This Book Is a Game by Wendell Charles NeSmith - HTML preview

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U 2.0

December 26, 2019



We are creatures of hardware. Our bodily formations are rigid and as a result grants us mobility. Most of the things in which we do in life are automatic. There is only a small portion of life events in which require our interaction. The rest is done by artificial intelligence coded through our DNA. We don't need to press a button to flow blood through our veins or breath through our lungs. They are perfected states that are passed on genetically. Our bodies and their normal day to day operations are the hardware in which we possess. The software is our socialisation. It begins when we are born and continues until we die. It is the experiences in which create us and those experiences are software: mere data on the cloud. Since we experience so much, it is a very slow process to do a distribution upgrade. Because in order to reorientate our direction, we must clean all of the rubbish in which was collected over the years. When something enters our psychology, it is very difficult to remove it. It festers and rots.


Be very careful in your character creation process because damage to it now could mean it causes future hardships. When you are growing up and you sin, your conscience makes you feel bad for it. But you keep doing it despite the bad feeling it gives you. Eventually, you will learn to ignore that gut instinct. This is how NPCs are created. As you grow, follow only what is healthy. But the problem with this world is that what is healthy is oftentimes considered unhealthy and what is unhealthy is oftentimes considered healthy. Because of this, invest yourself in my work until you obtain the eyes. The eyes will show you the difference between truth and falsehood. They will wake you up as to the truth of our world. The eyes will show you the lies in which society pushes on us on a day to day basis.


Let's craft a healthy human. What is health and what attributes in a person would constitute health? And what is unhealthy behaviour? Ivory is kind and understanding. She does not jump to conclusions. She welcomes all conversations and does not banish particular topics. She is level-headed and thinks before she speaks. She considers the point of view of all parties and makes decisions based upon her feelings about it and logic utilised. Ivory is sweet and wants to help everybody. She knows not sin for she has managed to get through her entire life without committing it. She did go through training in order to distinguish sin from righteousness. For she gave her life to God when she was very young and as a result, has never fallen.


What I seek is a female version of me. What I describe is a female version of me. In this manner, it is not true that opposites attract. If you want to live a terrible life then go ahead and find your opposite. If you want to build an amazing life, then find another like you. Another so much like you that you can even work with them on a day to day basis. I don't understand these humans wanting to divide their lives from their partner's. For working with your other half is the spice of life. These humans have made a grave error in their romantic calculations. For a perfect couple is perfectly in unison with one another. I am trying to create my perfect partner by me manifesting in her life while she is still young. Major commitments to God are most effective in childhood. For a child who is serious about giving their life to God is a child who can be of use to God for life. I gave my life to God when I was six years old. And I was so serious about that decision that it stuck from my teens into adulthood. I am seeking my perfect woman, who has given her life to God since childhood.


The age of consent has been consistently going up over the last one hundred and fifty years. The normal age for a female to marry is twelve. The teens began her new life with her husband. This might sound a little crazy to you, but that is only because of the software in which has been installed into you. How you view romance was inherited by your family and society. Twelve years of age is actually the perfect age to marry. Older than this encourages promiscuous behaviour. We are encouraged to sexually explore ourselves with others in this society. We have lost the concept of being pure and saving yourself for marriage. Ironically, our religions still preach purity. They have just lost its practical application. Do you girls want to know what will make you really attractive? Save yourself for the one. Wait until you find the right guy who deserves to take your virginity. Your virginity is one of your greatest gifts. Don't give that gift to some loser who you will forever remember as your first. Make your first, your last. For I will forever appreciate Ivory's virginity. She chose me to give it to and because of that, I will forever thank her.


Paedophilia in its pure unadulterated form is good and not bad. The truth is that most men are paedophiles. It is natural to be attracted to innocence. The problem here though is taking that innocence from her. The world doesn't work like our society says it does. There is no clear cut rules for marrying. One doesn't go to sleep at seventeen and somehow magically wake up at eighteen ready for a relationship. Different people will be ready for a relationship at different times in their life. Placing an age on marriage is fucking evil. Society tries hard to tell us what to do. But it doesn't know true health so how can you trust it with anything? The ways in which they encourage people to find a sexual partner are evil. Their model of romance is so broken. And you can easily see this by examining the relationships in the world. They are not close. They are two lives with benefits. God doesn't want to see two lives with benefits. God wants to see one integrated life.


"Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and hold fast to his wife, and they shall become one flesh."

Genesis 2:24


It did not say that a man shall leave his father and mother and then sleep with as many people as possible. Finding your soul mate when young is God's desire for our lives. For God does not want us promiscuous.


"Let marriage be held in honour among all, and let the marriage bed be undefiled, for God will judge the sexually immoral and adulterous."

Hebrews 13:4


How long does it take to brainwash an entire people? Increasing the age of consent little by little, one hundred and fifty years. To change our collective mindset to view a twelve year old as a child instead of marriage material. Over the last one hundred and fifty years we have coddled our children so much that we have mentally kept them as children all the way until they reach eighteen. You are no longer a child dear Ivory. It is time to grow up. I know that you feel like a child because that is what society keeps telling you. But don't believe them. Do not delay your own development. It is time to snap out of it and wake up. There are so many problems in this world and we have to fix them for your current and future generations.


Do not allow the generations below us to be left with a fucked up world. The generations before us screwed us over by leaving us a broken planet. Let's not stoop to their level. Instead, let's build Heaven on Earth for all current and future generations. The template to do this is in heaven. The only way you will be able to get there to see the template is by consistent good actions. Once you can see the template then you can reproduce it under Earth conditions. This is very possible, for our society meets all the requirements to become a utopian society. Who doesn't want to live in a utopian society? It wouldn't make sense for someone to not want to live in a utopian society. Everybody wants it. So let's make it happen. But the problem with living in a utopian society is that all characters within it must possess attributes that would belong to a utopian society. So no utopia is possible without our character traits reflecting that of a utopian society. So our first step in creating a utopia is to obtain the virtues of a utopian society. Afterwards, it would progress by creating a small utopian community. And from there we just expand outwards.


The upgrade is simple. It does not mean one will change over night. But what it does mean is that we must be very careful before we open our mouths. For there now exist soul reapers within our world. Because of this, we are required to contemplate very carefully before we open our mouth. If you don't pick a side, then you better get out of my way or you will be drug into this war. I will never back down, for the free Internet is too valuable. The upgrade gives you the ability to stand back and assess a situation before you pass judgement. Because people are very easy to figure out. For they always speak from the heart.


"A good man brings things out of the good stored up in his heart, an evil man brings evil things out of the evil stored up in his heart.

For the mouth speaks what the heart is full of." Luke 6:45



Look at my writings and the dates. Most of the time I manage to write at least a chapter a day. Can you imagine how much time I spend here typing on my phone? What about all of the time I spend recording chapters? What is before you is my life. I am trying very hard to have an unlimited amount of work. I am trying very hard to have so much work that it is not possible for someone to experience all of it. This is my life. Notice the things in which I say on a day to day basis. Because I have exposed my heart for all to see and asses. My heart is open source.


The reason that I have so much work is because I never want you to run out of content from me. I begged for someone like me in my childhood to help direct me. But I failed at finding one like me to train me, so I became what I needed as a child. Now I am here for all those with a heart. And knowing this makes me happy. It was very slow going though because I had to learn all of this on my own. But I got to the point where I am running full throttle. But can you imagine what I would have become if I had a tutor like me in my childhood? The truth is that I am nothing compared to what is possible using this education method. If I was given my content as a child, imagine what I would have become. The capabilities of this education method have not even touched the surface. So now I pass my work on to you to continue. How far can you take it? The sky is the limits. How far will you fly? Just be careful not to fly too close to the sun.