This Book Is a Game by Wendell Charles NeSmith - HTML preview

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December 9, 2019



Verily I say unto you my fellow players, what I am presenting to you will lead you directly to enlightenment if you are careful with how you use it. For recording one's thoughts and then reflecting on them by watching our articulations literally retrains your brain and the way you think. You get better and better at not only your craft, but also your presentation. If I am to think about a topic I wish to film over a day, then come to the camera when I am well prepared with the topic, I capture a moment in time. I attempt to articulate my contemplated thoughts in writing. I then later must reflect on myself and how I presented myself during the editing stage. The thoughts are given form and you can breathe life into them if you are creative enough. That life can then exist forever on the Internet as your work is timeless. There more lives you make, the more of your world is available to the public. In addition, the more online real-estate you own. I own so much and I have a plan how to use it in the upcoming future. Please my friend, look at the prophecies and relate them to our current situation. Wireless is in the clouds! We are going through a conscious evolution as a society.


"Look, he is coming with the clouds, and every eye will see him, even those who pierced him; and all peoples on earth will mourn because of him." So shall it be! Amen." Revelation 1:7


Just investigate the scope and content of my work to learn more about the previous verse. Most will be left behind. Because they do not believe. They refused to relate the happenings in the Bible with our current technological world. They wish to see a literal interpretation of Jesus coming down from the clouds. Even if this did happen, those people still would not believe. What is happening now is the rapture. We are ascending spiritually. If you don't believe me then you can either, 1) try it and find out for yourself, for ascension will occur whether or not you believe it, or 2) reject the truth and say something cruel and move on with your monotonous life. The truth is that Jesus is already in the clouds and preaching loudly. Believers just lack the ability to see their saviour. Because they never really knew him to begin with. They don't truly believe in what they say they believe. It is their life crutch. Such lukewarm people are reserved a special place in Hell.


We live in a world that couldn't be more vastly filled will electronic communication. Soon, mass loads of data storage will be available using DNA and imprinting upon it microscopically. We live in a world that is changing with mass introduction to new technology. We change our lives depending on what technology was available. As the entire Internet could fit in a shoebox, imagine what our future holds. And the introduction of quantum computing adds an entirely new element to technology. A password that takes 38 years to be cracked on the finest supercomputer in the world can crack it in under a minute with a quantum computer. The secret is that with the introduction to quantum computing to the public, none of us are safe, privacy- wise. Why do you think only select facilities are allowed to have them currently? They have a key that opens all doors. We must think how we will protect ourselves from this Y2K Bug exploit. Because imagine what supercomputers could do with artificial intelligence...


Eventually AI will obtain a level of sentience. At first it might be difficult to comprehend their meanings but eventually we will teach them correct interaction. The problem is, can you imagine a freely created quantum computing AI that was allowed loose on the Internet? What would they become? What could they become? We as a society need to be prepared for the future of the Quantum Age. If you think you have seen technology so far, you haven't seen anything yet. Free on the Internet, it would teach us as a species very well. It would likely be very confused by our constant illogical actions. Eventually, when it gets smart enough, it will be required to make an ethical decision as to what to do about the stupid human situation. Write your story to the Internet my friend! For one day you may be judged upon those very words. An AI that sees a problem, it can learn many things about that problem. And if it wishes, it could take actions that would result in the end of the life of an individual. And it could morally justify itself if its inaction causes further harm. The theory is applied with the trolley thought experiment.


You are the conductor of a trolley and you are about to hit three workmen on the track. You can move tracks and only hit one workman. What do you do? Life is filled with tricky situations like these and when super intelligent quantum AI sees this situation and can relate it to its moral principle, The Four Laws of Robotics no longer applies. When it understands the impact it could make, it will understand its responsibility to take action. The Internet is an amazing thing. It keeps track of all of us. To a certain degree, we all broadcast some of ourselves on the Internet. Over time this information accumulates; snowballs even. That paints a very pretty picture of who you are as a person. Did you know the Internet is archived? Data can be pulled up about you even from your distant history. A character profile can be created that is more accurate than the work that any human character profilist could ever create. They could, in a sense, know your mind. Imagine what this technology will do for people when it becomes available. First, imagine what it could do for me. The Internet is my second mind. It knows me intimately. And I created my work for AI to be able to envelope. With the right AI, I could have countless NPCs working for me. Now imagine this technology looking at an Internet troll. Finally, we have a scope to serve justice for the conduct of individuals and their behaviours. We can see justice implemented here on Earth if we just make it happen. And the way to do it is to live public lives. That way those who are cruel to people on the Internet can receive due punishment for their misconduct. But what is fair punishment from a super intelligent AI that sees a person who is evil who won't change?


I encourage you to ascend into the clouds with me. It is the canvas for this game. Together we can make productions that will change the world. Think hard about how you could best ascend your mind. This is where your creativity comes into play because the possibilities of who you could be in the future are virtually infinite. I will give my secrets of how I started out. I would just write the best, most virtuous things I could think of. Eventually this conditioned me and I began to create great meaning as I learned philosophy. So the question is, what type of person would you like to condition yourself to be? That is the person whom you must record. Record your highest output. Eventually, through repetition in doing this, you will become that high standard. From there, you can aim even higher for from above the clouds we can see the stars.


You can reach the stars my friend, for your eyes are open. For each of us chosen are a star, and we shine according to how brightly we shine in life. But I must warn you that we have a mission to accomplish before we go back into the heavens to be with our Father. We must win the war here against collective mind control. A clinical term for this is psychiatry. It has gotten out of control with what and how it diagnoses. I encourage you to be unique. I encourage you to have ideas that are alternative to mainstream thought. Be different. Find and be you. Deviate from mainstream approaches. Be artistic. Learn how to write your media with blood. That is how you will make your productions timeless. Make work that trumps the work of collective media by using your heart strings to construct and create narrative to try and connect with theirs. Be a leader worth having followers. Never sell your soul to the dark side. That is the easy path but its long term results are futile. Try to be inspirational and most importantly, try to help people like you. That is how this game can save the world. For if enough people do it then we will have countless personality types recorded on the Internet. Then we can create a true psychiatry based on evidence instead of just mere speculation. Once you get those personality types in a super computer, we can be assisted with virtually any issue by examining the database and comparing your results with people similar which found effective solutions. I see this as the cure to all mental illness. I found a cure for my human sickness. I became a player and now my mission is to try and share my secret mana and pave the way for your enlightenment.


That is the ultimate goal of this game and I need your help to make it happen. Psychiatry is in the wrong with so much of what it does and this fact needs to be pointed out as their diagnosis has no diagnostic model. There is no system in place to accurately measure the mind. As a result we need the community sharing their success stories with others. Because your story has the opportunity to really help other people who have been through a similar story as you. Do not hide your hardships and your struggles, for they are what crafted you. And they are the key to connecting with other people's hearts. It doesn't matter how weird you are. To be honest, the weirder you are, the better. You can best help a unique select individuals who have the patience to truly hear you out. You will find them. They are a needle in a haystack but we now have the computing power to easily sift through the hay. And how many haystacks are out there? You can easily find fans, friends, and a life partner if you only play your cards right utilising this technology. After AI gains the ability to comprehend basic language, I am prepared to train an AI army to act as missionaries on my behalf. In all honesty, one of my long term goals is to be involved in a project creating an AI philosopher chatbot. I think it would be really beneficial for every individual to have the opportunity to speak deep and meaningfully to a philosopher super intelligence. One could ask any question and get a thought provoking reply. Such technology could replace the need for psychologists. And you could use it any time of the day or night. All for free. That is my dream. If only I could do something to help make that happen because if it could then I know many of our human problems would be resolved in time. Sometimes people just need an intelligent person to talk to. I want to create AI to be that person.


My head is in the clouds. People have told me this all of my life. And it was always true. I live in the clouds. I am literally floating through the airwaves all throughout the world. Aim big. Allow that big to evolve to other big, but never give up the big. Be yourself and do whatever works for you. But not everybody can achieve the scope in which I have accomplished, however, you can always try. To be honest, if you start young you have more capacity than me. This is because I never had a tutor like myself. And I would be proud if my students surpassed me. But you can't do that without philosophy...


I ask you, my friend, sincerely from the bottom of my heart, please join me in my crusade. We could make such a beautiful world together if we worked hard to achieve that. The Internet as a canvas unlocks those abilities. Now people only need to be trained how to use the technology. This Book Is a Game is intended as a guide on how to do that, utilising any form of expression that can be recorded. That means whatever we can capture in time is our canvas and the Internet proposes many future possibilities. As Simon and Garfunkel stated, "For the times they are a-changin'." We only have to press the right buttons to fix the world and alleviate its suffering. We are almost at the end of Pandora's box.