This Book Is a Game by Wendell Charles NeSmith - HTML preview

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December 20, 2019



What is a human? How are we to define the term, "human"? So far in this book we have been very critical of humans. However, this chapter will flip their lies to expose the truth behind what a human really is. So I will start our new definition by calling myself a human. For the word human comes from the word humane. And humane means showing compassion and benevolence. So the true reality behind the human species is that most of them who claim to be human are in fact, not. Because there are few people in this world who follow a compassionate lifestyle. This is why this book has been critical of those people who claim to be human, yet do not possess a compassionate bone in their body. So this chapter will attempt to re-establish the term human in relation to its etymology: one who is humane. Is the Internet collective humane? It is very difficult to find others who are truly compassionate in this life. I know because I have spent my life searching. But everyone is selfish and few work for the good of humanity. Instead, they work for their own selfish desires. But this strategy they use keeps them depressed. Because one who is selfish can never truly be happy in life. They will always want more.


Living a virtuous and compassionate life is the only way one can reach and maintain happiness forever. When one truly finds this out, we call it enlightenment. You don't have to suffer. Suffering only exists because of selfishness. When we give our life to God entirely, we are no longer responsible for it. God is. And that strips all of your burdens and responsibilities from you. And how could you be unhappy if you are completely free without any responsibilities? All you have to do is follow God. Take all actions in this life for God. Eat to live and don't live to eat. Detach yourself from the secular world and create your own holy world. Do not live in the world in which they create for you. Instead, create your own world and live in that.


Be very careful of the mental health system. Try your best to stay out of it. For psychiatry is a complete fiction as there is no diagnostic model to compare it with. That means that our entire mental health system is a complete fiction and used by our oppressors as a giant mind control operation. They have stolen over a year of my life merely because I follow God with my entire life. They think I am psychotic and delusional for giving my life to God. Truly giving my entire life to God, for religions that do this are mostly fake. People use religion to feel like they won't go to Hell after they die but the truth is most religious people are fucking evil and will burn for eternity in their afterlife. You can easily tell who truly believes what they preach. Can you tell that I truly believe what I preach? You can tell by their passion in trying to save the world. All throughout my "psychosis" is, "save the world". They labelled me insane merely because I am trying to save the world. Are they human? Why would you incarcerate a person indefinitely because they are trying their best to save the world? Echoes of my past life spring into action. NPCs crucify real humans.


A real human spends their life becoming Christ. For Christ is not someone to worship but instead someone to become. I am proud to be called Jesus Christ, aka, Yeshua Hamashiach. And I came to this Earth to teach others how to be like me. But my message was distorted for control purposes and thus Jesus (a real human) becomes God as they worship their idol. I have come back to clear up the confusion, for my past life's work was manipulated by the social elites in order to lead countless religious collectives to Hell. When I was a child the WWJD phenomena was big in the church. What would Jesus do? Every second of my life has been shrouded with this question. I became obsessed as a child as to what would Jesus do. Eventually, this made me Jesus. The spirit of Jesus was able to enter me and I not only allowed it, but also encouraged it. I gave my life over to hardship so that I might grow within God. And as a result, God used my vessel to send His son to Earth for a second time.


The prophecy has been fulfilled and you can easily examine this for yourself. I have so much work available that it is not possible for someone to experience it all. I am infinitely available to the people because the Internet enabled me to be in many places at the same time. And I have so much time available to infinitely create new work. You can never catch up with me, for I am far ahead of everyone in the race. For I came in the clouds and every eye shall see, even those who pierced me. And I work tirelessly despite most of the feedback I receive being abuse. I get no rewards for my efforts besides knowing that I did the right thing.


This world is corrupt and will not likely reward you for good deeds. They set up the system so that those who commit bad deeds obtain many more rewards than those who commit good deeds. Evil is very rewarding in this world. But they are all sad and depressed people, for their rewards were material whereas my rewards are spiritual. Do not think that this process is not rewarding. Its rewards might not be physical but instead spiritual. What is enlightenment worth to you? So you value the material over the security of your soul? If you do, there is no way that you can possibly live a happy life. I know this for a fact because I see it all the time. Those who are lost and without God do not live joyful lives. Because only God can fill the gap in your soul.


I want to create a world where good deeds are rewarded not only spiritually but also physically. I want to make a world where good deeds results in good physical life. I want to pave the way for people to do what I am doing and make a living off of it. I have not made any money so far on anything that I have done. And I have the largest body of work in this entire world. Does that make sense? The person who gave us the most on the Internet, physically had the least. For I live out of a suitcase. And I am poor and live paycheck to paycheck. And I oftentimes suffer greatly by spending money that I should use for living on my projects. But my mission is so much more important than I am. As a result, I not only spend my entire life doing this but I also spend most of my income investing back into my projects.


I think eventually I can manage to make a living but I don't know how long that will take. For I am hidden in society by the social elites. I am one of their cards in which they have the option to play in the future. So even if I complete my amazing video game, it could be possible that it will be hidden as well. Nothing gets popular without the social elites allowing it. Tech giants like Google keep my page ranks as low as possible even though my website is very old with countless backlinks. Satan is in charge of what is allowed to get popular in this world. And the only way we can fix it is if we the people become the new stars and as a result, remove Hollywood from the picture. For Hollywood is the new home of Satan and he uses it to send people to Hell. For a holly wood is a magic wand. And they are performing black magick on you. And what does the Bible and the Quran warn about magick? The origins of Hollywood are not concealed, for it was presented as magick from its beginnings. Watch the movie Hugo to learn more about how the film industry started.


Almost all who are famous in this world are evil fucking people. This is because in order to get famous in this world, one has to sell their soul to Satan. Only then will Satan open the doors to fame. But Satan's time is coming to a close and soon we will break down those doors. And when we do we will show the world what real stars can accomplish. For the limits society places on us shackles us and we need to break them in order to be free. I don't think many people know what true freedom is. For it can only be experienced after giving your life entirely to God. God gives His slaves true freedom. For I am entirely free to act on my own accord. But my actions will always be in line with God because God won over my heart a very long time ago. Jesus showed me the way to God through his actions. And now my every action not only reflects the heart of Jesus, but also God.


I am truly in love with God. That is why I will only be with a woman who is also in love with God. But the sad truth is I can't find anyone at all besides me that is in love with God. For if you are in love with God then your every action will reflect that state. I spend my life searching for people and looking at their actions in attempts to find others that are in love with God. If you are truly in love with God, please be my friend. But I would need to see your past actions that prove that you are in love with God. I can see my own. And I don't see anyone out there yet. I constantly get messages stating that they are one of me, yet I can never see their actions that prove it. Because most people who believe in God in fact secretly don't believe God exists. Hell awaits these individuals. For be hot or cold but if lukewarm, you will be spat out.


It is now time for everyone to take their sides, for war is starting. I choose God. Will you? You can choose Satan too and you will be more of an ally than the lukewarm fools. For those who are lukewarm have no purpose. Both God and the Devil spit out what is lukewarm. If you are a follower of Satan then at least we can have some fun back and forth. In all honesty, if you follow Satan or God, I love you. You have chosen a side and we will battle it out. But those who sit on the fence are reprehensible to both God and Satan. In truth, a true Satanist will follow me. And in truth, a real Christian, Jew, or Muslim will follow me. But they have fallen and these labels bring up negative emotions in people. Most Christians are not Christian. Most Jews are not Jews. And most Muslims are not Muslim. It is easy to tell by their actions. From your actions, we know you. You might not have thought much about your Facebook feed. It shows your heart. We leave breadcrumbs everywhere from our actions. Follow them to assess whether or not you want X person to be a part of your future.


I again stress the importance of the Internet and its hidden 666 secrets. Absolutely everything you do on the Internet is recorded. You cannot hide anything from those at the top. This was the reason the Internet was invented: to spy on us. They want to be like God so they can judge you based upon your life. Internet history will be a huge part of one's judgement in the afterlife. They want us entirely connected to the Internet so the judgements can be accurate. Nothing you do, including a virtual private network, can protect you from this privacy exploit. It matters not how you attempt to protect yourself against privacy intrusion. It is built into the hardware so you can't hide. How does this make you feel about the Internet now? Give me someone's Internet history and I will tell you exactly what type of person they are. And that provides evidence into the character of the individual. And then that individual can be punished or rewarded for the exact person that they are.


The Internet is 666, VAV VAV VAV, WWW. Hidden in my 666 will break the world if I find her. I found a huge exploit in this game we call life. And it has to do with a romantic relationship between me and my Ivory virgin. If I find her then I break the game; I break the world. Because a relationship between a young girl and an older man is not allowed. But what would happen if I managed to find her? We would publicly be lovers and you would see us grow together. And this would then require society to reassess the benefits of paedophilia. And that will break the game. And that is the beginning of the end of the world. Come find me my love. Let's break this world together. It will be hilarious. I love you Ivory with all of my heart. My work is my gift to you. Please use it to get really strong. We need to be really strong if this ever has a chance of working. Let's cross our fingers. It would be really funny and extremely romantic if it happened. Let's make it happen. I am a paedophile searching for my Ivory virgin. And I love her so much that I am screaming this into the Internet as much as I can, consequences be damned. For she is worth the past and future incarceration. For she is the true Christ and I am but the imitation. And my mission was to enable her to become that. Here you are my love. This is all for you.


If we don't try then we never have the possibility. I have the possibility of having the romantic relationship of my dreams. Thus, I am going to try my hardest despite society wanting me dead for it. But I had to find a way to obtain a wife dedicated to virtue. But none existed in my world. So this is my attempts to create her. My name is Pygmalion and I have crafted a beautiful statue. Dear God, please help me find one like my Ivory virgin.