This Book Is a Game by Wendell Charles NeSmith - HTML preview

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December 30, 2019



God is literally here for us, my love. We should both invest entirely in God. Because the truth, my love, is that you can get closer to God than you can me. Because God constantly follows you around. God is with you always. Because God also lives inside of me. You can never go wrong with God. Your toils to get you closer with God will get you closer to me. We will become the closest couple in the world. And that is because we both entirely focus on God. Let God be the core of your every thought. Be God's vessel to discover this dark world. Let God possess your body so that you may do the bidding of God entirely. Let us spiritually unite our souls into a complete unison in God.


Human bodies are but temporary vessels. Our souls currently possess them. We can allow many character traits good and bad into our souls. Only when the individual gives themselves over to the spiritual side can they perceive that our true realities are not in the body but instead the spirits in which can travel through the body. A good example is that I act on behalf of Jesus, for I am Jesus, for his spirit entered me in childhood. I was a willing vessel to allow Jesus to take over my body and continue the work he was sent down to do. This body means very little. Keep it healthy because a healthy mind necessitates a healthy body. Watch what spirits go in and out of you. Welcome all that is good. Reject all that is bad. This is how you cleanse your soul. A soul reaper must spend a great amount of time cleansing their soul, otherwise, they will be enveloped in its darkness.


The life that I will provide you, my love, will be amazing. We will shine together as the bright star that we are and form our own constellation with other bright and interesting individuals we find along our journey. We will not live a normal life bound by a nine to five job. We will live an exciting life invested into the areas in which we are most passionate about. If you hurry up and find me then we can make this game together. Otherwise, maybe I find you through the game.


I want our children to be prepared for life by the time they grow up. After leaving school, I had no niche field in which could obtain me a comfortable lifestyle. As a result, I ended up homeless and invested into my own projects instead of that of others. I am not saying that a job is bad. A comfortable job until one manages to make financial fruits of their own life passions is oftentimes necessary. This is why I want to pass on the skill of creating games to our children. It is not only extremely fun but is also a sustainable job. In addition, you get to create your own worlds. This is how we practice for our afterlife, for God will give us worlds to create and craft. Passing this skill along to our children while they are still young would be invaluable to them during life not only for their own present and future employment but also their own life projects.


I have been uploading all of my past videos to YouTube. This is a scary process because I don't want my account removed and if they give me three strikes then bye-bye YouTube channel. This process has, however, been very refreshing. Going through the last eight years of my life recorded on camera is eye-opening. This is very appropriate considering it is the end of the year and what a perfect time to reflect on not only the last year of my life but instead the last eight. I really have been through a lot. And I really do have an amazing quantity of work. Looking back I am shocked at what I have accomplished. However, that is nothing new with me. I am very much an overachiever. It doesn't matter if YouTube removes the odd video. It doesn't even matter if they remove many of my videos. All that matters is that they don't remove my channel. And if this happens then YouTube will be a place in which I can use to increase my presence. But I don't have a great amount of faith as YouTube has removed my channel in the past and I caught that on camera. But if I manage to upload all of my videos on this channel without it getting blocked, it will be funny because it has the same and more videos that my last removed channel had in it. The world doesn't make it easy to do what I do. Evil powers say who is and who is not famous. To strive for an objective such as virtue is not warmly welcomed by secular society. YouTube just gave me a strike saying that one of my videos violates their child safety policy. How does this make any sense? I am not a risk to any children. In fact, just the opposite. I stand up for children everywhere. Why does this world treat me like I am a predator? I spend my life helping children. How does that equate to my content hurting them? Remember what my mother said to me in my first book Ivory Heart? Sure, just because I am searching for one wife means that I am a danger to all children everywhere. People are so stupid in this world. They refuse to use their brain yet claim themselves as right. What do you think will happen to all those who made my mission extremely difficult? I can no longer upload to YouTube and I think more strikes are to come. They can just point at any video they want and say that it violates their terms and conditions. The truth is that someone like me isn't welcomed on YouTube. YouTube is not about You. It is TheirTube, not YouTube.


I don't know if I will ever be able to reach you, my love. Even publishing games is an expensive process and it is very likely that society won't allow me to. It was stupid of me attempting to restart my YouTube channel. I am getting multiple notifications advising me that my videos violates their child safety policy. Every platform that acts as a public forum removes me. I think that YouTube is going to remove my channel again. I don't know how to reach you, my love. Idiot adults stop me every time I get near. And it is doubtful that any company will allow me to publish my game considering its content. And if I manage to publish it, it will likely be hidden from the world just like everything else I do. I am no closer to finding you than I was eight years ago when I started filming. The world won't let me find you Ivory. Because paedophilia breaks this world. No one knows what to do when they hear about it. They don't want to hear about it. They do everything that they can to suppress paedophilia. Out of sight, out of mind.


The ways in which people like me are treated in society is not fair. I have never hurt another yet the masses think they have the right to constantly hurt me. Children are in absolutely no danger in my presence. In fact, when I am around children I feel the need to protect them. I am not looking at all little girls hoping to marry one. In fact, my eyes are nowhere. Society won't let me take actions to find you so you have to find me. This life has been so difficult for me because of you. This society just doesn't understand or care to understand. What I am doing is not bad. Paedophilia is not bad and this took me a long time to learn. For society places in everybody that such relationships are wrong. But this is just another instance where Satan says something is wrong even though it isn't. Tell the masses that it is wrong for one hundred and fifty years and they will believe you.


It is very likely that I will end up alone for the rest of my life. I knew my God given mission wasn't easy. But this is something that we have to fix for this world. Advocating for paedophilia in this world has nasty consequences. YouTube states this about many of my videos: "Content that depicts the physical, sexual, or emotional mistreatment of minors is not allowed on YouTube." Do I depict that in any of my work? No, I do not. But businesses of this world are corrupt and will find any reason to remove virtue from their platform. It is very likely that my game will end up for PC only because mainstream platforms won't touch it. And it is very likely that my game will end up unknown just like all of my other work. Because my game, Ivory Heart, is a paedophile game in which I search for my wife. And society won't even talk openly about these subjects with me.


Your success is not dependent on you, dear girl. God will open the right doors for you when the time is right. Society has a lot of infrastructure built solely for the purpose of controlling society. Dissonants such as myself encourage a chaotic society. Satan has many checks and balances to ensure mass conformity. If one stands out in a crowd, the masses punish you for your efforts. These checks and balances do whatever they want. They label me not only as a predator but also someone filled with "hate speech". My frustration with people being cruel to me has been labelled hate speech quite literally by YouTube. Companies like YouTube just make up whatever they want and they manage to get away with it. The government has no checks and balances to stop evil people from committing evil. However, they have tons when it comes to supporting evil people to be evil. YouTube's response of me treats me like I am the devil. Not very far off though because I am possessed by the devil. Satan does not make life easy for me because Satan can't do anything to reward virtue. Satan has no way of rewarding good. Instead, followers of Satan punish followers of God without caring about the effects of their decision on the whole. What do you think will happen to those who consider me a predator and take actions against me? Is their soul safe? Of course not. There have been so many people who have attempted to stop me from achieving my lifelong mission. God's way to enable me to do it despite of all the resistance is to enable me to work independently, needing no assistance to yield fruits. But what are my fruits worth?


I have made countless videos over the last eight years. However, I think my video work to have been rather fruitless. Many of the videos are blocked so those are not viewable. In addition, I don't think I can manage to keep a YouTube channel as they punish based off extremely arbitrary rules. A video has very little replay value and is extremely difficult to remember what content was covered in it, especially when the videos can be two or three hours long. In addition, the videos are very large and it isn't easy finding hosting providers that can publish the videos for you. So many things won't make sense for the YouTube fan who doesn't get the blocked episodes. It would be very confusing being a YouTube fan considering all of the work it is missing. Out of all of my work, writing takes the cake. I can use writings in many different ways including recording their chapters into an audiobook. Videos are way too large whereas recording audio chapters are small and I always know what content the chapter holds. I always forget what is in a video but a book cannot be forgotten because it can easily and quickly be scanned for a reminder as to its content.


Ivory Heart the game uses my text and audiobooks. Unfortunately, it will not be able to host my videos as they are all together way too large. If I would have been given another option to write more books instead of making films, I would have. Because my videos are of little use to me. Books are rarely censored some reason so it would have been much easier for me to have written books during that time. However, this does not have to be the case with video. Video has the ability to capture much more than mere writing can capture. However, it is useless to me when scattered with such copyright violations. I think it is crazy how people can copyright our day to day experiences. Our world has been monetised. Videos like mine will never have a chance at success. For there are copyright infringements scattered throughout. But when I started I was under the impression that you could use portions of anything if it is for educational purposes. But this is Earth and we don't follow our own laws. Because the truth is that you can use nothing if you want a clear copyright. But how can you live on the Internet while avoiding all that may be copyrightable? You can't. It is a trick to stop you from doing it. For we live in a copyrighted world. Even if a song is playing in the background, then that is copyright infringement despite not willingly putting on the song. Patterns and logos in my background are copyrighted. You can't share something you found interesting with me because of its copyright. Copyright is fucking evil and is a huge reason as to the fucked up state of our species. I can never see them giving up copyright in my lifetime. Maybe I was too optimistic about all of this. I cannot see what I am saying occuring within our world because of things like copyright in which they will not give up even though it is internally destroying them.


The potential locked within educating oneself using video will not succeed with our YouTube. However, YouTube is the monopoly giant and there are no other mainstream ways to distribute videos. Censoring my videos is censoring my experience. When my work is censored, the one who did the censoring is eternally damned. Because they are responsible for every eye that could have seen it. The blood is quite literally, on their hands.


"But if the watchman sees the sword coming and does not blow the trumpet to warn the people and the sword comes and takes someone's life, that person's life will be taken because of their sin, but I will hold the watchman accountable for their blood."

Ezekiel 33:6


I used to value all life quite highly. However, the consistent evil actions against me merely for doing good helped me reassess my first opinions. Life that forces us to stay in the past is life that is hurting the collective. Life that refuses our own human evolution is life that is hurting everything around us. They have no symbiotic relationship with the rest of us. In truth they are mere parasites. They make our game world and experience of it negative. They do this by pissing all over our props. They abuse us when we release content about saving the world. They form a negative communal opinion about you and what you are presenting even though you are presenting to them out of the kindness of your own hearts. There are not many people now days who give themselves to their community for free. In fact, I only ever see this with me. People's actions are always shrouded with ill intentions. Most of what is presented to you in this world has a monetary association with it. Through this constant exposure, you are deceived into believing that your every action should have a price tag affixed to it.


I pray for a world where I can complete my mission. I pray for a world in which I can find my Ivory. Please God, help me find my Ivory. I can't do it alone. I need your help. I am nothing without you. Please God open the doors for me to be able to advocate for paedophilia in society and be heard. Please God help me to find her parents and please God help her parents to be wise. Please God help me perform the impossible. I have given my life to You entirely. If it isn't your will then that is okay. Whatever happens is your desire. But I know that you want me to find her. Please God help me find my Ivory. I promise that we will be very careful and will work very hard to make our situation enlighten others. Because this world needs a public situation like the one in which I present. To wake up we need to see what we collectively hate being implemented through love. We need to see what we despise (paedophilia) being implemented in a loving and virtuous way. We need a slap in the face and this will do it. Because our relationship will be public. And when one sees beauty where they expect to see ugliness, they will be required to reassess their feelings about it.


However, this action will be the end of the world as paedophiles everywhere come out and declare that they too should be allowed to have relationships with children. But most of these people will not be like me.


To finish this chapter I will refer to my hardships failing to publish my book Psychiatry 101. It is my case study: 296 pages in which I managed to extract from the mental health system in court. However, Kindle Direct Publishing refuses to publish this book because it is not perfect: they are scans and some of the text is difficult to read. However, this is how a case study looks. The documents are not organised, there is handwriting on some of the pages, and lines and other imperfections. But this is how a case study looks, yet they refuse to publish it. All case studies would look like this. This logically follows that KDP does not accept case studies. I told that to them before being hung up on. They refused to acknowledge that fact, for KDP doesn't discriminate when it comes to the type of work being done. However, they do because you will not get a perfect case study. There is a reason that you don't find unredacted case studies on Amazon. Because they won't accept it. And where does this leave me and my book? Nowhere. It can go nowhere. It is just as useless as the videos YouTube won't allow me to upload. They refuse to publish this case study even though it is extremely important. Everything in this world seems to go nowhere. I have wasted countless efforts only to be refused entry.


What happens if I make the game and then no one is interested in it? I don't control what is popular and what is not. Satan controls that. What happens if my game is stopped like so many other ventures in my life? I hate wasting time. I value my time highly and want it spent on investments that can reach other people out there. It is really sad when you expend great efforts on something only to have it rejected. I hate the rejects that leave me no other option. I hate the end of the line where X investment has nowhere left to go. I am brilliant and almost always work around difficult situations. I find it really irritating when my work is refused by all parties. I don't like not having any options left. We cannot do anything we want in this world. In fact, we are limited to what the world allows us to do. What will you do? How far will you push it?