This Book Is a Game by Wendell Charles NeSmith - HTML preview

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December 10, 2019



This game world is littered with hidden treasures that are only awaiting the day they make their way into your inventory. But what is treasure? Is having a million dollars really treasure? For me, treasure is my phone, my Switch and their games, and my laptop. Treasure is not the things one obtains to obtain the item. It is the item itself. In an RPG video game this would be your armour and weapons. The equipment in which we hold tells a lot about us. And so does where we place value. I place value on items that can help me produce quality work. My life revolves around my work so these are the things that are important to me. Value is found in things that can enable you to spend time. Money can do nothing and as a result, me having $100,000 means nothing if it can't be spent. I can't spend a night having a romantic dinner with my money. But I can spend a night playing a new game on my Nintendo Switch. Money should not be valued but instead the quality items in which money can be obtained.


To live a successful and happy life, one must spend it using their equipment. Out with the old and in with the new. We go out into the world on a daily basis to locate, obtain, and bring home new items. If we are organised, some of these items will replace older less efficient items while others are entirely new to add to your inventory. Some of these ideas cross paths with Quest 2: Game Gear. But this chapter is more related to actually going out into the world in order to obtain that gear. And how is one to obtain their gear upgrades? Most people must work to obtain the funds to obtain said upgrades. Work has been a really difficult thing for me over my life. Most jobs of today will squeeze you for everything you have and then drop you when you burn out. Being employed under those circumstances isn't an easy thing to accept. Being treated as a resource instead of a human is degrading. There are other ways to obtain a living other than working for others, but those pathways are made to be extremely strenuous. But where there is a will, there is a way. All things are possible for those who don't take no for an answer.


I have had to do a lot of crazy things in life to get to where I am today. I would not have been able to do a bachelor's or a master's at university if it were not for me doing crazy things. Being crazy has paved the way for my life and it enabled me to obtain almost everything I could ever want. I did not take no for an answer and eventually that got me into university and eventually that got me into post-grad. None of it was easy. It took a lot of time with people getting to know me in order to learn what I truly want out of life. And people are difficult to deal with because they always push their own personal life priorities on you. I have learned the secret to obtaining your life's dreams utilising this gaming method. And that secret is as simple as talking to God and telling Him all of your needs and desires. But what is the most effective way to communicate to this Divine entity? The answer is staring you in the face, for this method of recording and publishing information that I am teaching you is actually a method for praying. Some will call this self-talk, however, I tend to talk mostly to God.


What do you want out of this life? Tell your camera. Use your pen to record all of your hopes and dreams. Document that information publicly to help keep you on track. Get all of your dreams out in the public, for they are unlikely to lead to fruition otherwise. Use this process to learn how to make discourse with God. Ensure that God knows very well your dreams, for God shall be helping you fulfill them. God doesn't want to give you anything of value for free. So you must work with God to obtain all of your heart's desires. Allow your dreams to evolve as you mature as a person. For many things I once wanted I now no longer want. For I learned that some of the things I wanted were in fact bad for me. After discovering this, priorities will shift and we will learn how to turn dreams into a reality. Our dreams were blurry so we filled in the rest with incorrect details. When this is discovered, our true dreams that originate from our very soul will be revealed. And now that the smoke has cleared we will be given clear insight in how it is we can make those dreams into reality. Your objective in this game is to find employment in which you are perfectly suited who values you as a person. The jobs of our modern world have made people replaceable parts of their system. It is really difficult for me to work a job in which I am a replaceable part. I feel like who I am is not valued and that doesn't make for a happy worker. So aim for your dream job and accept nothing less. Set your life up to direct you to that dream job, no matter where it might be. The goal is to obtain a position in which you are doing exactly what you want to be doing in this life. It might take you some time to find this and you might have to educate yourself appropriately to best fit that position. For example, I want gaming to be my life so I am taking a Master's in Education (Knowledge Networks and Digital Innovation). Next semester I even have an entire unit dedicated to gaming. And since I am willing to move wherever the right job takes me, I am free. I can find and obtain this dream job because I made countless sacrifices throughout my life to affiliate myself within the areas of life in which I am most drawn to. There are so many different words that are attached to my name. When you use the same words over and over for most of your life, those words digitally stick with you. A few of those words that are attached to me is philosophy and sociology. Think hard about the words you want attached to you because once they are attached, they will not go away. They become part of your online presence.


For the most enjoyable playthrough of This Book Is a Game, do not focus your life around money. Money is a means to an end. It is the path and not the destination. Avoid identifying too closely with money. Do not stay in a job you hate just because of the money. Spread your wings and figure out how to make your passions your job. Staying in a job you hate is not benefiting you whatsoever, even if its financial contribution is significant. It is better to be poor and in a job that you love than to be rich and in a job that you hate. Our employment is our vitality. It is vital that we get it right. I want to have fun for the rest of my life invested in the areas I am most passionate about. If a job cannot accommodate for this requirement then that job is not worth my time. Value your time. Time isn't money. Giving your time is giving a part of you, just as me giving my time to write this is giving a part of me. Don't give any parts of yourself to a job that is unworthy. Do not allow businesses to profit from exploiting you or anybody else for that matter. If you feel undervalued within an organisation then it isn't the right place for you. You need to feel appreciated for what you bring to the table.


Value time and not money. When someone is spending a lot of time with you, appreciate them. They could be doing anything at all but they have chosen to spend it with you. Time is the most precious resource that we humans possess. I choose to spend all of my time thinking about, and thus constantly writing to you. For even though my self talk is filtered through God, its final destination is you. From within ourselves we come out to the entire world. For the process to communicate with others is always from ourselves to God and then to the other. One just might not realise that is what they are doing when they are speaking. For one must get comfortable speaking to themselves before any word is utterable. And that speech then goes to God and then God transfers that information to the individual being spoken to.


There is so much potential locked within speaking to yourself. There is so much potential locked within speaking to God. If we give our life to God and share with God all of our dreams, God will help us achieve them. Because the success of a prophet of God is the success of God. God wants good things for your future and God has put me in front of you for a reason. For yelling our dreams and slowly achieving them is the ever sharpening blade of perfection. God revitalises me with the good and severes the bad. There is so much potential locked within following God in this game world. There are so many long term benefits for following God that if one could see them from the get go, then they would never stray from His path. There are so many long term benefits with giving oneself to society. You become powerful when your life is no longer yours but belongs to all of society. Ironically, living a philanthropistic lifestyle will ultimately benefit you most in your day to day life. It is like if you take the educated perk as your first perk in Fallout. You gain the most possible experience leveling you up quicker in the long run. It is like in The Game of Life where you can choose whether or not to go to college. Immediately you place yourself in a better situation only to lose out in the long run. I always play the long game and will make sacrifices now to be in a better position later.


That is the choice. Satan or God. Satan works in the short term. Satan can accomplish amazing things and very quickly because Satan has the power of society behind him. On the other hand, God is generally very slow. God requires patience and perseverance from His followers. Satan will win the battle but lose the war. What side would you like to be on? The losing side right now will be the winning side in the end. Those who are in power now will be rendered powerless when their true value is placed upon the scales.


Obtaining one's bread and butter in life is no easy task. It oftentimes requires us to become people that we never planned on becoming. Making one's passions in life their employment is a long term process that requires tactical contemplation to achieve. To do what you love and get paid for it is the dream. Find where you need to be first and then make plans to financially secure that future. The money should be an afterthought from the job. 1) Is the job right and 2) Is the money right? Not vice versa. Our psychologies are too fragile to waste on the likes of employment that will damage them. One must protect themselves in this world because seemingly behind every corner is a demon patiently awaiting for me to slip up. But there is a point of no return in this game. In This Book Is a Game, when your psychology reaches a certain point, it can never go back. Once you can hold my pumping heart in your hand then there is no turning back. Here, have my heart. Can you feel it pumping?


"Thank God for his gift that is too wonderful for words!" 2 Corinthians 9:15