Confessions Of A Medium by C.W. Works - HTML preview

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Chapter 28

Paranormal Journal Entry 28- Did I Just See A Ufo?

Dear Journal,

This entry might be my strangest entry yet. I don’t know where to begin honestly. It was beautiful day and I took a walk with my son; it’s been forever since him took a walk together, thought maybe we could have some bonding time. The neighborhood felt strange that day, I always think about our neighborhood I’m fond of where we live. The walk was normal, my son and I talked. I want to state for the record that I don’t believe in UFOS nor do I believe that aliens exist, but I do believe there is such a thing as demon aliens, and a such a thing does exist because I myself have seen one. Now let me just say this if people out there have an experience with aliens or some type of abduction it most likely had something to do the demon aliens. How do I know these exist one I have seen one firsthand and two as medium I always do my research? I believe they come in many sizes, the one I saw was short and gray, and had black slanted eyes. I could feel it round me had come to me in a vision. Why it came to me I have no clue, it scared the hell out of me. Not long after seeing this creature I was out for a walk with my son and were coming home and in the sky I saw what looked a ufo, now mind like I don’t believe in ufos but I saw that day hovered for a minute and was gone, now my son saw it too and he couldn’t believe it either and asked me, “mom was what I think it was, and I said, yeah I think so.” In all my years of being a medium I never saw a ufo until that day. I never thought they existed. At that point I was beginning to think that alien demon I saw was correlated to seeing that ufo, after that day that the last time I saw a demon alien and any ufos.