True Yoga is Simple: 13 Steps to Deepen Your Home Practice by Olga Yumasheva - HTML preview

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When we move into a new activity, no matter

what it is, we need to decide which tools we

are going to use and how much time we are

going to spend. We also need to consider our

strengths and weaknesses; we need to see

whether there is a specific deadline to deliver a

result. And then, we select the most

appropriate method for us to progress in our


There are two major different paths one may

choose when it comes to yoga, our spiritual

practice, or any aspect of life we want to work

on. We either go for a short way full of thorns,

or we go for a longer but smoother path.

When I just started my spiritual journey, I was

always trying to find a shortcut. Surrounded by

people who were inspired by the idea of

reaching enlightenment, I gave up on my

career and social life. I started overloading

myself with all sorts of spiritual practices: long

meditations, yoga, pranayama, mantra

chanting, reading the scriptures, pilgrimage,

fastening, abstaining from excessive social
