A UFO Love Story 2, The Adventure Continues by Erik Neilsen - HTML preview

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Chapter Eight

 Post Forlix Ride

 As we were being brought down, I could see through the glass on the lower floor. I still didn’t see Zem, Bev Mav or Til anywhere. As our feet touched the ground, Grabby and the forlix to his right of touched us with the ends of a trunk. Of course, they also kneaded us a little with the short appendages at the ends of their trunks. Sue and I both parted with big smiles on our faces. I took a couple steps back from Sue as the forlix stopped touching. They moved their trunks to other treats that the Nal feeding them levitated near them. Sue took hold of Mim and Pim and said, “Thank you guys.” Our other Nal friends stayed attached to Sue as Sue gave both Pim and Mim a quick kiss. Then Sue held them out from her. Sue held them next to each other with her arms slightly raised and released them. I said to them, “Would you hold this for me please.” Pim said, “Sure” as Sue reached for Tal and Sas. Pim and Mim floated up a little with the pad levitating about six inches below them. As they went, they retracted their fur, but kept their heart shapes. Just as they had done on planet Bev, they rotated in a stationary, horizontal position as they touched. They were closer together when their slightly rounded fronts or backs were in contact. Or they would be like two hearts side by side when their sides were touching. Sue started to cuddle Tal and Sas against her cheeks.

 As Sue did so, Sue said to Tal and Sas as she cuddled them, “I’m so glad we’ll be able to spend more time together on planet Bev.” As I went to take San and Pam off of Sue, Mim said, “Your letter is beautiful.” I smiled up at them briefly and said, “Thank you.” Sas said to Sue as I brought San and Pam to my cheeks, “I’m sure we’ll have many pleasant times together.” As I cuddled San and Pam against my cheeks, I said, “Pam, you’re so soft.” I was only being polite. Because Pam wasn’t really any softer than any of the other Nal. Pam said, “Thank you. You’re such a sweetie.” At the same time, Tal said to Sue, “We’ll have to be careful though. We wouldn’t want to make the humans there jealous.” As Tal spoke, I said to San, “You’re a lucky guy San.” Sue gave Tal and Sas a quick peck of a kiss and held them out a little. Sue said, “Whatever you say.” As they floated up out of Sue’s hands, San said to me, “Pam is such a dream.” As Tal and Sas rose up, they retracted their fur and rotated next to each other just like Pim and Mim were doing.

 I gave Pam a quick kiss. Then I handed them to Sue. As I did so I said, “You can give San a kiss.” As Sue went to take them, I added, “I wouldn’t want him to think I’m gay.” Sue and the rest of our Nal laughed verbally. Which I quickly joined in on. After a few moments of laughter, Sue gave Pam and San a quick kiss. Then Sue held them out. Pam started to float upward. But San quickly retracted his fur and made a grinning mouth appear on his surface that faced Sue. It made Sue grin too. Then San turned and made his grin turn to smoochie lips. San quickly came over to my cheek and gave me a fairly loud smooch on my cheek. I got a surprised look on my face as he levitated away. At the same time, he said in the gayest gay voice, “Don’t be silly Erik!” I got a disgusted look on my face as I wiped away San’s kiss. As everybody started laughing, I said, “Ew! Yuk!” This caused the laughter to increase. I then joined in on their laughter. Sue and I put an arm around each other and looked up at the Nal as we laughed. San and Pam were at this point rotating next to each other. All the Nal were doing so a little more quickly than normal.

 After the laughter, Sue said to our Nal with a mirth filled voice, “You guys can be so funny!” San said with an amused voice, “We have our moments.” The Nal resumed their normal shape. But as couples, they circled around the surface of their partners at differing angles. Tal, Sas, San and Pam apparently read what I had written on the pad of paper too. Sas said with a sentimental voice, “Your letter is beautiful indeed.” Sue and I grinned at each other briefly as we gave each other a little extra firm embrace with the arm we had around each other. Then we returned our attention back to the Nal. I said to Sas, “Thank you.” Tal said, “I wish I had written it.” San said to Pam with a loving voice, “I want your multidimensional field patterns to be my destiny too darling.” Pam said with a verbal voice of love, “Oh darling!” Then Pam extruded a number of tendrils over San’s surface. San did the same thing to Pam as they began to glow. (As was apparently usual with the Nal, these tendrils slightly moved from side to side. Sending waves of the undulations down the length of the tendrils) Then they began to orbit next to each other as they moved off.

 Sue and I briefly smiled sentimentally at each other. Then we turned our sentimental smiles back to them as we leaned the sides of our heads together. Sue and I were glad that my letter brought them some joy. After a few moments, I lifted my head from Sue’s and looked over to the left. Sue did too. We could see the rest of the houks now as they grazed in the field. The pregnant female and her mate were being affectionate to each other. We could also see the bartok farther away. The young female and the toddler were running around just outside the group. They were brandishing their weapons as they did so. Then Sue’s expression took on a bit of a look of concern. Sue turned this concerned look to Pim, Mim, Tal and Sas. Sue said, “The young female bartok running around with her weapon. Is there much chance she might fall and hurt herself?” Pim said, “It’s possible.” Tal said, “Sas and I will go over and caution them.” Sue said, “Thank you. I wouldn’t want her getting something worse than a broken arm.”

 Tal and Sas parted a bit and rose up a little. Then they moved at lightening speed and stopped over by the bartok. The young female and toddler stopped what they were doing and looked at Tal and Sas. The other bartok stopped what they were doing. They quickly bowed on their knees and lowered their faces to the ground in Tal and Sas’s direction. The young female and the toddler did the same. Then Sas turned herself into a duplicate of Sue. The clothes she wore were a shimmering silver colored cloth. It was fairly loose fitting and hung to the ground. This garment was also cinched in a little around the waist with a wide belt of the same cloth. Tal transformed himself into a rectangular screen. Both Sue and I had looks of surprise come over our faces. Sue said with some surprise, “What are Sas and Tal doing!” Mim said, “Tal is going to show the bartok what could happen if the young female wasn’t careful and fell on her weapon. Seeing how the concern came from you, Sas turned herself into a likeness of you to relay your concern.” Sue and I smiled up at Mim and Pim. Sue said, “That’s so sweet!”

 Sue and I briefly grinned at each other. Then we turned our grins back to Pim and Mim. Then Sue said, “Would you turn yourselves into Erik and I?” Pim said, “Sure.” They came down to a few feet in front of us. The pad of paper that Pim levitated below him moved off to the side and away from us. Then Pim and Mim transformed themselves into exact duplicates of Sue and I. The likeness was astonishing. Both Sue and I both took on surprised looks again as we looked at our smiling, other selves. Then Sue and I grinned. Pim-me and Mim-Sue grinned also. Sue said, “It’s amazing!” Mim-Sue said in Sue’s voice, “You know us. We’re full of surprises.” Pim-me said in my voice, “It isn’t much different than when we experienced each other as you both in virtual reality. Except here, we’re clothed.” Sue and I laughed as we went up to our other selves and gave them a hug. Not surprisingly, Pim-me even felt lifelike. We parted our hug and grinned at each other. Sue said, “You can walk us to the entrance.”

 Pim-me and I grinned at them. Mim-Sue said, “Ok.” Mim-Sue and Sue put an arm around each other’s lower backs. Pim-me and I placed a hand on each other’s opposite shoulder. Then we started walking toward the right side of the house as we grinned at our duplicates. The pad of paper levitated along with us. The Nal that were levitating treats out of their baskets to the forlix began to use them to turn the forlix. No doubt to lead them back out into the field. I said to Pim-me, “I take it that the others are in their bedrooms somewhere enjoying each other’s company.” Pim-me said, “That’s right. It was a wonderful question that you posed to us guys.” Mim-Sue and Sue were grinning at us. Mim-Sue said to me, “You’re such a dear.” At this point, Tal and Sas returned near us. We all grinned at them. Sas said to Sue as Tal levitated the pad of paper over near Sas, “The bartok of course expressed appreciation for your concern.” Sue said, “Thank you both. You’re such sweethearts.” Sue then turned her grin to Mim-Sue and said, “At least you probably can clean yourselves easily even in our form. But I had better get Erik cleaned up more.”

 Then Sue added in a kidding around voice, “He’s such a dirty boy.” This caused us all to laugh. Then I said to Sue with a big grin, “Lucky for me darling, you can be pretty naughty yourself.” This caused us all to laugh a little more. Afterwards, Sue said to Mim-Sue, “I don’t know what you Nal do. But is Pim a naughty boy sometimes?” Sas said, “Oh, yuk!” She and Tal quickly moved off toward the back of the house with the pad of paper levitating below them. Pim-me and I and Mim-Sue and Sue laughed as they went. Apparently just like humans, Sas wasn’t interested in hearing about her parent’s sex lives. It was so cute. After the laughter, Mim-Sue said, “Oh yes. Pim can be very naughty at times. And I love it so.” Pim-me said to the rest of us, “And I love it when Mim is naughty” We all grinned at each other as Sue said, “I’m so very happy for you both.” Sue and I gave our other selves a brief extra hug with the arm we had around them. Which Mim-Sue and Pim-me returned. As we approached the entrance, Sue asked Mim-Sue, “Which bathroom can Erik and I use.”

 Mim-Sue briefly raised her arm to point at the second door on the other side of the glass wall. As Mim-Sue did so, she said, “The bathroom behind the second door will be free.” Sue said, “Thank you.” We reached the entrance to the kitchen area at this point and stopped. All of us then released each other. Sue and I came together as Pim-me and Mim-Sue stepped toward each other. They smiled lovingly at each other as Sue and I smiled at them. Then they kissed and embraced each other. Giving each other loving caresses as they kissed. This caused sentimental looks to accompany Sue and I’s smiles. We leaned the sides of our heads together. Watching them kiss was like watching ourselves kiss. It was a beautiful sight. After a few moments, Pim-me and Mim-Sue transformed into their normal shape. Both of them had slowly undulating tendrils on each other’s surfaces. Sue and I smiled lovingly at each other. Then we embraced each other and gave each other a loving, tender kiss. Of course, giving each other loving caresses as we did so.

 After about thirty seconds, Pim and Mim withdrew their tendrils and started circling around each other’s surfaces at differing angles. They started moving slowly toward the back of the house as they did so. Sue and I kissed each other for about another thirty seconds. Then we slowly parted our kiss and lovingly looked at each other. I said lovingly, “I’m so happy that you’re my babe.” Sue said lovingly, “And I’m so happy that you’re my hunk.” We then kissed each other again and lovingly caressed each other more. After about thirty seconds or so, we slowly parted our kiss and briefly looked at each other lovingly. Then we smiled at each other lovingly. Sue and I then slid an arm farther around each other’s lower backs as we held each other’s forearms in front. We also leaned the sides of our heads together as we walked toward the kitchen door with loving, contented smiles on our faces. The door slid open as we got to it. The kitchen here was pretty much like Zem and Bev’s place on planet Bev. Sue and I turned to the right to head down the hallway. If you could even call it a hallway, with the glass wall on the right.

 Sue and I had seen through the side and back glass walls as we walked up to the door that Zem, Bev, Mav and Til weren’t behind the house. But we did see Panny and Lika sitting on the outer edge of the gazebo that sat in the lake. They were looking through a couple of the railings down into the water. I smiled at Sue and said, “I wonder if Panny and Lika are looking at anything interesting.” Sue smiled at me too and said, “Could be.” Pim, Mim, San, Pam, Tal and Sas were just hanging around behind the house at the outer edge of the ceiling. Each Nal couple were circling around their partners surfaces at differing angles. Sue and I then smiled at each other. When we reached the second door in the opaque section of the wall, the door to the bathroom opened. Sue and I stepped inside. The bathroom was pretty much like the one Sue and I used in the main beach house back on planet Bev. I suppose there wasn’t much need to mess with a design that worked. The double sinks and the large mirror on the other side of them were on the right side of the room. There was a maketake to the right of the mirror.

 About two feet to the left of the cabinet that held the sinks was a toilet. To the left of it a few feet was a tall cabinet. A couple feet farther was a larger than normal bathtub with enough edge to sit on any side. To the left of the tub there was another door. I took it that this led to another bathroom. On the wall to the left, just about opposite from the tall cabinet, there was another door. I took it that this led to one of the bedrooms. Sue and I walked over to the maketake machine. When we reached it, Sue faced me and embraced me a little. I also embraced Sue a little. Sue then gave me a big squeeze around the middle. This made me laugh. Sue laughed too. I knew just what Sue was up to. After the laughter, I said in a mirth filled voice, “Are you trying to squeeze the crap out of me again honey?” Sue pursed her lips together and nodded her head a few times in the affirmative. At the same time, Sue hummed in the affirmative, “Um hum!” This made me laugh again. Which Sue quickly joined in on. As we laughed, we fully embraced each other. After the laughter, I said, “I don’t think there’s much in there after this morning.”

 Then we parted and held each other in a loose embrace. As we grinned at each other, I said, “You know honey, one of these days I’m probably going to see you poop for real.” This caused us both to chuckle a little. Afterwards, Sue said, “We’ll cross that bridge when we come to it sweetie. But I’m not looking forward to having you see my poopy face.” Sue then briefly made a face like she was straining to defecate. This made me laugh again. Which Sue quickly joined in on. After this levity, I said, “I’ve never tried an up the butt thing. Nor do I have any wish to. Or you wouldn’t probably be having much trouble pooping at all.” This made us both laugh a bit. Then Sue said, “You’re probably right.” We both then chuckled a little. Then we gave each other a brief but loving kiss. After we parted our kiss, Sue turned her smile to the maketake machine and said, “Maketake. Fecal matter removal for two please.” We then smiled at each other again. I could feel a slight sensation of something disappearing from my intestines. Afterwards, I said, “Thank you sweetie.” Sue said, “You’re welcome dearest.”

 We then gave each other another brief but loving kiss. Afterwards, I parted from Sue a little and said, “Let me make you the way I like you darling.” We both smiled lovingly at each other lovingly as I started to pull up on Sue’s shirt. Sue released me and raised her arms above her head. As Sue did so, Sue said, “Don’t you like me with cloths on darling?” We both grinned as I said, “I love you more than I can say with clothes on darling.” As I pulled Sue’s top up her arms, I added, “I just like you a tiny bit more without them.” Having taken Sue’s top off, Sue left her arms up and laid her forearms on top of her head. As I went to put Sue’s top into the take alcove, Sue looked at me with a more loving expression and said, “This is the first time we’ve ever gotten undressed together in the bathroom darling.” Having put Sue’s top into the take alcove, I looked at Sue with a more loving expression too. As I reached around Sue to undo Sue’s bra, I said, “It’s going to be just as wonderful after a thousand times darling.”

 I unclasped Sue’s bra and Sue lowered her arms. As I removed Sue’s bra, a little more loving look came over my face as Sue’s large, firm and succulent breasts came into view. Sue said lovingly, “It will be for me too darling.” I put Sue’s bra into the take alcove. When I turned back to Sue, both of us wore expressions of solemn love. I caressed Sue’s breasts and said, “Your breasts are so wonderful darling.” Sue said lovingly, “Thank you darling.” I then caressed my hands up to Sue’s shoulders. Sue then began to unbutton my shirt. I caressed my hands down Sue’s arms and released her. Then I started to unbutton my cuffs. When Sue opened my shirt, Sue’s expression took on a little more of a pleased look. I pulled my shirt up out of my pants. Then Sue lovingly took my shirt off me. Sue then took my shirt and tossed it into the take alcove. We smiled at each other lovingly as we undid each other’s pants. When they were undone, I started to kneel down as I pulled Sue’s pants and panties down. The sight of Sue’s wonderful muff was, as always, a delight. I paused briefly as I knelt to caress my hands up Sue’s thighs.

 Then I nuzzled the side of my nose into Sue’s pubic hair as I fondled Sue’s butt. I breathed in deeply in hopes of catching the slightest hint of Sue’s natural body scent. Sue lovingly ran her fingers through my hair with a pleased, loving look on her face. After a few moments of this, I parted from Sue a little. Sue stopped caressing my head and I took off Sue’s socks and slippers. While I held Sue’s foot to take them off, I also slipped Sue’s foot out from her pants and panties. When I got everything off, I gathered up Sue’s things and stood up. We smiled at each other lovingly as Sue said, “Thank you darling.” I said, “You’re welcome my love.” We then gave each other a brief but loving kiss. After parting, we smiled lovingly at each other again. Then I turned to put Sue’s things into the take alcove. I then faced Sue again. As we held onto each other, Sue said, “You can take my earrings too darling.” I said, “Ok darling.” Sue turned the side of her head toward me as I caressed her hair back. As I began to take off Sue’s earing, I said, “These are cute darling. But you know they get in the way of me giving your ears some love.”

 As Sue moved her hair and turned her head for me to get the other earring, Sue said, “Bev doesn’t wear them anyway. I won’t wear them if you don’t want me to.” I said, “They aren’t that much of a bother darling.” I tossed the earrings into the take alcove. Then I gave Sue a look of solemn love. Sue looked at me in the same way as I added, “Besides. I want whatever you want.” Sue said with a highly loving voice, “Oh my love!” We then embraced each other more as we kissed each other passionately. Both of us giving off little moans of pleasure here and there as we did so. After about thirty seconds, Sue caressed her hands down between my butt and my pants. Pulling my pants down as she went. Sue ran her hands around to the front of my pants and pulled them down there too. Apparently, giving my genitals a little caress as she did so was too much to resist. After pulling my pants down some, we parted a little and looked at each other lovingly. Then Sue began to kneel down. Sue pulled my pants and underwear down further. Of course, Sue looked at my genitals with pleasure as she did so.

 After getting my pants lowered, Sue did the same thing I had done to her. Sue caressed her hands up my thighs. Then Sue began to fondle my butt as she nuzzled the side of her nose into my genitals. Sue also breathed in deeply to catch any hint of my natural bodily scent. After a few moments, Sue ceased her enjoyment and took of my shoes, socks and pants just like I had done with her. Then Sue gathered my things up and began to stand. I gently held my dear sweet love’s shoulders and helped Sue stand. We looked at each other lovingly as I said, “Thank you darling.” Sue said, “You’re welcome my love.” We then kissed each other lovingly. After a few moments, we slowly parted our kiss and smiled at each other lovingly. I released Sue’s shoulders and Sue turned to the maketake. Then Sue put my things into the take alcove and thought for it to take. As usual, the items fairly quickly faded out of existence. Sue moved back over toward me and we held each other in a loose embrace. Both of course were smiling lovingly at each other. I said, “Do you think we need to shower darling?”

 Sue said, “I don’t think so honey. But we can just clean up a little. I don’t want to keep Bev and Zem and Til and Mav waiting in case they finish before us.” Then Sue looked at the maketake machine. Things started to appear on the make alcove. We released each other and Sue reached for what appeared. Sue took out four towels and a couple washcloths. Then Sue handed them to me and said, “Here ya go sweetie. Put a couple towels on the floor in front of the sinks.” I took them and said, “Ok honey.” We then gave each other a quick peck on the lips. Then I took these things and brought them over to the sinks as Sue ordered up some other things. I placed a couple towels on the floor. Though I paused for a moment with the second towel as Sue placed some deodorant and body powder on the counter. I went back over to Sue and she handed me a couple glassed and toothbrushes. The toothbrushes already had toothpaste on them. I took these to the sinks and sat them down too. The toothbrushes I sat across the top of the glasses. Then I went back over to Sue and Sue handed me more things. These I brought over to the sinks too.

 Sue and I went through this process until we had everything we needed. As Sue and I stood in front of the sinks, we held each other in a loose embrace as we smiled at each other. I said, “Would you like to help me pee again darling?” Sue said, “Of course my cummy bear.” This new term of endearment made me laugh a little. Which Sue quickly joined in on. After the laughter, I said, “You’re my cummy bear too darling.” We then gave each other a loving kiss as we embraced and caressed a little more. Though our kiss soon turned more passionate. Both of us gave off slight moans of pleasure as our tongues also caressed each other’s. About a minute later, we parted our kiss and fully embraced each other. After a few extended moments of lovingly embracing and caressing each other, I said with a loving voice, “At this rate darling, we’ll never get cleaned up.” Sue said with a loving voice, “You’re right darling.” We parted our embrace and smiled at each other lovingly. Then we put an arm around each other’s lower backs as we held each other’s forearms in front. Sue and I also leaned the sides of our heads together as we headed to the toilet.

 I thought for the toilet seats to raise. We stopped in front of the toilet and Sue took hold of my penis. Sue aimed it at the toilet and said with a loving voice, “Ready darling.” After a moment, I started to pee. Sue directed the stream right into the middle of the toilet. As I went, I said, “I’m glad you’re so good at this darling.” Sue lovingly nuzzled my shoulder a little with her cheek and said, “Thanks to you darling.” I also nuzzled near the top of Sue’s head with my cheek. When I was through peeing, Sue shook me a little to remove any remnants. Afterwards, Sue released me and we looked at each other with pleased smiles. I said, “Thank you darling.” Sue said, “My pleasure darling.”

We then gave each other a brief but loving kiss. After parting, I said, “Do you need to go too darling?” Sue said, “Yes my love.” Sue turned to the toilet and thought to it. The lower toilet seat began to lower. As it did so, I stepped aside and said to Sue, “You don’t think it’s a little kinky for us to help each other pee do you honey bunch.” We held each other’s hands as Sue went to set down. As Sue did so, Sue said, “Maybe a little darling.”

 Then I went to kneel in front of Sue as Sue added, “But I like being a little kinky with you darling.” Sue sat on the toilet with her legs spread slightly apart. I knelt in between Sue’s knees and held Sue’s outer labia apart a little with my thumbs. Sue rested her hands on my shoulders as I said, “Ready darling.” After a moment, Sue started to pee. As usual, I found it very interesting and enjoyable. I said, “You know darling, until I performed oral sex on you, I always thought women peed and ejaculated from the tip of their clitoris. But it actually comes out just below it.” I smiled lovingly up at Sue. Sue smiled lovingly at me too as I added, “I just love discovering how you work.” Sue said, “When we were doing the whipped cream thing, I checked out something I had heard about.” As Sue started to finish peeing, Sue added, “I held the end of your wiener apart with a couple of fingers and saw that I could look right down your urethra like a tube. That was interesting too.” When Sue was through peeing, I said, “Shall I bidet you darling.” Sue said, “Yes please darling.”

 I then looked down at the toilet and thought to it. Just like the last time I did this, a tube came out of the upper front of the toilet rim. I held Sue’s inner labia open. When the tube was extended, it squirted water up inside Sue. When I thought Sue was clean enough, I thought for the bidet to turn off. Then I released Sue and said, “All clean darling.” Sue said, “Thank you darling.” Then Sue leaned forward a bit. We gave each other a brief but loving kiss. Afterwards, I leaned over a little and took a couple of the kleenex like sheets of toilet paper. Then I daubed Sue dry. After dropping the paper in the toilet, Sue and I smiled lovingly at each other as I stood up. Taking Sue’s hands, I then helped Sue stand. As I did so, I said, “I just love the way you can make an unpleasant task seem wonderful darling.” Sue said as we got to the sinks, “I feel the same way about you darling.” We gave each other a loving kiss. After a few extended moments, we parted our kiss and smiled lovingly at each other. Then we turned toward the sinks and put an arm around each other’s lower backs. We then went back over to the sinks. Once there, we released each other and turned toward the sinks.

 Sue picked up some dental floss and pulled out a strand. As Sue did so, we smiled at each other in the mirror as Sue said, “I usually do this. But I’ve been being a little lazy lately.” As Sue cut off a piece, I reached for it and said, “I think I’ll join you darling.” Sue handed me the floss container and I pulled out a length of floss for myself. We then both flossed our teeth. After setting our used floss on the counter top, we picked up our toothbrushes and brushed. When we were through with that, we spat in the sink and sat our toothbrushes down. Then we gave each other toothpaste smeared grins in the mirror. Both of us knew that it was time for the fun, slippery toothpaste kiss. Sue and I turned to each other and gave each other a loving kiss. With some minty fresh tongue action going on of course. After a few extended moments, we slowly parted our kiss and smiled lovingly at each other. Sue said, “I love you darling.” I said, “I love you too darling.” We then gave each other a brief but loving kiss. After that, we turned back to the sinks, spit out a little more and and washed off the excess toothpaste. Then we got some water from the sinks and gargled.

 When we were through with that, I said, “This is the part I really like.” I wetted down a washcloth and put a little soap on it. Sue and I turned to each other and smiled lovingly at each other. As I started cleaning around Sue’s face. Even though it wasn’t really necessary after our Nal had cleaned us some. Sue said, “You just love spoiling me. Don’t you darling.” I stopped cleaning Sue briefly and said, “You know it my love.” Then I gave Sue a quick peck on the lips. Sue then went back to smiling as I cleaned more. After Sue’s face and part of her neck, I cleaned around a little around Sue’s breasts. Then I cleaned around Sue’s armpits. When I was through with that, I said, “You can rinse your face off darling.” As Sue bent over her sink to do so, I rinsed the soap out of my washcloth. When we were both through, I wiped Sue down with the washcloth. After that, I again rinsed out the washcloth and put a little more soap on it. Then I turned back to Sue and said, “Move your feet apart a little darling.” Sue did as I asked, then I cleaned Sue down below. After I was through, I rinsed out the washcloth again. Then I went back to wipe Sue down again.

 After I was finished, I sat the washcloth aside and picked up a towel. Then I dried Sue off. Starting at the top and working my way down. When I was through, I sat the towel aside as we looked at each other lovingly. I said with a loving voice as we held each other in a loose embrace, “There darling. You’re clean enough for me.” Sue caressed a hand down to my genitals as we started to look at each other more passionately. Sue said lovingly as she caressed my genitals, “I’ll always be dirty for you darling.” I gave out a moan of pleasure as we both beckoned each other with our lips. We didn’t keep each other waiting long. Quickly, we were kissing each other passionately again. Though I didn’t hold my dearest love too closely. So Sue could have room to fondle me. Both of us also gave off moans of pleasure as our tongues also caressed each other’s. After about thirty seconds, we slowly parted our kiss and looked at each other lovingly. At the same time, Sue also caressed her hand away from my genitals.

Then Sue said lovingly, “It’s my turn darling.” We parted and Sue wetted down the other washcloth.

 This whole cleaning process then basically repeated itself as Sue cleaned me. When it got to the point of Sue cleaning my genitals, Sue took a little time to fully enjoy my soapy testicles with her bare hand. As Sue did so, I said with love on my face and in my voice, “You have a nice wifely touch darling.” Sue smiled at me lovingly and said with a loving voice, “And you have a nice husbandly touch darling.” We then lovingly kissed each other. Both of these actions together caused me to become aroused. Which pleased Sue. Sue looked at me passionately and said, “Time for another quicky darling.” I of course was looking at Sue passionately too as I said, “Oh darling. You’re so good to me.” Sue said,

“Hold on darling.” Then Sue rinsed out the washcloth. Sue then wiped the soap off my genitals. As Sue did so, Sue said with a passionate voice, “This time darling, I want to try it doggy style.” I said with a passionate voice, “Whatever you say my love.” When Sue was through