This Book Is a Game by Wendell Charles NeSmith - HTML preview

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January 4, 2020



The video game is the best game in the world. I discovered how using video to record your thoughts not only exponentially increases your learning potential, but also exponentially increases your confidence within yourself. Because you have to edit that video and then you have to watch that video. If the content is really deep, then you get at least three exposures to it. This will cause you to contemplate like you have never done before. Our modern methods of education are outdated. The USA had more mass shootings in 2019 than any previous year. Schools are not safe for children. Thus, I have erected a comprehensive education system built from the ground up to be used as a drop-in replacement for all current methods of employment. This is safe education. Because our new schools will be online, for the physical building has outlived its usefulness.


Since I started writing this book, bushfires have started all around me. It is summer in Australia and this year our bushfires are worse than they ever have been in the past. It is causing our cities to be filled with smoke. Canberra, the heart of Australia, is full of smoke and everyone is panicking. This has never happened before in recorded history. They are so big that they are even producing their own weather and thunderstorms that start more fires. Of course this has nothing to do with me. Because of course, nothing bad happens when you torture God's prophets. People don't believe in signs anymore. There is no one truly out there looking for Jesus. Because if they were, they would have already found him. The people of this world have no ability to connect two logical consequential statements. They believe that everything is random and nothing happens for a reason. This is why they are NPCs. They can't see their own programmer above them. They know not logic, for if they did they would understand. They are merely poorly implemented artificial intelligence modules. And what does this mean in war terms? There will be a moment where God allows violence. I recommend staying as a pacifist during this time, but this is your life and your decision. Justice must be served and disgraceful human beings don't deserve the life they were given. I am just pointing out that they do not deserve the life that they are given. What happens after that is out of my hands. Just remember, we will be judged based upon our actions so choose wisely.


Some days the smoke is so bad that it is difficult to see directly in front of you. Sometimes, the sky is completely red. Just recently a large group of people were stuck on the beach with fires all around them. Today my friends purchased gas masks.


"But the heaven we see now and the earth we live in now have been kept by His words. They will be kept until the day they are too be destroyed by fire."

2 Peter 7-8


Remember my book that was rejected from publishing by Amazon? Situations that hit a brick wall are oftentimes merely a waiting game until you figure out how a way to make it happen. Because even though right now your work is being rejected, eventually it is very likely that we will find someone to publish it. That is why Google Books now publishes the book that Amazon refused to publish. My book is out there now and terrible business models such as Kindle Direct Publishing get the publicity they deserve for the actions in which they take. I see a just world in our future where punishment and reward is dispensed to the correct party. Currently, evil is rewarded and good is punished. I need your help to reverse this. I can't reverse this truth without the help of the individuals within the masses to step up and do what I am presenting.

"And do you be patient, for your patience is but from God; nor grieve over them: and distress not yourself because of their plots. For God is with those who restrain themselves and those who do good."

The Holy Qur'an 16:127-128


I was in a huge hurry to find her because I keep growing older. But I had to learn to throw away that idea of me growing older, for it matters not. We all live to different ages and I look extremely young for my age. So this enabled me to continue my work for Ivory even though our ages keep spreading out further and further. For that is not what is important to God. For God is concerned with your relationship and how it progresses and not the age of the individual within the relationship. And it makes no sense to try and hasten this relationship. Although I have done this a lot in the past, freaking out about my age as each year passes, making it more and more difficult to accomplish my mission every year. But I can't force this. I have to find Ivory patiently. It would make no sense to try and force her to come to me more quickly. Ivory will come in her own time. Working harder and more quickly will not produce Ivory quicker. I need to just relax and take a chill pill. After I finish this book and Atheden then I am going to focus on backend operations. It doesn't make sense for me to keep creating more work when the work that I already have is rarely being accessed. There are up times and down times in life. Life is a big balancing act.


I focus on multiple projects at the same time but eventually, they will be completed and I must assess my next move. I will immerse myself in game creation but this means you will have no new chapters or videos from me for a quite a while. During this time, I recommend you investigate my past work. I especially recommend you watch some videos of mine which can be found on BitChute and in their entirety. Although I stated in a previous chapter that my videos are pretty useless to me in the scope of things because I used other sources to present my findings. You can't do this even if it is for educational purposes: the laws about using portions for educational reasons are just for show. Thus, you need to stay away from music when you are recording. You must also stay away from people when recording because that too will get you in trouble. So basically you have to create video work that is all you. The only exception to this is that you can quote books as I have never received copyright problems doing this.


Carry your camera around and find isolated locations in which you can film. But this makes it really difficult to record as you come up with great ideas and want them noted down as quickly as possible. People in the background doesn't matter as long as they can not be identified. So when you think of something brilliant, go ahead and take your camera out and start recording. Just be careful of your angles that you are recording for there is much in this world that is not allowed to be recorded and if you do, it will be censored. Try to avoid this so you can stay on YouTube but never trust YouTube entirely, for they can easily remove your account. YouTube will also remove videos that it deems inappropriate which could be anything. So use YouTube as your main platform but always upload to BitChute and in order to ensure your video's vitality.


You can use whatever recording method you want for this process but video is by far the most rewarding. Because you grow very quickly when you become comfortable in front of the camera. You also learn many things that you like and dislike about yourself because you are viewing yourself in the editing stage. Doing a lot of video work will increase your confidence exponentially and you will keep that confidence with you off screen too.


I recommend that you both make videos and write books. I have a chapter on how to write a book in my book The Great Awakening. Basically it is one sentence at a time, one paragraph at a time, one chapter at a time. Just start off with presenting a topic that you feel very strongly about and have contemplated for long periods of time. Since you know your topic, it shouldn't be that difficult for you. But every recording process is also a learning process. We should not only present things in which we are very well versed in. We should also present things in which we are learning. In this way, you can clearly observe your own learning process and this will teach you how to learn most effectively. Watching yourself learn is amazing. And since you have to 1) get the scene right through potential multiple attempts, 2) edit the video after, and 3) watch the completed video to ensure no mistakes were made, you are required to expose yourself to this content at least three times. We learn through repetition and the editing process is that repetition in which we need to burn the information within our brains so it doesn't leave us. This is how one climbs the ladder to heaven. For its processing refines one's character to the ever sharpening blade of philosophy.


You can pursue any knowledge passions you have, but my Ivory and I are philosophers. We use science, religion, mathematics, sociology, and many more fields of practice to discover the truth. We are polymaths which mean that we pursue a wide range of practices. But our core is philosophy because there is no better activity than reflecting upon your life. For your reflections will lead you to the truth you seek. All fields of practice have disconnected the individual and have been replaced by the collective. Thus, all fields of human practice no longer care about you as an individual. We no longer collectively have heart. And this causes us to be wicked. Because no human world that has removed the individual from its society can make pious actions. When the collective replaces the individual, then we can perform terrible actions against people merely because they are not "normal". This is how the mental health system justifies itself. If someone is not normal then they are to torture that person until they appear as "normal" to the society. Mental institutions exist as a retraining facility to re- educate them as to normal ways they are too act in society. Fuck society. You are all fucking robots. You have been educated to not care about yourself. But it is individuals who become prophets. It is never a collective that becomes prophets. The collective has no spiritual abilities, for it rejects that side of life.


And why would it do that? Because Satan is the head of this collective and he wants everybody to burn in Hell because Satan knows that he is headed for Hell and he is attempting to obtain as many slaves there as possible before he is sent there. Satan controls the collective. And you have to escape it if you value the fate of your soul! Don't let them brainwash you! Turn off the boob tube. Stop doing what they want you to do. Remove yourself from society by not immersing yourself in their idle projects. Avoid a job if you can, for working for another is slavery. Find real news sources like Prophecy Update Videos from YouTube. Disconnect from mainstream society and build a new indie society. Stop taking their poison and instead find something nutritious like my work.


I can't spend every day of my life searching for you Ivory. At a certain point with my work I am required to stop and pray that what I have already made somehow reaches your eyes. There is a time for everything and right now is the time for writing. However, the time for writing has almost passed and as a result, the time for video game development has started. I will not be advertising over this period. I generally only advertise with new material and I won't have any new material. Life brings you stages and in these stages we are invested in different activities. For example, my video work is complete and I don't see any need for any more videos currently. This exact situation is about to occur with my writings. For after This Book Is a Game and Atheden are complete, I will have nothing more to write about for a while. And I can't spend my entire existence looking for Ivory. At some point I have to just stop and hope that my previous investments are enough to find her. If not, then hopefully Ivory Heart the video game will do it. If not, I have no more cards to play, and that would be the end of my game. But my game works actively in the background so hopefully everything that I have created will one day pay off.


I don't see any way that I could be able to find Ivory. Because my fans have serious ADD problems. Fans usually get obsessed for a very short period of time and then drop me. But no matter what the reality of my situation, I trust in God. Because it is not me who is in control of finding Ivory but God. If God wants us to find each other then it will happen. But it will happen in God's time and not my own. And even if it doesn't happen in this lifetime, it will in my next. So even though the thought of not finding her in this life really saddens me, it matters not because I don't work for this life but instead the one after. That afterlife is the only one worth my toils, for God will allow Ivory and I to create a world of our own. And we will be good gods to all of our creation.