True Horrors Only Exist In Our Minds by liran G - HTML preview

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Chapter 11:

I woke up a couple of hours later, going through my morning routine of brushing my teeth, tidying up my house, and having breakfast. By the time I stepped outside, it was around 10 am.

I pondered on where I could find Brock. I remembered there was a school nearby, so I thought it might be a good place to start looking for him and have a conversation.

I made my way to the school, which was only a few minutes away. As I arrived, I noticed an area where kids were playing various sports like football and basketball.

Inner monologue: Hmm… This could be the spot where Brock hangs out during breaks. Maybe I’ll find him here.

I headed towards the area and spotted Brock among the kids playing football. I called out to him from a distance.

Me: Hey, Brock!

Brock noticed me and made his way towards me, looking slightly surprised.

Brock: Liran? What are you doing here?

Me: Just passing by. You seem like an interesting guy, and I thought it would be great to have a chat with you. Do you mind?

Brock smiled in response.

Brock: Nope, I don’t mind at all. We can definitely have a conversation!

Me: Does it sound agreeable to you? Perchance, would you care to dine with me after your scholastic obligations? What are your thoughts on patronizing McDonald’s?

Brock: Indeed, that sounds splendid! I anticipate completing my schoolwork early, so I should be able to rendezvous with you without delay. Until then, my good friend.

Me: Very well, I shall bid you adieu until we meet again.

One hour later, I stood near the school gate, patiently awaiting Brock’s arrival. Upon seeing him emerge from the institution, I greeted him warmly.

Brock opened the gate and approached me, cordially saying, “Greetings.”

“Good to see you again,” I replied. “Shall we proceed to McDonald’s?”

“Of course,” Brock assented.

As we walked, I inquired about his academic endeavors, asking, “How are you faring in your studies? Might you perchance be the most accomplished among your peers?”

Brock modestly replied, “I am indeed doing quite well. In fact, I am at the top of my class.”

“In that case, what would you say is your favorite subject?” I inquired.

“Mathematics,” Brock responded. “I find it enthralling, but it is also a gateway to even more complex areas of study.”

Me: ?...

Brock: You know, amidst the myriad theories and intricate concepts crafted by certain individuals, I find myself immensely captivated!

Moreover, as I ponder my future, there exists a multitude of aspirations I harbor, ones that will come to fruition as I mature… For instance—

Me: Hold on a moment, my dear companion. Let us pause our discourse momentarily, as we are in close proximity to McDonald’s. Once we have reached our destination, you may resume your musings, agreed?

Brock: Certainly!

Subsequently, we arrived at McDonald’s.

A few minutes later, we found ourselves seated at a nearby table, relishing our respective meals.

Me: So, Brock, you may now resume the topic you previously broached.

Brock: Ah, indeed! In any case, when I reach a more advanced age, my desire is to embark on an odyssey through the boundless expanse of the cosmos, to unravel the mysteries that lie therein.

May I share a contemplation with you?

Me: By all means, go ahead.

Brock: I have devoted considerable time to this pondering… What if our entire conceptual framework, the very fabric of our collective creations, is but a deceptive façade?

Me: Pray, expound upon your meaning.

Brock: Allow me to clarify: Could it be that all that we have fashioned, these intricate constructs, amount to nothing more than minuscule morsels amidst the vast tapestry of the supercosmos?

Take, for instance, the realm of mathematics…

Our theories, concepts, and every other construct we hold dear may be naught but infinitesimal fragments within the grand tapestry of the boundless supercosmos… What are your thoughts on this matter?

Me: Hmm… that does sound remarkably intriguing. So, is that the underlying motivation behind your yearning to explore the cosmos?

Brock: Precisely. I possess an ardent inclination towards acquiring knowledge and venturing into uncharted territories. The prospect of uncovering the truth that lies beyond and sharing it with humanity fills me with profound awe.

Just envision it! Witnessing the unfathomable wonders that await, seizing that knowledge, and employing it for the betterment of oneself and all those around you… That, my friend, is what magnifies the splendor!

Upon hearing Brock’s impassioned words, a smile illuminated my face.

Me: Remarkable… Your profound desire to pursue such a path, driven by a genuine intention to benefit not only yourself but also humanity, fills my heart with joy. Well done, and may you persist in your endeavors!

Brock then gently placed his food on the table and gazed at me.

Brock: Liran… May I pose a question to you?

Me: Certainly… What is it?

Brock: Do you harbor aspirations and dreams as well?

Me: ?.... What exactly do you mean by how I perceive life?

Brock: Allow me to clarify. When you contemplate existence, do you perceive it as inherently positive or negative?

Me: Well… why does it matter to you?

Brock: What I’m trying to convey is that if you perceive life as a fundamentally positive experience, then hooray! It becomes a marvelous journey for you. However, if you view it as predominantly negative, then you might as well discard it entirely.

I regarded Brock more intently, sensing a shift in the conversation’s tone.

Me: How can I determine which perspective to adopt?

Brock: Well… it ultimately depends on you.

Brock’s gaze remained fixed on me, attentively awaiting my response.

Me: Brock, you see, we have all encountered struggles in our lives. It doesn’t matter who we are or what we’ve experienced; we have all faced challenges. That is undeniable.

Brock continued to observe me, listening intently to my words.

Me: My life has indeed been challenging, but I made a conscious decision to work on myself, to strive for self-improvement and create a positive and fulfilling life for myself. As you mentioned earlier, our mindsets shape our reality. I chose to view life in a more optimistic and empowering manner, and that has contributed to my peace and happiness. Conversely, some individuals may not find happiness because they perceive life differently.

And I firmly believe that if I can make that shift, anyone else can too.

Brock then directed his gaze towards the ceiling for a brief moment before turning his attention back to me.

Brock: That is undoubtedly the most exceptional response to this question I have ever heard.

You are a genius, and I hold a deep admiration for you.

A smile naturally graced my face.

Me: Thank you! These are indeed profound and philosophical questions we are exploring, don’t you think?

Brock: I suppose you are right, hehe.

With our meal finished, we left McDonald’s and continued our stroll along the streets. As we ventured forward, we unexpectedly encountered a woman who seemed strangely familiar to me.

The lady, Eve, an astonishing presence standing at an impressive 9 feet tall, possessed breathtaking curves that commanded attention. Her ample bosom, voluptuous thighs, and generously proportioned buttocks were of extraordinary magnitude, accentuating her remarkable stature. Accompanied by a group of friends, she directed her gaze downward towards me, captivating my attention with her awe-inspiring presence.

Eve: Well, well, you do seem oddly familiar… Have we crossed paths before?

I raised my eyes to meet Eve’s gaze, instantly recognizing her as she stood a couple of meters in front of me, her face commanding attention and leaving an indelible impression.

Me: I remember you very well… You’re Eve.

Eve turned to her friends and chuckled.

Eve: My, my! So you know my name. Now, who might you be?

Me: I’m Liran… Does that ring a bell?

Eve’s laughter came to an abrupt halt as she appeared stunned for a moment.

Eve: L-Liran?! Is that truly you? You’ve grown so much!

I replied with a nod, acknowledging the same transformation in her.

Me: Yes, and I could say the same about you.

Eve was quite an intriguing individual who played a significant role in my life, and allow me to provide some context.

During our time in middle school, Eve and I were often regarded as the brightest students in our class. Our intellectual abilities led to a rivalry, which some classmates eagerly fueled.

While I personally didn’t pay much attention to this rivalry, Eve seemed to be deeply invested in it.

Unfortunately, she sometimes exhibited unpleasant behavior due to it.





Chapter 11.5: conversations


In the 7th grade, I found myself seated among my fellow classmates, with the teacher standing before us, leading the class.

Teacher: So, who among you believes they can solve the next question?

I remained silent, choosing not to respond. However, a sudden interruption shattered the silence.

Eve: Yes, teacher!

Eve’s voice resonated loudly, brimming with confidence and certainty in her ability to tackle the upcoming problem.

Teacher: Very well then, proceed quickly!

The teacher posed the question: “What is 17 multiplied by 59?”

Eve hesitated for a moment, searching for the answer, before finally uttering: Eve: Umm… umm… It’s…

Before Eve could provide her response, I swiftly interjected.

Me: It’s 1003.

As soon as I provided the correct answer, a wave of astonishment rippled through the classroom, encompassing both my classmates and the teacher.

Teacher: Whoa, that was remarkably quick! Excellent work, Liran!

Eve, however, looked at me with a mix of jealousy and anger in her eyes.

Undeterred, the teacher pressed on.

Teacher: Very well then, let’s continue. Quick, what is 12 multiplied by 321?

Eve eagerly raised her hand, determined to redeem herself.

Eve: Teacher! It’s… um!

Before Eve could complete her response, I interjected once again.

Me: It’s 3852.

Another wave of astonishment washed over the class. The teacher, in disbelief, reached for a calculator to verify the answer. As the truth sank in, his jaw dropped.

Teacher: Liran, I was merely joking with those questions, but you’ve proven yourself right once again.

At that moment, the entire class erupted in applause. I felt a sense of satisfaction, but Eve was seething with fury.

As I glanced at Eve, I couldn’t help but notice a fiery intensity in her eyes. It was as if she harbored a deep desire to harm me.

A few minutes later, during breakfast, I sat with some friends at a nearby table, enjoying our meal together. One of my friends, John, who happened to be the son of a god named “John,”

spoke up.

John: Liran… you completely outwitted Eve! You completely took her down!

I chuckled in response, feeling indifferent about the notion of being the smartest.

Me: Heh… I know. Although I don’t really care about being the smartest, it was somewhat entertaining, I suppose.

John couldn’t contain his amusement and let out a giggle.

John: Yeah… If Eve catches sight of you, you better watch out. She seems ready to pounce.

John was a fascinating friend I had met in middle school. He possessed a cosmic aura, towering in height and adorned with cosmic-like skin. Instead of legs, he had tentacles, which added to his otherworldly appearance. He truly looked out of this world, quite literally.

John then extended one of his tentacles and gently placed it on my shoulder, giving me a reassuring pat.

John: I’ll offer my prayers for your safety… I don’t want anything bad to happen to you, hehe.

I chuckled in response.

Me: Oh my… Haha, don’t worry about it, John.

Suddenly, John retracted his tentacle from my shoulder and his gaze shifted behind me.

John: Liran, you might want to turn around.

Perplexed, I followed his suggestion and turned around, only to find Eve standing there, clearly displeased.

Eve: Well, well… Look who we have here. Isn’t that right, my friends?

Eve glanced back at her group, and they erupted into laughter.

One aspect I had noticed about Eve was that she frequently sought validation from her friends.

It seemed as though she constantly sought their approval. I wasn’t entirely sure why she craved such attention, but perhaps it stemmed from her desire for popularity, much like any other

“popular girl.”

Eve then shifted her gaze back to me.

Eve: So… you think you can just pull something like this on me, a dog like you?

Me: Come on, Eve… It’s not that serious.

As I attempted to take a bite of my sandwich, Eve snatched it from my hand and threw it to the ground, leaving everyone around us shocked.

Eve: Really? You want to say that again? Dog?

I rose from my seat, locking eyes with Eve.

Me: Eve, I have a question for you.

Eve: What is it, dog? Do you seek approval so you can pick up your sandwich? Hm?

Eve giggled, clearly amused by her own actions.

Me: Look, if you, a human female, label me, a human male, as a dog, then what does that make you?

Eve: Hm? What are you talking about?

Me: Logically speaking, if I’m a dog, then you are a bitch.

As soon as those words left my mouth, a wave of shock rippled through the onlookers. Some kids gasped at the audacity of my words.

Eve: What was that? What did you just call me?

Me: I’ve already said it. There’s no need for you to act like a bitch, because you’re already one…


Eve’s anger intensified upon hearing my response.

Eve: How dare you! You fucking piece of shi-

Eve attempted to slap me, but I swiftly intercepted her attack, grabbing her hand firmly.

Eve: What the?!

In that moment, I raised my hand and delivered a slap back to Eve, causing her to stumble and fall to the ground.

The gasps from the surrounding crowd grew louder as they witnessed the exchange.

After a few seconds, Eve gathered herself and stood up, tears streaming down her face.

Eve: Don’t you ever do this to me again! You stupid kid!... Remember me!

With those words, Eve walked away, leaving behind a mix of emotions and a tense atmosphere.

I understand that resorting to physical violence is not an ideal solution, and I acknowledge that hitting a girl is not something to be proud of. However, in the context of the situation you described, where Eve had been consistently mistreating you and your friends by cursing at you and spreading rumors, it’s understandable that you reached a breaking point and felt the need to take action.

While engaging in a conversation with Eve might have been a more constructive approach, it’s also possible that it wouldn’t have brought about the desired change in her behavior.

Sometimes, standing up for yourself and setting boundaries is necessary when faced with ongoing abuse or mistreatment.

It’s important to reflect on the situation and learn from it. Violence should always be a last resort, and seeking peaceful resolutions through communication and understanding is generally the better approach.


Me: So, it’s been quite some time since everything that happened.

Eve: Of course, it’s been a while. I still remember that moment. And who is that little brat with you?

Brock directed his gaze upward, meeting Eve’s eyes with a determined look, and he spoke up…

Brock: Brat? Shut up, Eve! Just because you’re older than me doesn’t give you the right to act so rude!

I looked at Brock, surprised by his response.

Me: Brock, do you know Eve?

Brock: Of course I do! She’s been acting like the leader of her gang, picking on me and my friends. She’s so rude!

I turned my attention back to Eve, looking up at her face as I met her gaze…

Me: So, you’re picking on little kids now, huh?

Eve smirked confidently.

Eve: Well, I run these streets, and your little Brock thinks he can just walk around and do whatever he wants!

Eve glanced down at her friends, seeking their validation, and they laughed along. She cast her gaze downwards on me as she looked back.

Me: You still haven’t changed, even after being knocked down in front of everyone.

Eve: Heh… Yeah, yeah, whatever you say… dog.

Me: You know what? Let’s talk to each other personally, like adults. Let’s put an end to this unnecessary drama and beef once and for all. What do you think?

Eve: Hm… Sure, why not? Let’s go.

Eve and I walked away, finding an alley nearby where we could be alone, away from Brock and her friends.

Now, it was just the two of us, with no one to interfere.

Me: So, Eve… It’s been about six years since we first met, and you’re still acting like this… Why?

Eve: You see, I never forgot that day. I was so ashamed and embarrassed of myself. I just didn’t want to be laughed at anymore.

I looked up at Eve’s face intensely, not breaking eye contact.

Me: Look at me…

Eve reluctantly met my gaze, looking down on me with a nervous demeanor, unable to look away and seek comfort in her friends. I was challenging her to confront her own insecurities.

Me: So, you were laughed at and felt ashamed… But so what? It happens to everyone! You’re not the only one.

Eve struggled to look away, tears streaming down her face.

Eve: I… I…

Me: No, no, no… Forget about your friends for a moment. What matters right now is you. Is this how you want to spend your life, constantly seeking approval and attention? Answer me!

Eve couldn’t find the words, overwhelmed by her emotions.


Eve: I don’t know… I don’t know what to do… I feel so horrible…

Me: It’s okay, Eve. Just focus on working on yourself and doing what you truly want in life. You’ll start feeling better. I believe in you.

After saying that, Eve ran toward her friends, crying.

Brock approached me, amazed by what had just happened.

Brock: Whoa! You completely broke Eve! How did you do that?

Me: Well, we had a personal conversation, and I offered her some encouraging words. It seems like it struck a chord with her.

Brock: You truly are a genius. Let’s go.

Me: Of course.

We walked away from the alley, continuing on with our day, traversing the streets together.


