This Book Is a Game by Wendell Charles NeSmith - HTML preview

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January 9, 2020



My name is Wendell Charles NeSmith and I am a drug addict. But I am not your typical run-of-the-mill drug addict. In fact, I am a philosopher and graduated at university with that degree.

Currently I am working on my Master's of Education (Knowledge Networks and Digital Innovation). I am also currently developing a 3D adventure mythology game called Ivory Heart, produced by Divine Tragedy. I run a free online education system that covers a large variety of topics. I also volunteer at an organisation that promotes drug harm minimisation AND advocacy. I am a published author and I have won one award for my first feature film, Ivory Heart.


My drug of choice is spice, which is legal. Spice is its street name, for it could be any type of synthetic cannabinoid. The potential psychonautical applications with this drug is infinite. It is not physically addicting and withdrawal symptoms are fairly nominal. The drug is best enjoyed when one hasn't had it for a while because the body builds up resistances to it. As a result, it is a drug best utilised if not consumed on a daily basis.


First and foremost, spice is a medicine to me. I suffer from severe insomnia and spice puts me to sleep when I am tired. I usually purchase spice at the beginning of my pay cycle. Usually around this time I have not slept for days. The next twelve hours are bliss as I sleep like a baby. After I have recovered, spice helps me stand back and observe my work for what it is. It assists my creativity in order to reach optimal solutions. And it helps me disconnect from aspects of the world in which I want no part of. Spice breaks their programming. It forces you to stand back and examine your life from scratch, rebuilding it as you piece all of the information together again. It enables you to perceive the truth about our reality and its slavish results. Viewing mainstream media while on spice enables you to break it apart in order to easily study its purpose. Spice makes you a little suspicious of things. Use this suspicion to analyze absolutely everything in your life. Flag the inconsistencies for further review. Find glitches in game. Exploit glitches.


Business as usual dominates this planet. A building could blow up and its neighbouring buildings would still continue working. People do not realise the world in which they exist within. They are the snake charmers and they have hypnotised you. They have conditioned you to be a compliant slave. Some types of drugs force you out of their world. From outside one can rebuild their own world before returning to it. Rebuilding our old world from outside the world will teach us how they manipulate us. This begins the process of removing yourself from within their control.


I am not promoting that others use this drug as spice can be quite potent. Many people become psychotic on the drug. Your first high will tear you away from your corporeal self. You will forget who you are and where you are. You will again have to re-establish who you are, where you are, and what you are doing in life. This process is amazing for personal development because it shows you who you are. From this point, you are able to make simple modifications in your behaviour by reprogramming your mind. This is the point where you become better than you were. This is how evolution works and it actually works on a deoxyribonucleic acid level. Changing our mind and how it perceives the world alters our DNA. This is why spending your life invested in studies is the most effective way to produce brilliant children. For your children do not only inherit your physical genes but also your mental achievements. And if you train your children to most effectively utilise their inherited genes, then they too will become an Übermensch. If this occurs over generations then you literally have the recipe for success and the possibilities in life open up to not only the individual, but also the collective as each generation posits their unique gifts to the world. This is what is known as evolution, for our possibilities are infinite if understood correctly.


I have a shirt that says, "drug use = my right, abstinence = your right, prohibition = no rights". Spice acts not only as a medicine to me but also as a performance enhancing drug. I get more out of life on drugs. I am more active and my creativity is enhanced. Without spice I am likely to get distracted with games and other such time wasters. However, on spice, I am very focused on my own work and distributing it far and wide. I complete much more work on spice than I would without. An individual should be allowed to do their drug if they can prove that their drug is beneficial to them in life. If they cannot prove that their drug benefits their life, then it should not be allowed. The legality of drugs should be assessed on a case-by-case scenario. Because people who are destroying their lives with drugs should not be able to use them. Drugs are a responsibility and those who are unable to be responsible for their actions on drugs should not be allowed to use them.


I see a world that is not restricted by laws. I see a world where everything is assessed on a case-by-case basis. Nothing in this world should be blanket banned by laws. For everything is permissible under certain conditions. There is no absolute evil or absolute good. One situation could be evil and another good. This is why democracy doesn't work. As stated in Quest 10, political scientists get the same one vote as some Arkansas inbred. All modern laws are evil because they blanket ban certain activities when these activities are pure when committed in virtue. Getting the whole class in trouble because one person ruins it for everyone isn't fair. Just because X person reacts in X way does not mean that I will react in that way. True justice is not banning particular activities but instead only allowing those who are responsible to be allowed to invest in those activities. Justice is never blanket banning an activity. In fact, that is quite the opposite.


We must fight in this world for all we care about. It is not only laws that stop is from doing what we want but also the collective mentality. For example, most of what I discuss in my books are controversial topics that are considered taboo in today's society. I speak with you about them because the collective mentality of this world does not allow me to speak of these subjects in public. Is this justice? We are not only fighting against laws but also common understanding amongst the populace. Quite literally, my love, it is us against the world. But that is okay because we are awesome and this world is full of idiots. Even if we lose, we win. For that is how we made the game. It is not possible for me to lose my game. Even if I never find Ivory, I still win my game, although maybe failing to unlock the best ending. It matters not what happens to me. I set all this up so I win no matter what I do. And that is what separates those who are good at this game and those who are bad. Good players of This Book Is a Game will setup their life to render it impossible to lose. This Book Is a Game is no ordinary game. We power game here. We are so much more powerful than the mere mortals of this world and the only creatures that cause us some difficulty are boss fights. But we must be creative in how we fight and as a result we will win in a unique and interesting way. Button mashing is so boring. Let's use our brains!


One's rights should be earned through the actions in which they take in life. There are certain rights that every human should have, like the right to food and water, accommodation, universal income, and safety. But beyond these basic human rights, humans have no rights. The individual must push for their rights. But before they can push for them, they must first discover them. In order to discover your rights you must study and study. And when you are ready to claim the rights, do so. Present all of the information you have uncovered in a logical fashion. And then explain why the laws do not apply to you. In this way you can logically break the laws until the laws reflect your own personal ideology. It is not likely that the laws will change anytime soon so be prepared to be punished for breaking those laws. But in performing this process you are pioneering the new world. And if you were correct in your assertions then future cases similar to your case will be handled differently. This is how one changes the world. For they must become the example which then will be considered in all future cases. But maybe this is inaccurate as of now because the law could care less about individuals. They never learn from their evil actions. Court is Satan's fucking home. It is a place to redeem those who are evil and punish those who are good. They do not utilise logic in court. Far from it, for the lawyers are masters of lies.


Because in this world the masses are the judge, jury, and executioner. I was called a kiddy fucker the other day. So I am to be accused of something that I have never done. A paedophile is psychological. It is an attraction to children. In no way does it follow that paedophiles rape children. Yes, a paedophile might rape a child but that is fucking evil and the majority of paedophiles live out their lives without ever touching a child inappropriately. In fact, a paedophile is more likely to stay away from children because of this attraction. All paedophiles are not evil and our society will never grow if it cannot learn how to distinguish a predator from victim of society. I am a victim of society, for I am harassed on a daily basis because of my writings. And the majority of people who contact me on a day to day basis are condemning me. The truth is that most of the people of this world want me dead. But I know that I am right so I shall not waver. I don't live this life to win the approval of humans. Quite opposite in fact. I toil my days away for God. Humans who refuse to understand can fuck off. They are my enemies and I want them nowhere near me. For they are, "reaped and blocked".