This Book Is a Game by Wendell Charles NeSmith - HTML preview

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December 31, 2019



I hope you had a great holidays my love. I had friends over last night and we had a few drinks. I am going to have a few friends over tonight as well which will be fun. Celebrating is not bad. However, celebrating the way society does is bad. Stay away from big parties and clubs. That is not your scene. Your scene is quiet and gentle. You will know your scene when you are with them. Our scene is the rejects of the world. The rejects of the world are our people.


Do not envy others. You are in the best situation possible. Simple luxuries such as excess wealth will not get you any closer to heaven. In fact, just the opposite. Why would you envy another who is in a worse situation than you? It is almost impossible for the rich to earn themselves a spot in heaven. For their physical riches blind themselves to spiritual riches. There are only few people in this world who are truly spiritual. There is a wealth of spiritual riches that are free for the taking, one only needs to be capable of recognising spiritual riches. And spiritual riches are not fleeting like worldly riches. You can't lose obtained spiritual riches. It even survives death.


"Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of God." Matthew 19:24


Although a lot of what I present may sound difficult and full of suffering, however, I want to make it clear that we are in the best position possible in this life. The only worthwhile investments are spiritual. All other investments that are not spiritual should be only utilised to keep your physical body surviving. The physical world is there to teach us how to keep ourselves healthy. It is there to help us orientate our world. It is not there to be consumed within its fleeting pleasures. The physical world is there for us to overcome and as a result, achieve a spiritual existence. This entire reality is setup to enable us to achieve a spiritual reality from the physical fantasy. Our true reality is behind the physical. The physical is just the appearance of things and the spiritual is the true life essence.


We must be very careful how we do this, my love. Because our actions to make our relationship work will have a casual chain. If I am allowed to have you, then paedophiles around the world will think that they also have that right. But that right is earned and not given freely. We will have to spend a long time contemplating how we are going to reveal our relationship to the world. We must be very tactful in our approach because we will also be pioneering this type of relationship for the entire world. What do you think should be the requirements to obtain this type of relationship, my love? We must be careful for real predators as they will come out of the dark when we come out of the dark. This type of relationship is only supported in virtue and marriage. But this is very difficult because what is to say that they won't be with their partner for a few years, getting their rocks off with sex, and then leaving their partner. This is the bad kind of paedophilia and we must figure out how to eradicate it. I don't have all the answers, my love. I need your help to do this right. I really need your brain and heart in order to figure out the best way for this to go down.


Have you worked out all the details of my game yet? I am playing my game here for you so that you can understand how the game is played. My love letters to Ivory are there to show you an example of a plot device that can engage your readers. This book is part of my game and was created as an instruction manual for the game we call life. Throughout this book I not only give you instructions on how you could setup and configure your own game but I also give you examples based upon my own game. I know that my game is extremely controversial and I recommend that you also make your game controversial. Humans don't learn without being shocked as to the truth first. Shock them before you open up about your inner secrets. Make the populace say, "wtf?". This will lose most of your audience early on but remember who your audience is for: the few. Only invest your efforts in the few. The many don't deserve your time. You are too precious to be wasted on the lay people. Instead be there for those who will actually put in the work in order to save the world.


No matter what happens, my love, I am here for you. Even if we don't manage to find each other in this lifetime, that is okay. God knows my heart and whatever happens will be God's desire. Maybe I am just a precursor to someone else who will succeed in what I am proposing. If I am gone from this world, please use my work to get strong. It doesn't matter what generation accomplishes what I outline. Just so that it is eventually accomplished. I want with all my heart and all my soul for it to be me. But God opens doors in His own time. And sometimes God will never open those doors. But who are we to question God? God has a plan and God knows best. Even if my life doesn't turn out like I have planned, that is okay. God can use me in whatever way He wishes. I expect nothing from God. God is much wiser than I and understands the bigger picture that I can't see. As a result, it matters not if any of the things which I recommend come to fruition. I will trust in God through the good and the bad. I will achieve in this life everything that God has planned for me. Because I am great at adapting to whatever situation God places me in.


I have got the point of no return with my work. I am all in. My name is Wendell Charles NeSmith and I am a paedophile. Paedophilia in its pure and unadulterated form is beautiful. I live in a really stupid society that cannot see the benefits of such relationships. I will no longer be secretive about my intentions. I will now shout from the rooftops that I am a paedophile. And I am proud of it. The relationships of this world are generally wicked, oftentimes because of their promiscuous behaviour before finding a partner. We live in a world where sick love is celebrated and pure love discouraged. I am going to spend the rest of my life advocating for this type of relationship. I know what I am saying is right, so it doesn't matter if I am treated terribly because of it. I can endure this world's hate.


"Blessed is the man who remains steadfast under trial, for when he has stood the test he will receive the crown of life, which God has promised to those who love him."

James 1:12


What I am presenting here is very logical. However, that doesn't stop me from getting banned in all types of forums. It doesn't matter how logical I am. The topic makes most people uncomfortable. But here is the problem: if we cannot talk about our feelings, especially when it is something as complicated as being attracted to children, then where can these people go for help to understand and place under their control their feelings? There is no help in this society for paedophiles. As a result, these individuals attracted to children act upon their instincts and as a result end up committing one of the worst crimes possible: raping a child. This blood is on the hands of society because society refuses to openly talk about these issues. Who is society? It is you. Individuals make up society.


The only way to fix this problem is to allow paedophiles to open up. We need to have counsellors who are trained in how to help people who are attracted to children understand and live successful lives with their feelings. And we need to make it extremely difficult for a paedophile relationship to exist in this world. For the only people who deserve such reward are those who follow God with their entire essence. I am promoting paedophilia for myself, not for others. For others who really wish to marry a child must commit themselves entirely to that child way before they even know who that child is. For paedophilia is right for me. It is not right for the majority of the population as they are usually very sexually oriented. This is not a chance to fuck a child. This is a chance to find your soul mate and spend the rest of your life pleasing them. I do not advocate for just anyone in society to have this capability. For true value must be earned and is never given freely.


I am not against a paedophile relationship between an older woman and a younger man. However, this process is much more effective in its reverse. The man can spend the beginning of their adult life setting it up for his future partner. Men should take care of their women. Because of this, men can choose to spend the beginning of their adult life getting their spiritual life right and paving the way for their soulmate to be placed perfectly within it. For this reason, I do not recommend an older lady with a younger man. However, there are always exceptions to the situation because love cannot be controlled so easily. But as a cookie cutter mould, it is a better situation for the man to go out and make a life for the both of them and then come back to find her when he is ready for her.


I don't want you to be scared of this world. Because I will protect you from it. I have spent my life facing off with demons and am no longer scared of anything. I have made this life to transition you into it. There is a placeholder in my life and only awaiting the right woman to come along and fill the position. You will be the queen of the world and my heart, dear girl. Don't stress about this for now my love, for you are currently a mere princess. After I train you then your time will come to be promoted to queen. Do not fear because you will be well prepared by that time. I will train you so well that your transition to queen is seamless.


I am not providing immature thoughts. These are my deductions over a lifetime of examining the world and contemplation about it. I know that I am right so I am immovable. Nothing can distract me from my mission. Because I made these deductions as a paedophile in the world. I felt every single blow as my heart's desire was refused entry. This isn't fair. And what is most unfair about it is that no one will allow me to talk about these subjects. So this occurring over my lifetime eventually made me come out of the closet and present my findings to the world. I feel for all the paedophiles of the world because they have no place to receive help and advice. The world has treated me terribly over my life because of this. So if nothing else, I will take all of the virtuous paedophiles off this world and add them to my army that is forming to destroy the world. That is right, I am forming an army to destroy this world. Because everything in which I propose cannot happen until this old world is destroyed and the new world begins. A world without copyright. A new YouTube that is actually all about you. A mainstream video hosting service that doesn't care about copyright is what is needed. Once I find my people, we can create replacements to services such as YouTube and Facebook. It is actually quite easy to clone X technology. The problem lies in convincing people to use it instead of YouTube and Facebook. But when I find my people it matters not. For my people will migrate platforms and that is all that matters for I only care about keeping in contact with them. And when we unite we can progress forward to figure out methods together that will destroy the world and as a result, save the world.


We are chaos and we are about to take over your world. We thrive in chaos. We will bring chaos into your world. But we don't work for the sake of chaos. For anarchy is required when changing between any system of government. Our chaos for the sake of future order. Because even though we are in business as usual mode, our world is in chaos. Welcome the chaos, for there is no other way to achieve order. Let us create a world where justice rules with an iron rod. Let us create a world where people who have done no wrong don't get in trouble. Let us create a world that actually has freedom of speech. For we should be allowed to say anything we want, especially when it is educational. Why would people stop me from speaking when there are no actions attached to that speech, yet? True freedom of speech will save our world as many different personality types come out and open up about who they truly are. If we can convince a variety of people to open up about themselves on the Internet, then we can have teachers for all personality types. And the field of psychiatry is then given another chance as it analyses many different personality types on the Internet. But it won't do that. Psychiatry is a fictional practice. They just fabricate whatever bull shit they want and they get paid for it. Evil is a very luxurious lifestyle. Evil in this world is rewarded whereas good, punished. Let us punish those who truly deserve it. Let us be the reapers of this corrupt world.


What I am doing is good and not bad. Destroying this world is good and not bad. We live in the end times, and if we didn't, we would make it the end times. It is time for the last Adam and the last Eve to stand up. We have God in our side. There is no way that we can lose. The truth is that we have actually already won. Because God sees time differently than us. What is going to happen has already happened. Living as a human is like constantly reverse engineering the world to discover its secrets. Because we will never understand what is presented before us if we refuse to examine background conditions. What are the background conditions of this chapter? Book? What are your background conditions that constitute you? Learn this and you will learn yourself and as a result, become invincible.