World of Warcraft WoTLK Epic Gold Making Guide by - HTML preview

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VII. Uldaman Gold Making

This instance is famous for housing level ~45 elite bosses, some of which drop blue items. You can either enter Uldaman through the front entrance or the back entrance. The front entrance around the Khaz Mountains located in The Badlands. The back entrance is Just Across from the Angor Fortress in the same location.



By killing bosses within Uldaman you can gather some nice blue items which sell for good money at the auction house. Below is a list of some bosses you will want to farm here.

Galgann Firehammer
, Olaf, & Eric “TheSwift”

Map of Uldaman Boss Locations: (Click on picture for full zone map)


00062.jpgMap of Uldaman Front and Back Entrances: (Click on picture for full zone map)



Chest 1- There are two chests in Uldaman that have a 100% spawn. The first chest spot is filled with silithid non-elite at location #6 (refer to “Map ofUldaman Boss Locations”above). Once you have killed all of the silithids there is a chest in a crevice near the wall and a Master Enchanter comes out of hiding. You will need lockpicking to open this chest.

Picture of Uldaman Chest #1 Location: (Click on picture for full zone map)



Chest 2- Chest number 2 is a bit harder to get than the previous one and is in the room at the middle of the instanceatlocation #7 (refer to “MapofUldaman BossLocations”above). There is a Stone Steward who patrols the room. He exits the room at both ends and he spends a much longer time at one end than the other. When he is at the doorway of the west exit of the room distract him so that he stares into open space before continuing to exit the room. As soon as you distract him start clearing the other creeps in the room. As soon as you distract the Stone Steward take out the two Sculptors and then pull the rest of the Rocksmashers into a corner of the room, when the Steward walks by he won't attack you. Take down the Rocksmashers one by one. Once you kill them you will find that the chest is locked and requires a lock picking skill of about 200 to open.

Picture of Uldaman Chest #1 Location: (Click on picture for full zone map) 00065.jpg