The Nysse by Chris Saferos - HTML preview

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The trip to Mykonos was arranged very quickly. My tic went after three days thanks to the medicine and the fourth day after our visit to the doctor we set off for Mykonos by plane. Those four days only the devil appeared and told me only one thing. “Way to go. Next year it will be Ibiza!” with a smile that showed he was up to something strangely ignoring the fact that the referee had left.

Before boarding I was in a strange mood. I was obsessed with the

idea that people around me could see what I was thinking. Only with one passenger did I have an inner discussion. I was thinking randomly and I saw his image in my head watching me.

-Don’t watch what I’m thinking, I said through msn.

-Man, have you realized what you are?

-Eh?! What do you mean?

-The fact that we talk inside here has to do with….

At that point, the devil muted what the passenger said and he said to me: “useless information.”

-What the fuck is going on?! I asked the devil intensely.

The passenger said goodbye through inner communication like I was some kind of celebrity. I made me feel strange.

-Nothing! Don’t pay attention to what every idiot says.

-First the “breath” and now you’re talking in riddles…..What’s going on?

-Nothing, you just feel a lot and that shows, he said, but it was apparent from the look on his face that he was lying.


-Come on don’t pay attention. Try to have fun on that trendy island.

As much as I let you, that is….

-Damn you, don’t break my balls. I need a vacation.

-Go in the summer, it’s November now.

-Fuck you.

-Anyway I don’t think what you did with the referee will work because he will see that he is still in the Fourth Division and he will return even angrier. Anyway that’s your problem. I won’t break your balls in the airplane because I want to repose.

-What you do that looks like sleeping? Repose…Hahaha.

-Don’t make fun of me, it’s ten times better than sleep. I have to do it once a week and I create the dream that I see. I say, for example, today I’m going to dream about chicks, I repose and …

-Repose…Hahaha. Couldn’t you say sleep?

-I don’t use the expression….and it’s like a mov…

-Hahaha. I’m too bored to hear it.Go repose then.

He gave me the finger and he withdrew to …repose.

In the airplane I didn’t have time to do much because it was half an hour trip. I thought about Aliki a little, the video game accompanied by guilt and then we reached Mykonos….After collecting our suitcases, my mother’s friend was waiting for us. After saying hi, we got in the car and drove to the house. On the way, we had a discussion through msn.

-Welcome, she said.

-Thank you, I answered.

-I feel blessed in here she said. The fact that we can talk in here has given me a strong sense of self-confidence.

-Do you mean the weight? Everything you do in here boomerangs like a weight of personality.

-Yes, I know. You have a tremendous weight as if you are someone…someone not exactly famous, but… gifted. Show your weight with an image.

I showed her.

-Are you serious?  You are something…

-Show yours.

-She showed me.

-Wow, you are also gifted.

-That will be our joke. That we are both gifted.

-Hahaha. Awesome.

-So, we stop talking in here because I’m driving and I’m distracted. I have to talk to your mother…I haven’t seen her in a long time.


As soon as we got to her house, she showed us where to put our things and where we would sleep. Even though it was small, the house was very nicely set up. It was in a bungalow complex and it had a big garden with trees and plants. The beach was right outside the complex which made me very happy about my autumn vacation.

After I made a cup of coffee, I went outside for a walk. At some point, I got tired and sat on a rock near the sea. A little later, Aliki “knocked”…..with an image of the face of GG Allin and an image of herself ready to apologize.

-Hi Aliki, I said.

-Hi, she said with the grace of a pinup girl.

-I’m on Mykonos.

-What are you doing on Mykonos in November?! Only forensic scientists go to Mykonos in November to crack cases concerning celebrity deaths due to drugs.

-People also go to forget that celebrities have stolen their chicks. It’s not only like that.

-And their chicks visit them to apologize through inner communication. That’s Mykonos….

-Yes, typical of Mykonos. So you came to apologize?

-Yes, I’m sorry. I’m not with Patton anymore. Patton also wants to apologize, but I don’t think you care, she said and went to kiss me. I moved away for fun and then I kissed her.

-Hahaha. Fuck you, she said and kissed me. You know, it’s not that I didn’t notice you in the old days. I had you in mind.

-Yes, but you were always with someone. Did you have that in mind?

-Hahaha, I imagine you’re looking for something serious, eh, she said.

-Yes, I have some girls in mind…….

-No, I’m talking about me, she said joking around.

-And all the rest? What will they do without me?

-They can go find someone famous.

-Yes, whores. So, you wanna be my chick, huh?

-Yes, a relationship! she said, making fun of those who take their love life seriously.

-Very nice, so sit near me on the rock.

She sat and I pretended to push her. She laughed and for the next hours, until sunset, we sat in each other’s arms and mused. Five hours later, Patton appeared in front of us

P.- So you're together now. That's cool. Wanna continue the videogame, you idiot?

Chr.-Yeah, of course

Αl.-Can I be present?

Chr.-Of course, baby, why not?

P.-Ok then... What did you find? Any filters?

Chr.-No, not really, but I can do it now.

So, I sat and found some filters. The results were as follows:

Chr.-The basic sound, the filter gives to Seth is... that.

I show him.

P.-Wow pretty impressive. It's got, bass frequencies mixed with a spacey treble sound. But it's not enough. Since he's the main character, he should have like a special move.

Chr.-You know what the E8 is?

P.-Yeah, that surfer's connection graph to the universe.

Chr.-Ok, we use that. Seth has a sword and hits it onto the E8 and it makes a sound.

P.-Cool. I thought of a second character, Geish. She is a ...geish.

Chr.-Ok. I'll pass her through the filter...The outcome is a midrange/bass rotating sound. The midrange frequency does different damage from the bass one, but it's one move. Other characters I thought of are Tre, Jackal and a bad guy atom.

P.-I thought of two characters. Uli and Burd. Uli is a small sphere with a grin and Burd is a ...bird. A normal, small sized bird zoomed up.

Chr.-Tre is a tree, that has that eerie and threatening sound. Jackal has no sound he only collects information, when the black out happens.


Chr.-Oh, the blackout...When Seth overuses his powers a black out occurs and Jackal collects information on how to regain the system and Seth's powers, of course. The black out occurs only to the good characters. The bad characters can see. Ah, forgot to say that it will be a fighting game with multiple characters appearing every time. Something like the Final Fantasy games. Well now I'll pass Uli and Burd through the filter...Uli has a UHF frequency, Burd...well Burd has a completely stupid sound.

P.-That's ok. He looks dumb as fuck too.

Chr.-Haha, we keep that.

P.-What about atom?

Chr.-Well he has ... Wait. I've got a blurry vision.

Aliki and Patton looked at me like they knew something. I saw a blurred image that was trying to talk to me. Just like my grandfather. Aliki and Patton weren’t talking and the image became clearer

and clearer. Did someone appear? said Aliki.


-Don’t freak out, she said and looked elsewhere.

A minute later the image became clear. It was GG Allin. GG Allin was dead...

-Die scum, he said to me.

-GG??! Aren't you fucking dead?

-Yes I am. But for some reason, I don't give a fuck, I can talk to the living.

-Wow. Apocalypse...

-Fuck your apocalypse. Wanna do heroin?

-No, thanks. Can you do heroin in here?

-Yes, but it’s not as good as real heroin.

-How did you find me?

-I don't know and I don't give a fuck.


-We, the dead,  actually knew that this was going to happen. Talk to the living. And some shit, about a new Messiah. I won't believe in him. I hope he isn't a fucking cunt though, cause he'll have great power in here.

-Who's that new Messiah?

-Don't know, but I'm supposed to find him and tell him, that he's the new Messiah. He's supposed to be a punk rocker, so they chose me. Bullshit… That I would appear in front of him and then a shitty sign would come...

At  that point GG Allin turned green and blinked.

-Oh the sign is here. Who gives a fuck...


-It's you, you're the Messiah scum. Try not to die from an overdose, like me. I'm outta here.

At that point, the “breath” came again, this time accompanied with different symbols one after the other which when I saw them, in the beginning, I couldn’t understand what they were, but then I understood the previous one before the next one came. It was like it gave me a sense of direction and explained the things I had to do. Also predetermined reaction sets to different possible events came with a fast pace and something like an “archetype dogma” which I was  unable to understand completely. Finally, a message came that the understanding of the dogma  would come gradually and that slowly people would start to know about my existence. Aliki and Patton didn’t realize anything and the “breath” demonstrated to me not to tell them anything. For it to come natually.

-Did someone who… no longer with us come into your head? Aliki said.

-He’s with us from now on, I answered.

P.-Don't talk to the fucking dead, dude.

Αl.-Leave him alone. Who was it? she said and looked at me meaningfully. Her look overflowed with love and understanding.

Chr.-GG Allin...

P.-Get the fuck outta here!

Αl.-Hahaha fucked up.

Then the sign came to Patton that I am the Messiah and he looked at me searchingly and with awe. It hadn’t come to Aliki yet. An image also appeared in my head that the inhabitants of Mykonos were slowly realizing it.

P.-Dude..., what did GG Allin tell you?

I showed him an image-message that GG Allin was ….the messenger, as funny as that might sound.

P.-I won't believe in you, he said.

Αl.-Stop being an asshole, said Aliki, who hadn’t understood a thing.

At that point, Patton and I looked at each other and he nodded to me that he wouldn’t  say anything.Without purpose because a minute later, my mother’s friend Giota came with …the good news.

G.-Hi, guys, she said. Do you have any idea who Christos is?!


Patton wanted to speak, but he decided not to do it.

G.-Christos is the new Messiah.

Al.- Where do you get your drugs? I want some, too.

Then the sign came to Aliki, too….She didn’t know what to say. She was about to say something, but then she didn’t speak.

Al-It doesn’t have to do with Christ and things like that, she asked me.

Chr.-No, there is no connection. I feel human, but all of a sudden this lucidity comes. Like I’ve taken LSD and I can convey knowledge and experience in here without much effort.

Aliki got scared. I realized it, so I hugged her and explained to her that I would be occupied as little as possible with this bullshit. She kissed me and went to make coffee.

-Don’t start pretending to be the Messiah with me or else you’re fucked, she said before she went.

-Only if I have to….

-What do you mean?!

-Nothing, I’m playing the Messiah. Hahaha.

-Fuck you. I’m coming.

G.-Anyway, people in Mykonos are starting to realize what you are. Whoever feels more in here understands it faster….Patton left after a while and Aliki returned. I was curious to see people’s reactions and went for a walk in the village. I told Aliki and she told me she would stand by and watch while I was going for a walk, without being noticed by the passers-by….So, I started my walk.

The house was about a twenty-minute walk from the village. On the way, I passed some people who didn’t pay much attention. Most of them ignored me and only one or two looked at me suspiciously that something was going on with me. On arriving at the village, however, something magical happened. As I was walking, more and more people were looking at me with awe. It seemed that as I was walking, they were telling each other. The feeling was indescribable. It was like they were looking at you because you were famous with a sense of secrecy though. Like a common secret that nobody could externalize because it was a part of his brain. And that part of his brain was me as the new Messiah. Nevertheless, the experience still seemed weird because, firstly, I wasn’t used to be looked at with awe and, secondly, I had never believed in any religion. I was till then an atheist. The walk finished and I went to Aliki to discuss it.

-Alikiiiiiiiiii, did you see how they were looking at me?

-Yes, I think it is wrong. What did you become in an hour? The leader of Mykonos? Don’t you think it is a little pretentious to be an  atheist all your life and then become the …MESSIAH in whom everybody will believe. You are a pretentious asshole.

-Believe in me to be saved, I said jokingly.

-Quit the trolling.

-The sacred trolling.

-Fuck you, she said, half laughingly.

-That’s blasphemy.

-Hahaha, fuck you, poser.

-Sorry to interrupt, but we got work to do, said Patton, after he appeared.

-The fucking video game?  Not now …, I answered.

P.-No, it’s not the video game. It’s something bigger.

Chr.-What now?

P.-We’ve got to define the Communication system. Since you are the Messiah, you can create new rules in the msn. Communicationwise, though, we don’t want a fucking fascist god.

Al.-Don’t you dare! Msn is a space which has to develop naturally.

Chr.-Yes, without leaders and gods. The only thing I’m going to do is to find some new tools, such as the search engine and the “knock”. Like a “technological” evolution of the msn.

Al.-I agree, but the freedom of communication should be preserved in here.

Chr.-Yes, that’s understood.

Al.-That’s not understood. You might find some bullshit that seems to work freely, but has ramifications that can harm Communication in the future.

Chr.-Yes, we need to be careful. I will limit dangerous spells. A spell that can unmess you from any dangerous spell and will have the form of the search engine. That is, anyone can use it.

Al.-Don’t you think that by forbidding the dangerousness in this way, new stronger spells will be created which will result in the msn becoming even more dangerous.

Chr.-Don’t worry. It will be like a data base with anti-spells which someone can use when he messes with a spell. Every spell has its anti-dote in here because the degree of freedom of the msn allows the creation of anti-spells.

P.-Can we continue with something lighter…

Al.-Yes, like sex or something.

Chr.-Challenge accepted!


P.-Let’s make sex better in here.

Al.-Yes, like a spell against condoms.

Chr.-Yeah …That’s easy. We can use an enhancer. Sex in here is like 20-30% like real sex. Yes, make it 50-60%, so people won’t stop having sex outside. People should be able, though, to choose whether they like to use the enhancer or not. Like a switch.

P.-Can I have a special 120% sex enhancer. 

Chr.-No, Patton……

Al.-Communication drugs? They exist.

Chr.-Yes, I know and fortunately they are still safe. I will give everyone the choice to neutralize the effect of the drug and to return ….to reality. I could also make them non-addictive, so that someone can avoid becoming addicted, if he wants.

Al.-Yes. Do those two things. It could also be used as a way of  detoxification. From the outside world drug, someone makes the transition to the inner communication drug, which is not addictive and gradually the addiction of the outside world drug goes away since the inside drug works like a substitute.

Chr.-What else? A spell that can reduce pain already exists, but I will make it accessible to everyone. So, I activate them. Anyway, what I found could be chosen. If you want, you use them or else you live with the current data of the msn.

Five minutes later, a man in a suit came.

-What you're trying to do, won't pass to us. The system needs a leader, and strict rules. Don't worry. We're on it. We're slowly creating an organization  that will define the boundaries of the system.

-So it's us against you, I guess.

-You won't survive.

-Get the fuck, outta here, now, said Patton.

-Who was that dude? asked Fat Mike from  NOFX, who was secretly listening  to our converstion.

P.-Nothing,  dude, a corporate fuck, who thinks he can change the world. I am being ironic.

F.M.-Sooo. It's us against them, but I don't really give a fuck right now. Why did you take addiction out of inner drugs? That sucks!

Chr.-I didn't. I just gave you a choice, whether you wanna get addicted or not. You can get addicted if you want to, if you don't activate the outcome of my divine intervention...

F.M.-Divine addiction control. Anyway. Wanna get high? Let's try all the inside drugs together, since it's safe.

So, we started to do inner-drugs. Τheir high wasn’t like real drugs like  GG Allin had said, it was, however, fun.


F.M.- ...Hahaha. Now I'll try LSD, with MDMA and skunk. And if I bad trip I'll stop the trip with that spell you gave us. Lord...Hahaha.

Αl.-Ι'll do pot and amphetamines. Hahaha!

Chr.-Hahaha. I wish I had my cat here.

P.-Go talk to him. Make him believe in the Messiah thing.

Chr.-I'll do it, just to see, what happens.

At that point, I spoke to my cat through msn. He just meowed. The “breath” though translated what he said and we started talking.

Cat-I ate rats.

Chr.-You’re disgusting.

Cat-What’s disgusting? What are you doing there? I’m coming to be petted.

So, Chicco came to our company to be petted…I introduced him, but he ignored it and he went and sat on Aliki’s lap. The next hour passed pleasantly. My cat didn’t like Patton, but after he petted him, they started to like each other.  Aliki was high and hugged me all the time for fun and Fat Mike did a mini-gig with songs which he had gathered and hadn’t played with NOFX. As soon as we got abruptly sober from the spell, we hung out a little and then we split. I went to sleep exhausted from the overload of information!

The next morning, the devil was waiting for me to wake up. Because he saw that I wasn’t getting up, he did an awful “knock” with the image of the referee.

-Wake up! he said.

-Come on, you dickhead, let me sleep.

-The referee is waiting for you to explain why he is still in the Fourth Division.

-Tell him that the Fourth Division became the Third.

-You tell him…he said and called him. He, also, gave him a magic taser that hurt a lot. That’s how I woke up.

Ref.-Why did you lie to me, you brat? He said and tased me.

Chr.-Hey, you asshole, that hurts. Let me sleep.

Ref.-I won’t stop. I’ll do it until I kill you. Anyway Devis told me that nobody would realize that I killed you.

Dev.-Use the multiplier. You see those numbers on the taser, press the one that says times ten. We’ll see if he takes you seriously.

The times ten hurt so much that I jumped out of bed and screamed. And that asshole was so retarded that once he found it he did it continuously! Aliki and the others hadn’t come yet. I was alone and I writhed with pain. I was in so much pain that I didn’t have the strength to find the anti-spell.

Dev.-And so the story of the Messiah ended, he whispered. But I heard him.

Chr.-You asshole, you want to do away with me?!

Dev.-Messiah, huh? What do you think I was preparing for the last 1200 years? My survival.

Chr.-You asshole, I don’t have anything to do with religions. Aren’t you against Christianity?

Dev.-Christianity as a threat ended for long ago. With the rearrangements.

Chr.-Aaaaaa. What rearrangements?

Dev.-Nothing. The various battles I gave against Christianity. Your dogma is more dangerous. That’s why you have to die today. Our referee! Finish him.


Ref.-Are you in pain, young man?

At that point, the “breath” blew the taser which resulted in its falling down. We both ran to pick it up, but finally I picked it up. I set it at 100 times and started to electrify him.

Chr.-Does it hurt, you scum?


I electrified him for about fifteen minutes and then the devil gave him another one. Thankfully, the idiot only knew how to put it times ten, whereas I had become familiar with the multiplier. I set it times 1000 and we electrified each other. At the end, he dropped it and fell down writhing with pain.

-Are you ok, our referee? said the devil.

-No, I think I’m dying, answered the referee.

Then I threw my taser and ran to help him. It was too late. The guy was dying.

-Killer! What will Aliki say? said the devil.

I immediately was filled with remorse and I felt like committing suicide. The only thing I wanted to do is to get rid of him. Three seconds later, Aliki came who reacted as if she had been present at the battle that had taken place.

-Why did you kill him? We are separating. Killer! Patton would never do something like that. I need support. I’m going back to Patton and don’t ever talk to me again.

The devil smiled and said-

Time to kill yourself…

-That can’t be true. Aliki talks differently.

-You saw her though…

-Yeah, I saw her.

-So. It’s true, he said and hypnotized me.

A little bit later, the first suicide attempt came. Without being able to think, I went to a tree which had a curve like a noose and tried to hang myself.

Luckily, my mother saw me and screaming she pulled me down. A little bit later, Aliki came inside my head and crying she said to me:

-Why, baby, why?

…Patton came too who tried to calm down my mother. The devil set up a fake scene. Aliki didn’t say those things, Patton was just sleeping and the referee wasn’t present. It was all a huge lie, the battle with the tasers, the referee’s death, Aliki’s words. It was all an optical illusion which the devil had created.

-Whyyyyy? said Aliki again.


   A few hours later, my mother informed me that my father was going to take off and come. I hadn’t recovered yet and preferred to spend time alone with Aliki. Our conversations were heavy, but at this point, she loved me….

-I can’t stand having the devil on my back all the time. Sometimes, I feel like facing him. To end it, I said.

-Don’t mess with the devil. He is very strong. Just try not to mess with him too much, ok baby?

-I wish the “breath” would come and send him away.

-Stop depending on this Messiah bullshit. The more you play the Messiah, the more he goes against you. You can reject the title.

-That’s what I’ll do and, now, so that I can get rid of him.

-Yes, baby. With caution, though.

-Yes, I said and kissed her. I’m going to the devil, I continued.

-Devil, I reject the title of the Messiah.

-What happened, you chickened out?

-I want to live a calm life without a lot of hassle.

-I’m going to disappoint you. You give life to the “archetype dogma.” In itself it has no power. The fact that you are living is the only reason for it to live also.

-Why me though? Can’t someone else take this package? Someone who really wants it.

-Unfortunately, no. The “archetype dogma” was created when you started to pre-exist and was de-activated until you were born. Up till now, for the 22 years of your life it was activated, but it couldn’t be expressed because the….miracle of Communication hadn’t occurred yet. Now that it occurred, your influence on things is ever increasing. The final stage will be for one of us to prevail.

-Damn it.

-I’m sorry to tell you, but in a few days the first relevant “action” of the Communication system will take place. Like the thought links  directing you to people. A message will be sent with a “knock” to all your admirers and to all of mine. There will be a battle/survey and the result will be the precursor as to who will prevail. However, don’t be afraid. Dogmatically, we don’t have many differences, except for the fact that you are good and I’m…an asshole. Get ready. See you around.

-Wait a minute, don’t leave…what do you mean, I pre-existed?

-Ah, so now you’re interested in the truth around your name? The system of Communication, in the past, even very much in the past,

existed only for us the entities and for the dead. You were something like … like the nysse in here. Like an entity in the form of a message. Like multi-dimensional information.

-I don’t give a fuck, I interrupted him.

-Get ready…

As soon as he left, I went to tell Aliki the news.


-I don’t know what to say, she said, and if you don’t survive.

…She started crying.

-I love you! But I can’t continue being with you. It’s too big! When you unmess, come find me. I won’t start another relationship. I’ll wait for you, she continued sobbing.  Even if I am with someone, I will leave him and come back to you.

-Whatever you think. It’s up to you. I’m leaving.

-I will watch you secretly, baby. That is, you should know that even though we will not talk, I will know what you are doing.

-I love you.

-I do, too.


I waited three days for the “action” to come. I was condemned to be defeated because from what I imagined, my followers would be few compared to the devil’s, who was the expression of opposition for thousands of years. The only thing I could do was to try not to think about it, but it was difficult because even my life was in danger. The devil didn’t appear these three days because, I imagined, he was preparing for the “action.” So the third day, when I woke up, I saw thousands of people waiting for this battle of popularity. A guy came up and explained to me how the battle would take place.

-Do you see that horizontal bar with the indicator in the middle, at the bottom on the right? he said.

-Yes. The green one, I answered frightened.

-At 12 o’clock, time will start counting. When the indicator goes to the left, it means that your popularity is greater than the devil’s. And vice versa when it goes right. Have in mind that most of the people are undecided. So to a great extent, it will be game of impressions. When the indicator goes to the right, show something to win the people over. The battle finishes at two. Don’t worry, we are with you. I and all the people you see in the east are the core and we will always vote in your favor. Good luck.

-Thank you, I said, terrified.

I looked west and saw a callous crowd disapproving of me. That was probably the devil’s core…It was huge. I compared the people to the west and to the east and the west outmatched the east. Very much. That scared me even more. The “breath” hadn’t come yet. It was 11.57 and the crowd was getting bigger and bigger every second. One minute before the battle began, the devil outlined a symbol that looked like a pentacle in the dirt and sat on it. I didn’t even have a symbol. So, I sat on a rock and closed my eyes. When I opened them, the rock had taken a weird shape. It looked like an atom which

instead of protons, neutrons and electrons, it had planets like the Earth and each one had a terrestrial part and an aquifer. The “breath” had come….The battle began.

I showed an image with part of the “archetype dogma.” This image couldn’t be put into words, but was understandable to everyone. The devil didn’t show anything and had an expression of humbleness, wanting to show that his dogma was already known. The indicator went towards the right, but moved slightly towards the left.