Fitness Books
Stress less
We all know that stress is bad for us and this is something we get told very often. Stress can shorten your lifespan. Ruin your enjoyment. Cause serious illness. Shrink your brain. Hurt your performance. Ruin your relationships. Cause impotence.This is the essential guide to reduce stress with...
The Fat Burning Zone - Separating Fact From Fiction
Obesity is the number 1 problem with the world nowadays; furthermore believe it or not, you might be overweight and not think you are. Surrounded by fast food establishments, all you can eat places, and greasy chow dives, we all know how we become overweight, but body fat burning to stay in shape...
From Fat to Fit - How to Jump - Start Your Metabolism and Get Amazing Weight Loss Results!
Weight loss is one of the hottest topics ever. Everyone seems to be trying to lose weight nowadays. Most diet programs are about weight loss and body weight is often used as an indicator of fitness progress. But, this is an incorrect approach.Your ultimate goal should always be to lose fat and...
How To Be Healthy During A Pandemic
During the lockdown, it was gathered that the increased time people had to spend with family andto be idle couples with the lack of gym facilities and an upset to fitness routine intensified eatingdisorders in some persons. Some persons could not access their prescribed diet and had to rely onfood...
Deliciously Easy Keto Recipes
The ketogenic diet or as some people prefer to call it; the Keto diet or low carb diet is about consuming a lot of protein and fats but fewer carbs. This diet makes the body send the fats that we consume to the liver, which later transform it into energy to keep the body strong and active for a...
True Yoga is Simple: 13 Steps to Deepen Your Home Practice
Your practice is on and off? Dependent on group classes? Scared of injuries or concentrated on results? Do you question the instructions or blindly follow them? The author has experienced all these issues typical for beginners in yoga. She took a Teacher Training Course as a newbie, got injured...
Get Fit! Get Healthier!
If you want more out of life, you need to be ready to commit more and invest more into staying fit and eating right.While there have been innumerable diet plans and exercise programs sprouting like mushrooms nowadays ---- all claiming to provide the fastest results – we all know the basic...
Fitness and Exercise Mastery
Your core fitness and exercise starts here! Do you know some hidden benefits of a healthy fitness and exercise? Or, have you been grinding on fitness and exercise equipment without having a proper knowledge of how to manage yourself and your health? Physical fitness and exercise goes a long way...
Six Pack Guide For Summer
Looking for a way to get into shape just in time for summer? Look no further! With Six Pack Guide For Summer: The Best Combination of the Best Workouts and Diets to Get You into Shape Fast you can get easily into shape just in time for summer. This is the ultimate collection of the best and most...
Lean Belly
Imagine that your body is a hard drive of a computer. You teach your body with certain habits for eating sleeping or exercise and don’t even know it! For example if you are used to eat junk food every 2-3 days and you miss a week of not doing that, your body will undoubtedly ask for it...