True Horrors Only Exist In Our Minds by liran G - HTML preview

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Chapter 65: thirteen years later:


Thirteen years have elapsed since the decisive victory over the black king. Since that momentous event, Rythmeus, Derek, Eve, and I have been traversing our own paths. In the wake of the black king’s defeat, the Foundation has undertaken numerous benevolent endeavors, both within our reality and across countless other realms—an awe-inspiring feat indeed.

Now, mortals, gods, and goddesses coexist in a state of heightened tranquility and harmony—a testament to the profound impact of our triumph. It is truly remarkable.

As for myself, I have reached adulthood, now standing at the age of thirty-two—an age that carries an air of peculiarity for me, perhaps due to my father’s untimely passing at the same age. Nevertheless, there is a certain intrigue to it, I suppose.

However, despite the defeat of the black king, I have always sensed a lingering enigma, an inexplicable feeling. It is as if there exists something beyond him, something potentially greater—an elusive truth awaiting discovery.

Chapter 65: Thirteen Years Later.:

I strolled through the serene streets, basking in the warm sunlight. Humans and deities alike populated the thoroughfares, while shops and establishments stood as testament to the vitality of this realm.

Having reached adulthood, the sensation of assuming such a role felt unfamiliar, yet not entirely unwelcome. I continued my leisurely walk until a particular shop caught my attention. Hunger gnawed at me, and I yearned for a snack. Thus, I decided to step inside.

The moment I crossed the threshold, an array of delectable treats and culinary delights met my gaze—assorted snacks, beverages, and more. My craving, however, fixated on a specific delicacy named “Bamba,” a delectable concoction of peanut butter-flavored puffed maize.

Its delectable taste had always brought me joy, and so, I began to explore the shop, leisurely perusing the aisles until my eyes locked onto the packaging bearing the familiar word “Bamba.”

Myself: Ah, yes…

I gingerly lifted the bag of Bamba and proceeded to the cashier’s counter. Standing before her, I couldn’t help but notice her towering stature—a towering figure of approximately ten feet in height, with curves befitting a human of remarkable proportions.

Female Cashier: Is this all you require, merely this modest bag?

Myself: Yes, that will suffice.

I handed her the bag, and she diligently inspected its contents before setting it aside.

Female Cashier: That will be thirty cents, please.

Myself: Very well…

Retrieving a dollar bill from my pocket, I handed it to her.

Myself: Keep the change. It matters not to me.

Female Cashier: Very well. Have a pleasant day.

I retrieved the bag of Bamba, securing it in my grasp, and made my way towards the shop’s exit.

Stepping out into the open, I decided to head towards the nearby park. After a brief stroll, I arrived at my destination.

As I surveyed the surroundings, my eyes fell upon Derek, comfortably seated upon one of the benches.

Myself: ?...

Approaching him, I positioned myself nearby.

Myself: Greetings, Derek. What brings you here?

Derek turned towards me, his gaze meeting mine.

Derek: Liran? It has been quite some time. Come, join me and take a seat.

I maneuvered around the bench, positioning myself in front of it, and settled down beside Derek.

Myself: It truly has been a while. How have you been?

Derek: I’ve been keeping busy, engaging in various pursuits and endeavors.

Myself: And what about Rythmeus?

Derek: As you know, “he” is a remarkable deity. Rythmeus occasionally extends “his” aid to me and others, offering assistance when needed. It’s quite appreciated.

Myself: I see. Anyway, would you like to try some Bamba?

I presented the bag of Bamba to Derek, holding it up for his perusal.

Derek: Sure, I’ve never tasted it before, but I’m open to giving it a try.

Myself: Alright…

Carefully, I unsealed the bag, allowing the aroma of peanut butter to waft through the air—a delightful scent.

Derek: Wow, that smells amazing. Let me have a taste.

Derek dipped his hand into the bag, retrieving a handful of the peanut butter-flavored puffed maize. After a moment, he began to savor the morsels.

Upon finishing, Derek seemed genuinely impressed by the flavors.

Derek: This is really good… Wow.

Myself: I’m glad you like it. They happen to be one of my favorite snacks.

I, too, reached into the bag, taking a handful of the puffed maize and indulging in its delicious taste.

Derek: So, Liran, tell me about your day. How has it been for you?

Myself: It has been quite pleasant. I’ve been taking the time to relax and appreciate the simple joys of life. It’s been refreshing.

Derek: That’s great to hear. I’m glad you’re enjoying yourself.

After a few moments of conversation, we bid each other farewell with a warm embrace before parting ways.

Continuing on my path, I discarded the empty Bamba bag into a nearby trash bin, having finished it alongside Derek.

After a few more minutes of walking, I finally arrived at my home. Stepping inside, I made my way to the bathroom and stood before the mirror, observing my reflection.

Myself (thoughtfully): Hm, it seems I need to shave…

To be honest, I’ve never placed much importance on my hair. It holds little significance to me, and I find the idea of being bald rather appealing. With that in mind, I decided to proceed.

Grabbing some shaving cream, I generously applied it to my head, as well as to my mustache and beard. Without hesitation, I began the process of shaving, gradually removing the hair from my face and scalp.

After a few moments of shaving, my beard, mustache, and hair were completely removed, leaving me with a smooth, bald appearance.

Myself: Hehe… This feels better.

Following the shaving, I indulged in a refreshing shower. Emerging from the shower, I gazed at my reflection in the mirror, satisfied with the transformation.

Myself: That’s much better.

I swiftly dried myself off with a towel and proceeded to dress myself in suitable attire. Within a short span of time, I was fully dressed.

Making my way to the living room, I approached the inviting couch and settled down upon it, basking in its comfort.

Myself (thoughtfully): I’ll take a moment to relax here.

I reclined on the couch, allowing myself to unwind and enjoy the tranquility of the moment.




Chapter 66: reflecting.:

As I sat on the couch, enjoying my moment of relaxation, I was startled by a knock on the door.

Myself: ?...

Curiosity piqued, I rose from the couch and headed towards the door. Opening it, I found Derek standing on the other side.

Derek: Su-?!...

It was evident from Derek’s surprised expression that my new look had caught him off guard.

However, I was aware of the reason behind his reaction.

Myself: Hey there… Do you like my new appearance?

Derek: You look… so different…

Myself: I know, but I feel better this way. So, is there something you’d like to discuss?

Derek: Yeah, kind of…

Myself: Well, then come on in.

I stepped aside, allowing Derek to enter my house. Once he was inside, I closed the door and turned to face him.

Myself: Feel free to take a seat on the couch if you’d like.

Derek: Alright…

Derek made his way to the couch and settled down, while I stood nearby.

Myself: So, what’s on your mind? What would you like to talk about?

Derek: Let’s discuss life… I’ve been feeling quite bored lately.

Myself: What specifically would you like to talk about?

Derek: You know… Ever since we defeated the Black King, I’ve had this lingering feeling that there’s something more. It’s as if there’s a greater danger out there, beyond him. I can’t quite explain it, but it’s been on my mind.

Myself: That’s an intriguing thought. I’ve had similar feelings at times. It’s as if our battle was just a prelude to something larger. Have you had any insights or clues regarding this potential danger?

Derek: Not yet, but I can’t shake the feeling. It’s like we’ve only scratched the surface of what’s to come.

We engaged in a deep conversation, exploring our thoughts and theories about the mysterious presence looming over us. Little did we know that our journey was far from over, and new adventures awaited us on the horizon.

Me: Yeah, I’ve had those same feelings and thoughts. It’s truly incredible to think that there might be something or someone beyond the Black King. But it’s been 13 years, and it’s hard to say if those speculations hold any truth.

Derek: It’s fascinating how life can feel so unreal sometimes. It keeps us on our toes, doesn’t it?

Me: Absolutely. Life can be strange and surreal, but it also brings its own share of excitement and joy.

Derek: Agreed. What about Eve?

Me: Eve? I’ve crossed paths with her a few times. She’s become a therapist, dedicating herself to helping others. I find that to be incredibly admirable.

Derek: I know, and she’s also grown in size. She’s about 15 feet tall now, and her curves have become even more pronounced…

I blushed slightly at Derek’s comment. It was true that Eve had grown both in stature and in her physical attributes. She was a stunning and alluring figure.

Me: Yes, she’s truly unique in every way.

Derek: Anyways, would you like to go outside and meet her? She’s working right now.

Me: Sure, let’s go and see her while she’s at work.

A few minutes later, Derek and I found ourselves outside, ready to meet Eve.

Derek: Alright, let’s go.

We proceeded in the direction leading to the location where Eve typically engages in her professional activities. After a few minutes of walking, we caught sight of the edifice…

Upon entering the establishment, we encountered numerous individuals bustling about, diligently attending to their duties. We beheld a multitude of colossal, formidable, and lofty entities…

We also observed a significant number of female humans, many of whom possessed remarkable stature, towering height, and shapely physiques…

Certain women stood at least 12 feet tall and exhibited extraordinary curves, and we observed that several of these women were adorning themselves with these gloves… the identical gloves that Derek and Eve don.

Derek: Remarkable! We find ourselves in a veritable paradise…

Me: Indeed, let us venture forth and seek out Eve…


Derek and I presently find ourselves positioned before the entrance to Eve’s office.

I then proceeded to knock on the door.

After a brief period, the door swung open, revealing Eve…

To catch a glimpse of Eve’s countenance, we had to tilt our heads upward, for she had grown astonishingly tall, substantial, and voluptuous. She resembled an angel… and her radiant azure eyes were truly mesmerizing…

Eve cast her gaze downward upon us; she possessed exceptional beauty…

Eve: Greetings…

Me: Good afternoon, how are you?

Eve: I’m doing well, please come in…

Eve graciously stepped aside, allowing us to enter. After a brief moment, we found ourselves inside her office. Eve closed the door behind us, turned around, and looked down upon us…

Eve: What brings you and Derek here?

Me: We simply wanted to have a conversation, you know, the usual…

Eve: Very well, please have a seat on the couch over there…

After a short pause, Derek and I made our way to the spacious couch situated on the opposite side of her office. Upon reaching it, we climbed onto the couch and managed to sit down…

We now directed our gaze towards Eve…

Eve conjured a chair out of thin air and approached us. Once she was close enough, she placed the chair in front of us and took a seat upon it…

She now looked down upon us…

Eve: It has been some time. You both appear at ease…

Ever since Eve acquired the glove from Derek, she has consistently worn it. The glove has bestowed upon her immense power, which she utilizes for noble purposes…

Me: Derek and I are doing fine. And how about you? Are you finding satisfaction in your work?

Eve: Certainly, every one of my patients appreciates my presence and companionship. I provide them with the best possible care and treatment for their ailments. I must admit… I feel content and proud of my accomplishments…

Derek: She speaks the truth. I’ve been here several times, and I can honestly say that I feel significantly better than before…

Eve: You see? Derek agrees with me.

Me: I’m glad to hear that…

Eve: Liran, have you ever considered undergoing therapy or seeking professional assistance?

Me: Well, not really. Why do you ask?

I wasn’t being truthful. I didn’t want to discuss that particular topic, especially not mentioning that unsettling doctor…

I had sought professional help in the past, but since then, I had discontinued it. I was apprehensive about revealing my true emotions or sharing the experiences I had been through.

I felt that if I were to open up and express my feelings, there was a lingering fear that the person I confided in might exploit that information.

Eve: Are you certain? What if I could potentially assist you? You’ve never spoken to me about your feelings before.

Me: Oh, it’s alright. You don’t need to worry…

Derek: Liran, if you want to talk, remember that you can confide in us. We consider you a close friend…

Upon hearing Derek’s words, I paused for a moment, considering the possibility of having a therapy session…

Me: Alright, I will give it a try and have that therapy session…

Eve’s face lit up with a smile upon hearing my decision…

Eve: Thank you. I will do my best to help you feel better…

Derek then stood up from the couch, now standing on the floor…

Derek: Alright, I’ll leave for now. I’ll see you both later…

Eve, could you teleport me back to my house?

Eve: Certainly…

Eve snapped her fingers, teleporting Derek back to his house…

Eve then directed her gaze downward towards me once again…

Eve: Alright, let’s begin our conversation…




Chapter 67: therapy session.:

Eve: Very well, let us commence…



Eve proceeded with her discourse.

Eve: How art thou faring on this day?

Me: I am feeling, adequate.

Eve: Hast thou been experiencing any melancholy or distress of late?

Me: Verily, I have felt peculiar in certain instances, yet apart from that, I am well…

Eve: Canst thou expound upon these “feelings”?

Me: ‘Tis but of recent that I have begun to experience such sentiments, I am unable to articulate them precisely, but they manifest themselves…

Eve: Do these emotions trouble thee in any manner?

Me: Nay, they do transpire without causing disturbance…

Eve: Very well, thou hast mentioned afore that thou hast sought professional aid or any such recourse ere this, how didst thou fare during those times?...

After thoughtful contemplation, unsure whether I truly desired to respond to that inquiry, one of my apprehensions being the divulgence of my genuine sentiments in the presence of others, particularly my companions, I hesitated for a few moments…

Eventually, I replied…

Me: During that time, I did not experience a sense of well-being. I had endured certain challenges…

Eve: Indeed? What occupied your thoughts and emotions during that period?

Me: It was a time of profound discontent…

Eve: Stress… anxiety? Have you encountered such emotions before?

Me: I have…

Eve: How did you cope with those sentiments previously?

Me: It was exceedingly arduous, but I managed to endure. I allowed those negative emotions to engulf me… and with the passage of time, I gradually began to feel better…

Eve: I comprehend. So you simply permitted them to manifest?

Me: Indeed.

Eve: How do you envisage your life devoid of these thoughts and emotions?

Me: To be candid, I do not know. I lack a definitive answer to that question…

Eve: Are you genuinely content with your existence?

Me: I would not proclaim myself to be “happy.” Rather, I find solace and tranquility…

Eve: Very well. Please enlighten me about the recent feelings you have been experiencing…

Me: Since our triumph over the black king, I have consistently sensed the presence of something more perilous than “him.” However, articulating it in precise terms has proven elusive…

Eve: Fascinating. When this sensation arises, have you encountered anyone or anything


Me: Not particularly. I have been experiencing these feelings for quite some time…

Eve: Have you always harbored these emotions, or did they emerge only after our triumph over the black king?

Me: …

I have always harbored these emotions…

Eve: I see. Are you genuinely alright?

Me: I am fine. It is natural to experience occasional stress… There is little we can do to entirely alleviate it…

Eve: Well, you are correct. We all have our own challenges, but perhaps we can engage in activities to improve your well-being…

Me: I am here solely for the conversation… hehe…

Eve: Very well. Please share more about yourself. How is your family? I have not had the opportunity to meet them…

Me: We have faced our fair share of difficulties, and I would rather not delve into them…

Eve: I understand… When you were a child, were you subjected to abuse?

Me: I have endured some form of abuse, indeed…

Eve: Was it physical abuse or emotional abuse?

Me: Yes, one could classify it as such…

Eve: Why were you subjected to abuse?

Me: Well, my father passed away when I was four years old, and his demise had a profound impact on my mother…

Eve: So, following your father’s demise, it led to your mother’s abusive behavior?

Me: That is a plausible explanation, though I am uncertain of the true reasons behind her actions…

Eve: Very well. As this is our initial encounter, I shall refrain from asking further deeply personal questions that may cause discomfort…

Me: Alright…

Eve: I will instead inquire about other aspects of your life. Would that be acceptable to you?

Me: Certainly, go ahead.

Eve: Are you content with the current state of affairs between humans and gods and goddesses?

Me: Yes, I am immensely proud that mortals, as well as gods and goddesses, now coexist in a state of improved peace and harmony, which is truly remarkable.

Eve: I comprehend. I share the same sentiment of pride.

Me: Since we have vanquished the black king, could there still be remnants of “his” minions lingering?

Eve: It is conceivable. Even though we have defeated the black king, some of his servants may still be at large.

Me: “His” realm has not been obliterated…

Eve: Precisely. It remains unchanged, resembling its former state, albeit without a black king, hehe…

Me: So, could it be that these feelings I am experiencing are connected to the possibility of “his”

servants still existing?

Eve: That is indeed a plausible explanation.

Me: Oh my, I might have some matters to attend to…

Eve: I understand. It has been pleasant conversing with you. You may proceed with your endeavors now.

Me: Thank you, Eve. I will see you later…

I then rose from the couch, now standing on the floor. After a brief moment, I made my way towards the door…

Me: Eve, could you employ your powers to open that door for me? It is rather large…

Eve: Of course…

Eve snapped her fingers, causing the door in front of me to swing open…

Me: Thank you…

A few minutes passed.

Now outside, I walk through the streets, contemplating the possibility of more of these servants of the black king lingering…

Me (in my mind): They are likely hiding, lurking in some concealed location…

I must locate these individuals and confront them on my own terms…

Me (in my mind): I shall make my way to the foundation…

I commence my journey, striding purposefully towards the foundation…




Chapter 68: theyre still out there.:

After a few minutes of walking, I finally arrived at the familiar alley with the door at its end—the same door Derek had forcefully opened for us to proceed downstairs.

With a firm grip, I turned the doorknob and entered, passing through the threshold. The descent into the lower levels began as I made my way downstairs.

Several minutes elapsed, and I found myself within the depths of the foundation. As I walked through one of the hallways, I encountered various gods, researchers, and other entities.

Continuing down the hallway, I caught sight of Astralux.

Me: Astralux?

Astralux turned around, looking down at me.

Astralux: Liran? Is it truly you?

Me: Indeed! I have recently altered my appearance by shaving my hair, beard, and mustache.

How have you been?

Astralux: I am doing splendidly! Thank you for asking. Is there something specific you require assistance with?

Me: Yes, I would like to see Epsilon once again…

Astralux: Really? Is this a matter of great importance?

Me: Yes, it is of utmost importance…

Astralux: Very well, follow me…

Astralux began leading the way towards the direction that led to the council. After a short while, I started following “him.”

After a few minutes of walking, we arrived at the door that granted access to the council chamber.

Astralux: Alright, would you like me to accompany you, or do you prefer to be alone?

Me: I will go in by myself. Thank you for offering, though.

Astralux: You’re welcome…

Astralux knocked on the door, and after a brief pause, “he” disappeared.

Now, I stood before the door, contemplating its significance.

After a few moments, the door swung open, revealing two guards, both divine beings, who towered over me. They gazed down at me, their expressions filled with curiosity.

First Guard: What brings you here?

Me: I am Liran, and I seek a conversation with Epsilon…

The second guard gasped upon hearing my words.

Second Guard: Are you truly Liran? You appear different…

Me: Indeed, I have recently altered my appearance by shaving my hair, beard, and mustache…

Now, please allow me to enter…

After a brief pause, both guards stepped aside, granting me passage.

And as I surveyed the surroundings, I noticed a corridor leading to a larger door. After a brief moment, I proceeded towards that door.

Standing before it, I knocked, and shortly after, it swung open, revealing a third guard.

Third Guard: Come in…

The guard stepped aside, granting me entry.

I entered the council chamber and glanced around. I saw several gods seated on their towering thrones, each exuding a cosmic, majestic aura. Their presence was awe-inspiring, and they radiated immense power.

In the center, seated on the grandest throne, was none other than Epsilon himself.

As I entered, Epsilon was the first to notice me. A broad smile illuminated “his” face as “he”

looked down upon me.

Epsilon: Liran, you have arrived…

The other gods, who had been engaged in conversation, ceased their discussion and turned their attention towards me. They regarded me with a mix of curiosity and admiration.

Me: It has been some time. How have you been?

Epsilon: Thank you for inquiring, my dear… I am doing well, but your presence in our council chambers brings me even greater joy…

Me: I am pleased to hear that…

Epsilon: Anyway, what brings you here? Is there something you need?

Me: I have come with some questions…

Epsilon: Please, go ahead…

Me: Are there still some of the black king’s servants lurking in hiding?

Epsilon: Yes, even though the black king himself has been vanquished, his minions remain concealed in their respective domains…

Me: Hmm… Is it possible that some of them are masquerading among us, walking in our midst?

Epsilon: That is indeed a possibility…

We have heard rumors of peculiar beings, devoid of color, roaming about…

Me: Hmm… Where might they be?

Epsilon: They could be anywhere within the city. It is plausible that they have assumed false appearances to blend in among us…

Me: I understand. I will take it upon myself to handle this matter.

Epsilon: I see. May fortune favor you…

Me: Can you teleport me outside?

Epsilon: Certainly…

With a swift gesture, Epsilon employed “his” vast power, instantly relocating me beyond the confines of the council chambers.

As I opened my eyes, I found myself standing amidst the lively streets, surrounded by the bustling activity of the metropolis.

Me (in my mind): I am now outside… I must locate these servants…

I commenced my journey, traversing the streets. As I walked, observing the presence of gods, goddesses, and mortals, I unexpectedly encountered a peculiar being.

Me (in my mind): ?...

The being before me appeared human, but something about “him” felt unsettling, as if “he”

was devoid of something essential. “He” emanated an eerie sense of emptiness…

And following a brief interval, he uttered:

Human: Greetings! Has an event of significance unfolded?

After a brief interval, I responded:

Me: I am in a satisfactory state, albeit a trifle fatigued… haha…

Human: Fear not, I comprehend…

Me: How has your day transpired? Have you fared well?

Human: Certainly, I have been quite well, merely formulating some plans…

Me: Truly? What sort of plans?

Human: That is confidential…

Me: I understand… May I inquire about your appellation?

Human: My name is ‘Beliar’… And what is your designation?

Me: I am Liran, pleased to make your acquaintance…

Upon revealing my name, I perceived a noticeable reaction from Beliar, characterized by a mixture of surprise and apprehension…

Me: Are you alright?

Beliar: Um… It is quite startling to hear that name. It reminds me of someone who bears that very name…

Me: Truly? It is merely a name, and there are others who share it…

I then extended my hand, awaiting a handshake.

Me: Well, I am unaware of the Liran to whom you refer, but I assure you, I am not that person.

Beliar: Very well…

After a few fleeting moments, Beliar reciprocated by extending his hand, initiating a handshake that persisted for a brief yet significant interval, before eventually releasing our grip.

Beliar: Until we meet again… Farewell…

Me: Goodbye…

After a brief interval, he proceeded to walk away…

I continued to gaze at his retreating figure, my mind preoccupied with an unsettling intuition, leading me to a decision…

Me (thoughts): Yes, there is something peculiar about him. I believe I shall shadow his movements and investigate further…

After a few seconds had elapsed, I initiated a calculated and covert pursuit, treading carefully and stealthily behind Beliar, taking deliberate strides to maintain my concealment and avoid detection…




Chapter 69: good and bad.:

I commenced trailing him, maintaining a moderate proximity without straying too far adrift.

Along the course of my pursuit, traversing through various individuals, locales, and thoroughfares, I espied his ingress into a structure.

Myself: …

Aware that my presence evaded his perception, cognizant of his assumption that I was a fortuitous pedestrian encountered en route to his errands, I directed my gaze upon the edifice.

Myself (thoughts): That edifice looms large, perchance I may infiltrate it and shadow him within its confines for a brief interlude.

Subsequently, I embarked upon a trajectory towards the aforementioned edifice, and after a few moments had elapsed, I traversed its threshold as well, thereby entering a spacious edifice dedicated to commercial affairs.

Myself (thoughts): …

Upon my ingress into the edifice, an uncanny sensation began to manifest, an enigmatic ambiance engulfing my being.

This peculiar sentiment propelled me towards the zenith of the edifice.

Myself (thoughts): Ah, I must ascend to the pinnacle of this structure…

While surveying my surroundings, I espied an elevator within close proximity. After a brief contemplation, I directed my course toward it.

Upon reaching the elevator, I proceeded to depress the button adjacent to its entrance, thereby causing the doors to part and grant me passage. Without hesitation, I stepped inside.

Once within the elevator, I directed my attention to the panel beside me, where I observed a series of call buttons situated on the opposite side. Notably, the highest floor available was marked as the eighth.

Myself (thoughts): Very well…

Having made my decision, I pressed the designated button corresponding to the highest floor.

Shortly thereafter, the elevator doors seamlessly closed, and the ascent commenced.

After a brief interval, the elevator came to a halt, and the doors gracefully slid open, inviting me to disembark. Without delay, I exited the elevator.

As I surveyed my new surroundings, I observed multiple corridors adorned with a plethora of doors lining both sides. Guided by intuition, I proceeded down the leftmost corridor.

While traversing this particular passageway, a familiar sensation of unease and foreboding washed over me once more, compelling me toward one of the doors situated on the left-hand side.

After a few moments, I found myself standing before the door, ready to make my presence known.

With a measured rap of my knuckles, I initiated a gentle knock upon the door’s surface.

After a brief pause, the door swung open, revealing Beliar. Upon laying eyes upon my unexpected appearance, a flicker of surprise registered upon his countenance.

Beliar: Liran?... What brings you here?

Myself: I observed your approach towards this office building, and coincidentally, I too am employed here.

Beliar: Is that so? Curiously, I do not recall crossing paths with you before.

Myself: What can I say? You appear to be engrossed in your endeavors and machinations, wouldn’t you agree?

Beliar: I suppose you may have a point.

Myself: Might I have permission to enter? I assure you, I shall merely occupy a seat on the couch.

Beliar pondered for a moment before responding:

Beliar: Very well, you may enter.

Beliar then stepped aside, granting me passage.

Shortly thereafter, I stepped into his office. Once inside, he closed the door behind me, and after a brief interval, he turned around, fixing his gaze upon me.

Beliar: Please proceed and take a seat on the couch. It is situated over there.

I proceeded to make my way towards the couch, positioned near the table upon which Beliar carries out his work.

And as I settled onto the couch, patiently awaiting Beliar’s arrival to engage in conversation, he approached, casting his gaze downward upon me.

Beliar: So, you wish to converse?

Myself: Indeed.

Beliar then proceeded to the chair positioned behind his desk, taking a seat upon it.

Beliar: Very well. What brings you to my office?

Myself: To be honest, you struck me as remarkably familiar. I felt compelled to come here and verify if my intuition was accurate, and it seems I was correct.

Beliar: I see. May I inquire as to how you discovered the location of my office?

Myself: It may sound peculiar, but I simply made an intuitive guess. I had an inexplicable feeling that your office would be situated at the uppermost level, and it seems my intuition proved accurate once again.

Beliar: You possess a unique intuition, I must admit. Impressive.

Myself: Thank you kindly. However, given that we find ourselves alone in this space, I may have additional reasons for being here…

After expressing my suspicions, Beliar remained silent for a moment before responding: Beliar: What are you talking about?

Myself: Have you ever heard of the formidable beings known as “the Servants of the Black King”?

As I uttered those words, I noticed a flicker of surprise cross Beliar’s countenance, catching him off guard.

Beliar: What?... What nonsense are you spouting?

Myself: You see, we successfully vanquished a being known as the Black King. However, the Black King had created loyal servants who were not obliterated in the process. It is possible that these servants are now masquerading as ordinary beings among us.

Beliar: …

Myself: Moreover, when I encountered you, I sensed an eerie and malevolent aura emanating from you. It is as if you are not entirely human…

Beliar: Heh, you truly are something… But even if you managed to locate me, you won’t escape alive-In response, I swiftly stood up and retrieved a gun from my pocket, pointing it directly at Beliar.

Beliar: ?!..

Myself: Now, give me a few compelling reasons why I shouldn’t end your life. Speak…

Beliar: Oh my, resorting to violence so quickly? Are you truly aiming to make this world a better place? Where is your sense of morality?

Myself: Morality? There is no place for morality in this situation.

Beliar: I see. But why do you want to kill me?

Myself: You already know the reason. Your king has perished, and you and the other servants may still be lurking, plotting who knows what… and I cannot allow that.

Beliar: How can you be certain that we might be planning “bad” things? What if I am actually one of the “good guys”?

Myself: How can I trust your words? Are you simply trying to deceive me now, or could you genuinely be speaking the truth?

Beliar: Don’t concern yourself with it…

Myself: Really? I may not have much time left to live, but you… you are immortal. How can I be sure that you won’t commit horrendous acts once I am gone?


Beliar: ?!...

Beliar was taken aback by the unexpected question. He did not anticipate such a challenge.

Myself: That’s what I thought…

Beliar: It’s a valid question, but I am unable to provide an answer.

Myself: And why is that?

Beliar: There are other forces at play, and you and your insignificant human race are nothing more than insects that we can squash. You’re all destined to perish anyway…

Myself: I am aware. However, we can strive to make our seemingly “meaningless” existence worthwhile before our inevitable demise. But now…

You can give my regards to your Black King because your time is-Before I could finish my sentence, Beliar lunged at me. However, I was prepared, and I swiftly fired my weapon, striking him down and ending his life.

As he fell, a blinding flash of light enveloped the area. When the light dissipated, Beliar was no longer there…

With Beliar’s demise, he was neither present in his office nor in the realm of the Black King.

Beliar’s existence has come to an end.

I emerged victorious.




Chapter 70: bored.:

Upon contending with that scoundrel, I stood resolute in his office, immersed in contemplation for a fleeting moment.

Inner Dialogue: Ah… I have successfully dealt with him; however, there may be further adversaries lurking in the shadows…

Then, I pivoted and commenced my journey towards the door, gradually approaching its proximity until I seized hold of its handle, thereby making my exit from his domain.

Inner Dialogue: Ah, I perceive no lingering peculiarity within this office; it is high time to vacate this edifice…

Having lingered momentarily in the corridor, I retraced my steps back to the elevator.


At present, I find myself outside, positioned adjacent to the entrance of the aforementioned office building where I vanquished Beliar. As I stood there, I engaged in introspection: Inner Dialogue: Hm… it is presently afternoon; where shall my path lead?

Perhaps, I could return to Eve, revisit the foundation, or rendezvous with Derek… and there may exist other conceivable options…

Inner Dialogue: I shall retreat to my abode and partake in relaxation…

Thus, I initiated my trek towards the direction that leads me homeward.

Following several minutes of traversing, I eventually arrived at the threshold of my residence. As I neared the door, I turned the knob, granting myself entry into the abode.

Once inside, I secured the door behind me, then proceeded towards the couch, and upon reaching its inviting presence, I reclined upon it.

Subsequently, I retrieved my mobile device and perused various websites, aimlessly navigating their content, as a profound sense of ennui permeated my being.

Inner Dialogue: …

After a brief moment, a message from Eve graced my attention…

Subsequently, I pressed upon the message, seamlessly transitioning into a private exchange between Eve and myself, wherein I perused her words.

Eve (message): I have just concluded my work. Would you care to visit my abode? We could engage in conversation and partake in enjoyable activities, if you so desire~

Promptly, I composed a response:

Me (message): Certainly… I am presently within the confines of my own dwelling. Would it be possible for you to manifest before the entrance to my humble abode?

Upon hearing my request, a resonant knock resounded against the door…

In response, I hastened towards the door, and as I unlocked it and swung it open, I was effortlessly ensnared and lifted by Eve, her embrace constricting me in an affectionate grip…

Eve: Greetings, my presence was yearning for yours…

Me: Hehe, the sentiment is mutual…

Following a fleeting interlude, Eve gingerly released her hold, allowing me to descend upon the solid ground. With a composed demeanor, I conscientiously closed the door behind me…

Then, with a reverential gaze, I cast my eyes upon the ethereal visage of Eve, exuding resplendent beauty…

Me: Your visage is adorned with unparalleled beauty…

Eve, upon hearing those words, blushed in response…

Eve: I express my gratitude. Shall we proceed to my abode? We may indulge in relaxation there… and I implore you to share the events of your day with me…

Me: Very well, let us embark…

Eve then snapped her fingers, invoking a teleportation spell that swiftly transported us to the grand entrance of her opulent abode. Her residence stood as a testament to both its expansive size and her considerable wealth.

After a brief pause, she gracefully swung open the ornate doors, granting us passage into her luxurious domain. As we crossed the threshold, the door closed behind us, manipulated effortlessly by her supernatural abilities. Soon, we found ourselves traversing the corridors, making our way toward the lavish living room.

Stepping into the living room, my eyes were greeted by an expanse adorned with spacious couches, exquisitely adorned tables, and elegant chairs. The room was tastefully decorated, exhibiting an array of sophisticated furnishings that captured my attention. Yet, my gaze was inevitably drawn toward a majestic television, positioned at the far end of the room, commanding attention with its sheer grandeur.

Me: My, my… Your affluence surpasses my own…

Eve chuckled softly before responding:

Eve: Indeed, it appears so… Shall we find a place to sit? May I lift you?

Me: Very well.

Approaching me with grace, Eve gently scooped me up, her strength making the act seem effortless. After a brief moment, she embarked on a purposeful stride, leading us toward a well-appointed seating arrangement. With utmost care, she lowered me onto a sumptuous couch, ensuring my comfort.

Subsequently, she conjured a chair out of thin air, a testament to her mystical prowess. Placing the chair adjacent to the couch, she gracefully settled herself upon it. The room exuded an ambiance of tranquility as we took our respective seats.

Eve’s gaze shifted toward me, her expression radiating warmth and affection as she spoke: Eve: Please, share with me the details of your day. I am here to provide solace and ensure your well-being…

Me: I am fairing adequately, albeit plagued by a sense of ennui…

Eve: Did anything else transpire before you returned to your house?

Me: Well, concerning the servants of the Black King…

Eve: What about them? Have you encountered one?

Me: Indeed, I came across an enigmatic individual… and I sensed an ominous presence emanating from him.

Eve: What actions did you take afterward?

Me: I shadowed him to his purported workplace, and upon arrival, I confronted him. As I suspected, he revealed himself to be a servant of the Black King.

Eve: Do you anticipate encountering more of these servants?

Me: It is quite likely.

Eve: You know, I have dispatched numerous of these servants myself. They prove to be rather susceptible to termination.

Me: Really? How many have you eliminated?

Eve: A significant number.

… However, there are still many remaining, and some may continue to lurk undiscovered.

Nevertheless, it is a gratifying endeavor…

Me: I see. Is there anything else you wish to discuss?

Eve: well, since youre bored, we can perhaps cuddle, we can perhaps watch some tv and you can perhaps sit or lay on my lap… what do you think?

Me: Let’s cuddle…

Eve: Very well.

With a flick of her fingers, Eve initiated a teleportation spell, transporting us to a vast and luxurious bedroom. I found myself reclining on an expansive bed, while Eve stood nearby, radiating an aura of comfort and care.

She gracefully positioned herself on the bed adjacent to me, reclining in close proximity. After a brief interval, she embraced me tightly, initiating a tender cuddling session. In response, I reciprocated the affectionate gesture, embracing her in return, engendering a sense of warmth and closeness between us…

Me(mind): shes so big, soft and comfortable…

My head and most of my body are completely buried between her massive breasts, it made me a bit horny but I was relaxed aswell…

Eve: let me lower you for a bit…

Eve then lowered me for a bit, now my head is completely buried between her massive breasts… its very relaxing…

While we embraced tenderly, I surrendered to the blissful embrace of slumber, gently sealing my eyes shut… and in harmony, Eve too succumbed to the lull of sleep, her eyes gradually closing…

We basked in a state of serenity and profound tranquility…




Chapter 71: colorless demons.:

After several hours of peaceful slumber, both of us stirred awake in the morning. As we roused from our sleep, Eve embraced me even tighter.

Eve: Good morning…

I reciprocated the hug, savoring the warmth of her presence.

Me: Good morning to you as well. You’re so comforting…

Eve giggled softly before speaking:

Eve: Thank you. I enjoy seeing you relaxed and at ease… Let’s take a few moments to stay like this, alright?

Me: Of course…

We continued to embrace each other, reveling in the tranquility of the moment. It was truly a soothing experience.

After a few minutes, Eve broke the silence:

Eve: Alright, I have some tasks to attend to…

Upon uttering those words, she teleported to a spot near the bed where I had been lying. As I glanced at her, I noticed she was now fully dressed, adorned in beautiful attire, prepared for her work.

Eve: If you’d like, I can create a clone of myself for your entertainment. You can have a lot of fun with the clone. What do you think?

Me: I’m content as I am. I have some matters to attend to as well…

Eve: I see. Well, would you like me to teleport you somewhere?

Me: Teleport me to the vicinity of my house, please…

Eve: Very well…

With a snap of her fingers, I found myself instantaneously transported to the entrance of my own house.

Inner Dialogue: Hm… Perhaps I should seek out more of these entities…

I began walking through the streets, eventually reaching the alley that led to the Foundation.


I now found myself traversing one of the hallways within the Foundation’s base.

Inner Dialogue: I should reconnect with Epsilon…

I proceeded toward the path that led to the council.


Entering the council chamber, I observed Epsilon and the other council members looking down at me.

Epsilon: You’ve returned once again. Is there something you require?

Me: Are there more of these servants out there? I managed to eliminate one of them…

Epsilon: We have received reports of numerous “anomalous” entities that appear devoid of color and emanate unsettling energies…

Me: Indeed? Please provide me with detailed information regarding the specific whereabouts of this structure within the forest.

Epsilon: Are you intending to proceed there directly, without further preparation?

Me: Yes, I believe they pose no imminent threat…

Epsilon: Very well…

Epsilon, in a swift motion, exerted pressure upon “his” digits, conjuring forth a parchment.

Inscribed upon said paper are the comprehensive directives and coordinates delineating the exact positioning of the structure nestled within the verdant expanse of the forest.

And that paper was on the air for couple moments before it approached me, and when its close enough to me, I then grabbed it and folded it… and then I put it into one of my pockets.

Me: Very well, please teleport me to the vicinity of that forest…

Epsilon: As you wish…

Once again, Epsilon snapped “his” fingers, and I found myself standing near the edge of the forest.

Inner Dialogue: Here I am…

I retrieved a folded piece of paper from one of my pockets, carefully unfolding it to examine its contents.

Me: Hm…

After a brief moment of contemplation, I proceeded into the forest. With each step I took, the unsettling sensation intensified, as if I were drawing nearer to something of great significance.

Inner Dialogue: Ah, so that explains the peculiar feeling I experienced earlier this morning. It appears I have a connection to this place, albeit unknown…

As I continued to navigate through the dense forest, the distressing aura grew stronger and more palpable.

And after a few minutes of walking, I finally laid eyes upon the dilapidated building.

Inner Dialogue: Here I am…

I carefully folded the paper and returned it to my pocket. As I did so, I retrieved a Glock handgun from another pocket, preparing myself to confront these colorless entities.

With resolute determination, I approached the building, step by step, until I crossed its threshold.

Inside the building, unfamiliar sounds reverberated through the air, as if voices conversing in an incomprehensible language echoed from the shadows.

As I ventured deeper into the building, fully aware that my presence could not be perceived, I came face to face with four of these entities.

They existed in an ethereal state, devoid of physical form, their essence shrouded in darkness. It became clear to me that they were the ones I sought.

Without hesitation, I unleashed a hail of gunfire upon them, eliminating one of the servants.

The remaining entities turned their attention towards me, their non-existent “eyes” filled with a mix of astonishment and terror.

Desperate to escape, they attempted to flee, but their efforts were futile.

One by one, I dispatched the second, third, and final servant, their “speed” and “agility”

rendered inconsequential in the face of my determined resolve.

I stood in solemn silence, contemplating the lingering presence of evil within the confines of that building.

Inner Dialogue: I must obliterate this wretched abode…

With unwavering determination, I retraced my steps towards the building’s exit. However, before departing, I hurled the firearm with an immense display of force against one of its walls, triggering a cataclysmic explosion.

The resulting blast consumed the entire structure, obliterating both the building itself and the malevolent servants that had resided within its darkened halls.

Unscathed by the destructive force unleashed, I calmly stepped out into the open, resolutely moving forward, refusing to cast a glance back upon the devastation left in my wake.

Victory was mine.




Chapter 72: I am that I am.:

I proceeded to depart, witnessing the structure’s current state of desolation, utterly decimated… Engulfed in flames, though I anticipate the arrival of individuals who will promptly quell this conflagration.

After a few moments of traversing, I emerged from the encompassing woodland…


Presently, I am strolling along the city thoroughfares, exuding an air of tranquility, yet my ruminations are fixated on that introspective counseling session… I sensed an inclination to articulate further, perchance unveiling a more intimate aspect of my being to Eve, divulging additional facets of my existence…

Internal Dialogue: Ah… perchance it behooves me to engage in another discourse with Eve…

And after a brief interval, I commenced my journey towards the destination where Eve plies her vocation.

Following a few minutes of perambulation, I eventually caught sight of the edifice where Eve conducts her professional endeavors…

Internal Dialogue: …

Subsequently, I proceeded towards the entrance of the aforementioned structure, and upon reaching the grand doors, I proceeded to open them…

Thereupon, I stepped into the edifice.

Internal Dialogue: …

A sense of unfamiliarity engulfed me as I found myself in this place, a haven where one could engage in discourse with knowledgeable individuals well-versed in matters of mental well-being…

The environment triggered memories of Eric… that eccentric doctor whom I had regrettably taken the life of.

Recollections resurfaced of our conversations, delving into the depths of my afflictions… and it feels like a lifetime ago, a span of approximately sixteen years…

And now, once again, I find myself on the verge of consulting a therapist, the very same being named Eve.

Within the confines of the building, I observed a multitude of humans, deities, and celestial beings, diligently carrying out their respective tasks.

After a brief interlude, I embarked on the path leading to Eve’s office…

While traversing, my gaze was captivated by the awe-inspiring beauty of certain human females… Some of these remarkable women stood at least ten feet tall, boasting alluring curves and adorned in exquisite garments…

A few of them diligently performed their duties or found respite in their surroundings, while I continued my journey toward Eve’s office. After a few minutes elapsed, I arrived at the door that granted access to her sanctum.

Promptly, I tapped on the door’s surface, and within moments, it swung open, revealing Eve’s countenance…

Upon seeing me, a faint trace of bewilderment flickered within her eyes…

Eve: Liran? What brings you here?

Me: I desire to engage in another therapeutic session…

Upon hearing my words, Eve exhibited a sense of surprise…

Eve: Are you alright? What troubles you?

Me: Please, may I enter your office?

Eve: Very well…

Eve gracefully stepped aside, allowing me to pass through.

Within a matter of seconds, I found myself within the confines of her office.

As I entered, Eve closed the door behind me, and after a brief pause, she made her way to the couch situated on the opposite side of her office. Once she reached it, she turned towards me, casting her gaze downward.

Eve: Come hither, let us converse…

I began my approach toward the couch, yet before I could reach it, I paused…

Eve: ?...

Me: Might you create a diminutive chair upon which I could rest?

Eve: Certainly.

With a mere thought, Eve conjured a small chair into existence, materializing right before me on the floor. I carefully lifted the chair and placed it behind me. After a brief moment, I settled myself onto its cushioned surface…

Eve: Very well…

Eve settled herself onto the couch, her gaze focused upon me.

Eve: Are you feeling alright? Please, share with me how your day has unfolded…

Me: Well, it has been tolerable. I encountered some challenges with a few individuals, but nothing out of the ordinary…

Eve: Understood. Is there anything else that has been weighing on your mind recently?

Me: You know, even when life seems pleasant, it can still be accompanied by a certain degree of stress…

Eve: I comprehend. However, what specifically troubles you? Are these feelings you describe as

“strange” and “distressing”?

Me: I’m simply uncertain…

Eve: Hm… I have a question to pose…

Me: Please, go ahead…

Eve: Have you considered the use of medication, perhaps?

Me: No, I have not…

Eve: I see. And what about spirituality or religious beliefs? Do you believe in a higher power? Do you think that such a deity could offer you assistance?

Me: I am unsure… Why do you ask?

Eve: Let us imagine, for a moment, that this “god” possesses the ability to aid you. What are your thoughts on such a proposition?

After Eve posed the question, I slowly raised my gaze to meet her face.

Me: So, this is the purported function of a deity? To provide assistance…

Eve remained silent, offering no immediate response to my query.

I then directed my attention towards the ceiling, contemplating for a moment, before shifting my gaze back to the couch upon which Eve sat.

A contemplative silence enveloped the room, until I eventually spoke again: Me: Why did this supposed god not come to the aid of my mother when she inexplicably disappeared? While the guilty party remains at large…

Eve: …

Me: Very well, let us set aside my mother for now…

What about my dear friend, an innocent soul violated and brutally slain for no discernible reason?

Eve appeared profoundly taken aback by these inquiries, yet she remained silent, unable to find words to respond.

Me: Very well, let us also cast that aside…

What about the myriad of futile and devoid-of-meaning conflicts and casualties that were waged in his name?...




What about all those individuals with racist, discriminatory, and sexist inclinations, shaped by such ideologies… solely attributable to him?...

Eve: …

Me: I am not exclusively referring to a particular religious doctrine; I am encompassing every existing religious belief…

Religion, indeed, presents itself as a bane… conceived with the intention of exerting control over the human psyche… its inception was driven by the purpose of instilling hope within those individuals who experience a deficiency of dopamine in their cerebral faculties…

Its creation serves the purpose of endowing these deluded individuals with a semblance of

“purpose” in their lives, as they harbor an aversion towards the veracity… that there exists no absolute truth!

That there is no meaning!...

Im a crazy and a delusional man, but im not crazy and delusional enough to believe in that bullshit!

Eve: If existence lacks inherent significance… what is the rationale behind our existence?

Upon hearing that, I proceeded to rise from my seat and directed my gaze towards Eve’s countenance…

Me: Allow me to rephrase and modify that inquiry slightly…




Why didn’t I kill myself… when I could have easily done so?

Eve: i… don’t know…

Me: I didn’t kill myself, because I wanted to live…

I have witnessed the demise of individuals whom I hold dear… I have experienced a juncture in my life where I was stripped of everything I possessed, and yet… I endure, alive, with breath in my lungs and words upon my lips…




So you see… the presence of a deity is not a prerequisite for imbuing one’s life with purpose. It is entirely within our capacity to forge our own significance…

Hence, I do not subscribe to the belief in a god or adhere to any religious doctrines. Regardless of the existence or non-existence of an actual divine entity, it holds no significance to me, for the ultimate issue lies in the construct of organized religion…

So fuck religion…

Eve: I comprehend your perspective. Now, I am curious to learn about your other endeavors…

As I diverted my gaze from Eve’s visage, my eyes fell upon the couch upon which she sat…

Me: Individuals often burden themselves with excessive concerns regarding the future and dwellings of the past, oblivious to the fact that they hold little significance…

What truly matters is the present moment, the here and now.

Subsequently, I shifted my gaze upwards, meeting Eve’s eyes once more…

Me: There is no future ahead of me and there is no past before me, I exist because im simply here,




I am that I am




After uttering those words, I averted my gaze from Eve’s countenance.

Following a brief pause, I directed my attention towards the door through which Eve had initially welcomed me into her office.

After another short contemplation, I spoke once more:

Me: I apologize, but I think I should take my leave now…

Eve: That’s alright. You can go and find some rest. I understand your frustration, and I appreciate that you came here to express what’s been troubling you…

I genuinely value our conversation.

Me: Thank you. Could you please open the door for me?

Eve: Of course… I’ll see you later…

Eve then snapped her fingers, causing the door of her office to swing open.

A few minutes have elapsed.

I now find myself outside the building where Eve practices. I begin walking back to my residence…

Me (in my thoughts): Wow, that was quite an experience… and it was strangely liberating to express myself in such a manner. It was an intriguing encounter indeed…




Chapter 73: true horrors only exist in our minds.:

I proceeded on my path towards my abode, deep in contemplation of the events that had transpired. Nevertheless, my ruminations persisted, as my mind was preoccupied with various matters.

I continued to mull over these thoughts, realizing that it had been an extensive duration since I last confided in someone with such openness. It evoked within me a peculiar sense of unease.

After a few minutes of traversing, I ultimately arrived at the threshold that grants access to my dwelling. With a deliberate gesture, I proceeded to unlatch the door and step inside, subsequently closing it behind me.

Following a brief interval, I proceeded to make my way towards the couch. Once I reached my intended destination, I settled myself upon its cushions, engaged in contemplation…





I remained seated upon the plush couch within the confines of my office, deeply engrossed in contemplation of the discourse relayed by Liran. I couldn’t help but observe that certain topics, particularly those related to religion, stirred unrest within him. However, it became apparent that his emotional turmoil extended beyond mere religious matters; he had, at last, mustered the courage to disclose fragments of his innermost sentiments.

He ventured to’share glimpses of his true self and the shadowy recesses of his ruminations. Yet, I couldn’t help but surmise that there existed a wealth of untold narratives lurking beneath the surface.

Liran, a man of intriguing complexity, aroused my curiosity further. What befell him, and what hidden truths lay concealed within the depths of his psyche? What truly transpired during those enigmatic chapters of his past?

While engrossed in the contemplation of these inquiries, a particular thought struck me, causing a momentary pause. It revolved around Liran’s mother, whose presence loomed ominously in the narrative he had shared.

Liran had confided in me, disclosing the harrowing experiences of abuse he endured at the hands of his own mother. Could this be the key to understanding his reticence regarding personal matters? Could the trauma inflicted upon him by his mother be the underlying catalyst for his emotional struggles?

An overwhelming sense of determination welled up within me. I recognized the urgency to offer my support, as it was evident that Liran found himself in a state of profound discomfort. I

yearned to provide assistance, firmly believing that he deserved solace and relief from the burdens that plagued him.





Several hours had elapsed, and the late hour of 10 PM had descended upon me. Seated upon the couch, I idly perused my phone, engaging with various online content.

My thoughts revolved incessantly around the recent events involving Eve. Undoubtedly, she, too, must be deeply engrossed in introspection, contemplating the significance of our encounter. Yet, an intuitive inkling hinted at her desire to delve further into my troubles, to understand the depths of my inner turmoil.

Eve, a remarkable individual, exuded genuine care and compassion, ever ready to lend a helping hand to others in need.

While casually scrolling through different web pages and online resources, a notification from Eve materialized on my screen. Intrigued, I promptly opened the message, immersing myself in a private conversation exclusively between the two of us. Eagerly, I absorbed the contents of her message, awaiting her words with bated breath.

Eve(message): Greetings, since our encounter a few hours ago, thoughts of you have occupied my mind. I wanted to reach out and offer my availability. If you feel inclined to engage in conversation, whether at this moment or later on, know that I am here for you.

Me(message): Is that so? May I inquire as to your current whereabouts?

Eve(message): I am presently situated in my office. In truth, I yearn to converse with you immediately. I am driven to assist you, fully cognizant that there are lingering thoughts and unspoken matters burdening your mind.

I am aware that there exists a deeper layer of topics you wish to explore and discuss. Therefore, I extend my presence to aid not only you but all individuals who endure suffering. I implore you, please join me at my office, where I can provide the assistance you seek.




After absorbing Eve’s message, I found myself staring at my phone, engrossed in contemplation.

Waves of thoughts washed over me, accompanied by a faint unease that settled in the pit of my stomach.

As the moments ticked by, my ruminations persisted. Eventually, I mustered the resolve to compose a response:

Me(message): Very well, I shall make my way to your office.

Eve(message): Thank you.

With that, I powered off my phone and slipped it into one of my pockets. After a brief pause, I rose from the comfort of the couch, firmly planting my feet upon the floor, ready to embark on the journey to Eve’s office.

Several minutes had elapsed as I made the necessary preparations before finally departing from my residence. With resolute determination, I embarked upon the path that would guide me towards the building housing Eve’s office.

After a brief passage of time, the edifice came into view, standing tall and commanding in its presence.

After a few moments of traversing the final distance, I found myself standing before the door that granted access to Eve’s office. My heartbeat quickened, filled with a mixture of anticipation and apprehension. Collecting myself, I raised my hand and gently rapped my knuckles against the door, signaling my arrival and seeking entry.

After a brief interlude, the door swung open, revealing Eve standing before me. Her countenance bore a combination of seriousness and concern, evident in the depths of her eyes.

Eve: I’ve been anticipating your arrival. Please, come inside.

With a gracious gesture, she stepped aside, granting me passage into her office. As I crossed the threshold, she quietly closed the door behind me, creating a sense of privacy and sanctuary within the room.

Eve made her way towards the familiar couch that had previously hosted our conversation.

Casting my gaze around the space, I noticed that the small chair I had occupied during our previous encounter remained in its position.

As Eve settled onto the couch, her eyes met mine, a silent invitation to engage in dialogue. The weight of her gaze mirrored her earnest desire to help and understand.

Eve: Please, join me and take a seat on the small chair I have prepared for you.

I complied with Eve’s request, walking towards the designated chair and carefully lowering myself onto it. An overwhelming sense of unease and pressure enveloped me, rendering it difficult to meet Eve’s gaze. Instead, my eyes remained fixated on the surface of the couch where she sat.

After a few lingering moments of silence, Eve broke the stillness.

Eve: Liran, I have been reflecting upon our previous conversations, and I genuinely care about your well-being. Let us engage in an open dialogue, where we can address the matters that weigh heavily upon you.

My response was hesitant, a mere pause in the conversation.

Eve: I recall that you previously shared with me the distressing experience of enduring abuse at the hands of your mother before her unexplained disappearance. Am I recalling the details correctly?

Me: Yes…

The weight of Eve’s inquiry intensified the already palpable pressure within me. My stomach churned with discomfort, as memories of my mother’s actions flooded back.

Me: She… not only yelled at me and falsely accused me, but there were moments when she physically lashed out. I was subjected to her violent outbursts, enduring both verbal and physical abuse.

Eve: I see… I can sense that there may be something deeper, something more profound that occurred. Was there a particular instance when she inflicted harm upon you, leaving you utterly defenseless?

My heart sank at Eve’s probing question, as it touched upon a deeply painful and vulnerable chapter of my life.




Eve’s question pierced through the already fragile state of my emotions, causing my breathing to quicken. The weight of vulnerability pressed down upon me, making me feel feeble and powerless.

Time seemed to slow as Eve’s words hung in the air, awaiting a response.

Eve: Liran, was there an instance when your mother forced you into something against your will?

Unable to muster a coherent reply, I remained seated in my chair, engulfed in silence. The weight of the memories and emotions surrounding that particular moment rendered me speechless.

As my mind grappled with the overwhelming recollections, tears welled up in my eyes, eventually spilling down my face in silent surrender to the depths of my pain.

And thus, I replied:

Me: yes…





As I cast my gaze upon Liran’s countenance, I beheld tears welling up within his eyes…

The emotions that coursed through me in that very instant were indescribable, for I witnessed one of the individuals who contributed significantly to my well-being and facilitated the improvement of my existence… shedding tears…

However, I did not halt my endeavors at that juncture…

Upon hearing Liran’s response, I engaged in profound contemplation, realizing that his mother had committed an act of such grave malevolence that it inflicted upon him an overwhelming degree of trauma. The repercussions were so severe that they precipitated his tears and emotional breakdown in my presence.

Curiosity consumed my thoughts as I continued to dwell upon that question, intertwined with the weight of all the revelations he had shared with me. Among the myriad inquiries that swirled within my mind, only two possessed the capacity to illuminate the depths of his suffering.

After a brief interlude, I posed the following query to Liran: Me: Liran, do you recollect… the nature of your mother’s transgressions against you?

In the aftermath of my inquiry, I observed a deepening sorrow etch itself onto Liran’s visage, accompanied by a cascade of tears streaming down his cheeks.

After a fleeting period of introspection, he mustered a response: Liran: Yes… I remember.

Following his acknowledgment, I discerned a surge in the intensity of his breaths, signaling the escalation of his emotional distress.

And after couple moments, I spoke:

Me: liran…




Did your mother sexually abuse you?




Liran kept sobbing for a bit… before he finally answered:




Liran: yes!...








Subsequent to his admission, his sobs intensified, and I bore witness to his increasingly labored breaths and the torrent of tears streaming down his anguished countenance.

A profound sense of anguish gripped me, for the true extent of his mother’s transgressions was now unveiled. The sight of Liran, wracked with uncontrollable sobs, trembling, struggling to catch his breath—it was a devastating sight to behold.

The anguish I felt was insurmountable. To witness a man of such goodness, such virtue, reduced to such a state was an unbearable blow. It pierced my heart deeply.

As tears welled up in my own eyes, I could not bear to see him endure this torment. Without hesitation, I rose from the comfort of my couch and approached Liran… I then Crouched down and gently lifted him into my arms and rose to my feet, enveloping him in a gentle yet resolute embrace.

Together, we sank onto the couch, where I held him close, offering solace and support in the face of his overwhelming pain.

I buried his head and most of his body between my massive breasts… so that he could cry and sob as hard as he wanted to…

In that poignant instant, no linguistic solace could assuage his sorrow; a profound stillness enveloped the air. My sole recourse, then, lay in embracing him tenderly, offering solace and reassurance.


I continued to weep, clasping Eve tightly within my arms, as an overwhelming anguish consumed me, suffusing my being with an unbearable weight of agony and desolation.

Finally, I mustered the courage to articulate the unfathomable, to recount the harrowing tale of my past, unearthing the depths of my vulnerability and suffering.

Remarkably, this act alone brought forth a modicum of respite, assuaging the torment that plagued me ever so slightly…

Eve remained utterly silent, her voice restrained, as she enfolded me in an embrace, imbued with an intensity surpassing words.

After a brief interlude, she carefully eased me onto the very couch upon which she resided, cradling me in her tender hold. A fleeting passage of time transpired, and then, with a resolute determination, she ascended upon my supine form.

She lay atop me, her countenance revealing a visage beset by streams of tears, mirroring my own sorrow.

With a gentle touch, she cupped my face in her hands, and in those moments that followed, she delicately and tenderly dabbed away the wellspring of my tears.

The experience rendered a profound sense of solace and imbued with an unparalleled essence of uniqueness. Never before had I encountered such tender regard from another soul. And in those fleeting moments, Eve’s voice broke the silence:

Eve: Liran…

I could discern a melancholic timbre infused with pain resonating within her words.

Truly, she epitomized the embodiment of benevolence.

In response, I summoned my voice:

Me: Eve, would you be so kind as to fetch me a glass of water?

Eve: Certainly…

She gently withdrew her hands, relinquishing her touch upon me. Then, she gracefully disengaged from the couch, standing upon the floor for a brief pause before commencing her journey towards the table, situated in the far reaches of her office.

As Eve progressed towards the designated table, procuring a cup and filling it with water, she pivoted her gaze towards me before gradually advancing in my direction.

Yet, before she could draw near, I broke the silence with my words: Me: Eve…

At that moment, Eve stood motionless, her eyes fixated upon me.

Eve: Yes?

Me: You are unquestionably a paragon of human virtue. Keep that eternal truth close to your heart.

Farewell, until we meet again…

Eve, Puzzled and perplexed by my words, she uttered, “?...”

Following those final enigmatic utterances, I inexplicably dissipated into thin air, leaving Eve astonished and confounded.

Eve, Overwhelmed by bewilderment, she exclaimed, “?!”…








It is the dead of night, and I find myself in the solitude of the desert, seated upon the soft grains of sand.

In this desolate setting, memories of my mother’s transgressions flood my mind, each one a bitter reminder of the trials I endured at her hands.

Amidst this torrent of recollection, a particularly poignant memory emerges, a fragment from the past where my mother and I intersected.


I was but a sixteen-year-old, greeted by the warm embrace of a sun-drenched day, having just returned from the halls of academia…

Upon entering my mother’s abode, I proceeded to make my way to the kitchen, gently placing my backpack on one of the chairs.

Me: …

After a few minutes spent within the confines of the kitchen, my mother emerged from her chamber, joining me in that familiar space. Her gaze fixated upon me.

Mom: Liran? What brings you here?

Me: I have returned from school, and all is well.

Mom: Is that so? Why did you not come and greet me? For a moment, I mistook you for an intruder… You startled me, momentarily instilling a sense of fear.

Me: I apologize for the unintended fright.

Mom: Very well… At the very least, attend to the dishes or engage in some form of household chore. It appears that you contribute little else to this household. Your presence here is often accompanied by an air of detachment and disregard…

Such a pity. I had hoped to instill better values within you…

In that charged moment, overcome by a surge of emotion, I abruptly turned towards my mother and unleashed my pent-up frustrations:


My outburst caught her off guard, and she stared at me in a mixture of astonishment and disbelief.

Mom: What?!... How dare you utter such vulgar words to me?!

Her voice quivered with a blend of anger and shock.


The intensity of my words echoed through the air, as the weight of my resentment hung palpably in the atmosphere.

As the torrent of emotions surged within me, I persisted in expressing my pent-up anguish: Me: EACH TIME I AM HERE, YOU ENGAGE IN NOTHING BUT CONTEMPTUOUS TREATMENT!...

You incessantly RAISE YOUR VOICE, UNJUSTLY ASSIGNING BLAME for deeds I did not commit, and consistently SUBJECT me to a mire of self-doubt and misery…

I have grown WEARY of your DISPOSITION towards me!...

While uttering these words, tears welled up in my eyes, betraying the depth of my pain.

After a brief pause, my mother found her voice:

Mom: How can you address me with such disrespect? Have I not provided you with sustenance and shelter? I am your mother, after all!...

Her words carried a mix of exasperation and hurt, seeking to remind me of her role in my life.

Me: Yeah?!... so that means that you can just RAPE me and act like nothing happened?!...


The impact of my words left my mother further astounded, her shock deepening with each passing moment.

Me: What kind of mother treats her own son in such a manner? And then has the audacity to lay claim to the title of “mother”?!...

I demanded an answer, seeking to understand the justification behind her actions.

As tears began to well up in her eyes, before she could utter a word of defense or remorse, I abruptly interjected:

Me: No… Do not shed tears in my presence now…

You may possess the technical title of “mother” in my life, but I no longer perceive you as such…

My voice carried a resolute tone, highlighting my disillusionment and profound disappointment in her.

In the wake of my emotional outburst, I restrained myself from further verbal assault as I delivered my final words:

Me: You are nothing more than a deceitful, manipulative bitch…

I no longer acknowledge you as my mother…

Fuck you…

Having spoken my truth, I proceeded towards the very door through which I entered her abode.

With purposeful strides, I reached the threshold, opened the door, and stepped out into the outside world.

Behind me, the door closed, severing the ties that bound us.

In silence, I walked away, leaving behind a tumultuous chapter of my life.





As I lingered on the sandy dunes, reflecting upon the intricacies of that memory, a stark realization emerged. While acknowledging the basic provisions my mother had provided, it became clear that her actions transcended any justification based solely on material sustenance.

My emotions toward my mother remained entangled in a web of complexity. On one hand, there existed a closeness forged through shared experiences. Yet, intertwined with this bond, was the undeniable truth of her consistent mistreatment, leaving me feeling insignificant and devalued.

With a sense of reluctant candor, I must respectfully admit that the behavior exhibited by my mother is best described by the derogatory term “bitch.”




Our cognitive faculties possess an inherent uniqueness, wherein each individual harbors their most profound cogitations within the profoundest recesses of their consciousness…

And when confronted with adversities or distressing incidents, the human brain adeptly assimilates and entombs them within its unfathomable abyss…

Contemplating the omnipotence of celestial deities, capable of effortlessly obliterating the fabric of this cosmos, can evoke an overwhelming sense of dread…

Yet, it is essential to recognize that such apprehension is a construct devised by the intricate workings of the mind, orchestrated to instill fear within oneself…

Nevertheless, even within the realm of these manufactured apprehensions, there exist genuine terrors lurking in the depths of our psyche—abhorrent and sinister entities capable of overpowering and vanquishing us in ways unimaginable…

These manifestations of thoughts, these harrowing encounters and traumatic experiences that we have endured, represent the true horrors, the genuine malevolence that permeates our cognitive realms…




True horrors only exist in our minds…




Chapter 74: the cosmic stairway.:

I remained seated upon the granular shore, as the dawn drew near, relinquishing slumber’s embrace and forsaking its solace…

Immersed in contemplation, I gazed skyward for moments on end, until my gaze descended once more, beholding the distant pyramids that stood aloof…

Invariably, I pondered upon the enigma that lies beyond the boundaries of this universe, transcending the tumultuous realms and the dominion of the ebony monarch. Such ruminations, though captivating, bore scant significance, for I had long taken proactive measures to explore their depths, years hence…








In the realm of my twenty-fifth year, my mind perpetually danced with the query: What lies concealed amidst the cosmic expanse? These sensations and musings, akin to a beckoning rabbit hole, incessantly enticed me…

Enveloped by an insatiable fascination, I embarked on an ascension—an ascent that transcended the confines of this universe, traversing the realms of the multiverse, the omniverse, and beyond, until I arrived once more in the realm of chaos.

My being trembled with anticipation as I continued to ascend, persistently scaling the ethereal heights, ascending and ascending… until at last, I beheld the illustrious edifice known as the palace of the black king.

Within the precincts of the black king’s abode, an unremarkable tableau unfolded before me—

an all-encompassing void, devoid of significance or distinction. Here, the “absolute nothingness”

reigned, bereft of the black king’s presence…

Remaining within this realm, contemplation veered towards the enigmatic nature of doors and stairways, evoking a surreal, remarkable, and awe-inspiring essence. Their presence exuded peculiar vibrations, stirring a profound fascination within me.

And then, in the blink of an eye, I found myself transported to an indeterminate location—a place detached from the realms of what we perceive as reality. No longer bound by the constraints of this existence, I had entered the realm of “non-reality.”

Before me stood a door, surpassing everything that lay beneath it. Its magnificence eclipsed even the palace of the black king, rendering it as insignificant as a wisp of fleeting nothingness.

This door encompassed the entirety of the palace, reducing its grandeur to a mere afterthought.

As I cast my gaze downward upon the magnificent palace, I perceived it as a mere manifestation of tangible existence—a mere embodiment of reality. However, there stood a doorway, separate and detached from the constraints of our conventional reality.

With a sense of curiosity and determination, I ventured towards that very door. As I turned its handle and gently pushed it open, an awe-inspiring sight unfolded before my eyes—a grand stairway.

Compelled by an irresistible force, I commenced my ascent upon those elegant steps, setting foot one after another, steadily progressing upward…


As Liran continued to ascend the staircase, the nature of these steps transcended the ordinary.

Each successive step revealed a deeper realm, an abstract, inaccessible and unattainable layer surpassing the previous one.

However, it went beyond that. Each individual step symbolized a heightened state of consciousness, a “transcendent consciousness”, a level of existence that surpassed the boundaries of conventional understanding. With each subsequent layer, Liran’s journey became increasingly liberating, transcendent, and unattainable, yet they persevered in their ascent, undeterred by the enigmatic allure of these ethereal stairs.

But how does that engender any semblance of coherence? How can we ascend towards profound and abstract strata of ‘non-reality’ and ‘transcendent consciousness’?

Does that even elicit cogency?... or perchance our faculties are woefully deficient… and we endeavor to rationalize phenomena that surpass our comprehension…

The crux of the matter is… we are incapable of ‘making sense’ of such phenomena; they exist in realms so distant and superior to what we deem ‘ordinary’ and ‘logical’… that the pursuit of

‘making sense’ becomes irrelevant and utterly unfathomable to our feeble, lamentable, and unenlightened intellects…





I delved deeper into this profound “rabbit hole,” ascending ceaselessly with each step, the stairs extending infinitely and beyond… an unbounded succession of strata, each more elusive, inaccessible and transcendent than the last. The ascent appeared to grant an escalating sense of emancipation.

Yet, as I persisted in my ascent, an ethereal void enshrouded me, as if I had already surmounted the stairs and transcended their confines.

But what lies beyond these stairways? Portals? Thresholds?... Surely, there must exist a door or gate to greet me upon the culmination of this staircase…

In a magnificent culmination, I transcended the entirety of that hierarchical construct and beheld the presence of a door—a door of utmost significance, which I refer to as “the ultimate door.”

This door, in its essence, appeared utterly ordinary, devoid of any overt “magical” or “cosmic”

qualities. It bore the semblance of a conventional entryway.

Approaching this door with a reverent anticipation, I cautiously turned its handle, granting me access to the realm that lay beyond. And then, in an instant, I found myself transported to an ineffable existence—a realm so profoundly enigmatic that words fail to convey its nature.

There existed no door any longer, and even attempting to articulate the essence of this newfound “place” proved futile, for it surpassed not only the realm beyond the door but all previous conceptions as well.

Im in a “place” of where the “true forms” of all things exist, A limitless potentiality and creative power. It represents a state of ultimate emptiness, free from the confines of specific forms, qualities, and attributes. Its power lies in its ability to give birth to all manifestations and possibilities, serving as the primordial source from which the universe and its diverse phenomena emerge. It holds within it the capacity to bring forth an infinite array of forms, both conceivable and inconceivable.

This place is absolutely changeless…


Liran has reach the “bottom of the iceberg”, a place that’s beyond all of what we call “real” or

“not real”, a “place” that trascends these dualities and causing these opposing concepts to collapse,

Revealing a state beyond the limitations imposed by dichotomies. It invites us to question the very nature of reality by dissolving the boundaries between seemingly contradictory aspects…

Even if its beyond our comprehension… we can still “call it something” even tho its way more than that…

Liran has reached “the absolute void”

This “place”, “the absolute void”. It signifies a state of ultimate emptiness, non-being, or nothingness that transcends conventional notions of non existence and existence. The absolute void represents a fundamental absence of qualities, attributes, and manifestations. It challenges our ordinary conceptual frameworks, inviting us to question the nature of reality itself. While abstract and elusive, the concept of the absolute void sparks philosophical inquiry into the nature of being, “consciousness”, and “existence”… well… its beyond that, its beyond conception and consciousness…

A radical shift in our perception of reality. It is a concept that defies categorization and conceptualization, serving as a philosophical construct that prompts us to question our assumptions and delve into the depths of existential mystery. Within certain philosophical frameworks, the absolute void may be considered a foundational ground or substratum from which all existence arises, representing a realm beyond conceptual understanding…

And notwithstanding liran’s successful endeavor to traverse unto this realm… naught truly transpired upon his being, for he perceived himself as ‘ordinary’ and ‘serene’… akin to the state afore experienced…





I found myself perpetually immersed within this enigmatic “locale,” yet a peculiar absence of sensation enveloped me throughout its existence. The profound peculiarity lies in my unfathomable arrival at this destination. Does the coherence of such a circumstance elude rationality altogether?...

Alas, my understanding remains lamentably incomplete…

In truth, this place embodies an authentically profound essence, an unequivocal “realm,” if you will, hehe…

I shall return to my abode…

Subsequent to uttering those words, I found myself already within the confines of my dwelling, as if the preceding events had never occurred…

It is as though I never arrived at “said location” in the initial instance, which is remarkably peculiar and intriguing… nevertheless…

It constitutes a rather captivating encounter…








I found myself continually pondering that peculiar realm… it is exceedingly bizarre, yet simultaneously captivating. I have decided to designate it as “the absolute void” for convenience…

While contemplating this “locale,” my thoughts veered towards another intriguing subject: death.

There exists a prevailing belief that upon our demise, we transition to an alternate realm… but to what destination, exactly?

Some proclaim that we simply cease to exist, reduced to naught… while others expound upon notions of “heaven,” “hell,” and an afterlife…

However, the truth of our postmortem fate remains elusive… unknown.

We are faced with a profound enigma that lies beyond the confines of our comprehension…

Yet, I posit that there may exist something transcendent, something that surpasses the realm of our earthly existence…

In my contemplation of the void, I have also begun to reflect upon our lives. Even though the void exists beyond our tangible reality, it seems to symbolize a profound connection to our very existence…

The correlation between the void and our existence seems to evoke a sense of being trapped in a metaphorical “hell,” a dark place despite the potential for a fulfilling life…

But what does the realm beyond symbolize? Could it embody something so profoundly distant from our understanding that its revelation is reserved solely for the moment of our passing?

As I delved deeper into these contemplations, my thoughts returned to Brock…

It is said that prior to our demise, we encounter a peculiar and luminous radiance. We enter an unfamiliar state where pain dissipates, replaced by tranquility. It is from this juncture that we embark upon an ascent into the realm of the unknown…

What if this “clear light” that awaits us represents the gateway to the other side?

Perhaps it signifies an ultimate truth or an ultimate enigma that remains shrouded in mystery until the point of our transition…

To attain it, we must embrace the finality of death…

And beyond that, we venture into the realm of uncertainty, forever unaware of what lies ahead…




As my thoughts revolved around Brock, I pondered the destination he might have reached following his passing…

Within the recesses of my mind, I silently addressed him: “Brock, you were truly an exceptional individual, possessing intelligence and kindness in abundance… Your untimely demise was a tragedy, and in my eyes, you remain a remarkable man.”

I am certain that you have already traversed the path towards that “clear light” and embarked upon a journey to an “unknown” and inherently “good” place, one that is uniquely yours to experience…

We shall meet again… someday…




A solitary tear cascaded down my cheek, carrying with it a mix of sorrow, longing, and the hope of eventual reunion…

While the sorrow of Brock’s passing weighed heavily upon me, I found solace in the belief that he had transcended to an extraordinary realm, a place exclusive to his own experience. Such an existence, shrouded in mystery, held an undeniable allure.

As the morning dawned, I gazed upon the majestic pyramids standing proudly before me. Their grandeur and timeless presence filled me with awe, evoking a sense of wonder and appreciation. Truly, they are remarkable structures, fascinating in their design and historical significance.





“The clear light” is an all powerful force that exist within and yet outside of everyone, the clear light is the ultimate creator and the destroyer and the ultimate end, which means that it doesn’t matter of how “powerful” or “eternal” you are, youre still a “mortal” to the clear light, and all of that is just a not a good way of describing it since its beyond definitions, languages and attributes…

Its absolutely ineffable and beyond verbal expression, we are all nothing but an “immeasurably small” part of it…

Even the absolute void is still an “immeasurably small” part of it…

It doesn’t matter of how powerful and of how far and high we will reach, we will never reach the clear light…

Calling the “clear light” “true god” is an Inadequate and terrible way of describing it… since

“describing” it… is already “meaningless”…




Chapter 75: pyramids.:


As I gazed upon the distant pyramids, my desire to venture forth and explore them surged within me. The allure of a closer examination beckoned irresistibly. Without hesitation, I embarked upon my journey.

Rising from my previous position, I now found myself standing upon the granular expanse of the desert. After a brief pause to collect my thoughts, I set off towards the majestic pyramids, propelled by a resolute determination.

Continuing steadfastly along my path, I caught sight of a figure traversing the vicinity of the two pyramids. Intrigued, my gaze fixated upon this enigmatic being, while an inner dialogue ensued: Internal Voice: Ah, pray tell, who might this individual be? Does he perchance dwell within the sacred confines of those ancient structures?

I continued my arduous trek, step by deliberate step, drawing ever closer to the towering pyramids that beckoned me from the horizon.




???’s Perspective:

While I traversed the vicinity of these magnificent pyramids, a subtle instinct compelled me to cast a glance over my shoulder. Lo and behold, in the distance, I discerned a figure gradually making their way toward me, or perchance, the very pyramids that stood in proximity.

Intrigued by the enigmatic figure before me, who bore a striking resemblance to a human yet eluded my senses and concealed their countenance from view, I found myself captivated by curiosity.

I pondered in silence, contemplating the potential depths of this intriguing encounter.

Internal Reflection: Ah, this “human” presents an intriguing presence. Perchance, it may be worthwhile to approach and engage in a brief exchange.

After a few contemplative moments, I set forth, my steps deliberate as I advanced toward this mysterious figure, eager to unravel the mysteries veiled within their being.





As I pressed on towards the pyramids, my attention remained fixated on the being who had initiated his approach towards me.

I felt a peculiar sensation coursing through me, an intangible energy that sparked a sense of unease within my being.

Closer and closer we drew to one another, and with each passing moment, my perception unveiled the true nature of this entity. No longer did I behold a mere mortal figure, but rather a towering deity of colossal proportions. This godlike being adorned themselves with ancient Egyptian garments, their stature surpassing sixteen feet in height. Their physique exuded immense muscularity, and instead of conventional legs, their lower extremities transformed into sinewy tentacles.

Astonishingly, their complexion appeared devoid of color, cloaked in an eerie darkness that rendered them seemingly colorless—a manifestation both mesmerizing and disconcerting.

Me: …

After a considerable duration of traversing the distance, I found myself standing a mere few meters away from this imposing deity. The air held a charged tension as our eyes met, and in a moment of anticipation, they directed their gaze downward upon me.

???: Greetings. Pray, what brings you to this place?

Me: Merely wandering aimlessly, savoring the vast expanse of this desert.

???: Truly? You venture forth unaccompanied? Do you not harbor trepidation within?

Me: Fear? Fear of what, precisely?

???: Fear of perilous entities that may roam these arid lands, concealed in its depths…

Me: Do you reside within the confines of those monumental pyramids?

???: One could posit that such is the case. On occasion, I perambulate in their vicinity to ascertain the presence of any novel sojourners…

Me: Indubitably, I consider myself a sojourner, merely desirous of obtaining a closer vantage point of those magnificent pyramids…

???: May I inquire as to your appellation?...

Me: Pray tell, what prompts this query?

???: You bear resemblance to an individual akin to yourself… one whose essence eludes perception and countenance evades scrutiny…

What moniker do you possess?

Upon receiving this inquiry, I found it necessary to fabricate a response, as divulging my true name would potentially incite hostile actions from the interlocutor…

After a brief contemplation, I replied:

Me: My name is Joe.

???: Ah… I perceive my error, mistaking your resemblance to another. Indeed, you and he bear striking similarities…

Me: Truly? What might be his name?

???: His name is Liran…

Nevertheless, perchance I shall bestow upon you a guided tour? What are your thoughts on the matter?...

Me: Well, I could simply explore the pyramids on my own…

???: Ah, but I can unveil a multitude of clandestine and captivating secrets within those pyramids, should you desire. I have escorted numerous guests who found it immensely delightful…

Me: I am content with strolling around, thank you…

???: Very well…

Before I could even take a step, “he” interjected once more:

???: You know… Would you care to acquire esoteric and cursed wisdom?

Me: I respectfully decline. May I ask why you inquire?

???: I sense great potential within you, an inkling that if you were truly inclined, you could effortlessly ascend to become one of the most formidable entities in this vast cosmos! You have the capacity to transcend and attain godhood…

My appellation is Amonos, in case you are curious…

Me: While that may be intriguing, it does not captivate my interest…

Amonos: Pray tell, what reasons prompt such disinterest? You possess the opportunity to metamorphose into a mighty being; I can elevate you from mere humanity to godhood in an instant…

Do you not yearn for power and wealth?...

Me: Heh, such matters hold little importance to me. Is this some form of cult or similar organization?...

Amonos: You see, I have brought numerous individuals to my pyramids, and they have found immense delight in the experience… I simply bestow upon them power, in exchange for something they offer me in return…

Me: What exactly did those individuals provide in return?

Amonos: Their very souls…

Me: …

Amonos: Ponder upon it. Simply surrender your soul to me, and I shall grant you godlike power, transforming you into an exceedingly potent and invincible being… Someone no one would dare challenge…

What are your thoughts on this proposition?

Me: I categorically decline.

Amonos: What?!... Why?...

Me: I couldn’t care less about such things, and why do you assume that we all value money and power? I understand that money holds significance in our society, but surely there’s more to life than that…

Amonos: You mortals inevitably engage in conflicts once your precious “wealth” is depleted. You are all mere ants, consumed by an insatiable hunger for riches and boundless power…

Me: And what about you? Don’t you desire mortal souls to augment your own power? Hm?

Amonos: …

Me: That’s what I thought. I will not be joining your cult… I refuse to participate.

Amonos: Do you comprehend the magnitude of my capabilities?...

Me: Oh really? Enlighten me…

Amonos: I possess the ability to obliterate you to the point where you cease to exist, vanishing into the depths of absolute nothingness itself!

Do you believe your denial of me will be so effortlessly executed?

Me: So, in that case, I am expected to kneel and worship you?

Why would you desire an insignificant and inconsequential mortal such as myself to kneel and worship you?

What do you truly stand to gain from such actions?...

Amonos: Your act of kneeling and worshiping would signify that you acknowledge and accept your rightful place beneath me…

And that is what all mortals should do. You are nothing more than insignificant ants, easily trampled upon…

Me: Why can’t we simply treat each other as equals and engage in respectful interactions like civilized individuals?

I understand that you possess great strength, but it’s important not to let arrogance consume you and treat others poorly.

Amonos: Greet each other like “normal people”? Do you jest?

You are the most deluded being I have ever encountered…

Me: Whatever… just let me go…

As I began to walk towards the pyramids, one of Amonos’s tentacles approached me, blocking my path.

After a brief pause, “he” spoke:

Amonos: Kneel before me…

You will not show disrespect. I am “Chaos,” the harbinger of devastation and annihilation across various realities…

And I am the one who shall bring about your destruction…

Me: …




Chapter 76: chaos.:

As chaos persistently impeded my progression towards those majestic pyramids… ‘he’

persistently beseeched me to prostrate and venerate ‘him’… nonetheless, I abstained from acquiescence…

Chaos: Come forth… enact it…

Alternatively, perchance I should compel your compliance single-handedly…

And ere chaos could react, I administered eight formidable strikes upon ‘him’, propelling ‘him’

several meters backward…

Chaos: ?!...

Chaks alighted upon the granular terrain, ‘his’ astonishment palpable at the alacrity with which I assailed ‘him’, even as the constructs of temporality and velocity had long lost their relevance…

Subsequently, ‘he’ ascended, casting a condescending gaze upon me… ‘his’ fury palpable…

Chaos: How dare you assail me? Art thou… art thou Liran?

Myself: Perchance I may be… What leads you to such a conclusion?

Chaos: Nay, there exists no room for uncertainty… Thou art Liran…

Myself: How intriguing…

Subsequent to uttering those words, chaos swiftly lunged towards me, delivering multiple blows with ‘his’ serpentine appendages… Thereafter, ‘he’ unleashed a formidable assault upon me, propelling me several meters backward… Yet, I chose to alight upon the sandy terrain with unwavering stability, impervious to ‘his’ powers…

Chaos: ?...

Standing resolute upon the sand, I launched myself towards ‘him’, delivering a forceful kick that propelled ‘him’ several meters away… Alas, I failed to bring ‘him’ to the ground…

Following the execution of my kick, I descended back to the ground, and upon making contact, I elevated my right arm, extending my hand… And then…

A luminescent white sphere materialized within my grasp, and as it manifested… I closed my hand upon it…

Chaos: ?!...

And thus, I hurled that orb towards ‘him’, instigating a colossal detonation that rent the air. As the reverberations of the explosion subsided, I beheld Chaos standing there… dumbfounded…

I had not vanquished ‘him’…

With measured steps, I advanced towards ‘him’, and as I drew nearer, ‘he’ merely stood motionless… overcome with astonishment and dread…

Then, ‘he’ fled in haste…

I watched intently as ‘he’ retreated, finding amusement in the spectacle… However, I chose not to pursue ‘him’, content with instilling fear…

My inner musings: ‘He’ shall regard this as a valuable lesson, hehe…

After a brief interlude, I turned my gaze back to the majestic pyramids, their grandeur captivating my attention. I indulged in their sight for a while… They truly are remarkable.








After several minutes spent in contemplation of the awe-inspiring pyramids, I resolved to make my way back to the sanctuary of my abode.

Following a three-hour sojourn, I arrived at the threshold that grants access to my dwelling.

However, upon beholding the door, my attention was drawn to a conspicuous piece of parchment affixed to its surface.

As I perused the contents of the note, its words revealed themselves: “Greetings, esteemed Liran. I, Rythmeus, extend an invitation for your esteemed presence. Would you care to grace me with a visit?”

Upon absorbing the message, I engaged in deep cogitation for a considerable span of time.

Eventually, after careful deliberation, I resolved to embark upon a sojourn to the illustrious palace of Rythmeus.

After a few brief minutes of traversing the path, I finally arrived at the resplendent entrance of

‘his’ regal abode…

And thus, I gently rapped upon those formidable portals, and in the passing of a few fleeting instants, those grand entrances were unveiled by none other than the illustrious Rhythmeus himself. Subsequently, he deftly revealed the inner sanctum of those very entrances. Casting his gaze upon me, he bestowed his presence upon my humble self, looking down upon me with an air of authority.

And thus, Rythmeus addressed me:

Rythmeus: Greetings! It has been a span of several days since our last encounter. How fare you, dear Liran?

Myself: I am in good spirits. May I request entry?

Rythmeus: Certainly…

Rythmeus gracefully stepped aside, allowing me passage. After a brief interval, I made my way into the opulent chambers of the palace.

As I traversed the threshold of ‘his’ majestic abode, Rythmeus securely closed the ornate doors behind me. After a momentary pause, ‘he’ approached, now positioned discreetly behind me.

Rythmeus: Liran, I am curious to know how you have been faring.

Myself: I have been sufficiently well, engaging in moments of respite and relaxation.

Rythmeus: Very well. Allow us to adjourn to a secluded chamber, where we may converse in privacy…

In a moment of arcane gesture, Rhythmeus effortlessly snapped “his” fingers, invoking a potent enchantment that whisked us away to an expansive chamber adorned as a resplendent boudoir.

To my surprise, I found myself already reclining upon the lavishly adorned bed, luxuriating in its embrace. As I surveyed my surroundings, my eyes alighted upon Rhythmeus, who stood regally in close proximity, gracing the space near the bed with “his” majestic presence.

After a brief interlude, Rythmeus cast a contemplative gaze upon me.

Rythmeus: You know, I have recently undertaken remarkable endeavors. Allow me to share them with you…

Myself: I am eager to hear about your exploits. Please, enlighten me.

Rythmeus: I have successfully ventured to a realm surpassing even the heights of the Black King’s palace. I have traversed the boundless expanse known as the “Absolute Void”…

Myself: Remarkable! I too had the privilege of visiting that realm, albeit a few years ago. It was an awe-inspiring experience. Moreover, I have always harbored a sense that there exists something transcendent beyond the realm of the Black King himself…

Rythmeus: Indeed, that ominous sensation persists, despite my venture into the depths of the Absolute Void. It leads me to ponder if there exists a malevolent entity dwelling within that accursed realm…

Myself: Alas, the answer eludes me…

Rythmeus: Even though I have ascended to great heights and attained formidable strength to reach the Absolute Void, I cannot shake the unsettling notion that there exists an immensely potent and dread-inspiring presence concealed within its depths…

Myself: Hm… Indeed, it appears we must embark on a quest to uncover the truth.

Rythmeus: I concur. Now, would you care for some refreshment? Perhaps a glass of water?

Myself: Certainly, I would appreciate that.

Rythmeus: Very well, allow me to provide it for you…




Chapter 77: who is that being?.:

In a display of mystical finesse, Rhythmeus elegantly snapped “his” fingers, invoking the arcane forces that materialized a vial of crystalline water, which promptly manifested itself beside me.

Expressing my gratitude, I uttered a word of thanks for the gracious offering. Subsequently, I ceased reclining upon the bed and assumed a seated position, allowing the plush cushioning to support my frame…

With a deliberate motion, I reached out and took hold of the bottle of water, drawing it nearer to my presence. After a brief interval, I deftly uncapped the vessel, unveiling its refreshing contents, and commenced the act of hydrating myself, savoring each sip as I quenched my thirst.

After indulging in the replenishing elixir for a fleeting moment, I gradually ceased imbibing from the bottle. With a composed gesture, I securely sealed the cap, ensuring its contents remained untouched. Subsequently, I conscientiously set the bottle aside, creating a space for it adjacent to me, allowing me to shift my focus to other matters at hand.

Rythmeus: hm, so who could that be?... whos that entity or force that’s out there?...

Me: I have no idea, its pretty odd…

Whoever that being is… that being is something or someone strange and dangerous…

Rythmeus: I see…




As my ruminations persisted regarding this enigmatic entity, a persistent curiosity gnawed at me, prompting questions of identity. However, an uncanny realization swept over me—an unsettling familiarity accompanied this sensation, transcending mere novelty.

Recollections stirred within me, harkening back to encounters with formidable beings in the past. Yet, the peculiarity lies in the fact that this current sentiment bears a striking resemblance to a sensation from my distant memories, one that is hauntingly familiar.

It transports me to a time long ago, when I was but a youthful soul, overshadowed by a disquieting aura. This all-consuming familiarity, an eerie parallel, harkens back to that very same unsettling sensation that permeated my being prior to the regrettable act of ending the life of that ill-fated doctor.

Its so strange to me, I just didn’t know of how to even react to that…

Myself: Hmm, may I reside in this place for a while?

Rythmeus: Certainly… do you require any assistance?

Myself: You see, regarding that entity that may exist beyond, I am experiencing peculiar, dreadful, and reminiscent sensations in its presence…

Rythmeus: Reminiscent, you say?

Myself: Indeed, I have encountered numerous peculiar and dreadful emotions in the past, but the emotions emanating from that “entity”…

They possess an uncanny familiarity…

Rythmeus: Hmm, that is indeed peculiar and intriguing…

Myself: These precise, dreadful sensations resemble the very same emotions I experienced in bygone times… I endured these emotions during my youthful years…

Other than that, ill probably have to face that being… by myself…

Rythmeus: I comprehend. So, it is possible that it is an ancient adversary. What course of action will you take now?

Myself: I shall remain in this location for a brief period… and after a couple of hours, I shall embark upon a quest to locate it…

Rythmeus: Understood. I wish you the best of luck…

Would you prefer me to vacate the room to provide you with some privacy?

Myself: Yes… you may proceed with that.

Rythmeus: Very well…

Rythmeus then disappeared…

I am now seated upon my bed, deep in contemplation regarding these peculiar and dreadful emotions…

Myself: Hmm, I shall embark on a quest to locate and confront that entity on my own…




Chapter 78: him.:

I remained seated on the bed for a considerable duration, contemplating these unfamiliar sensations and vibes that seem both recognizable and peculiar to me.

There is an undeniable sense of unease…

However, my task at hand is to make the necessary arrangements for that enigmatic presence that might exist beyond these walls…

That concealed entity, hidden within the vast expanse, demands my relentless pursuit.


I am still confined within this chamber, positioned in close proximity to the bed, diligently preparing for an extended period…

Nevertheless, the time has come for me to embark on a quest to locate that sentient being…

Me: …

Perchance, I could devise a means to traverse towards the abode of the elusive individual…

And so, I resolved to undertake such an endeavor…

Without delay, I employed the power of teleportation, liberating myself from the confines of the room… I now find myself approaching the locus to which these potent energies beckon me…

I am able to perceive these energies and discern their origin…

As I persist in my journey, transcending time, space, and the multitude of realms…

I arrived at a peculiar realm…

This realm bears semblance to the cosmos, yet surpasses its scope, evoking a sense of

“something” and “somewhere” beyond comprehension…

Me: …

This constitutes the fount, the very genesis of the disconcerting sensations…

There is an entity present here… Nay, it is more apt to describe it as a profound essence…

And as I looked forward, I saw “someone”…

Me: ?...

Though words may fail to capture the essence of what I witnessed, amidst the ethereal energies that enveloped me, I somehow managed to grasp their nature. As I gazed ahead, the swirling energies coalesced into the semblance of a humanoid figure.

And in a moment preceding my approach, the enigmatic entity turned its gaze upon me. Its visage was otherworldly, devoid of any distinct facial features, and its very form seemed to be composed of cosmic matter. The expanse of the cosmos adorned its “skin,” captivating my sight.

Moreover, this colossal being towered before me, reaching a staggering height of no less than 16 feet, evoking a profound sense of awe and insignificance within me.

This extraordinary being possessed not only its cosmic visage but also an immense muscular physique. Its muscularity was of an extraordinary magnitude, further enhancing the sense of strength and power emanating from this enigmatic entity.

Me(mind): what the hell…

The intensification of my emotions grew as I continued to fix my gaze upon “him”… and then,

“he” uttered:

???: Liran, you have finally arrived…

Me: ?!...

I was utterly astounded by the fact that “he” possessed knowledge of my name, such astonishment enveloped me… it was as though “he” had familiarity with my existence…

Me: Pray tell, who might you be?...

???: My identity holds no significance, but what holds true significance… is your presence here…

Me: How did you come to know my name?...

???: I possess a wealth of knowledge, my joy..

I am “honored” that you have successfully traversed into this realm; you are undeniably an extraordinary entity…

Me: Listen, I’m experiencing a sense of unease emanating from you… I remain completely ignorant of your true identity…

???: You truly do not recognize me?

I have been a constant presence in your life since your earliest days, always by your side…

Me: Are you responsible for the distressing and dreadful emotions I endured during that time?!...

???: Distressing?...

My dear joy… I rescued you, providing protection and aiding you in combating those malevolent entities. Have you no recollection of me?...

Me: ?!...

As I continued pondering that entity… and recollecting all that transpired during that period, thoughts of Eric began to surface…

Eric… that peculiar doctor whom I ended the life of. I recall conversing with him about the occurrences I had experienced, yet I never truly contemplated Eric himself…

And as I dwelled upon Eric, I recollected how I would occasionally perceive peculiar sensations and vibrations from him. It was as if Eric was never truly human to begin with…

Could it be?...

Is that him?




Me: eric… is that really you?




“He” then spoke:




???: hello liran, it is me… eric.




Chapter 79: the indomitable human spirit.: I was utterly astonished when I received that news; no words can adequately convey the depth of my emotions…

Throughout that entire duration… Eric…

Turned out to be a non-human entity…

The doctor who attempted to aid me… the very doctor I terminated myself…

Was, in fact, not of human origin…

I found myself in a state of profound shock, mingled with confusion, and an urgent longing for elucidation…

Me: Eric…

Eric: I anticipated that you would attain such a remarkable level of prowess. You are truly exceptional…

Me: Are you suggesting… that throughout all this time…

You were never truly human?

Eric: That is correct. I merely communicated with you while assuming a human guise…

Me: Why… why did you assist me?

What makes me so special?...

Eric: You see, I originate from the absolute void. I knew there would be a force opposing me—a force that embodies all that is good and combats the “malevolent” and the “unfathomable”

aspects of this world…

Me: What?... What do you mean by that?

Eric: What I mean is… I embody that which is considered “unknown”…

I am the embodiment of the “evils” in this world,

I exist within the very fabric of everything and everyone…

I represent the unknown and malevolent aspects that reside within all individuals and realms…

I am a pervasive force that has always existed…

Me: So why did you select me?

Did you grant me these powers?...

Eric: Whenever there is evil, there will always be a force of “good” opposing it…

And I knew that the force of “good” would eventually manifest within someone…

And that someone is you…

Me: ?!...

Eric: When I encountered you, I sensed something intriguing within you. I recognized your untapped capabilities…

I knew you possessed the strength to confront the true horrors of this world…

Me: …

Eric: Enough with the inquiries. I have “endured” an “eternity” in anticipation of this very moment…

I knew you would arrive here… and now you stand before me…

I can finally vanquish you and erase your existence entirely…

Me: We shall see about that…




And thus, the battle ensued…

The magnitude of this conflict defies description or measurement…

Eric personifies the essence of all that is wicked and enigmatic…

While I embody the essence of all that is virtuous, representing the indomitable will that dwells within every being and every realm…

The will that resides within each and every one of us…

We all endure suffering, a ceaseless struggle, yet we possess that will, that inner strength enabling us to persevere and embrace our lives…

For we have but one life to live.

At this juncture, labeling it merely a “fight” becomes inconsequential… for our encounter transcends such limitations…

It becomes a testament to my unwavering determination to rise above suffering and forge ahead…

The strength of our collective will to survive and confront the horrors of this world is what sets us apart…

I will not vanish, you will not scare me…

As the battle raged on, I persisted, continuously rebounding from each blow, persevering through the challenges…

And so did Eric…

We permeated every being, every facet of existence… united in this relentless struggle…




We persisted in our relentless battle, each striving to gain the upper hand… and I found myself emerging as the victor…

Eric: !?...

Me: This is the strength of my will. I refuse to be defeated… not after everything that has transpired…

I will not yield to you…

Eric: Good luck with that… No, there will be no “luck” for you. You shall fall, and I shall emerge victorious…

We continued our ferocious clash, each unwilling to relent… until finally, I managed to strike him down…

However, something felt amiss…

Me: ?!...

Before I could make any further move, he swiftly regained his strength in a mere fraction of an instant…

His willpower overcame mine, if only for a moment…

I miscalculated…

And then, out of nowhere, a sword materialized and pierced through my abdomen…

Me: ?!...




Chapter 80: liran.:

I collapsed onto the ethereal ground of his otherworldly domain…

Overwhelmed and in a state of shock, I felt powerless…

Will this be the end for me?

Is Eric about to deliver the final blow, sealing my fate?...

And then, he drew closer…

He stood beside me, gazing down upon my fallen form…

Eric: How utterly disappointing. I had anticipated a far greater challenge from you. Your will and determination are nothing but feeble.

Me: Is this to be my demise? Will you simply end my life like this?

Eric: Liran, would you like to hear something intriguing?

Me: ?...

Eric: Have you ever heard of a young individual named “Brock”?




As soon as I heard that name, my heart skipped a beat. I was filled with shock and astonishment at his mention of Brock.

How could he… Does he somehow know Brock?

Me: What?... How do you know that name?...




Eric: I know his name… because im the one who killed him…




Me: ?!...

I was overcome with a mix of revulsion, speechlessness, and terror upon hearing those words…

Brock had been murdered by Eric…

All this time, I had been relentlessly searching for the entity responsible for Brock’s death… and there he stood, right beside me… looking down upon me…

The very being who had mercilessly taken Brock’s life… was none other than Eric…

Me: …

Eric: And that’s not all… I am also the one who took away your mother from you…




I was overcome with heightened trepidation upon hearing the revelation that, throughout the entirety of this chronicle, my progenitor had mysteriously disappeared as a consequence of Eric’s machinations. My incredulity persists as I ponder the impetus behind such a sinister act.

Eric: I am the architect of that vehicular calamity, meticulously orchestrating its inception from its very inception.




Not only did he initiate the sequence of events, but he orchestrated the very genesis of my vehicular catastrophe, thereby thrusting me into a perilous encounter with him and the abominations that accompanied his presence.

Incredulously, I inquire, ‘What compels you to divulge these revelations?’

Eric responds, ‘I disclose this intricate web of causality, for I am the progenitor of your extraordinary abilities. It is I who birthed the malevolent entities that you valiantly faced and vanquished in times past. I am the architect behind the unfolding of these dreadful occurrences, which have tested the depths of your fortitude.’

As I languish here, vulnerable and crestfallen, he proclaims his triumph, ‘I have emerged victorious, and I shall permit you to languish on this hallowed ground until your ultimate demise. Farewell.’

With that proclamation, Eric callously departs, leaving me bereft of words and consumed by an overwhelming sense of despair.





The entire spectacle of the battle that transpired was merely a fabricated illusion displayed on my cosmic tablet, a production effortlessly manipulated and subject to my control.

Victory was mine, or so I believed, for I had successfully vanquished Liran in combat.


Me: ?!...

Perplexed, I find myself questioning the inexplicable phenomenon unfolding before me.

Yet, it is not an enigmatic force that lurks in the shadows, but rather an individual.

As I turn my gaze and cast my eyes downward, I behold none other than Liran himself.

Liran remains silent, his presence resonating with profound significance.

As I continue to observe him from above, I notice the absence of the sword that once impaled him, leaving only a conspicuous wound in its wake.

I am confounded, left to ponder the inexplicable turn of events.





As Eric pivoted and gazed condescendingly upon my presence…

Silence embraced me, and my lips remained unvoiced…

Then, a piercing shriek emanated from my being…

And as my outcry reverberated, a colossal and formidable shockwave ensued, propelling Eric backwards…

Eric: ?!...

In the wake of Eric’s forcible expulsion…

I, in a swift motion, lunged towards him…

And lo and behold, I materialized behind him…

With unwavering precision, I delivered a mighty right-handed blow, electrifying his entire being…

Followed by a resounding left-handed strike, once again surging vitality throughout “his”


Subsequently, I turned on my heel and unleashed a forceful right-handed punch upon him…

The impact of my fist meeting its mark sent him hurtling once more, fracturing both his form and “his” corporeal vessel… yet the saga persists…

I cast forth a radiant beam of pure luminosity, bathing him in its brilliance… and as that ethereal beam enshrouded his entire essence…

Seizing the opportune moment, I surged towards him once more, while he remained ensconced within that resplendent stream of clarity, and with unwavering resolve, I delivered the definitive blow…

And lo, as I delivered that formidable blow, a luminous burst manifested forthwith, encompassing the entirety of our beings…




As the luminous radiance dissolved, we remained entrenched within Eric’s domain, the realm he claimed as his own…

Behold, in that precise juncture, I discovered myself situated in intimate proximity to Eric, who lay supine upon the otherworldly vastness of the “celestial terrain”… conquered and stripped of authority, his dominance obliterated…

Eric: How… how did you accomplish such a feat?...

Me: Ah, you perceive, I harbored the knowledge deep within, an understanding that our paths would inevitably converge once more…

Eric: What? You possessed this awareness all along?...

How is it possible?...

Me: Allow me to reveal a revelation, to demonstrate the truth that eluded you thus far…

With a deliberate gesture, I gently pressed my hand against my countenance, subsequently extracting the artifice of the simulated dermis mask—a gift bestowed upon me by Astralux in days of yore. In an intriguing turn of events, upon its removal, a fraction of my own resplendent tresses emerged into view, yet it became evident that the façade extended beyond a mere visage. Indeed, the deceptive façade encapsulated the entirety of my cranium. As the faux countenance relinquished its grasp, the revelation of my authentic visage came to fruition, casting aside the cloak of illusion.

And thus, I stood defiantly before Eric, fully revealing my true form…

Eric: ?!...

Me: You see, ever since the fateful encounter where I vanquished you, a lingering unease plagued my thoughts… an inkling that something beyond the realms of humanity permeated your existence…

You may be the reason that I became this powerful, but youre also the reason that I defeated you aswell…

I sensed an aberration within these abominations…

I perceived a disturbance when Brock met his demise…

And I discerned an anomaly when my mother vanished into the abyss…

But it was upon extinguishing your life that the tendrils of suspicion coiled tightly around you…

Through careful observation and the discerning gaze of my unwavering intuition, I have been vindicated, for the truths that eluded me have unraveled with the passage of time.

Eric: I perceive… you are undeniably an astute individual…

Proceed, end my existence…

Exact your revenge upon me…




Me: No… I shall not take your life…

Eric: ?...

Why?... Why would you spare me?

I slew Brock!...

I eradicated your mother!...

I shattered your family!...

And still, you wont kill me?...


Me: Eric, I bestow upon you my forgiveness…

Eric: ?!...

Me: You see, I am filled with gratitude for having arrived at this juncture… I am grateful for the tranquility that now permeates my being…

In the intricate tapestry of existence, each one of us traverses the realm of adversity, encountering hardships that befall us. Nevertheless, it is within our prerogative to harness these trials as catalysts for personal growth and transformation, thereby ascending to higher realms of self-improvement.

I have made this world a better place…

Youre truly a good doctor…

Thank you…




In the wake of my utterance, Eric, at long last, broke his silence and issued a response: Eric: I see…

Youre truly an amazing person…

Even after all of the horrors that ive put you through…

You still forgive me…

Im proud of you…

Me: goodbye eric… you can rest for now…

After that I said that…

Eric vanished…





Eric disappeared, I emerged victorious over him, and I had an intuition that I would inevitably confront him…

I was aware that he was concealing something from me, that he was obscuring his true identity…

Given all the occurrences that transpired in the past, an inkling formed within me that he was the mastermind behind this scheme…

And it appears my intuition was accurate.

As I remained positioned upon the “terra firma” of his domain…

The domain began to quiver and fracture…

Then, in a fleeting moment, surpassing the concept of time itself… the domain ruptured…

Surveying my surroundings, Eric’s domain has ceased to exist…

I have returned to Earth…

I now find myself standing upon the granular shores…

I am at the seaside, the very shoreline where my father used to labor, the same shoreline where I interred Brock…

With the advent of morning, the beach, typically serene, lay in tranquil silence… Consequently, upon surveying my surroundings, not a soul graced the scene…

Subsequently, I redirected my gaze towards the undulating waves while positioned upon the sandy shore, gradually comprehending the desolation of the beach.

Continuing to fixate on the rhythmic undulations of the waves…

A faint smile adorned my countenance…

Myself: I have achieved it…

I have preserved this world, I have safeguarded existence…

I have achieved it…

However, I observed an intensification of pain emanating from my wound…

Myself: Curse it…




Even if the cycle of life and death continues, we can always live, enjoy and improve our lives for the better…

Since we only live once and we don’t know of what will truly happen to us after we die, we can at least make existence good…




I gazed intently upon the undulating waves… my anguish grew increasingly acute…

Shall I meet my demise in this very place?

After all that has transpired?

It does possess a certain tragic resonance… considering the entirety of my life’s events, but hey, it possesses a certain allure…

As my gaze remained fixed upon the rhythmic waves, I gradually found solace in some measure…

Thus, this is the culmination… my existence concludes her- no.

I shall not perish, I shall not fade away…

I shall relish in the splendor of my existence, for I possess the capacity to mend this affliction, this wound is inconsequential…

And then, after a brief interval… I mended my wound, my corporeal form restored to its former state… and I once again experience robust well-being…

Me: This is better…




I contemplated briefly:

My thoughts intermingled: Hm, I shall likely proceed to the abode of Eve and extend my salutations to her… it would be unfavorable for her to harbor concerns.




I retrieved my cellular device and, after a short interval, dialed Eve’s number…

Me: …

After a few moments, Eve answered the call:

Eve: Liran?

Me: Greetings, Eve. It has been approximately 36 hours…

How are you faring?

Eve: I am well, though I had concerns for your well-being…

Where are you presently?

Me: I find myself at the seashore. Would you care to join me through the means of teleportation?

Eve: Certainly…

The telephone conversation concluded, and I returned my phone to the confines of my pocket…

After a brief pause, Eve materialized directly in front of me, having traversed space through her remarkable abilities…

She now stands before me…

I lifted my gaze, beholding the captivating visage she possesses…

Me: Salutations…

Eve: I am relieved that you are present. Shall we make our way to my residence?

Me: Indeed…

Eve, displaying her grace with purpose, approached my vicinity and, upon reaching an appropriate proximity, she gracefully crouched down and effortlessly scooped me into her arms while rising back up, effortlessly lifting me…

She currently carries me, cradled in her embrace… and after a short pause, she embarked upon the journey toward her domicile, bearing me along…

We did it… we have won…




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