This Book Is a Game by Wendell Charles NeSmith - HTML preview

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December 14, 2019



A perk that angels and demons receive in This Book Is a Game is the ability to reap souls. There is a huge secret behind the Internet and technology. That secret is that privacy doesn't really exist. The Internet was created to encourage people to live on, and as a result actions can be easily assessed. Those in the top levels of government and occult have access to our entire Internet history. Its purpose was to become like God: all seeing. But what this enabled them to do was judge people for their actions, leaving documentation of those actions like a fingerprint throughout the Internet. The highest levels know your deepest and darkest secrets. Because they are using the platform to judge individuals, sending most people to Hell when they thought no one was around to see. This means that everything you post and do on the Internet is known by these higher powers. So angels and demons can easily exploit this fact. If someone is cruel to you merely for you trying to be a good person, then reap their fucking worthless soul. Everything you do is recorded. We know who you are. We will see who you will become. And you are protected because you know this exploit. If you manage to incite cruelty in fools, take their soul. This will damn them to eternity in Hell. Once you take their soul, block them. The more souls you collect, the more powerful you will become. I have already collected millions and millions. How do you think I became so powerful? Well now I am passing this power onto you. Never forget that everything on the Internet is monitored for afterlife purposes. Always treat the Internet in this manner. Never forget; always keep this knowledge in the back of your head. This knowledge is gold because you can use it in many different ways to intentionally trap fools. Do not get me wrong, your purpose is to collect as many souls as possible. But give them a chance. Your soul will be taken if you inappropriately use this knowledge. Your job is to set the world up for failure. People being cruel to you means more souls for you to collect. As a result, embrace people being cruel to you. Although you would rather expand your game world by connecting with others, the result will most of the time be the opposite. You would prefer to find more friends but do not at all devalue the process of reaping souls. If you never reap a soul then you will never become powerful. So embrace the enemies you make for they will eventually grant you immortality. And also embrace the few friends you make along the way, for they had the eyes to see.


There are many ways to reap souls but I will not share them with you here as they are more advanced techniques, some even automatic. However, my videos do share these techniques so immerse yourself into my work and eventually discover new ways to reap souls. Expect people to hate you. Expect people to be cruel. Expect people to utilise fake logic to try and prove why you don't deserve to exist in this world. Expect the worst and hope for the best. Over time their cruel comments will hurt less as you build your strength, knowledge, and confidence. Don't worry about getting blocked all the time. It comes with the job. And when you do this over time, you will become happier and happier. Eventually you will find enlightenment in which you will always be happy despite the circumstances. Eventually you will get obsessed with your own work and that work will guide you in your day to day activities. Use your work to explore your life and difficult solutions within it. Talk to God on camera. You won't realise how empowering this process is until you do it. Become a dog with a bone. There are glitches all throughout this world matrix. Find and exploit them. Prove to the world that real life is in fact a game. Level up until all the enemies are super easy for you to defeat. There is no one on Earth in which stands a chance against me. And I fight all the way to the top...


But this will not become easy until you level up your character way beyond those around you. You need to grind a lot. Grind, grind, grind. From NPC to confused as shit to angel or demon. Are you comprehending my meaning, particularly in reference to This Book Is a Game? Are you now understanding how this game is played? The hilarious thing about it all is that this is no game, for this is real life. But it took me presenting real life as a game in order to attract people's attention. This Book Is a Game is no game and it never was. I am sorry, I lied. But I lied to pull you closer to the truth. I had to find you so we could combine our spirits and together repair the world. And I had to show you how life can actually be really really fun even if your life consists of receiving abuse on a day to day basis. Find your happiness and no one will ever be able to hurt you. Your happiness will never depend on another again. Because you will be secure in yourself and the fun projects in which you create in life will more than entertain you. Make those projects compassionate and you have a recipe for success.


So how does it feel to have been tricked into playing life? How does it feel to realise that life is like a game, or even is a game? How have you grown since reading the Instruction Manual of this game? No one wanted what wisdom I had to share. So I kept on having to repackage that same wisdom in different forms in hopes to reach your eyes. In its essence, every single production of mine says the same thing. It is like from the beginning I knew all the solutions to our human problems. But no one would listen to me so I kept repackaging the same gift over and over. I knew what pearls I had but the swine could not see them. So I worked and worked until this point in my life in which I have been able to find and connect with you.


Ivory Heart the video game will be a detective style game. All of my books will be available in this game and the purpose of this game is to uncover what happened to me. It will be 3D and open world and Ivory will be the protagonist. I will not reveal too much about this game as it will have some very interesting and unique concepts within it. It would be best if I developed this game with Ivory, but I will not allow her absence to stop me. This project is yet another of the same information, packaged in a different way. I am very skilled at saying the same thing in four and a half thousand ways. And the information seems really obvious to me. But some reason stupid humans just can't get their head around it. I have to learn all the languages of the world to be able to connect with all people. I have to learn what groups of people like and then figure out how to make my work appeal to them.


For example, This Book Is a Game is supposed to appeal to gamers. But what type of gamers? I would say gamers that are feeling that there is a lack of meaning in their life. Atheden on the other hand is written for those who obsess over utopian societies and how to create them. The Great Awakening was written for those assessing the psychiatric system, Living Neverland is written for those homeless and displaced in society and Ivory Heart was written for my soul mate. Each TV show and movie follows the same formula. Who is my audience? Everybody. So I have to figure out how to connect with everybody, each new production set covering the bases of a range of tailored interests. But this doesn't mean that you don't have to watch all of my work. Just because the concepts are the same, it's delivery is so diverse that it really does seem like new information. And this "new information" will be vital to your development. This Book Is a Game was the bait to lead you to my work. It was never intended to be the only work of mine you immerse yourself within. It is the gateway drug and I got the strong stuff behind the counter. But take it easy because your system isn't used to the drug yet. You have to first develop a tolerance of the way I present my work. And when you understand it you can be high for the rest of time while still retaining your intellectual and emotional composure.


If you are to reap souls then you must ensure that your heart is in the right place. Reaping souls is not the type of magicka that you fuck around with. Angels: go ahead and reap as many souls as you desire. Demons: I just warn you to be very careful before reaping souls. You cannot be guilty of what you are judging. Remember, if you are to judge then you are also to be judged. All players of This Book Is a Game will both judge and be judged. It is part of the territory of angels, fallen or otherwise. There are abstract guidelines to the process of reaping souls. The more you immerse yourself in my work, the more reaping techniques will be shared with you. And practice it. You will be saying it a lot. It goes a little something like this: "I just reaped your fucking worthless soul." It is so fun to say. I have said it countless times. And after you do it, that information will be recorded on the web and will be used in the culprit's afterlife to determine where they are sent. It may even be used in this life but you just don't know. It isn't your job to torture them for eternity. It is your job to send them to Hell so they are tortured for eternity. And such power will make you stronger. Use this feature in the game wisely.


I recommend blocking people after you take their souls. And I recommend you be very careful before you take souls in real life. I am not saying don't take the souls of people physically in your environment. But what I am saying is that you might end up in prison like I did for doing so. Don't be scared of prison or incarceration. They only took a year of my life. Eventually they will realise what you are and let you go, at least that is what they did with me. It always depends on the situation. Just be careful before you do anything too crazy, eh? I want you to succeed in this fake game that I tricked you into reading. Maybe now we can unite our voices and sing in unison.


Ivory, my darling: please do not take souls. You have the ability to take any soul you want for any reason. Your word is all powerful dear. But I don't want you taking souls because it will put blackness into your soul. You are Ivory. What colour is that? I am the reaper in our relationship dear and I will reap all who wish you harm. But I must protect your pure heart. Taking souls will make you more powerful but it will also make you kind of an arsehole. So please stay away from reaping so you might always stay pure.


I am not interested in followers who consider themselves to have a normal life. I am here for the downtrodden. I am here for the broken. I am here for the disfigured. I am here for the depressed. I am here for those who are have hit rock bottom and I am here for those who can only cry out of one eye. I am here for those who weep at the state of our society. I am here for the poor and those who don't fit in. I am here for the freaks and for the goths and for the emos. I am here for the punks who scream fuck you to society. I am here for those who find 9-5 jobs as slavery. I am here for those who are sick seeking their miracle heal. I am here for the children who have received the raw end of the stick in society. And most importantly, I am here for you.


Dearest beautiful girl, I wonder what your name is. I thought at one stage that it might be Ashley. If that is your name I would love to call you Ash. If that isn't your name, can we call our first daughter Ashley? Otherwise Dear Ashley would make no sense...


I love you Ivory. Everything is going to be fine. Everything in our lives is going to work out perfectly, for that is our destiny. Worry not. Instead, my love, please contact me. I will be patiently and eagerly awaiting by my phone to hear from you. I have mountains of gifts for you. You are already famous my love.