathroom"

"Oh forgot about that one" He laughed and flipped me over so he was hovering over me.

"Well Ms.Happy"


"What do you want to do today?"

"Movie first" He leaned down and kissed me quickly before getting up.

"Where are you going?"

"I have movies in the closet" I nodded and he came out with a box. He put the box on the bed and I opened it to see all of my favorite movies.

I picked up the movie How The Grinch Stole Christmas and handed it to him. He nodded, put the box on the floor and put the movie in. He clicked on the intercom and told Priscilla to bring some stuff up. He turned off the lamp that was on and I laid my head on his chest as we watched the movie. The door opened and she walked in with a tray. She smiled at us and put the tray on the nightstand and walked out. I turned my head to Justin and he looked down at me.

"What?" I wanted to blurt out that I loved him but I couldn't so I just shook my head.


"It's nothing, uh can you hand me my soda?" He reached over and grabbed my Sprite that was brought up. I held it in my hand and smiled when he started to rub my arm. I moved closer to him and snuggled into him making him hold me tighter.

It was almost 5:30 and Justin said that I had to change because he was taking me somewhere. Of course me being the curious person I am had to ask but as I predicted he said it was a surprise. Cassie :Devil: - Polyvore I walked downstairs to see him waiting for me with a smile on his face.

"Ready?" I nodded and he took my hand, we walked out to his car and he opened the door for me. I liked that he can be romantic with me. It shows that he does care for me and gives me a little hope that he will love me back. He started the car and started to drive down the street. I let out a sigh and he turned his head to me with a smile on his face.


"I'm just happy today"

"Well I'm happy that your happy" He said taking a hold of my hand as he drove with the other one. We drove for a few minutes until we got to what looked like a restaurant. He got out and walked around to open my door. I got out and took a hold of his hand as we walked inside. I was beautiful inside.

"Justin this is amazing" He looked at me with a smile

"Were not eating here" I looked at him confused

"Wait, than why did you--" He cut me off by taking through the place. He opened a door in the back and led me inside.

"Were eating here" He said turning on the lights. My eyes widened at the site of it all. I turned around to see him smiling at me.

"This is the best thing anyone has ever done for me" He took my hand and we walked through the open doors and outside to the back.

He let go of my hand and pulled out my chair. I smiled at him and sat down as he pushed my chair in. He sat across from me and took a hold of my hand. He rubbed his thumb on my knuckles and smiled at me.

"You look beautiful"

"Thank you" The waiter came and gave us our food. Justin knew what I liked to eat so I didn't even have to order when we got here. I looked at him and smiled at him.


"This is really nice of you to do"

"I'd do anything for you Cass"

"Justin there's something I need to tell you"

"What is it?" I went to open my mouth when the waiter came back with my drink. I sighed and he left

"You were saying?"

"Forget it, it's not important" He nodded and we ate. Once we were done Justin paid and got up from his chair.

"Come on, there's one more thing I wanna show you until we get home" I took his hand and got up. We walked out the front and he opened my door. I got in the car and he started to drive again. I leaned my head on the seat and looked out the window.

"You look like your at peace"

"I just love spending time with you, Just us"

"I do to" The car came to a stop and I looked out the window

"Where are we?"

"I want you to see someone" I nodded and he got out the car, he walked to my side and opened the door for me. I got out and he wrapped his arm around my waist as we walked. He led me to a rock that was on the beach and I saw the back of a person.

"Go" He whispered in my ear. I started walking towards them until I tapped them on the shoulder. They turned and my eyes widened.

"Holy shit" I jumped on them and gave them a hug only making them laugh

"W-what are you doing here?"

"Justin wanted me to see you. I heard your doing great with training"

"Yea, he said that I'm learning at a fast pace. Where's Becky?" She didn't say anything but looked away

"Kelsey? Where's Becky?"

"She uh she's dead" I stared at her with tears in my eyes and she hugged me

"Why? How? Where?"

"She was sleeping with Cavlin, Jazmyn found out and killed her and Calvin because of it"

"She was only 15"

"I know but hey, at least you have me" I smiled and nodded

"True" She looked behind me and waved.

"You should get back to him. I love you Cass"

"Love you too" I kissed her cheek and walked back to Justin.

"Ready to go?" I nodded

We got to the house and walked to our room. I walked into the bathroom and took off my make up and changed into my pajamas. I walked out the bathroom to see Justin on the bed. I smiled at him and climbed on the bed. Tonight was it, Cassandra "Cassie" Joy Weston was losing her virginty to the guy she loved.

"Are you sure about this?" He asked making me turn my head to him.

"I've never been more sure about anything" He nodded and pressed his lips against mine.

He hovered over me as I felt his tounge slide against my lips. He knew I wanted this to be slow because it was my first time. Letting his tounge run against mine I felt shivers running down my body. His hands started to slowly pull up my shirt and he pulled away from the kiss. I leaned up a bit letting him take off my shirt but covered myself with my hands once it was off. I shook his head and kissed my forehead. He pulled my hands away and tangled our fingers together. He started at me waiting for my cue as if to say ok and I closed my eyes letting out a breath. I nodded leaned up, his cold hands reached behind me and unclasped my bra but didn't take it off. I opened my eyes to see him staring at me.

"Are you sure about this?" I nodded and he pulled it off. I felt myself relax abit and reached for his shirt. I grabbed the hem of it but didn't pull it over his head.

"Cass, it's ok" I pulled his shirt over his head and put it on the floor with mine.

He laid me flat on the bed and moved down slowly not taking his eyes away from mine. He placed his hands on my pajama pants and I nodded to say ok. He slowly pulled them down and my face flushed. He placed his hand on my stomach and I opened my eyes to see him smiling at me.

"Your fine Cass, just breath" I nodded and he pulled off my panties. Letting out a sigh I looked at him to see he wasn't looking at my body but at my eyes. He didn't want to make me feel uncomfortable and I liked that. I sat up not taking out from our eye contact and reached forward to his jeans. I unbuckled his belt and his jeans.

"Were in no rush, take your time. I want you to be relax the whole time" He said to me and I nodded. I took a breath and pulled off his jeans.

"C-can you take off your boxers yourself?" I asked scared to see what was always hiding. He nodded and I laid on the bed closing my eyes. The bed shifted and I felt movement.

"Open your eyes" I opened them slowly and saw him hovering over me.

"I'm not going to hurt you Cass, I will try to go as slow as possible but you can't be tense" I nodded and he kissed my forehead.


"Yes" I let out a breath as I felt something almost break me in half. My eyes widened as the pain grew.

"Justin stop" I let tears fall from my eyes and he whipped them away.

"Are you alright?"

"I-it hurts"

"I know, but I need you to not think about the pain. I need you to look straight in my eyes and focus on them ok"

"I-I'll try"

"Ready?" I nodded and wrapped my arms around his neck. I looked straight into his eyes like he said and felt a tear.

"How you doing?"

"Better" He nodded and I felt his hips rock against mine. The whole time he made eye contact with me the pain wasn't as bad as I thought. I let go of his neck and relaxed as I let myself go.

"You ok?" I nodded and he slowly picked up his pace. I bit my lip as everything started to feel better as we went and before I knew it I felt my body shake. Scared I opened my eyes and saw Justin smile

"Just go with it, you'll be fine" I shut my eyes and felt my body relax and I grabbed the sheets on the bed. I sighed loudly and he smiled at me. A few minutes later I felt him grow and I got scared.

"Relax, take a breath" I could tell that he knew it hurt me and I felt something rush in me. He rolled over and pulled me with him making me hover on me. I felt him pull out and my breathing was still heavy. He looked at me and I smiled at him.

"Thank you"

"Are you ok?"

"I've never been better" I looked at my side of the bed and saw a little blood he picked me up.

"Relax, it's fine that's normal" He turned on the shower and gave me a towel.

"Shower and I'll go get you another pair of pajamas" I nodded and felt myself relax.

Smiling to myself I knew that i'd have to tell Justin at some point. I Cassandra "Cassie" Joy Weston am in love with Justin Drew "Devil" Bieber.