Bootcamp Workout Ideas by Garry Robinson - HTML preview

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Category: H.I.T

Set a countdown timer for 60 seconds. Do the pair of exercises every minute, on the minute for 20 minutes. The intensity gradually increases as the rounds progress and more work is required with less rest. The challenge here is to get all the way to the end of the workout without ‘dying’.


Each person should choose an appropriate size dumbbell or kettlebell - one that they can do comfortably for about a 20 rep max.


Keep going for the full 20 minutes.


If you fail to complete a set within the minute, you ‘die’. The round you reached is your score for the workout. Rest for the following minute and then simply try again in the next round after your rest.


The two exercises are:


 10 double unders –  (substitute with 20 fast, regular skips if you can’t do double unders yet)

 Single Arm Dumbbell Ground to Overhead


