The Devil by Samantha Nicole - HTML preview

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Chapter Twenty-Six


Welcome Home Cassie


I got up this morning smiling as the sun came in through the windows. I felt something on my waist and turned to see Justin's arm was around me. I sighed out of happiness and moved closer to him. His body was cold as ice but with my heat it became the perfect tempteture. I felt his hand rub my stomach and I turned to see him smiling at me.

"Morning" He said into my hair.

"Thank you" He looked down at me and kissed my forehead.

"Come on" I groaned and pulled him back

"Can't we stay like this for the day"

"I'd like that but sadly I have something to do with the boys today"


"That is a surprise you'll find out later" I rolled my eyes and felt him poke my nose. I smiled at him and kissed his chest.

"Now lets go" We got up and I leaned down picking up his shirt from last night and putting it over my body.


"Thank you"

We took a shower, brushed our teeth and walked downstairs to the living room. I laid on the couch and he sat by my feet. I put my feet on his lap and he took off my slippers. I felt him massage my feet and I smiled. He always knows how to relax me. I still think I should tell him but I don't think this is the right time.

I sat on the couch waiting for Justin to get back from being with the guys. I laid myself on the couch watching Tv eating chocolate when the door busted open making me jump around to see a scary looking Justin. He had a huge ass smile on his face and i've never seen him like that.

"Are you high?"

"What? No, get packed. Everything you own I want you to pack it up"

"Your kicking me out?"

"No just do it come on" He said running up the stairs. I got up from the couch and walked into our room to see him shoving clothes into a suitcase.

"Where are we going?"

"Somewhere now hurry up. We have everything there just pack all your clothes"

"Ok?" I walked into the closet and got my bags. I started putting my stuff away until Justin just shoved everything inside and zipped it up.


"Hurry up Cass, I want to show you something"

"Justin it looks like your gonna shit your pants relax" He laughed and grabbed my hand.

"Justin don't you dare" He closed his eyes and next thing I knew he was shimmering out of the house. Fucking idiot.

I opened my eyes to see myself infront of a unknown house. I looked at Justin and he smiled.

"Come on" He took my hand and we walked inside. He turned on the light and my mouth dropped.

"Holy, it's amazing in here"

"Do you like it?"

"I love it" He wrapped his arms around my waist and a key was shown in my face.

"Good, because it's ours" I snapped around to him and he nodded

"Is that why you look like this?"

"Yeah, you said that you'd love a house like this so I figured why not" I smiled at him and hugged him

"Thank you"

"I have one more surprise for you"

"What is it? A pony?"

"Um no" He took my hand an walked me upstairs to a purple door. I looked at him confused but he ignored it and turned the knob.

"Go inside"

"Is this another one of those rooms that I have to find out about"

"No, this one you'll like" I turned on the light and looked around.

"Wow" He walked inside and put his arm on my waist.

"And this will be Penelope's room" I smiled and looked at the crib that was inside.

"It's perfect, did you do this yourself?"

"I had a little bit of help" I laughed and he put his hands on my waist.

"Welcome Home Cassie"

"It's good to be home" He leaned down and placed his lips on mine. I smiled into the kiss and ran my fingers through his hair.

He took my hand and we walked out the room, he opened a door to another room and walked inside. He turned on the light and I smiled as I looked around.

"This is our room" I smiled at him and laid on the bed.

"Cass there's something I need to tell you"

"What is it?" He opened his mouth but smiled as my face became interested.

"Nevermind, I'll tell you in a few days"

"Why a few days?"

"Because tomorrow is the day that everything will change" I sighed and nodded

"Do you think we'll win?"

"I think the only way we'll lose is if something happens to you. I don't think i'd be able to do anything with out you Cass. Your everything I ever wanted and more. Your not just my mate but my best friend" I smiled at him and kissed him softly. There was a knock on the door and Justin told them to enter. His father walked in with a light smile on his face and nodded once at me.

"Hello Cassandra"

"Hello Lord Bieber, nice to see you again"

"As well. I've come to ask you both a question"


"After the war, if you and the other's win would you like a classic wedding or something small" My eyes widened and I looked at Justin


"Didn't I mention that?"


"Well uh"

"It is known for the mistresses to marry there Devil Cassie, it's the only way that you'll be bound and tied"

"It's the only way to Penelope isn't it?"

"Yes, without the blessing of the Devil's when she is born she will be put to death"

"Ok, but I don't want a small wedding. I would like all your family there please"

"As you wish, now Justin do you know the rules?"

"Yes father"

"I will see you both tomorrow morning than, good night Cassie. Justin"

"Goodnight Lord Bieber thank you for coming" He shimmered out and I looked at Justin

"What rules?"

"For us to wed... A person needs to die"

"Who?" He looked down and I stared at him


"Cassie, I didn't mean for this to happen"


"It's Kelsey" My mouth dropped opened and I stared at him.


"I'm so sorry"

"B-but, Justin"

"I know"

"She's all I have left"

"I never meant for this to happen. But Rebekah created a mischarge and now Kelsey has to pay for it"

"But why?"

"Because the proficy says that the youngest sister of the Devil shall be sacrificed. Rebekah is already dead and now Kelsey takes her turn"



"She won't die Justin. I won't let that happen"

"It's not your call"

"Listen to me carefully. My sister is not dying because I'm meant to be your damn wife. You will fix this damn thing and fix it now"

"Ok, I'll talk to my father after tomorrow"

"She can't Justin, she just can't"

"I'll gonna try to fix this Cass, trust me"
