True Horrors Only Exist In Our Minds by liran G - HTML preview

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Chapter 26: the gods:

There were still unresolved matters that required my immediate attention.

One of the crucial tasks at hand entailed the relentless pursuit of the individual responsible for Brock’s untimely demise. Moreover, I observed a disconcerting pattern of unexplained disappearances among the populace, which struck me as profoundly peculiar.

Whenever contemplation turned to the enigmatic presence of these deities intertwined within our lives, an unsettling sensation washed over me. I couldn’t help but entertain unsettling thoughts regarding their intentions.

Could it be that these deities are orchestrating events and manipulating our lives according to their grand design? Might there exist clandestine cults or secretive organizations collaborating with these divine beings to further their intricate schemes?

The possibility, however unnerving, lingered within the realm of plausibility.

Nevertheless, I felt compelled to take action, for the preservation of others’ lives was of utmost importance. It was imperative to address the situation promptly.

After a short passage of time, I found myself standing before the imposing gates of Rythmeus’s palace.

Me: …

With determination, I proceeded to knock on the doors, patiently awaiting a response.

A few moments later, the door swung open, revealing Rythmeus standing before me.

Rythmeus: Yes?

Me: We need to have a conversation.

Rythmeus: Very well, come inside.

Rythmeus stepped aside, granting me entry into “his” palace.

After a brief interval, I found myself in a chamber face-to-face with Rythmeus.

Rythmeus: What brings you here? What is the matter that demands our attention?

Me: Look, Brock has tragically lost his life at the hands of that abominable entity.

Rythmeus: …

Me: Furthermore, I’ve observed a disturbing trend of other individuals vanishing without a trace.

Is there a larger scheme unfolding here?

Rythmeus: Hmmm… I, too, have become aware of these disappearances. You see, there are certain realms where certain deities reside, where they scheme and enact their designs upon unsuspecting humans.

Me: You were already aware of this? Why haven’t you taken action?

Rythmeus: It is not a matter of knowledge, but rather a matter of power. Some of these deities possess formidable strength, even surpassing my own abilities. Engaging them directly is a perilous endeavor fraught with risks.

Me: So, Brock’s demise was a result of one of these deities’ actions?

Rythmeus: It is indeed a plausible scenario.

Me: We cannot simply allow these malevolent entities to act with impunity! We must take action!


As I conversed with Liran, an inexplicable phenomenon became apparent. I found myself unable to sense his presence, and my powers seemed futile in his presence. It was as if his very being nullified my abilities. Yet, there was something more to this peculiar phenomenon.

“I sensed an enigmatic aura emanating from him… a force of tremendous magnitude and potency, perchance… could he be the chosen one? Perchance he possesses the potential to thwart these divine beings? Such a prospect holds considerable plausibility, for I have yet to encounter a human of such captivating essence.

Dare I entertain the notion that he is the harbinger of change?”


ME: So what say you? Both of us aspire to halt these wretched malefactors, both of us yearn to cease these futile demises, after all…

We have naught to forfeit.

Rythmeus: Are you genuinely certain that you wish to embark upon this endeavor? You shall confront entities of prodigious might… entities that surpass even my own prowess. Are you sincerely resolute?

Me: I am resolute.

We require a strategy.

And I possess an audacious scheme.

Rythmeus: Pray, enlighten me about it.

Me: I must obfuscate my true identity in a manner such that these deities remain oblivious…

ignorant of the formidable adversary they face. They shall know only his name.

Rythmeus: And what name shall that be?

Me: Liran. I shall retain my own name, but they shall solely be acquainted with his name, nothing more.

Rythmeus: Hm… intriguing. Considering the mere presence of yours nullified a being as formidable as myself, I believe you shall perform admirably. However, how do you propose to vanquish these entities?

Me: Well… preparation is our greatest asset.

Rythmeus: I comprehend. I am onboard… You have my support.

Rythmeus extended one of “his” tentacles, beckoning for a handshake.

I reciprocated, clasping the tentacle firmly in my hand.

Couple of moments passed as the tentacle retracted from my hand, returning to its place beside Rythmeus.

Rythmeus: Excellent. With ample preparation time, we can strategize against these gods. I am confident that we can accomplish this.

Me: Good. Now, enlighten me about these foundations or cults.

Rythmeus: There are several establishments we could explore, one of which is known as “The Foundation of the Outer Cosmos.” This foundation operates in utmost secrecy, housing humans, gods, and other formidable beings of various kinds. It safeguards a vast array of hidden and esoteric knowledge, inaccessible to the majority of the world.

They possess their own armies, personnel, researchers, and even receive assistance from cosmic entities. Among them are the denizens of the “Lands of Chaos” from whence I hail.

The Foundation has a primary emphasis on acquiring knowledge, advancing technology, and occasionally engaging with other cosmic entities. This suggests that we may have the opportunity to uncover valuable information or uncover the underlying reasons behind the current circumstances.

You mentioned the need to conceal your identity as well, and I agree that it is crucial. Rest assured, we can devise a plan for that.

Me: Hm… I comprehend. We shall journey to the Foundation tomorrow. Let us commence our preparations without delay.

Rythmeus: Very well.




Chapter 27: the beginning of the plan and its execution: Me: Before we commence, I am curious. Just how many of these foundations or bases exist?

Rythmeus: There are numerous foundations scattered throughout the vast expanse of the multiverse. Some of them can be found right here on Earth.

Me: I see… Well then, let us proceed with our preparations.

As time passed, Rythmeus and I meticulously readied ourselves for the upcoming venture. We concealed our identities, obscured our faces, and in due course, we stood fully prepared. The time had come to set our plan into motion.


A day has elapsed, and at long last, the moment arrived. Rythmeus divulged that there exists a base concealed beneath the desert, hidden deep underground.

Both Rythmeus and I remained within the palace, making our final preparations.

Me: So… the time has come. Let us proceed to the location.

Rythmeus: Certainly.

We departed from the palace, opting against teleportation, desiring to embark on the journey ourselves.

After a few minutes, we arrived in the vast expanse of the desert, traversing its terrain on foot, quietly making our way towards the designated spot.

Rythmeus: The hidden base should be just a few meters away from here. However, we must remain cautious as there are guards patrolling the vicinity. Some of them are divine beings from higher planes of existence.

As we continued our journey, an intriguing entity caught our attention. It appeared to lack a conventional physical form, possessing something beyond the ordinary realm of perception.

Nevertheless, I found myself capable of comprehending its essence, regardless of its unconventional appearance.

???’S POV:

As I stood guard at the entrance of the base, I noticed the arrival of two figures—an enigmatic human and a god. However, something about them seemed unusual. I couldn’t discern the human’s face, as if obscured by numerous shadows, and their presence eluded my senses.

Similarly, the god accompanying them seemed to possess abilities that concealed their divine aura.

Perplexed by their peculiar nature, I addressed them cautiously.

Me: Identify yourselves and clarify your purpose here.


As the entity inquired about our presence, I stepped forward to address them directly.

Me: Greetings.

???: Why have the two of you ventured here? Do you seek entry into this base?

Me: Indeed, there are matters within this base that I must uncover. I seek answers.

???: Answers regarding what?

Me: That is not your concern.

???: Well, if you refuse to divulge your true intentions, I cannot permit you entry.

Me: I assure you, I have no intentions of causing harm or destruction. I simply need to engage in conversation with certain individuals within this base. It is still none of your concern. Allow us passage.

???: No, if you wish to proceed, you will have to face me.

Rythmeus: Liran… the being before us is a “judge.”

Me: Are judges even supposed to be present in this base?

Rythmeus: It is rather unusual to encounter a judge here, but considering their numbers, it is not entirely unexpected for some of them to be present.

Despite the judge’s warning, I continued advancing towards them.

Judge: Do not engage in foolish actions. You still have the option to leave with your companion.

Me: Challenge me.

I swiftly evaded the judge’s attempt to push me.

Judge: ?!

Me: You’ll need to step up your game.

The judge: !!!

The judge attempted to strike me with a punch, but I adeptly evaded the attack.

Undeterred, the judge unleashed a flurry of punches, one after another, yet I deftly evaded each and every one of them.

The judge grew increasingly perplexed as their blows failed to find their mark. Every movement, every punch, was anticipated and effortlessly avoided.


The judge: How is this possible? Every strike, every blow, evaded effortlessly! It defies logic!

Each attack surpasses the bounds of time itself!

Yet this mortal… this enigmatic mortal, effortlessly sidesteps every assault! Is he truly a mere mortal? Who is this being?

In an attempt to gain insight, I halted my punches and sought to delve into the mortal’s mind, but my efforts proved fruitless. Even my attempts to alter reality, crafting a narrative in which I triumphed over him and continued guarding this place, were rendered ineffective.

This situation… it surpasses my comprehension.


As I observed the battle unfold, I was utterly astonished.

Liran effortlessly evaded and neutralized every attack the judge unleashed. The judge, a being transcending the constraints of space and time, a being surpassing the infinite hierarchy of dimensions in this universe, proved powerless before Liran. Liran possessed abilities that perceived reality as a mere story, rendering the judge’s might inconsequential.

Even my own manipulative powers, capable of influencing the course of events, proved futile in aiding Liran. His existence, his essence, and even more, were impervious to any form of power that could be used against him. His very presence nullified our abilities, rendering them ineffective.

Liran stood as a force unparalleled and beyond our comprehension.


Me: What’s the matter? Can’t even lay a finger on me? Your powers seem feeble against me, don’t they?

The judge: Silence.

The judge, in a final attempt, aimed a powerful strike at me, only for it to be effortlessly dodged.

Rather than retaliating, I simply allowed the judge to continue their futile efforts.

The judge: How is this possible? I possess the ability to manipulate reality as if it were a story under my control… And yet, I remain unable to make contact with you?

Me: You’re deluding yourself.


The judge: ?!...

The judge crumbled to the ground, perplexed and defeated.

Me: We all possess our own stories, thoughts, perspectives, and views on life. However, I too have my own narrative, my own purpose that I must fulfill.

I have no desire to engage in combat with you. There is no need for a fight, as it is not my intention to fight you.

Just allow us to proceed.

The judge: Hm… well, you have indeed surpassed me and made your way past my defenses. I must admit, you are an intriguing being.

I shall grant you passage.

With that, the judge disappeared, as if they had never been there.

Rythmeus and I found ourselves back in the desert, the judge’s presence no longer perceptible.

Rythmeus: I must say, I am thoroughly impressed by your abilities.

Now, let us venture into this base.

Me: Certainly.




Chapter 28: a secret foundation:

As we stood in the desert, an enigmatic sound emerged from beneath the ground.

Me: ?...

Rythmeus: That’s it… It should be here.

Within moments, a massive door emerged from the sand, revealing the entrance.

Rythmeus: This is it… We can enter from here.

Approaching the colossal door, it opened on its own accord, revealing the path beyond. We gazed into the depths.

Together, Rythmeus and I passed through the door, descending further underground.

As we ventured deeper and deeper, a question arose within me.

Me: Rythmeus… what lies ahead in this place? Will we witness sights of great beauty or horrifying scenes?

Rythmeus: That is for you to discover. The nature of what you encounter will depend on your perspective and experience.

After descending for several minutes, we reached a point where our progress halted. Before us lay a corridor that stretched towards a grand door at its end.

Approaching the door, it swung open, revealing the interior of the foundation. Stepping inside, I marveled at the surroundings. The place was awe-inspiring, with numerous doors, rooms, and interconnected hallways. Gods and humans walked side by side, adorned in the attire of the foundation.

As I took in the sight, preparing to explore further, a voice called out, interrupting my thoughts.

???: Hey! Who are you two? And how did you manage to gain entry to this place?

As my gaze met the woman who had confronted us, I realized she was a human.

Me: I will provide my introduction later. Right now, I seek answers.

Moments later, a group consisting of both gods and humans gathered around us, wielding advanced weaponry.

Me: Let’s keep the situation calm. I don’t want any trouble, and I believe neither do you.

The woman: Well then… perhaps you can enlighten me about yourself. Your towering companion will remain here temporarily, while you accompany me.

Me: Alright…

Following her lead, the woman began walking towards a destination. I followed closely, curious to see where she would take me.

As I trailed behind the woman, I noticed several soldiers shadowing my movements, keeping a close watch on me.

Me: …

I turned my attention towards Sarah.

Me: So… what is your name?

Sarah: I’m Sarah, but we will have a more in-depth conversation once we reach a private room.

A few minutes later:

After a brief walk, Sarah approached a door. Opening it, she stepped aside, gesturing for me to enter.

Sarah: Only the two of us will converse here. Please come in.

Passing through the doorway, I surveyed the room. It contained a table with two chairs—one positioned on each side. A camera observed us from above.

Me: …

Sarah: Excellent.

Sarah gracefully entered the chamber, adeptly closing the door in her wake. With deliberate steps, she proceeded towards one of the meticulously arranged seats, settling upon it with poise and grace.

Concurrently, I assumed my place upon the neighboring chair.

Sarah: So, let us cordially acquaint ourselves… As previously conveyed, I am Sarah, one of the esteemed researchers within this establishment. And may I inquire, who might you be?

Me: I am Liran.

Sarah: Liran… a name hitherto unfamiliar to my recollection. Pray, enlighten me about your person.

Me: Regrettably, the sole facet of my identity I am inclined to divulge is my name. Neither more nor less.

Sarah: Very well… Then I am compelled to inquire, why did you venture forth in the company of your celestial companion?

Me: I have undertaken this expedition in pursuit of genuine enlightenment regarding the clandestine events transpiring within these confines. I have borne witness to unexplained disappearances, where individuals vanish without justifiable cause…

Moreover, one of my acquaintances met an untimely demise at the hands of a deity, the motivations behind which remain enigmatic.

Sarah: Hence, you surmise that we, perhaps, bear responsibility for these occurrences?

Me: It is plausible. Considering your concealed establishment, concealed beneath the Earth’s surface, replete with cutting-edge technology and harboring concealed wisdom…

It is conceivable that you may selectively abduct unsuspecting individuals, employing them as experimental subjects.

Sarah: Liran, you see, in order for us to attain this level… we had to make numerous sacrifices of beings and individuals here… we have engaged in battles with formidable entities that transcend this universe… and we were left with no alternative.

Me: So, it is acceptable to take people without their consent? Including children?

Sarah: … We don’t target chil-

Me: I have been informed that a young boy was subjected to brutal abuse and killed by one of the deities… My “cosmic” acquaintance shared this information about this realm with me… I am seeking answers…

Sarah: Answers… Liran, you may have mistaken us for something else. It is time for you to depart.

No… there was absolutely no conceivable way for her to utter those words… This is the sole place where I can uncover the truth about this matter… She was deceiving me; there is more to this realm.

I: I am apprehensive that I must delve further into this location and ascertain its nature firsthand. I harbor doubts regarding your assertions.

Sarah chuckled briefly and proceeded to utter:

Sarah: You do not place trust in my words?... Do you presume to amble about this domain with an air of ownership? Pray tell, who do you envision yourself to be?... What sets you apart in a remarkable manner?

What abilities do you possess?

Me: I can make you orgasm… in less than 5 minutes.

Upon receiving my statement, Sarah was taken aback, her astonishment reaching unprecedented levels. She found herself utterly perplexed, unsure of how to respond or proceed. Consequently, she assumed a motionless posture, simply remaining seated without any discernible action.

Sarah: What?!...

I: Your comprehension is accurate… And please refrain from offering further words… For it is evident that you are already contemplating the matter… The notion has firmly taken root in your consciousness…

Sarah remained in a state of stillness, pausing momentarily, allowing the intense sensation of pleasure to permeate her being.

And, for a fleeting moment, I could have sworn that a blush graced her countenance.

I: Goodness me… It appears that you derive enjoyment from it, do you not?

The thought of you… being there, laying on the ground and grabbing your massive breasts while fingering yourself and seeing you juices go out… it sounds arousing.

As Sarah endeavored to maintain her composure, her efforts proved futile. It became apparent to me that a passionate desire lurked within her, yearning solely for gratification.

Detecting her evident distress, I discerned that she was considerably perturbed. Standing at an imposing height of 6’5”, she possessed voluptuous curves, accentuated by her generously proportioned bosom.

I: What seems to trouble you? Have I already succeeded in capturing your attention?... Do you truly crave pleasure and liberation?

Sarah: I… um…

At that moment, Sarah’s gaze shifted towards the camera, as if seeking an escape or an ally in her predicament.


God… that liran guy got me good, I havent had sex in couple months, and I needed release… I wanted to get fucked and pounded so hard that I would be nothing but a moaning mess…

I wanted to be used…

As I glanced up at the camera, I noticed the absence of any individuals who were supposed to be monitoring our interaction. Doubts crept into my mind. Was the camera even operational?

However, my attention soon shifted away from such concerns. I found my thoughts drifting towards that cosmic being that’s with liran, my otherworldly acquaintance. That cosmic being was a colossal being, towering over 6 meters in height. Their immense frame was complemented by mighty, elongated tentacles, which exuded an irresistible aura, as if they possessed the ability to draw out every ounce of pleasure from me.

I couldn’t help but express my frustration, accompanied by a gentle exhalation.

Me: Fuck…

Liran: Ah… already aroused, I see?

Continue to entertain those thoughts. Allow these pleasures to alleviate your tension.

Me: Ugh!...

The thoughts of Liran consumed my mind, enveloping me in a sense of his overwhelming masculinity and grandeur. Even without the ability to see his face or directly experience his presence, a profound sense of submission washed over me as he spoke of such things.

I wanted sex so bad…


As I kept looking on sarah, “dominating” her in a way, she started to breath heavily… as she then started to tightly grab one of her breasts… squeezing it and rubbing it.

Sarah: ahh!...

Me: whats the matter?... do my words turn you on? Keep touching yourself.

Sarah kept squeezing and rubbing her massive breasts, feeling them.

She then started to reach her pussy… touching it aswell.

Sarah let out a moan, I knew that she wanted this…

Couple minutes have passed, at this point, sarah was nothing but a needy being… she was touching herself… feeling her body and rubbing her pussy,

I observed that the camera had ceased functioning altogether, seemingly deactivated or possibly never operational in the first place. It became apparent that Sarah had succumbed to the psychological battle we were engaged in.

Anticipating this outcome, I had managed to neutralize the camera’s surveillance from the very beginning. As a result, the individuals responsible for monitoring our activities deemed it unnecessary to intervene. No one appeared to halt our actions because, to them, there was no indication of any abnormality within the room. My presence remained undetectable, leading the entities in the vicinity to perceive it as a non-threatening situation.

Sarah then stood up, she then takes off her clothes, revealing her naked body, she was wet, squirming with pleasure.

Sarah: please…

I then approached sarah, and I didn’t touch her, there was no need for me to do so… and then I said one simple thing:

Me: cum.

At that moment, sarah’s eyes widened and soon enough, she orgasmed, her liquids came out of her pussy… and it looked so good.

Just as the liquids were about to reach me, I swiftly sidestepped, successfully evading their contact. I swiftly moved toward the nearby door, placing myself in close proximity to it.

I saw sarah, being next to the table and laying on it, letting out a moan and kept cumming for a bit before she stopped,

As I glanced back, Sarah lay there, a picture of satisfaction and pleasure. Taking a moment to absorb the scene, I turned my attention to the nearby door and proceeded to open it, stepping out of the room I had been in.

Emerging into the hallway, I found myself in a new environment, ready to embark on the next phase of my journey.


