When we do something beyond our level, we
stress out our nervous system. Instead of
releasing tension, we accumulate it.
If our hips are very tight and we push the legs
too wide, we get micro-injuries.
If holding breath doesn’t come easily, but we
follow the instructions of the teacher and
make a pause of 4 counts, we induce
enormous amounts of anxiety into our system.
When we’re holding breath, we are incredibly
receptive to both positive and negative
emotions. If any discomfort is felt, we should
stop performing the breathing exercise
Unfortunately, most beginners miss the whole
point of yoga. Going deeper in yoga isn’t
about performing more advanced asanas. It’s
about better alignment with your own self,
understanding your bodily needs, keeping
strong and focused on challenging situations,
gradually getting your life more and more
Indeed, it takes time to let your mind mature,
appreciate the value of simplicity and