Confessions Of A Medium by C.W. Works - HTML preview

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Chapter 26

Paranormal Journal Entry 6- Visit From My Father

Dear Journal,

The worst is happened and I’m completely distraught and it’s hard for me to go on with my life. My father has passed away and I am devastated, after a long battle of emphysema. He had trouble breathing for a long time now and was in and out of the hospital. My dad and I had a good bond with each other and it’s hard to believe that he’s gone. Apart of me is still in denial about it, the other half of me is angry, and other just wants to have peace.

His emphysema was terminal and took him, he just died in February. Before he passed, we had gone to the hospital to say our goodbyes and that day he passed. That very day I was upstairs in my room sitting on the bed and working, when out of the corner of my eye I see a golden light shoot across my ceiling. Now the blinds are closed and there was no light shining in, I looked up and saw it and I knew it was my dad saying goodbye to me and checking up on my family, it was the first time I saw the golden light, I saw again every night for about a week, then he started showing up more and more first in my basement. My father was a very tall man, he was six foot- five and I was in the my basement doing laundry and I was going back upstairs after I was finished and I saw him there he was standing a few feet away from me, he never said anything he just stood there. I saw him again upstairs when was sitting on my bed with my husband, I saw my father’s arm reach out and touch my leg as if he were trying to comfort me. I haven’t seen him since but I talk to him every day.