The Devil by Samantha Nicole - HTML preview

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Chapter Six


Miss Me?


I blinked in pure shock to see him standing outside my door. My throat was dry, I could fethe the blood in my body run cold. I shivered as he smirked at me, his brown eyes not leaving mine made me want to run away because he was completely unexpecting

"What are are you doing here? I asked still with a hint of fear Voice voice.

"What was my last warning Cassie?

"Don't do anything stupid"

"and what did you do when Todd took you?"

"Something stupid" I mumbled to him still scared of what's to come.

"Now I'm not going to be so nice. Get upstairs" he said as his eyes got darker. I shook my head in fear as he stepped closer to me. He grabbed me by the hair and pulled me towards him .

"what did you say to me?" I felt my brain go into a panic and I wanted to scream. I opened my mouth but nothing came out. He took my upstairs without letting go of my hair and threw the door open. He threw me on the floor, turned around and shut the door. He stood over me with a cold glare.

"Please, d-don't hurt me"

"You disobey and disrespect me. And you don't think your deserved to be punished for it?" I swallowed as he put his hand in his jacket pocket. He pulled out something silver and turned on my lamp. My eyes widened as I saw the knife open in his hand as he walked closer to me.

"Please,I-I'm sorry. I'll listen I promise."

"I gave you twice as many chances but you just ran out of them. Get on your knees and put your hands behind your back." I felt tears roll down my cheek but did as I was told. He walked in front of me and smirked.

"Good girl, now open your mouth as big as you can." I obeyed again not wanting to get in more trouble. He bent down in front of me and took something out his jean pocket. He placed the folded cloth in my mouth and put his finger to his lips as if to say to be quiet. He got behind me and leaned me forward on my left arm and took the right arm onto his lap.

"If your not going to listen than I am going to make you feel the pain of it" he pushed my head down on my floor and I felt him move the knife against my skin. He drew something on it make sting like hell. I couldn't find the voice to scream. Once he was done he lifted me up anat looked at my face.

"Did you feel the hurt? The pain? The suffering?"


"good because if you don't listen to me one more time I will take the knife and shove it so far down your back your spine will crack in half making you lose the ability to walk again. Do you understand me Cassie?"


"Good now go clean your arm" I got up from my floor and walked into the bathroom.

"Cassie, I warned you. He is not to be messed with" I looked in the mirror and saw the hooded figure looking at me. I looked at his jacket and saw the B in JB was glowing. I felt a stinging in my arm and saw the J was red but next to it was a green glowing letter. I whipped my arm and my eyes widened

JB was written on my arm. I looked at the door and I watched as the knob turned.

"What is this?" I said as he walked in the bathroom.

"You will soon find out what you need to know" he threw me a leather jacket and walked out.

 "Cassie let's go" Rebecca said knocking on my door.

"Putting on my shoe" I said as she opened the door

"Nice jacket"

"Thanks, it was uh a gift"

"From who? I want one" I couldn't exactly tell her who gave me the jacket so I came up with a lie. Don't judge I don't want her to know I "broke my promise"

"A friend from back home sent it yesterday"

"Oh that's nice" I nodded and got up.

"Ok let's go"

We walked downstairs and she put on her sneakers.We got in my car and I drove to school, I felt a stinging  coming from my arm and new it was the letters that I was covering.

"See you in lunch?" I nodded and she got out the car to walk with Lola and Yasmine. I got out my car and got my bag.

"It fits well" I turned and saw Travis with Brandon looking at me

"What do you want?" I asked quietly scared that "Devil" was going to come out of no where

"Is that anyway to speak to your friends Cassie?"

"your not my friends. You slapped my across my face and you make fun of me" They smirked but walked closer to me.

"W-what are you doing?"

"We have a message to give you"

"W-what is it?"

"Meet us after school at the park, bring your sister home and come" I nodded and they walked inside. I looked around and saw him by a tree with his arms crossed. I felt my arm burn and I pulled up my sleeve. It was glowing and I looked back to see me nod at me and walked inside. I walked to English and saw Travis smirking at me.

"Nice of you to join us Ms.Weston"

"Your lucky I even came so fuck off" Everyone's eyes widened including my own

"Excuse me?"

"I-I'm so sorry, I don't know why I said that"

"Detention Ms.Weston after school" I looked at Travis and his face went straight

"She can't be here after school" She turned to him and gulped

"W-why not?"

"She has a meeting with Devil" She nodded and ripped up the detention sheet. I walked to the back and looked at him

"Thank you"

"What the fuck was that about?"

"I-I don't know" I said pulling down my sleeve

"What are you covering?"


"Give me your arm NOW" He spat at me. I laid my arm on the table and he pulled up my sleeve. His eyes widened and he looked at me

"Y-your marked"

"I'm what?"

"Oh fuck"

"What does that mean?"

"Fucking hell, That's why he needs to speak to you"

"TRAVIS WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON?" Everyone looked at me and the teacher crossed her arms

"WHAT THE FUCK YOU LOOKING AT OLD BITCH?" Her eyes widened and I felt my arm burning even more.

"Cassie relax, breath" I heard Travis say to me quietly

"W-what's happening?"

"We need to get out of here" he got my bag and took my hand

"Where are you going?"

"Out" He walked out the hall and looked around

"Stay right here and don't move" I nodded and the burning got worse.


"I know but you need to shut the fuck up" He sat me on the bench and took out his phone.

"The guys are coming now but you need to relax"

"Not until you tell me what is happening"

"I can't tell you, Devil needs to tell you" I felt my heart pounding faster and all I could see is black through my eyes.

"T-travis I'm scared"

 I heard footsteps as if people were running and felt someone touch my shoulder. My head snapped to them and there eyes widened

"Where is he?"

"he's coming, give him a minute"

"What is he doing?" I couldn't see anything anymore. I felt as if I was going blind.

"W-what's happening" I heard footsteps and a voice

"We need to get her to a mirror"


"The girl's room you idiot"

"Cassie, Brandon is taking you to the bathroom ok" I nodded and felt someone take my hand.

"It's going to be fine"

"What happening?"

"Devil will meet you after this, but you need to speak to someone first"

"Who?" Than I didn't hear him anymore.


"Step closer" It was a dark voice and my vision was clear. I saw the guy in the mirror

"Oh my god" He pulled his hood off and I saw the brown eyes that have been haunting me for the past few days.

"What did you do to me?" I said still wanting to know what was happening.

"It wasn't the me in the mirror. I am but a relfection of him. Listen to me carefully Cassie, you have been marked. You will be having outbursts a lot from this time on"

"But what is happening?"

"Do you know what the letters mean?"

"No please tell me what is happening"

"Cassie you have come incontact with the devil himself. Well, Devil in training. His last lesson was to mark the girl he was written with. That is why you were brought to this town"


"He will explain everything, you can't tell anyone about this. Do you understand Cassie?" I nodded and he disappeared from the mirror. I walked out the bathroom with a shocked face and saw the hooded figure with the guys.


"Oh shit" I heard him say, I ran and tackled him to the floor

"WHAT DID YOU DO TO ME" He reached his hands up and took a hold of my face and I felt my heart rate slow down.

"Is that better?" I nodded

"What is happening?"

"We can't talk about this here. You need to go through this day and after school meet us at the park. Once your there I will answer every question you have"

"What if I go crazy again?"

"I am sending Brandon and Travis with you to each of your classes. They will protect you and help you. I need you to try to not get angry" I nodded and the bell rang

"I will see you later"

"Ok" He walked away with the other boys and I turned to Brandon and Travis

"Lola can't see you with me"

"Got that covered"


"You'll see now come on" We got to math and I walked inside to see her smile at me.

"Hey" I sat down and she looked at me

"You've been marked haven't you" I looked at her


"I heard about your outburst. It only happens to the ones who were marked"

"How do you know?" she looked around before lifting up her sleeve to show the letters. "TD"

"Yasmine has one too, her's are BH"

"What do they mean?"

"You will find out later" I nodded still confused but saw Travis and Brandon standing by the door. They smirked at me and the teacher started talking.

I walked through the doors of the cafe and saw Rebecca with a pissed look on her face.

"That's your sister?" Brandon said


"Oh fuck" She made her way to me and crossed her arms


"Rebekah just listen" But before I could explain I felt my head go in another direction and I looked back at her

"Did you just smack me?" I felt my heart racing and she had wide eyes

"Casie, i-I'm so sorry" I was about to attack her but was taken outside.

"Cassie look at me" I looked at Brandon and he took a breath

"Deep breaths come on" I started to breath and felt my heart beat go back to normal

"Maybe going there isn't a good idea"

"You think?" Brandon said to Travis

"Sorry" We ended up sitting in the hall way with our lunch.

The last period bell rang and I walked outside to see Rebecca by the car with a sad expression on her face. I walked up to the car and opened the door

"Cass i-" I cut her off and shook my head

"Get in the car. I'm taking you home and going out"

"Cassie please-" I glared at her

"NOW" I closed my door and she got in. I took her home dropped her off and drove to the park for the "meeting". I got out the car and saw Brandon with Travis waiting for me.

"Nice to see you again"

"How's your cheek?"

"Fine, I wish I could've hit her though"

"You would've killed her if we let you"


"Come on the others are waiting" We walked to a house past the park and I was in shock

"Who lives there?"

"Devil" They said at the same time.