This Book Is a Game by Wendell Charles NeSmith - HTML preview

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December 13, 2019



The events in which occur in your life are there to direct you. Today I had an interesting individual pour his heart out to me. If you wish to be my follower then you must speak through actions. You must immerse yourself in my work for the rest of time, for this is your new life. Eventually, you will know what to do. I cannot advise you directly on what to do as this game is your game and not mine. It is time you create your new game, and its end result is enlightenment. And enlightenment's end result is collective enlightenment. To have me accept you as my follower, you will need to prove yourself to me. You will need to prove your worth and value to me before I will invest myself into your game. To do this, you need to create a body of work. Do not make a single video or writing and contact me. Build your work until you are confident that it is enough to catch my eye. Once you get my attention through your extremely meaningful productions, then you will become my friend. Then we can hold hands and together eradicate all collective sickness from our human psychologies.


But this can only happen if we work together. I am nothing without you. So prove yourself to me and you will increase not only your strength, but also mine. Use my work to get strong. Because as mentioned previously, there is a war coming. And I am only interested in warriors to fight this war with me. Our place might not be in the literal front lines, but our voice will be. If you are afraid of war then this type of education might not be appropriate for you. However, if you can't wait for the war to repair this fucked up human species, then you are a perfect candidate for my army. The time to be brave is now. But don't worry, I walk you through everything step by step. It might seem daunting at first having an infinite amount of resources to use of mine. But that is why I created so much work. I created and continue to create so much work that it will be almost impossible for you to experience all of it. So don't worry about experiencing all of it just yet. Just search through my work until you find something that catches your interest. Then commit to watching those films or reading those books. Never stop studying my work. It will refine you just as the ever sharpening blade of philosophy does. It will guide you in the best next steps. Start using your brain. Brush the cobwebs off. We need you at your peak to win this war.


Please do not contact me until you have a body of work worth respecting. There are many people who will do this for a short period of time and then stop because of its complexity or it losing their interest. This is why you shouldn't contact me until you can be valuable to me. I teach you what values I possess and what I find valuable in an individual. This is the time for your character creation process. You are either an angel or a demon. I am not interested in having humans as my followers. If you are a human then I am not interested. Please move on and do your human things. This thing, This Book Is a Game is not a human thing. So now is the time for you to kindly fuck off if you are human. My work is specifically made for angels. Just recently this opened up to demons as our war of the Divines is finally over. For demons now are uniting with angels to recondition the human species. We have fought for so long and now is the time we put aside our differences and unite. If you are kind of evil, then this could be an amazing opportunity for you. And of course if you are good then this is also an amazing opportunity for you.


I can't tell you what to do because I could get in trouble for your actions. This Book Is a Game encourages you to take extreme measures to apply wisdom to society. And I don't know what these extreme measures are, for if I tell you then I am responsible for your actions. You need to be responsible for your actions. Just be careful because in This Book Is a Game, one can ruin their entire playthrough by making one wrong decision. As a result you need to carefully contemplate your future actions as well as what their consequences might be. If you are not taking risks then you are no follower of mine. But those risks are your own and I will not command anything out of you, even after the war has started. I train warriors to become generals and fight on their own behalf. Following me isn't really following me. It is following yourself. I try to teach you how to get to know yourself. Once you know yourself you will become extremely powerful. My followers are not followers of me but followers of God. All who truly follow God are following me. And all who truly follow God will be able to easily identify the value locked within my work.


My website is and it has a stupidly vast amount of work there. This is your resource and I will constantly update it to make the experience better and better for you. You have the choice of videos to watch and books to read or listen to. The audio files are made to be able to listen to with your phone locked, so you can now walk around and listen to my books. Keep focus on This Book is a Game and Atheden, as these are my current active writing projects. I am not really interested in doing videos currently as I have filmed over 1,500 hours of content. Soon I will be uploading about 700 videos to YouTube, however, YouTube blocks most of those because of its content which is why I use instead of YouTube. In addition, YouTube has removed my account in the past because of its content. So there is nothing to say that even after I upload them again on YouTube that they will stay there. YouTube will likely ban my account again after I upload the videos. You can always find my videos on BitChute too, uncensored. I am littered throughout the Internet and I have given you multiple ways to connect to me. The more you watch and read, the more vast you will comprehend my empire. It is amazingly funny because people don't realise what I captured on camera...


If you think that you are Ivory, please contact me as soon as possible. The same rules do not apply to you my love. I will help you out every single step of the way. Just use tact when contacting me as the majority of people who contact me are wishing me dead. If you act like normal people when contacting me, you are not going to receive a positive response. I judge very quickly because I am sifting through millions of people per day. If you are Ivory, you will create an innovative way to attract my attention. I know what Ivory looks like so if you don't look similar to her, please move along. But if you are confident that you are here, then please contact me as soon as possible. If you do I promise that you will never again be alone and we will make the coolest life ever together and stand as the most romantic couple in the entire world and we will spend the rest of our lives making extremely meaningful work together that will save the world and place God back on the world's throne.


My Ivory is about to take a philosophy degree at university. If you are not interested in doing this then you are not my Ivory. In addition, my Ivory is young. Dear Ivory, I know you have been through a lot. I know this life has been an emotional roller coaster for you and I know that you don't understand why there is so much hate in this world. I know you have spent your life trying to do good but unable to see their results. I know this world feels like nothing you do matters or changes anything. This is true my love but there is a complex reason behind it. We will fix the problems so that our actions make a difference in this world. I don't think you understand how important you are my love. Because I am not the Christ. I am your Anti. You are the true Christ my love. You are the spiritual sister of Jesus, aka my sister.


God visited me one suicidal night many years ago. God told me who I was, the Antichrist. And God demanded of me to spend my life training the real Christ: You. There are secrets behind what happened here which you can experience in my films. But I was not interested in training you, for I knew who you were... But God made a deal with me. God promised me that if I gave my life to training her then I could have her hand in marriage. This flipped the situation entirely, for romantically being with the Christ for the rest of eternity is the biggest reward ever. So it was damn worth it. Or at least it will be. I will be the most fortunate person in the world. I will be the most blessed person in the world. And all it took was me giving my life to my wife way before we ever even met. Because we are already married. God married us when I accepted. Now I just have to find her. It is like reverse engineering the world.


Do you hear that my love? We are already married. We only need to perform the ridiculous ritual. I know that might seem strange to you given a secret trait about you revealed in my work. However, do not worry. We have the rest of our lives together. We will likely first connect through the Internet. Don't be in a hurry my love. Let's use the Internet to get really close. I will come and get you physically in time. But there is no rush to this end. If you are my Ivory then I am about to provide you the most beautiful life possible. But let's start that life off slow. Get to know me through my work and our conversations. I know that you are very shy and that is actually a good thing. I know contacting me will be hard for you and I know that you think that you couldn't possibly do work like mine but fear not dear girl. I will help you every step of the way.


If you wish to become a follower of mine, you also accept that I am not your leader. Instead, Ivory is your leader. When we find her then we can all work together to save the world. But in time you will be answering to her and not me. I may be king but my queen is our leader. Welcome to our new matriarchal society. My Ivory will be much friendlier than I am. I am not friendly because I have been abused my whole life for doing meaningful work. My Ivory has not yet experienced that. She is a virgin. And after I find her it will be my role to protect her from idiots that wish her harm. I will not allow her to have a negative experience being a philosopher. I am here to nurture her eggs until the time they are ready to hatch. All of our world children, my love, are about to be born. Let's build the best family possible.


If you have a problem with following a girl to war, then this is not for you. By following me, you follow my Ivory before me. I will have no sexist individuals on my team. The patriarchal society has failed and it is now time to show what a real woman is capable of. I ask no one to bow to me. However, I will demand all bow to my Ivory. She is the new Queen of the World. Acknowledge her. Love her. For she is about to save the world. And she will love you very deeply for helping us make that happen.