Yellow on the outside, Shame on the Inside: Asian Culture Revealed by Anson Chi - HTML preview

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I finish packing all of my clothes in my suitcase and glance over to see Gabriel's stuff all over the bed and on the floor. Auntie always complains to me about Gabriel's indolence, uncleanliness, disheveled hair, hopeless future, and the list goes on and on. Auntie's probably right about all those things, but I still love Gabriel, especially since he got the ball rolling for

me and Emilie. I can't wait to go back to Irvine even if I hate it there. I wonder how I should approach her. Maybe I should just play it cool and let her come to me. Then again, girls don't take the initiative so I'll need to make the first move. And then there's the matter with Ronald. She didn't say if they were dating, and I've already beaten every last detail out of Gabriel per his conversation with her a few weeks ago. I guess I'll just have to wait to find out when I get back. Now, it's time to pack up Gabriel's stuff. I owe him that much.

As we make our way out the door, I give Auntie a big hug goodbye, since I know she won't initiate it. Asian culture needs to change so I'll start changing it! Gabriel waves goodbye and as he turns towards the car, I can see Auntie giving her usual look of dissatisfaction towards him. She use to give me the same look, but I guess I've been a good boy this whole weekend so she cut me some slack. I made sure I obeyed everything she said, from graduating with honors to marrying onlyafter I've established a successful, medical practice. I

“ ” —also answered yes to all of her rigid questions nothing different from when I'm at home. The drive back to Irvine is unbearable, since Gabriel is teasing me relentlessly about Emilie, joking about how our first date will involve dissecting frogs and making out with eye goggles on.

“ I'm letting you drive so don't push your luck, I advise Gabriel, hoping that he would”
shut his mouth.
“You get flustered so easily, Gabriel replies calmly. It's funny to see you get so” “
defensive. To be honest, I don't know what you see in Emilie. I mean she's pretty and all, but that's about it. She doesn't really have that much of a personality.”
“And this is coming from a person with nopersonality, I smirk.”
“No seriously. I remember the first time I played at her house, when I was a little kid. She would rarely talk and even when she did, it was only to her dolls. There was this one time when she got mad at me because I drew a picture for her with her name on it.”
“Why would she get mad about that?”
“Because I spelled Emilie with a y, like how every normal person would spell Emil y. I was just trying to draw her something nice, but she got mad at me for not knowing how to spell her name. Well, excuse me, princess! I swear...girls with normalnames that spell it differently think that they are so unique. It's not unique. It's asinine! A unique name would be Shaniqua. Spelling a normalname differently is not unique. It's called misspelling”. Gabriel does have a point, but I don't really care because he's making fun of Emilie.
“Well, if it's just a misspelling, then I'll start spelling your name with a y,too, just like the way it should be: Ga ybriel. G,A,Y B,R— —”
“And I'll start spelling Johnson with S,M,A,L,L in the front.”
“That's adding an extra word, not a different way of spelling, I reply with a smart-ass”
“How about you shut up and put my doobie bag in my backpack? Gabriel instructs,”
trying desperately to change the subject.
“Alright. You know how dangerous it is to smoke pot while driving, I say jokingly.”
“Remember that commercial with those guys smoking pot in the car at a drive-thru, and then the driver's unaware of a little girl riding her bike, so he accidentally speeds up and hits her?”
“Oh, yeah! Haha! What a bunch of crap! Where the hell were the little girl's parents? She just came out riding in the middle of the street without even looking. That's such propaganda. I could do a commercial where those guys, instead of smoking pot, are filling out their voter registration cards, and as they are filling it out, the little girl rides her bike in front of the car, and the driver hits her. So the moral of my commercial: Don't Vote! Gabriel” “announces, proudly with confidence. I love how they demonize pot smokers even though no one's ever died oncefrom smoking pot, and 50,000 die each year from drinking and driving.” With Gabriel's wisdom, he should definitely run for office.
“ ”True, true, I assent. Who am I to disagree?
“But getting back to Emilie, you should really be careful of Korean girls, Gabriel” warns, like a big brother. He's absolutely right. Here's the thing about Korean girls. Of course, most girls these days are superficial and pretentious, especially those in Irvine and pretty much all of California. Multiply that by a hundred and you have a Korean girl. I'm not exaggerating; I'm really not. It has a lot to do with Korean culture.
Many Korean girls grew up in South Korea without much money, so all they focus on is exactly that: money, especially at a very young age. Then they are immersed with the idea of beauty and superficiality, above all else. In fact, a large percentage of Korean girls actually get double eyelid surgery to make their eyes bigger; that's why you can easily tell if an Asian girl is Korean or not. It's so common in Korea, that parents actually set up a fund similar to a— —college fund for the surgery! If the family and the girl don't have the necessary funds, then the girl usually ends up becoming a prostitute, in order to pay for the surgery, as well as paying for other expensive, inessential crap; I know it sounds harsh, but please hear me out. Obviously, Korean parents don't like their daughters taking up prostitution, but eventually they “ ”accept it because they claim that it's a part of society, to keep deviants from raping and hurting others. However, it's really because they know that prostitutes earn a tremendous amount of money, which means more than any ethical or moral issue, even if it involves their own daughters. Korean parents are certainly disappointed with their daughters becoming prostitutes, but they certainly aren't disappointed with the enormous amount of money that they make. I know it's hard to believe that so many Korean girls become prostitutes, but just ask the USCIS, United States Citizenship and Immigration Services, formerly known as INS, about the crackdown on the flood of Korean immigrants most of them young, attractive—
—Korean girls during the early part of this century. These Korean girls work as young masseuses in fronts set up as massage parlors, or night spas, as many johns would call“ ”
them. I think that it's sad how society places such a heavy weight on beauty and money that girls have to become prostitutes just to keep up with the lifestyles of the rich and famous.“ ”
As you can tell, I'm not a big fan of money. As the old adage goes: is the root“
”of all evil. Don't get me wrong; I use money to buy food, gas, and stuff, which is totally okay. But what's not okay is the obsession with money, to the point of going into prostitution just to get double eyelid surgery.
If money and beauty aren't enough, most Korean girls have the same dream of becoming one thing: a house wife. I was surprised when a Korean friend of mine told me about this. She told me how it was her dream to have a little boy and a little girl and a house in the 'burbs. I asked her if that's all she wanted in life. She gave me an unequivocal yes.“ ” That's great if that's what she really wanted, but I ruminated over what she said and realized that she didn't really want to be a house wife, because a house wife actually has to do work: ironing, cleaning up shit, feeding, cooking, cleaning up more shit; it's a job in itself.
What she really dreams about becoming isn't actually a house wife: it's a trophy wife, where the husband provides her an endless number of credit cards for shopping, manicures, pedicures, and other luxuriating, wasteful crap. But who wouldn't want to be a trophy wife, driving around in a luxury car, wearing designer clothes, and eating at five-star restaurants? Hell, I want to be a trophy wife! I just wish she would tell me straight up, like Gabriel, who told me once, when we were kids, that all he wanted to become was a businessman, since the sole reason for the existence of Japanese men is to work. I laughed and told him that I wanted to become a businessman killer,since the sole reason for my existence was to end his life. He told me that I wasn't funny and now I know that he's right. Anyway, Korean girls really mean trophy wife, nothouse wife.
But it's not entirely the fault of Korean girls. The fault also lies with Korean men, specifically in regards to a stigma that is strikingly true; Korean men are widely known as wife beaters, domineering and controlling, and their actions pervasive throughout the history of Korean culture. Korean men have furious tempers. If you don't believe me, just hang out with a Korean guy after he's had just one shot of Soju (Korean vodka.)
Unfortunately, a lot of Korean women simply accept this stigma, which is why many of them are completely subservient to men, just like other Asian women in other Asian cultures, especially in the old days. In fact, many ancient civilizations in Asia have words based on hierarchy: lower caste words for women and higher caste words for men. Even today, Asian women are still subservient to Asian men. But now it's turning around. You'll see a lot of — —Korean girls and a lot of other Asian girls date non-Asian guys, such as white guys, even black guys, who display domineering Asian father traits. These girls date non-Asians to rebel for all those strict years of upbringing as children and to escape from the stranglehold of their Asian fathers, but ultimately, end up getting the same thing regardless of whom they date.
I will say one good thing about Korean guys: they pay for everything. That's why so many Asian girls start out dating Korean guys. Hell, I would start out dating a Korean guy, too, if he pays for everything. But it's a trap! He'll buy all these expensive gifts, such as jewelry, clothes, and mobiles phones, in order to lure the girl in and once he gets her, it's over! The girl can't escape his tenacious, unyielding clutches. That's when the Korean guy proudly rips off his shirt and tie, like Clark Kent switching to Superman, to reveal his true identity andoutfit: the wife beater!
Of course, Korean girls aren't the only ones with issues. Many other Asian girls possess the same characteristics, particularly Vietnamese girls, and they can't seem to figure out why they end up with such shitty men. As many people know, Vietnam is a third world country, so the Vietnamese girls over there grew up very destitute. For some reason, when they emigrate to the United States of America, they suddenly think that they're above everybody, like they're hot shit. Don't ask me how this happens; ask them.
They even choose to date specific Asian ethnicities by hierarchy I call it the Asian— “ ”—Status Hierarchy from lowest to highest: Laotian, Thai and the rest of Indochina, including the Vietnamese; third and second place are Korean then Chinese but may interchange—
depending on whom you ask; and the top dog, Japanese. Of course, there are others, but I'll just talk about the essential ones. It's sad that there's a class system even within Asian culture.
What's interesting about this Asian Status Hierarchy is that it's pervasive throughout all of Asian culture. What's even more interesting is that this hierarchical pattern, from lowest to highest, is the same as lowest to highest in nominal GDP a country's total income, aka—
money! The bottom rung of the ladder is Laotian, who coincidentallyhave the lowest GDP, and the top of the ladder is Japanese, who coincidentallyhave the highest GDP. Do you see where I'm going with this? Not only is there dating prejudice among Asian ethnicities, but there's also money prejudice, discrimination based on wealth!
If you don't believe me about the Asian Status Hierarchy, go ask a Japanese guy's parents what they think about him marrying a Vietnamese girl versus a Japanese girl. Now that you know what I know, you won't be surprised at their answer.