True Horrors Only Exist In Our Minds by liran G - HTML preview

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Chapter 12: a mysterious god

As we continued our journey throughout the bustling thoroughfares, navigating through the multitude of individuals, a peculiar sensation suddenly enveloped my being, seemingly arising from the depths of obscurity.

Directing my gaze towards my companion, I addressed Brock inquisitively: Me: Brock?... Do you perceive the essence of this ineffable sentiment?

Brock: No?... Pray tell, what has befallen us?

Me: It appears as though… an unseen force fixates its penetrating gaze upon our presence.

Brock, now displaying a countenance adorned with confusion and mild concern, responded: Brock: Truly?... Hmm, I find myself bereft of words to articulate a suitable response to such an enigma…

Coming to an abrupt halt, we commenced a meticulous survey of our surroundings, ardently seeking the source of this disquieting observation…

???’S POV:

As I traversed the bustling streets, populated by both mortals and divinities, assuming my role as a vigilant observer, a peculiar occurrence captured my attention.

There, amidst the mortal throng, my discerning eyes were drawn to a duo of diminutive beings.

The aura emitted by the lesser mortal was palpable, easily detectable by my heightened senses.

However, the essence exuded by the elder counterpart… was cloaked in an enigmatic peculiarity.

Curiously, it eluded my perception, as if it had never been present in the first instance. This mysterious phenomenon sparked an inquisitiveness within me, prompting the contemplation of engaging in discourse with these two entities.

Liran’s POV:

While conducting my survey, my gaze was abruptly seized by an immense figure situated a few meters away from our position. The colossal being stood at an astonishing height of approximately six meters, draped in a majestic, colossal, hooded cloak. Curiously, instead of conventional limbs, the entity possessed tentacle-like appendages protruding from its lower extremities.

Moreover, the creature’s entire form boasted a resplendent, cosmic complexion, as if its very essence was interwoven with the fabric of the universe. Straining my vision upwards, I caught a fleeting glimpse of its countenance, which was an exquisite sight to behold, adorned with celestial manifestations.

In that pivotal moment, the being directed its attention towards us, prompting an instinctive reaction from both myself and Brock:

Me and Brock: !!!

To my astonishment, I beheld the being’s visage, an ethereal beauty that seemed to encapsulate the very essence of the cosmos. And then, in a voice that resonated with both authority and reassurance, the being spoke:

???: Fear not, for I have no intentions of engaging in conflict.

As the being gradually advanced towards us, I couldn’t help but utter my query: Me: Whoa… Who might you be?

The being halted its movement, now standing directly before us, casting its gaze downwards upon our diminutive forms.

???: I am Rythmeus.

Me: Rythmeus, that’s a fascinating observation. I must admit, your words intrigue me. How is it possible that my presence eludes the perception of higher beings like yourself?

Rythmeus: Liran, your distinct nature sets you apart from other mortals. Typically, beings such as ourselves can perceive the presence of mortals, an essence that emanates from their very being. Yet, in your case, that essence remains elusive, as if you were absent from the realm of existence.

It Is precisely this enigmatic quality that piques my curiosity and renders you captivating to me.

Me: Very well, Rythmeus. I am willing to share my knowledge with you. However, in exchange, I expect something in return. What can you offer me?

Rythmeus chuckled lightly, amused by my request.

Rythmeus: Ah, I see you desire a “deal.” Very well, Liran. Follow me, and we shall discuss the terms.

With that, Rythmeus began walking, and without hesitation, both Brock and I followed suit.

After several minutes of traversing, we arrived at a grand palace situated at a considerable distance from the city we were in.

Rythmeus: Behold, we have arrived at my humble abode, my little palace.

We continued to trail Rythmeus until we reached the towering doors of the palace.

Rythmeus turned to us, his voice resonating with anticipation.

Rythmeus: Are you both ready?

Brock and I nodded in agreement.

Me and Brock: Yes, we are ready.

Rythmeus swung open the palace doors, and with a mixture of trepidation and awe, we stepped inside.

Once inside the palace, Brock and I were utterly astounded by the sights that unfolded before us. Magical and technological artifacts adorned the halls, an abundance of books filled the shelves, and an array of unfamiliar objects piqued our curiosity.

As we wandered through the palace, exploring rooms and ascending stairs that led to different levels, our sense of wonder only deepened. The splendor of Rythmeus’s abode was beyond anything we had ever encountered.

Eventually, Rythmeus came to a halt in front of a particular door, gesturing for us to follow.

Rythmeus: Come, follow me.

Without any visible effort, the door swung open, as if obeying Rythmeus’s mere thought.

Intrigued, we trailed behind him, entering the room. To our surprise, the room appeared empty, yet its walls were adorned with an exquisite mural depicting the stars and vast cosmos.

I couldn’t help but express my awe:

Me: It’s truly breathtaking…

Rythmeus turned to face us, a knowing smile gracing “his” face.

Rythmeus: I had a feeling that both of you would appreciate this place. It’s rare for me to bring mortals here…

Rythmeus chuckled softly before continuing.

Rythmeus: Indeed, a deal can be arranged. If you reveal to me the reason behind your elusive presence, I shall grant you access to the vast and profound knowledge of the cosmos. You will come to understand the fallibility of mortal perspectives within the expansive multiverse, and perhaps even catch a glimpse of the “other worlds” that exist beyond your current comprehension.

Brock, clearly taken aback by the notion of other worlds, interjected with curiosity: Brock: Other worlds? What do you mean by that?

Rythmeus smiled knowingly before responding:

Rythmeus: Ah, it appears you are unaware. Allow me to enlighten you, Brock. There exist realms beyond your own, parallel dimensions and distant planes of existence that intertwine with our reality. These other worlds hold secrets, wonders, and entities far beyond mortal imagination.

Rythmeus’s words hung in the air, filling the room with a sense of awe and anticipation.

Brock: (!)

Rythmeus: Indeed, the mortal concepts you hold dear—mathematics, philosophies, and set theories—are but feeble illusions compared to the vastness and complexity of the supercosmos.

The truth of what exists beyond your limited understanding is far beyond your grasp.

Brock’s shock grew palpable as he struggled to comprehend the implications of Rythmeus’s words.

Brock: Is it even possible for humans to comprehend this? Are we so insignificant in the face of such vastness?

Rythmeus: (chuckles) Human minds are but flickering flames in the face of the cosmic abyss.

The multiverse defies your attempts to scale and understand it. Your feeble mathematical formulas, set theories, and your perceived understanding of physics are nothing but inconsequential specks of dust in the grand scheme of existence.

Brock: Then… what lies beyond? What can you show us?

Rythmeus: Ah, that is a revelation I can grant you, should I choose to. You see, I did not originate from this universe. I hail from a realm far surpassing its boundaries—the “Lands of Chaos.”

My words hung heavily in the air, and a stunned silence fell upon us. Finally, gathering my thoughts, I spoke up.

Me: This is truly mind-boggling. The “Lands of Chaos”… What exactly is it?

Rythmeus: Ah, my dear Liran, what I have shared thus far merely scratches the surface of what lies beyond. The “Lands of Chaos” is but a fragment of the vast tapestry of existence. I could delve deeper into its mysteries, but in order for that to happen, I require you to divulge the secret of how you acquired your’elusive presence.

So, what say you, Liran? Shall we strike a deal? If you share your knowledge with me, I shall reciprocate by unveiling the vast depths of wisdom I possess.

Rythmeus gracefully extends one of ‘his’ appendages towards my person, its sinuous form drawing near until it looms in my immediate vicinity… as though anticipating a cordial exchange of pleasantries.

Rythmeus: Pray tell, do we find ourselves in mutual accord?


