This Book Is a Game by Wendell Charles NeSmith - HTML preview

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December 7, 2019



I have spent my entire life carefully examining this game world. The following is classified under conspiracy, however, conspiracy fact. We are conditioned to turn off after we hear the word, "conspiracy", as if the government would turn against its people. However, what I am presenting goes much further than the government. This world is tightly controlled and regulated. Their news is fake and merely constructed to brainwash its population. This world is under the rule of Satan. If you do your research enough you will discover that Satanism infiltrating governments is pretty common. Satan controls all of our media, especially Hollywood. It won't be easy breaking through the impenetrable walls in which Satan has erected to keep us out of his palace. This world is controlled centrally and this control centre is manned by Satan himself. Satan controls what media is allowed in and what media is allowed out.


This means that it will be very difficult to get your media out there. There are countless measures in place to ensure that those who are righteous will never earn a place at the deciding table of the world. As a result, we have to break their meeting table and replace it with ours. They don't want good people to be famous. It goes against their business as usual. Good people should live terrible lives being abused by terrible people. That is the way of the world and the only way to fix it is to replace their faulty mode of moral conduct with your own: a sound implementation of real moral work. Our problem in this world is that we have replaced morals with policy. Now no one has to be moral as long as they follow the policies and procedures in which have been established by evil stupid fucking idiot NPCs. Allowing NPCs to write laws and policies is fucking up our world. But the difficult question is how to stop them.


Eventually our lives will be public. It is already very easy to discover who the NPCs of this world are merely by looking at their Facebook. Because independent of how one utilises Facebook, one can see their character screaming through it. We will know you by your actions. This world is almost entirely controlled by secret societies. Secret societies are the puppeteers to many of our businesses. This world was not created fair and it is the purpose of the player to try and even the playing field. Because soon we will be more powerful than them. And then we will have to decide as to what to do with them.


Although I am giving you an overall description of the game world, I do not want to reveal too much as exploring is a lot of the fun of this game. Explore the game world to learn its secrets. This world is lush with history ready to be discovered. This game world has more lore in it than any other. The lore is ours and doesn't belong in any world of imagination. Because our world is so full of secrets that one only needs to open their eyes to start seeing them. In order for one to open their eyes it only takes a correct mode of thinking. This Book Is a Game engraves this correct mode of thinking within the player by utilising syntax and semantic tricks to imprint a more logical way of utilising language and as a result, the heart.


The objective of This Book Is a Game is to strip Satan and all of his followers from the power of this world. We must then restore power to the one true God who will from there on out, rule for the rest of time. Look at things of this world very carefully, for the traces of Satan and his army are vast and embedded within everything we collectively create. Oftentimes shows like South Park and The Simpsons will make jokes about how evil we are as a society and instead of using that as an opportunity to really question society, we laugh along and forget about it ten seconds later. The truth is sometimes exposed in mainstream media and unfortunately all it creates its a giggle and an awkward pause.


Out there exist vast lands of all different types of terrain. What type of terrain do you find most beautiful and comfortable? We are all different and adjust to different weather conditions differently. The various conditions of the world are there for you to experience. Don't be one of those people who dies and has never left their country. There is so much to explore! You can start exploring using the Internet and digital games. But the goal is to get out there and experience the vast and breathtaking world that God has created for us. Don't get stuck in our concrete jungle for your entire life. Travel and experience. For this is how our mind opens. Culture is especially relevant considering travelling to a location with a totally different culture than one's own will open their eyes. I recommend that everybody do this at least once in your life. And who knows, maybe your game will have you travelling the world like me. The more you see outside the more you can see inside. The outside is like a womb for our inside. It teaches us what we need to see in here by showing us examples out there. The world out there is an experiment and we are the ones experimenting on it to learn its secrets. It is provided to us to train our internal world. For those who are worthy in this game will be placed in charge of worlds after it. This game is here to test our character to see what, if anything, we will be worthy to look after in the hereafter. Will you act responsible on Earth so that you can truly be responsible in the life after? It may appear that I have no responsibilities in life and to a large extent this is true. But I am still acting responsible even though I don't have to and this will earn me worlds to create and lead the development of in the life after. The God of this game world is testing our character to see if we are worthy for the responsibilities He has in store for us.


This game world is split up into countries. These countries all involve themselves in military development. There are many wars unfolding at the moment. The world is in social unrest. Riots flood the airwaves and tension in the Middle East brews. This game world is coming very close to World War 3. The truth is that it has already started, spiritually speaking. The literal manifestation will follow and players will be questioned as to what they are going to do about it. Will they take a side, make a side, or sit on the fence? I will warn you, however, that fence sitters never make good leaders. I generally make a new side that is against all sides that are against it. This avoids one following a leader with flawed principles. It isn't always one or the other. It can be you if you know a resolution. Stand up when you are confident in your ideas. Use those ideas to measure the newly understood aspect of the world.


War is coming and I am here to prepare you for that. Many lives will be lost but that will not be your fault. How we will react to that war will depend on its results. For the first time in human history, anyone with a voice can stream it. The Internet has unlocked the potential for a new kind of star. One who is everything in one. One who will lead our future generations and actually have input into modern day political affairs. No longer are the rich and powerful our only available leaders, for now we have special individuals in the community who take their jobs as political leaders whether or not the rich and powerful say that they can. The value of a dollar is decreasing and the value of a heart is increasing. No longer does one have to be rich to live like a rich person. The technology available to me is pretty much the same technology available to every rich person. Sure, they have lots of dollars to sink into advertising to give them an appearance of success, ironically leading them to success. But I have perseverance and as long as I am still breathing I will not stop putting my heart out there. If you do the same then we can combine the powers of our hearts and actually stand a chance at saving the world.


In this game world, you will often get in trouble for things in which you did not do. Accusers will be at every turning point demanding you to stop. For example, a few days ago I was banned from posting anything on Facebook groups for a week. This morning I arose to be pleasantly surprised that Reddit has suspended my account for "harassment". People constantly do things in this world without evidence to justify their decisions. When I get banned from this or that, there is never a you said this and he said that and then you said this and as a result you are banned. To be honest, most of my replies are me trying to defend myself from idiots who are being cruel for the sake of cruelty. And I am the one to get in trouble. The other day I got blocked from the group, "Games" because apparently This Book Is a Game is not at all related to gaming. I really have to rethink my advertising. Maybe I should just not reply at all to anyone. Then I am not directly engaging with the fans, but the reason as to why slaps you in the face. Fuck the fans. There is no way that one can do the types of things that I do without receiving great amounts of abuse from the public. So you can now know the reason why I am disconnecting myself from the fans. Because most of them are wolves in sheep's clothing. If you want me to help you, immerse yourself in my work.


There is so much work there of mine that you can immerse yourself within it infinitely so. As a result, my future replies may be limited or non-existent. And I do this because if I don't then I will get suspended or blocked from the groups in which I am trying to reach. As a result, responding to fans is counterproductive. If you want my response then you must expend great efforts in obtaining my attention. You can do this by becoming a player so that I can investigate your work. As time goes on, players will have to stand out more and more to obtain my attention. Because I am searching for the best of the best. The first wave has the most potential to succeed in this. Waves after will follow but must prove to be exceptional as the waves before got in before this game was known. And all of the knowledge in which we produce will forever be integrated into our human bank of information. What type of knowledge would be considered most useful to add to our human bank of information? The types of toils we expend our efforts on here in this game world will result in the future game world you play. You are actively improving or degrading our shared game world. If most of our NPCs are actively degrading our game world, then we must learn techniques that can far out power their degrading songs. This is where the individual must stand up to the collective and win. Don't let them turn our world into hell. Let's turn it into heaven before they get the chance to strike their final blows.


I will warn you that in this world things are not what they first appear. For example, Satan sits on the throne of every religious organisation. If you just examine some of the documents churches, temples, and mosques are required to sign to receive tax-free benefits, sells their organisation to the devil. Never before have I seen a church that tells it how it is. Never before have I seen a church that tackles difficult verses and truly opens up the way for their interpretation. Just watch the churches celebrate all pagan holidays. For all spiritual texts (this one not excluded) are written not only to be literal pieces of information to be directly applied to the world, but also metaphorical and allegorical statements as to how prophecy will unravel. Do not follow a religious organisation, however, I do recommend you follow their Holy texts. Because these were created by prophets who possessed great insight into the future happenings of the world.


What is a prophet? Dictionary definitions label them as inspired teachers of the will of God. But when one turns the person into an action, prophecy entails predictions into the future. So a prophet must not only teach on the ways of God but also give valuable insight into the future of our civilisation and what we can do to improve it. Yes, this information is given from God to the prophet but it isn't like God comes down and speaks to the prophet literally. God trains the prophet and as a result of their training, passes them the eyes to see both behind and ahead. It took the life experiences of the prophet to come to the conclusion about X. The life the prophet lives gives the prophet insight into the future. And as a result the prophet warns the people of the horror coming their way if they do not repent and change.


In this world they will try and make you feel that you are doing bad by doing good. Many things here are opposite to the truth. Because of this, don't take NPCs comments to heart. NPCs are there to try and stop you from becoming a player. Not a single person in this world encouraged me to take philosophy as my major at university. In fact, they all discouraged it, including my family. No one encouraged me to take this Master's degree in Education (Knowledge Networks and Digital Innovation). I would go so far as to say that if the NPCs of this world are discouraging you from doing something, it is likely that you should do that thing. This world is full of programming that is designed to stop you from completing your mission. This game is designed for you to give up on it and instead invest all of your time on games that give you little to no benefit. Your choice is if you will listen to their echos or not. I recommend using their slander to direct you where you need to be. If they are saying that I shouldn't be there, then that is exactly where I should be.


The music industry is ran by Satan and almost all who are involved have sold their soul for fame. The same applies to Hollywood. All mainstream forms of entertainment are created, ran, and maintained by the armies of Lucifer. Karma does not really exist. You can do great amounts of good work in this life and still get treated like shit as a result. Because of this, we need to force karma to exist by rewarding those who give us value and punishing those who take that value away. What is the point of doing good when that only causes personal harm? Justice will be served but not by any governmental authorities but instead for the people and by the people. The scales will one day again be balanced. Right now we are balancing.


I am looking for people. I am searching this world for allies. The truth is that ALL of those who say that they are on my side, are not. My side is the side which is accompanied by actions. Do not contact me telling me you are a player. If you are a player then you will perform the actions of a player. If you insist on contacting me then I would rather see your writing or videos. If you think that you are of the calibre as me and want to join my party, then you must get me interested enough in your game world that I would want to participate in it. I very much plan on having a full party to quest with in my future. I just have to be very careful with whom I allow in on my projects as everything has been meticulously planned out and there is no room for error in my mission. It would be better for me to kill at single player for the rest of my life than to play multiplayer very poorly. The quality of my future party members will be made of legends or I will finish this game all by my lonesome. I will either have everything or nothing. Because the truth is that I will have everything no matter how I play the game. Because I am very awesome at playing this game in both single player and multiplayer.


Before a communications enabled world was developed, news travelled very slowly. This gave secret societies like the Freemasons and the Illuminati the opportunity to rule secretly as they were the knowers and creators of news. Now, however, news can travel instantly across the world through the clouds. It is time for we the people to take back our world from those who wish to harm it and us. It is time for us to turn off their TV and turn on our own. Because now we can be the creators of the news. And what you see before you stands as real news. And mainstream will do everything that they can do to hide this book. And I will spend the rest of my life protecting it so that one day it can reach your eyes. Can they see the ships yet? Look, it's the ripples.