This Book Is a Game by Wendell Charles NeSmith - HTML preview

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December 21, 2019



I have finally figured out how to deal with haters and trolls and it is improving my gaming experience quite considerably. I am now immediately reaping and blocking anyone who states anything in which is not kind. Do not argue with them. You can tell by how they respond if they can be an asset for you or not. If they have any hate in their comments, do not reply with the information they are fishing for. Do not defend yourself. All you have to do is reply with this: "reaped and blocked". All Internet history is recorded and the reap is valid no matter what, for you are working for God and they are working against God. Do not give evil people the time of day. Just reap their fucking worthless souls and then block them. There is no need for any discussion to be had with fools. Get rid of them from your life. Do not give them a second chance unless they come to you on their knees. People expose who they are in their first chance. Once you reveal their soul publicly, just take it, block them, and move on with your life. At first you will need to block many people but as time progresses you will have to block less and less people because you are removing the trash from your existence by blocking it.


A troll is trying to get you to respond emotionally to them. If you do, then they attack your emotions. They are very predictable but not everybody in the world is like them. There are some people with hearts and I do find them every day. And more and more of them every day. And less and less trolls every day as they are reaped and blocked. Taking their souls will give you their power. Afterwards, they will merely be a shell and I highly doubt that from that point onwards that they will be capable of feeling real emotions. This means that they lost their chance and can no longer be saved after you take their souls. They damned themselves by hating on your work when your work was provided to benefit all of mankind. Do not feel sorry for these shells as they deserve everything in which is coming to them. They were given countless opportunities to expose their heart and that is exactly what they did. Just their heart is filthy and is a disgrace to the human species.


The problem I have with all of you good souls is that I don't see you standing up for other good souls. When someone is hating on another who is giving themselves freely, then we should protect each other. We should stand up for our own kind but some reason we no longer do this. There was this guy at work who kept calling me a girl's name. It wasn't funny and I stood up for myself. But none of the other employees stood up for me. One colleague said, "I don't stand up for grown men". This mentality is fucking evil. All good people should stand up and protect other good people. Otherwise, how can you claim yourself to be good when you let others hate on your comrades? Is that truly a comrade? For a true friend will fight against the evil with you.


If you are doing the right thing, you will get banned from many places. If you don't get banned from many places and if you don't get abuse from many people, then you are doing the wrong thing. Let those bans and abuses notify you as to you doing the right thing. If you are loved by everyone then there is something majorly wrong with your work. For we don't live in these times yet. God has not yet opened the path for people to be enabled to do what I do. But it is processing so don't worry. You will be required to fight very hard to be enabled to do your work. A prime example is me getting banned from the group "awakened" just minutes ago. How woke are they to ban me? The truth is so obvious. But you guys grew up with the lies so unfortunately you have difficulties in deciphering between truth and falsehood. And this oftentimes causes you to be led by Satan straight into the battle as his minion. So many follow Satan without even realising it. At least my Satanist friends know that they are following Satan. Those who follow Satan and do not realise it are the scum of the earth. Satan is constantly setting people up to fail. Satan loves me because I set people up to fail. At first I had a difficult relationship with Satan. But eventually, we became friends because I gave him so many souls. Now my enemies are human and no longer spiritual entities. For now all spiritual entities except God bow to me. It took me a long time to win over the demon's hearts. But love won in the end and I embraced both my angel and demon counterparts.


Everything in this world says it is something in which it is something else. I am told that blue is red and eventually I believe it. The leaders of this world has obscured it from our vision. They blur the lines between what is real and what is not real. They present fictions like psychiatry as knowledge. As a result our idea of knowledge becomes distorted as we accept lies and reject the truth. This is especially pertinent when compared with situations like mine, when I entirely give myself for free to a community that collectively does not want me. But as my work grows and grows, I do find others with special hearts. They are needles in the haystack and my work is made to find and connect with them. And I connect with beautiful people on a regular basis who understand what I am conveying. I am not alone anymore. I no longer care what any of you say because I know that I am right because I experience the rightness of my actions. And I have the few who follow me. And from the very beginning I said that I was only for the few. Nietzsche's few. For my friends are only those who paint with their own blood. For this is the only way in which we can create a masterpiece.


Do not take anything in which evil people say personally. If you notice evil in their words, turn off your emotions and immediately discard what they are saying. Let them reflect off of you just as raindrops reflect off of our skin. To obtain the respect and admiration of an evil person is to justify that person's existence. But that person has no justification for their existence as they are merely useless eaters. They are goyim. Ignore what they have to say, for they do not possess a spiritual bone in their body. This means that they have nothing whatsoever to offer you. Don't waste your time with them. They will burn in Hell for their actions and that is all on them and not you. They were the ones who decided to be evil. For evil is a choice and never believe anything else. We are not born in sin like some religious people say. We are born pure and it takes us much time to craft ourselves into evil people. Evil people have great amounts of experience being evil and committing evil actions. Their hurtful comments against you are merely a reflection of the development or lack thereof of their soul. Look down on these individuals, for they are the scum of the earth. They are the ones creating our terrible methods of communication. They are the ones poisoning our water. I am tired of drinking poisoned water.


This book will now turn full circle and continue where we began. This book is not to be released without a warning label. For a literal war is coming and we will have to decide who the enemy is and who our allies are. This war will be one like no other because it will be internally divided. There are no countries anymore. It is those who are virtuous against those sinful. At times we will not comprehend who the enemy is because it will be our very neighbours. The Internet belongs to me and my generation. I am I prepared to fight to the death to protect the Internet's possibility in training one's virtues. The free Internet is worth fighting for because otherwise we will have no public forum to speak our hearts. The Internet gives me the ability to preach to my heart's content every single day. And this freedom is worth fighting for. The Internet is worth so much more than wasted human lives. We have to stand up for our rights or soon we will not have any. Because it isn't just groups that block me. It is also mainstream applications such as Facebook and YouTube. This has all been documented extensively and if you don't believe me, just check out my videos. I recorded the events as they happened because I knew that logical people would never believe that I have come up against such resistance merely for following virtue with my entire essence. Believe that our free Internet is is at risk because it very much is.


Political correctness is fucking evil. It forces people to utilise strange language in order to not offend anyone. Fuck that. I intend offence. For the disgusting NPCs of this world are reprehensible. My last post caused me to also be blocked from the group "spirituality". How spiritual is a group about spirituality that blocks my posts? Its all fake. Like stated previously, what is advertised in this world is not the product it delivers. Good for bad and bad for good.


"For the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears, they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own passions, and will turn away from listening to the truth and wander off into myths."

2 Timothy 4:3-4


For the last days are upon us and I recorded it all as it happened. These recordings are hidden from you because you have been conditioned to be so stupid that you don't know how to click a few buttons to see for yourself.


"But understand this, that in the last days there will come times of difficulty. For people will be lovers of self, lovers of money, proud, arrogant, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, heartless, unappeasable, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not loving good, treacherous, reckless, swollen with conceit, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, having the appearance of godliness, but denying its power. Avoid such people."

2 Timothy 3:1-5