Confessions Of A Medium by C.W. Works - HTML preview

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Chapter 27

Paranormal Journal Entry 27 -The Fast Ghost and Smoke Demons

Dear Journal,

This a bit of weird entry, I’m coming to you tonight to confess something strange I have seen while out with my dog, now I have seen different ghosts, spirits, and entities, and I have also had my physical experiences as well I have pushed, pulled, choked, I have touched, and grabbed. I have had one ghost actually grab my ear and hold on it, I could feel the coldness on my ear making it numb and it became attached to and followed me into my house, I have grabbed on my butt by a spirit, let’s just say I didn’t appreciate that very much and I’ll let that ghost know that it wasn’t ok to do that then I made it leave. I’ve heard witches cackle in my house, I have heard a banshee scream, I’ve seen a woman in white in the hallway of my house. For the first time ever, I have caught an e.v.p. of an old man in my house on video and he’s saying something. That was the most exciting time of my life to catch an e.v.p. The little old man kept saying “no, no, no” over and over. When I saw this on my phone I about died, it was the incredible e.v.p., I have waited years and years to catch an e.v.p. I have also caught orbs on camera, I have entities on camera. I remember one in my basement there was huge bang so I took my camera with me to see what I could catch. I got a spirit; it looked a dark spirit it looked smoky but it in human form. I saw all these symbols and not sure what they meant, I think the man was some type of war because he was a uniform and also didn’t look very nice. It was a cool but scary sight. I’m thinking the ghost I saw was German and maybe in World War One, or World War Two. But what I saw outside was the strangest thing I’ve seen yet, I was outside with my dog and she was still a puppy during this time and I was taking her to go potty and across the street from me there was a white ghost and it was big and large and it ran fast, it was so fast like a blur, I watched it run and it turned down the next street.

My next experience was stranger yet I remember being on a walk with my dog and it was a crappy day out it was rainy it was gray and crappy. I was walking down one the streets we always walk down when out of no where I see this thick gray smoke come out of the sewer, it was fog, it wasn’t mist, it was thick and dark gray. I got a weird feeling from this smoke it rose from the sewer, it hovered for a minute as if it was watching me and it rose up into the air and disappeared, that was the last time I saw either ghost.