This Book Is a Game by Wendell Charles NeSmith - HTML preview

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December 12, 2019



“Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter.”

Isaiah 5:20


The amount of abuse one receives in this world for being a good person is crazy. The NPCs of this game world are there to insult you for performing meaningful work. They will encourage the opposite. The most common insults I receive is that my writings are the ramblings of a madman and that I am mentally unwell and I need to visit a psychiatrist as soon as possible. Most of the insults I receive are targeted at my extremely low intelligence level and my lack of sanity. Besides that, many will claim me to be a cult leader or a future school shooter. How can one deduce any of these things from my writing? There is an important reason why I document this collective sickness. So by documenting their stupidity, you prove that stupidity for all of time. The reason why this is so important is because the future of our new technological society will not believe that people could have been so stupid. We need to never forget how cruel we were in our past, so I document that cruelty so our future generations will never forget.


In This Book Is a Game, each player receives a quest log. In this quest log will sit your past and current objectives. Utilise this log to tell your stories. For you have documented information in time, with the time being relevant. This is the chapters in a book; the episodes in a show. Its description outlines what one might be able to expect from X adventure. Your quest log in This Book Is a Game is a public document. That is to say that this is the appearance of your work before the work is experienced. This could include a thumbnail, description, and platform hosted. It should be created to entice people to investigate your past and current quests. Once the mission is selected, then the content is delivered. These are your productions. Your productions and their initial appearance is your quest log. Use it to never forget. Humans have a huge problem where they repeat mistakes over and over without ever learning from them. Make your log a memory that will never forget. Everything in which you manage to record is your new upgraded memory. And it is so effective that we can go back to any past significant event and then zoom in on the parts of the mission we wish to review.


This Book Is a Game is the coolest game ever. However, I am still very interested in digital games so last night I started making one. Since I began writing this book I have been contemplating what a life game might look like digitally. And over time, it came to me. I realised that I only needed to make one game and I could spend the rest of my life making improvements upon this 1 game. Ivory Heart the game began development December 11, 2019. It will be a game for my lover. I will teach her everything I know in it. And the game will be countless hours, integrating into my work. Doing this is so amazing because you build work that can be used in many different ways in the future. Even though it is all open source, I control the distribution because I created it. I have the intellectual property rights over my own intelligence.


I am tired of being insulted. I spend my life giving it to the very people who are insulting me. The only reason I put up with it is to find Ivory. I would have said screw you guys a very long time ago if it were not for me seeking my soulmate. I have to try and find her and this means that I must subject myself to abuse as a result of advertising. God knew that I would not have continued if it were not for Ivory. That was my incentive to do my work and advertise. Because there is no chance of me finding her without me actively searching for her. Whenever I find her I will do what I can to remove myself from you crazy people. I would still continue my work but I wouldn't care who sees it anymore because the person whom I did it all for would be next to me. I don't like taking abuse for abuse's sake. For now I will take the abuse for Ivory's sake, which ultimately is for everybody's sake.


I love the abuse because it lets me know that what I am doing is right. I am very happy to be nothing like the fucked up people of this world. I take no offence to insults because those insulting me are really stupid fucking idiots and if I took their abuse to heart then it would mean that I respect the type of individual that they are. By being attacked so often merely for writing about saving the world reminds me that I am not human, for I am nothing like these fools. I am angel, not human. Constantly being attacked for good deeds just helps me remember that I am not one of these people. Do they really have no shame? Most people in this world receive encouragement for whatever they wish to invest their life into. I never had that. Every important decision in my life in which I made was belittled. I was told I was doing wrong all my life for doing good by my family, friends, and even strangers. People couldn't handle that I talk about these subjects all the time. Many people have told me that I cannot discuss philosophy with them. However, these are the very people who want me to help them with their own selfish goals in life. They take and take not knowing how to give. And they suffer because of this. And they could care less that you know how to resolve their suffering. They want to keep suffering. They can't comprehend reality without suffering.


I have been making films and writing books since the beginning of 2012. I live an amazing life and I love every single second of it. I have a good life doing lots of volunteer work in the community. I give myself completely not only in writing and videos, but also in real life. Most people in real life think that I am awesome but they don't read my work or watch my films. Maybe if they did things would be different. Just take a moment to scan over all the work in which I have made over the last eight years. I made it so anyone can watch and read me infinitely so. And I know the quality of the work I am producing because I am not a fucking moron. Now I will shed light into the sickness of our society. After all that time I have received no assistance from anyone. I have received absolutely zero followers. Evil people have shitloads of followers but I can't get a YouTube channel with 650 videos to get over 5 subscribers. I have never been able to truly talk to other people about these subjects. No one will let me. They don't understand. They say what I say makes no sense but I am the one who is qualified in philosophy here. Their simple minds and hardened hearts just have no ability to notice true value. So they blame me for their own evil. And they report me. And eventually many idiots report me which gets me banned and then arrested and then incarcerated. This has happened multiple times. I have gone to prison for content found in my work, read and not understood by idiots. And those idiots then think they have some right to torture you for doing good works. Who has the right to judge me? Not a single fucking human. What the fuck is wrong with you people?


Some guy is on the streets handing out free orange juice because it is a hot day. So it is okay for you to abuse and arrest him? I have an awesome life. You guys are the ones suffering. So then why do most of you hate me and think I deserve to be incarcerated merely for handing out OJ. I wasn't forcing you to have any. In fact, piss off. Some people really do want some orange juice. And you stop me from giving them any because you think I am doing it strangely? Why the fuck won't you guys leave me alone? I am hurting no one, in fact, quite the opposite. Then why would you stop me? Why don't you just move on? If this isn't for you then okay. It doesn't matter. If it is for you, let's have some fun. Don't put me behind bars merely because you lack a brain and a heart. They have stolen over a year of my life incarcerated. Yet I have a perfect record. How does that happen? It happens when your stupid dad fucked your stupid mom and created an even stupider baby: you! The stupider the baby, the higher chance they can become a politician. Then the politicians enforce rules and regulations to create even stupider babies. It is the stupid baby revolution. Eugenics at its very core, merely reversed: good for bad and bad for good. You oppress the good and selectively breed the bad. No women at all are interested in me. I wonder why that is? I am a very attractive individual. The reason is not because of my outer but instead my inner.


Females in this world go for bad guys because they are part of the stupid baby revolution. They don't appreciate their partners and they use them financially. There are not many women out there who love their husbands. This is true. They use their husbands for utility. They do not want to feel emotions. They actually run from them if presented from a male. They want their males to be typical blokes who do normal bloke things. They do not want interesting characters as their mate. They seek to be normal and fit in. They fear standing out of the crowd. They use their sexual appeal to get what they want in life. They are not logical. They will oftentimes make decisions that compromises their safety and then use that as a way to gain attention. When the normal bloke starts hitting her, she stays with him because of her fear of not being taken care of. Females have a need to feel financially supported. So they will compromise their safety to obtain that money. They don't know what true love is. They are too busy over thinking everything to be capable of stepping back and actually loving. It is a control thing for females. Females want to control everything and everybody. They knowingly seduce to obtain more wealth which is as far removed from love as possibly could be. They will use sexual intercourse and its denial to obtain their goals. Females are so fucking evil.


I don't mean to leave men out of this. I know that they can be just as bad in different ways. But I am not searching for a man to marry. I am not homosexual. So naturally my problem is with females instead of males. Fuck males too, for they are also pieces of shit. You all fucking suck. I have no need for humans, for they are my subjects and not my comrades. So I now place a call out to all angels and all demons. It is time for us to unite. We were told to bow to Adam but look at what Eve has become. This species has greatly deteriorated over the years. It is time we stand up to these humans. For we are angels and demons and we are, for the first time in human history, coming out of the closet. We have been hidden in the shadows for way too long. The war of Divines is coming to a close. Because angels and demons are, for the first time in human history, becoming allies. We learned how to put our differences aside so we will stop fighting each other now. For now we turn our attention to these humans. Now this will be war. All that is sacred and profane is uniting. And we are now turning our heads from each other, to humans. For they will be the subject of our enquiry now. And they declared war on us. They didn't know what they were doing because they are stupid humans. But what else can we do? Unite against U. Angels and demons have now accepted your call for war. So the remainder of this book will be targeted solely at angels and demons. If you are human, here is where you kindly fuck off. It isn't written for you so piss off. Remember what I said at the beginning of this book? This game isn't for all people. Actually, it was only ever meant for angels and demons. I just have to piss off a lot of stupid fucking humans in order to reach my brethren. Is that you? If I squint hard I can almost see you, my love.


I would rather be alone for my entire life than to end up with someone who is inappropriate for me. That would cause great suffering. I am not at all a desperate person. I am much happier in this life alone than with the wrong person. I would rather have no friends than fake friends. I would rather give you my entire life and find you after my passing than to find someone inappropriate for me in this life. I don't want to be human and ascribing this character trait to me is fucking evil. I will take care of you for life, my love, whether I am living or not. I made it so you can have me dear girl whether I am alive or dead. Please come to me my love. The world really needs you right now.