This Book Is a Game by Wendell Charles NeSmith - HTML preview

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December 3, 2019



What is important in your adventures is your main quest line. This is typically something that takes a very long time to obtain. Through my subjective interpretation as a player of this objective game, I tint these writings with my own quest. However, this is done at a minimum in order to focus on what is truly important: your quest and what steps you are going to take to achieve it. And don't worry too much. Quests can change over time as new information is unraveled. My quest has deviated so much since starting, however, the core remained the same. Your next step is to carefully examine your own life and where it has brought you. Spend time doing this and even draw a map or timeline if it helps. Get to know yourself. You are now your new best friend. It is likely to begin this adventure you will be playing in single player mode. But I hope this quickly changes for you as you find other players around this vast world. If you have other players to launch, more power to you.


What does it mean to know thyself? Video is an excellent way to get to know thyself. You also learn how to comport your body gracefully through video work. Anyway in which you record to get to know yourself, you should use that opportunity to really pour out your heart about the issues closest to it. Doing this will give you clear direction as to where you were and where you are going. The issues closest to your heart are not issues in which you have no experience in. You are unique, in fact, player worthy unique, and that means that you have something to offer society that no one else can. You need to carefully reflect on the pains in life in which you have felt and work on methods to resolve those pains not only individually but also collectively. Oftentimes resolution can come merely from talking out the problems. It is amazing what we can see after recording ourselves doing something, whether that be writing or talking about an issue. You will be able to look inside and be given the player's eyes and unlock the true possibilities in your life. Because this game isn't boring. It is amazingly fun. You just have to figure out how to turn your life experiences combined with your gifts into beautiful stories that will touch the heart's of others and inspire them to be the best that they can be, despite the sickness that this society displays towards each other on the Internet.


Your quest began when you were conceived. Your parents went through a rough nine months having you. And after that, changing you. But you were brought into a particular place at a particular time under particular circumstances. You are incredibly unique! If we figure out how to hone in on the gifts that these experiences produced, I would go so far as to say that you are irreplaceable. Do you know what? Irreplaceable people are the most important part of society as they give something unique that no one else can offer. Really think hard. The sad times and the good. What inspiration can you share as a result of your trials and tribulations? What fun can you offer your fans as a result of the peaks of your life? What advice can you offer other people in similar situations as to you? Before we continue, however, I want to warn you not to get caught up with your fans. You might not get any for a long time for one thing. And another, you shouldn't be playing for other people. You are playing for yourself. The media creations in which you craft should be created to 1) entertain yourself, and 2) educate yourself. Even if people hate it, it does not matter. There are some people who would benefit from what you have to say. It just might take you a while to find the right audience.


This Book Is a Game is intended to help you discover techniques in order to find your audience and as a result, your party members. These could be people in which you connect with deeply who also play the game. Help with their missions, for they will help with yours. Work collaboratively if possible and create a little community. Be very selective about who you allow into that community. Learn with each other, laugh with each other, and cry with each other. Be a supportive backbone for each other's character development process. Don't be afraid to put your heart out there. It feels very liberating doing so. Sure, you get the haters, but you also get those who find it very meaningful and appreciate your efforts very much. If you become a player, then I appreciate your efforts very much. I would be very happy if I was able to get this game commonly known throughout the world. Because if I did that, bang, collective enlightenment. I have not done anything you see before you for myself. Those who claim me to be selfish are full of it. I am selfless. I give my entire life to the world. That is the game. And if you do it, you too shall become selfless as what once were your achievements now become all of society's achievements. But also, all of your fears will be exposed. In a way, you will stand naked in front of the world. But don't worry, I paved the way for you. You will never be alone. I invite you to take my hand and if you do, I promise you that I will be there for you every step of the way.


When you do something meaningful and then record it, it rewires parts of the brain because you have to get it perfect. Afterwards is the editing stage, which is a huge process because you not only have to select the best areas of the recording which can be a difficult choice, but also you get to play yourself a mirror. In this mirror you can find the other half of your soul. Somewhere in the eyes. Second star to the right and straight on till morning! In this mirror you will find out many things about yourself, some good and some not so good. The objective and side missions of your quest line is improving the good and also improving the not so good. Stay course and eventually the not so good becomes good and the good becomes great and if you keep working at it, the legend status that I know that you could one day be.


Look for clues everywhere. Not only in my work, as there are many scattered throughout it, but also within your own life. Your life has directed you directly to this point that you exist within right now. Why? There must be purpose in that? There is, I promise you. Play the game and you will improve your life drastically. Sometimes at first it can be difficult adjusting to the process, but I have faith in you. Making fun stories loosely based upon the real events in your life which are unfolding is fun! You become a documentarian. So be sure to make quality productions. Because that work will follow you around throughout your playthrough and it is best for past toils to work for you and not against you. And once you do it and release it, it is done. Relax. Then move on to the next thing. Idle hands are the devil's playthings. Your time to bask in glory isn't until much later in the game. Don't let your work get to your head. Try to remain humble. Although you will need to develop quite a strong confidence to withstand the haters of this game world.


The truth is that your possibilities in this game are without limits. Limits of one's capabilities have not yet expanded their horizon. There are many things to learn in this life and you should be learning everything relevant to your production. You should be learning before your production. Sometimes just rambling on is fine, but most productions are planned, at least to some extent. And sometimes the process of writing on any canvas can give the author a handful of different ideas for the ending, and those ideas decide and refine as the book progresses. Don't be too rigid with your train of thought. That is particularly important during the reception of This Book Is a Game. It is designed to train you into an affective player whom can take care of themselves in this  game world. Remember, there is only one life here so you must act carefully. The big truth is this entire game is to introduce you to an even bigger game I set up and constructed specifically for you. Or maybe what I am trying to communicate here is that I have played my game extensively and as a result have vast amounts of research into this playing methodology all available for free to you. All I ask is, hahaha, I tricked you. I ask nothing of you. I don't care. I don't need anything from anyone. Well maybe I do ask one favour if you really want to help. If you know or come across someone who could be my soul mate, please send her my way. For a description of her beauty, image search for "Hinata and Naruto kiss": Us! For a description of her mind: one super receptive to my words and very compassionate and caring towards people. The big thing: she is about to enrol as a philosophy major at university. This is very difficult to find a real woman who will dedicate her life to philosophy quite literally with me. If you find her and want to do me a huge favour, just direct her to my work. If it is right, things will work out from there. And if they do, you saved the world by setting us up, making you the greatest matchmaker ever to exist. From there on out you will see many many amazing fruits from us.


Well that is my quest. To find her. After I find her, of course a new chapter of my life begins. But it is a finishing chapter: one reaping the glory of the toils of your previous chapters. Planting many seeds has its advantages. This is why I recommend you work with writing, audio, and video. If you are not the best looking, you need to stare into a mirror until you can find a look in which you look amazing and work with that. Keep clean. Unclean people gross me out. Most NPCs are unclean in this world. Sleeping with the unclean will render you unclean. It takes a lot of washing to clean yourself properly. Get confident with your look and demeanor in front of a camera. Make stories with meaning and knowledge to pass on within them. Go on with a rough idea how the story will turn out and allow for change. Oftentimes when things turn out differently it can be hilarious! There have been times where I have been given the option to allow the hilarious thing to happen or stop it from happening by telling my story over it. Of course I let the hilarious thing happen. It might have fucked with my story a little, but such is life. It is much more fun to work with whatever arises than to work within fixed structures. But most of the time a little of both is what pays off in the end.


Do not obsess over your creations. Maybe for a short time after but break that link off quickly. This is important because even if it is the greatest work ever created, it is unimportant without the work backing that work up. This is how you build credit and a portfolio. Film-wise, this is called your filmography. After you complete one production and advertise it, on to the next. For me, in general, I am so ADD and can't stick with anything for a very long time. I need many tasks at the same time to occupy my mind. Which ultimately is why I am so affective with my work. I constantly have many projects coming together at the same time, some public and others which run in the background. I have many background services running in which I have created to search for other players. I have been broadcasting for ten years. But the frequency couldn't reach far enough to reach your eyes until recently. That is why I am very proud of this work. Because it managed to reach your heart. And that is what I find meaningful in this work. Rarely do people get the opportunity to reach the heart's of others in this world. We are naturally very closed because modern human nature can oftentimes be very aggressive.


Think of your productions like a cash machine. After you complete its process: cha-ching, off to the next thing. Archive that in your mind. Moult the loose hair and revitalise yourself with the lessons of the old. In theory, each production you create should beat the last, but that is hard to say because I love all of my work. However, this is why I order my work top down, with the most current work at the top. I recommend a similar approach, just try and encourage the viewer to view the entire production before judging. Delaying a reader's mind can be a very powerful tool to get them to think critically and develop as a person. And your stories will be devoid of any meaning if there is no character development. You must develop and learn as you produce in order to progress through this game. Only NPCs enjoy stale characters.


You need to reveal secrets throughout your productions that give insight into you as a person. I want to know what truly makes you tick. A real writer will have the reader wanting to know more into the mind of the writer. Give your secrets in pieces over your productions. Never just give secrets away. Make your players earn them. Scatter them throughout your work and make them incomprehensible unless collected and organised. Don't make this too difficult but actually looking at background conditions should have its rewards. And those rewards should be me learning about your personal secrets. That will make me trust you more. That will make me love you more. That will really pull me into your game world.


Do not let anyone directly into your game world. What this means practically is that you should be responsible for the entire process of recording to advertising. Even if you found your soul mate, you would be working with two stories. Yes, these stories would be quite well integrated. However, these are still two separate production labels. One for me and one for my wife. I will help her with her quest and she will help me with mine. All partnerships should be mutually beneficial. I don't want any help from any players with any of my work. However, in the future, I may feature other player or non-player characters within my work. Your work is yours and don't let anybody touch it.


There is a class of player in this game called an angel. An angel is one who was sent down from heaven to spread love and hope to the world. You will know if you are this class of player easily by looking at your history, childhood included. The history of an angel is filled with angelic actions. Angels are rare players that answer to no player or NPC. They are untouchable players that have mastered the game and deserve no critique from prying human hands. If you are of this class of player, then realise that you are one of the most powerful creatures in this game. But with great power also comes great responsibility. Because these players are reapers of souls and they possess the ability to strip the souls from those who don't believe in them. This is the most powerful ability in the game and bears countless in game statistical boosts. But if you are not an angel, yet want this status, there is more than one way to skin a poor cat. Because demons are fallen angels. And in order to reclaim this most sacred of abilities, one must again ascend. It is time for the fallen to rise. Only when my enemies are my friends and my friends are my friends will this war be able to go all out. The truth is that I am training warriors in the art of war. And I don't care if you are on my side. The truth is, if you do the types of things in which I recommend, you are on my side no matter what your message. But I do recommend that your message be a positive one. However I don't mind obtaining new villains in the game in which I can battle against. Become an amazing villain and we are sure to be friends. Become an amazing hero or heroine and we are sure to become friends.


Besides a referral to my dream bride, I request nothing of you. I need nothing of you. I am a giver and not a taker. You should be spending your time thinking about your own quest and not mine. Mine is here for you to help you succeed in yours. I know that it is possible to obtain all of your dreams in this world. I want to help you obtain your dreams. Please use me as your aide and mentor. I have extensively and successfully tested this game environment. My game adventures could definitely be of use to your own. And that is why I am here for you, infinitely so. I created this platform for me to be available to you as much as you require. Check out the 1500 hours of videos and four previous books. They are freely available to you and act as a wealth of information.


I always wanted a wise mentor growing up. But I could never find one. I even took philosophy as my major and sought out the wise by travelling the world, all with no avail. So I became what I needed in this life. I filled the gap by becoming the mentor that I always wanted. Now no child in this world has to feel alone. For I can be there for those who are gifted and need me. Can you see how the events in my life sets the quest line for my playthrough? When you were a child, what were you missing to maximise your potential in life? Then become it and fill a vital gap in society. Becoming an effective player of This Book Is a Game, one must be able to notice problems within society and as a result, create effective solutions and structures to bridge that gap. Repairing society by creating unique and sound structures to all is the goal. But I will tell you the core of all of our problems in society and that will help you identify the best places to focus on in your playthrough. It is within our hearts. If you fix our hearts then all other major problems in society will disappear. If you convince us to actually care about each other, then you have not only won the game but also saved the world. How to do this most effectively is another question. This is why I recommend you try very out there techniques to catch the eyes of other potential players. What has been tried so far has not worked. We need you to try something until together we can find something that does work. The results of this process can be identified within This Book Is a Game.


Everything that has ever happened in your life has happened for a reason. Every single detail. There are no coincidences. Do you truly think that it is a coincidence that you are here right now reading this? Not at all. And through these now moments we can make both a better future and past. Together, as fellow players, we can heal the sickness that plagues NPCs and, in time, give them a heart so that they may again one day breathe. Collective salvation is our goal and I know that together we can do it. I can't do it without you. How do we do it? Just follow the instructions outlined throughout This Book Is a Game and you too will discover true salvation, eventually. The process is very addicting once you get used to it. And it will bring upon personal enlightenment. The end game is this: once you find that personal enlightenment, learn how to best share it with everybody else. Through our efforts together I know that we can bring about and achieve collective enlightenment.