The Devil by Samantha Nicole - HTML preview

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Chapter Twenty-Seven


Valdora War Part One


Location: Bieber Castle

Today was the day, this morning everyone was meeting at Valdora to set the world how they want it to be. Angels Vs. Devils. The fight everyone has been training and waiting for is finally here. I sat on the bed while Justin was in his office getting a few things. Were fighting on Valdora's center. Not to far from the castle but close enough to see what is happening if you see from a window. Justin walked in the room as I zipped up my boot. He had something in his hand and stepped in front of me.

"What is this?"

"If something happens to me I want you to take this and keep your self safe" He took my hand and placed something inside. I looked at it to see a necklace that said love on it. I looked back at him and he bented down to me.

"You will always keep me motivated, your the person that keeps me happy, you Cassanadra Cassie Joy Weston are the love of my life. No matter what happens today I want you to stay safe" He placed his hand on my stomach and looked at me

"You keep her safe, please" I was in shock at the words he spoke

"J-justin" I felt a tear roll down my cheek.

"I love you Cassie, forever and always I love you" He said taking my face in both of his hands.

"I love you too Justin. I love you too" He pulled my face closer to his and placed his lips on mine. It wasn't forced or intease it was the kind of kiss that means if I don't come home tonight I want you to know that I'll always love you.

We pulled away from the kiss and he looked straight into my eyes.

"Are you ready?"

"Yes, let's go safe our daughter" I said to him making him smile

"Our daughter. She will have one hell of a life" I took a hold of his hand and closed my eyes. I felt my body floating and knew that we were transporting to Valdora. I've never been to Valdora but apparently it's amazingly huge. I opened my eyes and saw bright grass infront of me. It was bright outside, almost as if it was summer. The air smelled like fresh rainfall and the site was beautiful. I looked straight ahead and saw the home to Justin. It was huge and beautiful. I took a hold of Justin's hand making him turn his head.


"Let's do this" We walked to the door and he opened it as we stepped inside.

"MOTHER?! FATHER?!" I heard footsteps and turned to see Mistress Mallette

"Hello Cassie"

"Hello again Mistress"

"Are you ready for today?"

"Ready as I'll ever be" She nodded and we stood in the hall as everyone came. Lola and Travis shimmered in along with Yasmine and Brandon. Jazmyn came in with Jaxon and there father. Kelsey came in with Jarid and I smiled at her.

"Is everyone ready?" We nodded and walked out the door. Justin held my hand tight as we walked to the holy ground. After a while I knew why he told me to wear boots. The ground was covered in snow, whiteness everywhere covering the surfaces.

We stood at the ground staring into the distance as we waiting for them to show up. I saw a group of people walking towards us making me swallow heavy. I looked at Justin and he nodded at me as if to see this was it.

"It will be fine" I blinked and saw them staring at us.

"Welcome Bieber's"

"We've been waiting for this day Carter"

"So have we" Justin made a hand signal and next thing I knew all the shadows came to us. I could see Carter getting nervous, he gulped and stood there doing nothing. No one made a sound, no one made a move.

"NOW" Carter shouted signaling all his angels to try to gain what belonged to us. We were stronger, we all knew it even Carter. We didn't fight back at first, Justin said it's only far to show them that they could win. I placed my hand over my stomach and Carter's eyes widened.

"STOP" Everything stopped moving.

"It seems we have a carrier" Justin gripped my hand tighter and I looked at him. He started to walk towards me until he was in front of me with a smirk on his face.

"May I touch?" I looked at Justin and he nodded. I moved my hand and he placed his hand on my stomach. His eyes widened and I smirked

"You planned this" I let go of Justin's hand and placed my hand on Carter's chest and head. His screams were heard throughout the holy ground. His face started to burn and his skin was pealing off. I let go of him and he laid on the ground.

"Y-you have-"

"Power? Fuck yeah I do" I lifted my hand and a fireball appeared.

"Wanna see it?" His eyes screamed scared but I didn't give a shit. I threw the fireball at him making his body catch fire and burn into the snow. He became ash before our eyes. Screams and shouting was heard from the angels as they were weeping the death of there leader.

I could feel my heart rate increasing as my angry built inside me. I felt a rush of heat burst through me as the angel ran towards us. I lifted my hand as fire shot out killing most of them. The others were already fighting them but Justin stood next to me knowing that if he let go i'd be weak enough to die. My heart started beating faster and I knew he felt it.

"Cassie that's enough"


"Cassie, your killing yourself"

"Shut up" I told him as I felt myself getting weaker. Justin let go of my hand and I felt as if my body had shut down. I saw an angel appear infront of me but lucky a shadow appeared but I felt to weak to do anything else. I found it hard to breath, it was like my throat was closing. And the next thing I know I heard my name being screamed and my body hitting something cold.

"CASSIE" Once again. After that everything became fuzzy and blurry. The person talking seemed like they were miles away and I couldn't hear them again. I felt my eyes closing to the point where all I saw was black.