This Book Is a Game by Wendell Charles NeSmith - HTML preview

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December 19, 2019



This world is filled with NPCs eagerly awaiting to do your bidding. You only need recompense them. This is irritating considering I do all of this for free. But at least I have the option available. I live in an age where I can make movies and television shows, write books, and even make games, all by myself. Where I lack, I only need to find the right individuals who possess the skills in which I am seeking. In this sense, this life is all about finding the correct people who are appropriate for your playthrough. Since this world has many different types of economies, I need only find one in which I can afford to hire staff.


This Book Is a Game can have a very lonely world at times. It is the responsibility of each player to broadcast to the world in order to find other players. Within these transmissions should include enough personal details for others to consider whether or not you might make a good companion. The broadcasts should include your experiments and their results. The way in which you broadcast is entirely up to you, however, artistic interpretations are encouraged.


A broadcast is information sent into outer space. The requirements for the broadcasts is a status update on your mission. In this status update you are to advise your current mission and its progress. You are also to advise Mission Control on the state of the species. You are to monitor them and send regular updates as to their behaviour. You must include your insight into their behaviour. This is a report from us aliens bound here on Earth to our fellow aliens back home. They will monitor your work and eventually judge the human race based upon the

information in which we provided to them.


There is a huge problem with me doing this that makes it extremely difficult for me to get people to help. And that is because of the secret behind my productions: my lover. Because of this I have to be very secretive about what information I release, as if I was upfront about my mission, no one would help me achieve it. So I am required to be very selective in what information I divulge when hiring people to assist me. This also forces me to learn everything and become a jack of all trades. Because I have so much work to do to attract my mate and this is very controversial considering her age. This life isn't fair and people with preconceived notions about how a romantic relationship should look binds me in shackles. But their relationships fail. Mine can never fail, for she will know me intimately without even ever physically meeting me. That is how I made my work. My work is for her.


Without money backing you up, development can be very slow. Since development all comes personally out of my pocket, I can only move slowly. This is irritating when I have the entire game concept in my head and it only needs to be implemented in real life. People are idiots and will likely not invest in your personal projects. Because of this, time runs very slowly. This can be very irritating when I want to see the results now, but this is merely due to my impatience as the product will be created, it only needs time to come to fruition. As a result my game reflects a one man team even though I do hire people to assist with its development. But I have to keep my workers in the dark about my true intentions for the project. Otherwise, no one would help me. But this is ultimately hilarious as people help me find the star of my game: a 12 year old girl. And to be honest, it matters not if I find her in this lifetime. The only thing that matters is that my work reaches her and she follows her destiny from there. But I hope and pray that this happens in my lifetime and hopefully soon. I want to enjoy my life and afterlife with my soul mate, not just the afterlife. So I keep calling in many different ways in attempts to find her.


You are an alien and you must accept this fact. Isn't it obvious by the way people treat you? Carefully examine the actions of these humans and then assess whether or not you are one of them. If you are not, you are an alien and you must broadcast to your people using the Internet. Mission Control will receive your reports and compile them together with the rest of ours. These reports will be used to punish individuals both in this life and the life after. Be very detailed in your reports; leave no stone unturned. Provide your conclusions with evidence to support them.


At the end of the day, if you followed God correctly, everything will turn out perfectly. As you see, I have not finished writing this book or Atheden, which are required to complete the game. So even though the progress of the game development is slow, it runs in perfect timing. God has gifted perfect timing to all of those who trust in Him completely and entirely. Put your faith in God and know that the timing is perfect even though it seems very slow. Its speed can be very frustrating considering you want it now and know what it should be now. But that is not how evolution works. If we find a character trait in which we want to possess like making games, we have to study and work very hard to get there. We cannot instantly transport ourselves to where we want to be. We have to take the ladder to get there. But a ladder to heaven is a long and arduous journey. Be prepared to fight every step of the way. For heaven does not allow just anyone in there. Only those with pure hearts and pure minds will be allowed through the pearly gates. And only few will be allowed in while still existing within this world. It is like we have one foot in heaven and one foot on earth. We are divided by the borders, but this enables us to take resources from Heaven and then distribute them on Earth. Let heaven rain down onto the earth. For its vegetation requires its nutrients.


Additionally, learning new software takes time, especially considering this is software to make games. There is so much involved in the software that it will take me a long time to learn it. But when I gain this skill then I bring it around with me for the rest of time. So even though making games right now is difficult for me, eventually it will be easy. The more I learn the software, the more comfortable I will get with it. This will then enable me to make games easily for the rest of my life. And these skills are then transferable to Ivory herself. She is the protagonist of my game and she is my wife. I am searching for her and the best way that I have found to do that is to make a game specifically for her. And this game will trick the player into thinking that the game in which I made is a software game when in fact, it is a hardware game. This means that the true game of Ivory Heart is not in the game world but the real-life world. The game world is merely a simulated environment which teaches the truth about the real world. Yes, the truth is filtered through my subjective interpretation of reality. But that is where the art lies. The art of tricking you into virtue is the art of The Antichrist, aka, me.


How are you currently receiving this content? Did you find it through my game or my website? Did I catch your attention through my advertising, my books, or my films? The process of God's warriors is to repackage the same content in many different ways. Since people connect in many different ways, it became my objective to learn how to connect with everybody. And the game is amazing because I wanted a place to house my books efficiently. And what way is more efficient than creating a game in which can be used as a reference at any time. It is a shame that I can't include my films in the game because they are too large. But that is okay as there are many ways to connect with other people and my books will give you the gist of what content is covered in the videos. As I said before, all of my work is the same. It is just repackaged for different types of people. If you learn my books then you can learn my character which will reveal to you what I do and what I cover in my films.


Ivory Heart the game is basically a detective game where the player uncovers what happened to me in real life over the last ten years. It works backwards from my latest books to my earliest books, with one exception that will not be revealed as it is an end game spoiler. The missions in which you take on exist in order to collect more chapters of my books. And This Book Is a Game is the first book in which you seek. After you obtain all of these chapters it will feel like you completed the game. But oops, you still have five other books to collect and read. This is going to be a huge game if the player actually spends time reading the books. But it will be made easy as you can run around and do stuff while listening to the books. The game has almost already been completed. It just needs the graphical front end as well as the chapters in this book and Atheden to be completed. But as stated before, everything will come together in perfect timing. I will complete my books just as the game is being completed. This is how you plan and progress in life. Everything is connected and when you see that then you are enabled to expand your topic range to include more people. The more you learn, the more helpful you can be to society. The more you learn, the more helpful you can be to yourself. The stars are the limits. How far will you push yours?


We will be expecting your broadcasts. All aliens who do not broadcast are in breach of their contract and they will be severely punished. All aliens who do not broadcast are in truth no aliens. They are merely humans who are stupid enough to consider themselves aliens. An alien without a cause is merely a stupid human. All aliens have a purpose and that purpose is to spend their lives updating Mission Control as to the status of your mission. The comedy show 3rd Rock from the Sun is in fact a documentary. The truth is hidden within its comedy. For aliens do exist. I am one of them. Are you? If you feel pride when you are called a human, then you are no alien. Aliens look down on this pathetic species because we are so much more advanced than them. It will be aliens who save the world, not humans. Humans are happy with their corrupt sinful world. Aliens spend their lives trying to change this fucked up world for the better. If you are a human, please stop reading this book and playing this game. If you are human, this content is not for you and won't make much sense. If you are alien, your heart is throbbing right now because you have just found a fellow alien. I am here for the aliens. Humans can go fuck themselves.


The waiting game can be very frustrating at times. But that is part of the fun in the entire experience. Life moves very slowly without money. So don't worry about it and enjoy the experience. God will help you when you need the assistance. But God also wants you to be empowered and that doesn't happen by coddling you. When you grow up, God lets you free when you are ready. God might hold your hand a little after you start. But the result God aims for is to enable you to be an independent person. God has placed His trust in you, so do not disappoint. Work for God out of the kindness of your own heart. Do not work for some selfish means. Put your heart on the line and learn of the power in which God gifts His warriors. For we are angels and demons. And angels and demons are aliens.


Welcome to the family. We are the misfits and we have super powers. If you don't believe me then you are so stupid that you are unable to examine what I have done with my life over the last ten years. If you have any doubts as to me being who I say I am, then you are human and you are now reading something in which you shouldn't. This isn't for you and I would appreciate if you would piss off so that I can focus on helping my family improve their day to day lives through the help of God. If you are one of me, I love you. Let's take over this corrupt world. Let's not take no for an answer. For I am no advocate of democracy. Political scientists get the same one vote as some Arkansas inbred. The leaders of this world are those who accept that position. I accept my position as king of the world. Do you accept your position? Now where is my queen? For she is King. Long live the King! My Queen.