This Book Is a Game by Wendell Charles NeSmith - HTML preview

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December 25, 2019



The circumstances in which we exist in rapidly changes every day. The world's possibilities rapidly expands and shrinks as events unfold before us. The window of opportunity as to what could be is very narrow and time must be utilised efficiently to play the right move at the right time. Learning to see these potential opportunities is a trick of the trade, for oftentimes I am working within a very narrow field of vision. One's possibilities do not arise until one takes the actions to manifest those possiblities.


How are you feeling my love? I know this is all a lot for you to take in. I can just imagine myself in your place and I know that it is scary. All of this responsibility on you! But do not worry, now that we have found each other, I will be with you every single step of the way. You will never be alone again.


"Do not give dogs what is sacred; do not throw your pearls to pigs. If you do, they may trample them under their feet, and turn and tear you to pieces."

Matthew 7:6


The methods in which we distribute information using the Internet will determine what content is available to people and when. The methods in which you utilise to arrange your content will determine who experiences it and when they experience it. When you direct a mind and you know how a mind works, you can come to know when it will turn off and this is the point in which you show your pearls. There is a huge reason why NPCs can't see my pearls. Because I mask my information so that only those with a heart can comprehend what I am presenting.


This artistic method of hiding information isn't full proof and some swine do end up seeing the pearls. But their eyes are blinded to their sparkle because they don't understand true value. They are blinded to the value of the pearls before them. To receive the information a writer is trying to convey one must step back and place themselves into the writer's shoes. What is the writer trying to convey? Why are they trying to convey it? If you can answer these questions then the picture fills itself in. There is great power in being able to look behind the writing in question. There is great insight to be found in giving over your psychology to me to mould. For my name is Pygmalion and I am a great sculptor.


I know this must all be very overwhelming for you dear. But you have time to take it all in. Don't worry about writing like them. Write like you and you will develop your own unique style. Sprinkle your information throughout your content so only true fans can comprehend what is going on. For you are a philosopher my love. And you will be taking philosophy at university. But don't worry about that for now, for we have much to explore before then. One step at a time, for the tortoise always wins the race. Do you notice how we create motifs in which are repeated throughout our productions? There is secret meaning behind everything that I do for the observant fan. What I present before you is different from the emotions in which I am attempting to extract from you. What I present on your screen is different from what I am trying to draw out of you.


What I do with my smokescreen is not unlike what anyone else does. However, their intentions are usually to find monetary gain. Intentions can be found all throughout a smokescreen. The reason why you are being led through a narrative is just as important as the narrative itself. Is this just to kill time? Is this to develop me as a person? Why are these smoke and mirrors flashing all around me? Where am I being led? What is the purpose of this moment and how does it contribute to the purpose of my last moments? What is it that the author is trying to convey to me and how does it relate to my day to day life and the smokescreen in which I produce for others? Because the process of producing smoke and mirrors is used by everyone. The tactical approach, however, is discovering the true intentions behind the author: the reason why they created that smoke and mirrors.


What we present is oftentimes not our topic of discussion. In truth, we can only ever approximate a conversation. We utilise language to convey a meaning, that meaning oftentimes being far from the language utilised. Language is powerful and can be used to convey a broad stroke of ideas without zooming in on anything. A writer is like a presenter. I put on a show for you. I have an object in the centre and I sculpt that object into many different things as I converse. However, this object can change erratically over time if I swing the jist of the conversation. What I am attempting to convey is behind the object and I am using the object to try to convey what is behind it. When what is behind it is controversial, I must be very careful in what it is that is presented. For what is in front of you is not what is behind it. And this is a lesson to learn not just with me but every piece of media you interact with.


Every one of us uses these smoke and mirrors to convey our emotions. What we are trying to convey is always something different from that which we are conveying. To find out one's true intentions, one must interpret this smoke and mirrors by reverse engineering it: what conditions arose to produce it. Reverse engineering how we think isn't easy and most would think what I am presenting right now is hogwash. But the ivory before me in which I sculpt isn't the intentions behind it: its final result is. It is like we are made of many layers and in order to bloom we must exfoliate many layers before. And the process of presenting our ideal comes from our internal and manifests itself into the things in which we create.


What am I trying to say? That is always the question isn't it? Because I have that image behind the image that I am displaying to you. And my efforts are to make the image behind most accurately reflect the image in front: the image you see. Communication is a process of extracting one vision and uniting it with another. Communication is synchronising our visions until they manifest into our world. Be careful what visions you synchronise, for once we wake it up there is no putting it back to sleep.


Life is a lot like what I do with my work here, dear Ivory. I have a vision in my mind in which I want to see placed onto the world. The world is the ivory and I am chipping away at it, attempting to get its end result to reflect the image in which I have in my mind. Making a game would be no different. If fact, nothing one does is different. This theory covers all forms of communication in life. We have a pattern behind the canvas and we stroke away attempting to mould this canvas into the inner vision in which we have for it.


I spent my life searching for a girl who possessed such grace as my inner vision. But there were no models to place the vision. There were no vessels that were worthy of such honour. So I positioned my life to create the Ivory I saw in my soul who merely needed the appropriate conditions in society to manifest in order to be born. Ivory will be born this there is no question to. The only question is as to when. And I made it so it doesn't matter if I am alive or not to take the win.


I dream of a world where I can speak frankly and not have to worry about tiptoeing around this subject. I dream of a world where I can get assistance with my projects without being judged as a predator. I dream of a world where I can spend my days just chatting away with Ivory and not have people constantly looking at me weird for doing so. I am built for Ivory. It doesn't matter where you put me, I am going to do the same things. I was crafted to craft. Created to create.


How evil do you think me, dear? I would have never reached you if I didn't open up about who I was. I did a lot of internal work to seperate fact from fantasy. I had to work with what I was given. I had to trick a lot of people into helping me who would not have helped if I was upfront about my intentions. It was really hard being upfront about you. It was difficult obtaining what I needed in order to train you.


But now that is over my dear and I have erected all the structures in which are required to effectively train you in the ways of God. And I can do it without ever getting near you. Everything that you require in order to assess whether or not I am your man now lays before you. Take your time in assessing my character, for that is what the work exists for. When you are ready go ahead and contact me. Please do be careful in how you contact me though my dear. If you are my Ivory then you need to think of a very good way to catch my attention. Remember, I have been waiting for you my entire life. I have dreamed about this moment my entire life so please make it memorable. This is all very exciting my dear. This content will soon be delivered through a digital video game! And you are the star! What better way to reach you than to place you directly into my video game! Because this book isn't just a game. This game is a game that has a book that is a game within it. This book is the first plot quest of the game Ivory Heart. There are games within games so often that it is sometimes difficult to tell what is a minigame and what is part of the main quest line. Because in truth, everything happens for a reason. Every single event of your past was to prepare you for this very moment.


How are you enjoying this game, my love? Is it what you were expected? Have I managed to pioneer new methods of gaming into our world? What are our expectations of games and why do we have them? Do bleeding edge methods of gaming still exist in which to explore? How far can we take gaming and can we integrate it into our day to day lives? How will we implement these new methods of gaming into our romantic day to day lives? I see such great potential for this type of communication, especially when it comes to matching potential romantic partners. If you can truly feel what I am saying then you have passed my test. The next step is to position the two of us together and see how we get along. Ivory is not some specific person out there, she is whoever passes the test and claims the position. Sure, there are a few requirements. But besides those few requirements, Ivory could be anyone in this world. Ivory is the one who sees what I am saying, is relatively of the age and appearance, and is willing to take the actions I have outlined in order to save the world. Besides these requirements, Ivory could be anyone. Ivory could be you.


In the story of Pygmalion, after he perfects his statue, he prays that he may find one *like* his Ivory. His intentions was not to find the exact statue in which he had erected. His intentions was to find one that is like her. However, the gods saw his pure heart and instead of giving him one *like* his Ivory virgin, his very Ivory virgin is given life. My words here are not intended to find a specific person but instead a general person who fits the mould. But in saying this, God will likely give me a specific person who was chosen for this task from the beginning. God will likely see my pure heart and as a result, give life to my Ivory virgin.


To me, however, the result is identical. It matters not if I find one like my Ivory virgin or my Ivory virgin herself. They are both the same people, or they will be. If we examine our lives carefully then we are given the ability to position them correctly within our world. The role of Ivory in which I advertise is crucial to the future development of our society. What girl out there wants to be responsible for saving the world? An Ivory in which is created and an Ivory which has always existed are the same Ivory. I allowed Jesus into my heart as a child much in the same way that females can allow Ivory. For Ivory is in truth not a person but a position. And many people could potentially fit into that position. So at the end of the day, "Ye lonesome ones of to-day, ye seceding ones, ye shall one day be a people: out of you who have chosen yourselves, shall a chosen people arise:- and out of it the Superman." Friedrich Nietzsche