A UFO Love Story 2, The Adventure Continues by Erik Neilsen - HTML preview

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Chapter Nine

 Back Outside

 Stepping out of the bathroom, Sue and I both looked toward the patio. We saw that Zem and Bev were sitting at the table on the gazebo out on the lake. There were three pairs of chairs at the table. Zem and Bev were sitting on the left side of the table. But they were only using one chair as Bev was sitting across Zem’s lap. Zem had his other hand on Bev’s thigh and Bev was holding Zem’s forearm. They were both smiling lovingly at each other. Pim and Mim were up by the ceiling of the gazebo on the left circling around each other’s surfaces at differing angles. San and Pam were doing the same on the far end of the gazebo. Tal and Sas were doing the same near the near side of the gazebo. Panny and Lika were on the beach near the dock that led to the gazebo. They were at the edge of the water and playing. Apparently, Mav and Til hadn’t made it out yet. Sue and I both grinned as I said, “There’s Zem and Bev.” Sue said, “I guess we didn’t keep Til and Mav waiting too. And there’s your love letter on the maketake counter.” It was laying face down. Sue and I grinned at each other as Sue said, “I can’t wait to show it to Bev!”

 Then Sue and I gave each other a brief but loving kiss. We then turned toward the entrance down the hallway. As we headed toward the kitchen and the exit, we both grinned at each other. I said, “Remember. How it was originally written is our naughty little secret.” This caused Sue to giggle. I quickly chuckled myself. Afterwards, I said, “There’s no sense in letting Zem and Bev know how naughty you are.” This made Sue give me a surprised look as the door to the left slid open. Sue moved the arm she had around my back and gave me a slap on the butt. This made me laugh as Sue said, “You’re the one who’s naughty!” Then Sue grinned as we stepped outside and turned to the left. I put my hand on the hand Sue had around my waist. Sue did the same with me. As we went, I said with a grin, “I think we’re both a little naughty. And I love it so.” Sue and I gave each other a brief but loving kiss as we walked. Then Sue said, “It doesn’t matter anyway. Bev and Zem are pretty naughty themselves.” I assumed that this was something that Bev and Sue discussed. As Sue and I got to the back of the house, Zem and Bev saw us and grinned. Sue and I grinned too.

 We released each other’s hands and waved at them. Zem and Bev waved back. Though Bev was able to do so a little more freely than Zem. Sue and I briefly turned our grins to each other and then back to Zem and Bev. They too grinned at each other. But for more of a prolonged time. They were probably thinking something to each other. Sue and I stopped as Panny and Lika also started to scamper over toward us. Then Sue and I released each other as Tal and Sas moved quickly toward us. Zem and Bev then turned their grins back toward us as Sue went over to the maketake machine. Tal stopped by me and Sas went along with Sue. Tal said verbally, “I don’t want Panny and Lika to get you all dirty.” I said, “Thanks.” Apparently Tal thought something to Panny. Because he stopped by me. Lika had split off from Panny on the way and headed for Sue. Sas caused Lika to stop too. As Tal and Sas moved toward Panny and Lika, Sas said verbally to Sue, “You’re all nice and clean. There’s no sense in letting Lika and Panny mess you up.”

 As Tal and Sas cleaned Panny and Lika, Sue said to Sas in a kidding around voice, “You know us. We can be pretty dirty anyway.” This caused Sas and Tal to emit telepathic humor. Sue and I laughed a little too. Tal and Sas raised up from near Panny and Lika as Sue picked up her pad of paper. Sas said to Sue, “Nonsense. I’m sure anything you do is just beautiful.” I said to Sas with a sentimental tone to my voice, “Thank you.” Sue said to Sas with a sentimental tone to her voice, “Thank you. You’re such a dear.” Then Sue bent forward a little and put her arm out for Lika to jump onto. I did the same with Panny. They both scampered over and jumped onto our arms. Sue cuddled and petted Lika in her arms as she held the pad of paper in her one hand. I also petted Panny in my arms. Sue then headed back toward me and Sas headed toward Tal. As they did so, Sue said to Sas, “I only have a vague understanding of how much more wonderful things must be for a Nal.” Tal and Sas started circling each other’s surfaces at differing angles as Sue added, “We’re so happy for you both.”

 Tal and Sas circled each other a little quicker. As Sue approached me, Tal and Sas said at the same time, “Thank you.” Sue and I gave each other a brief but loving kiss. We then turned and started walking toward the dock that led out to the gazebo with big smiles on our faces. Tal and Sas led the way about three feet above and two feet in front of us. Zem and Bev were smiling at each other. As Sue and I got to the beach, Zem and Bev turned to grin at us. Sue and I grinned too as. Because we weren’t that close yet, Zem called out in a slightly louder than normal voice. Apparently Zem just didn’t feel like speaking telepathically. Zem said, “You two look like two peas in a pod.” Referring of course to the matching colors of our clothing. Sue and I momentarily walked closer and leaned the sides of our heads together with bigger grins on our faces. After standing erect again, Sue called out too and said, “That’s how we feel.” Zem and Bev chuckled a little. Bev hugged Zem a little closer momentarily. Which Zem did with Bev. Bev then called out a little less loudly and said, “I know how you feel.”

 Then Zem and Bev gave each other a brief but loving kiss before turning their grins back to Sue and I. As Sue and I started walking across the dock, because of Zem’s comment about our clothing, I took more note of what Zem and Bev were wearing. They had apparently got cleaned up and changed their clothes themselves. Bev was wearing a white button up long sleeve shirt. Though the collar was V-necked. The weave of it had diamond shaped patterns on it that were a few inches across and an inch or so longer vertically. It was a fairly thin, but opaque material. The fabric of the collar, sleeves and strip of material where the buttons were was a loose and frilly with a bit of a lacy pattern. This frilly material was only about two inches long. But a little longer on the cuffs. Bev’s pants were black and made of a slightly shiny fabric. They were neatly pressed. Bev was also wearing black, decorative slippers with black, lacy, but opaque socks. The slippers were also made of a slightly shiny looking fabric. (Except for, as always, the soles)

 Zem was wearing a somewhat loose fitting long sleeve shirt. It was made out of a dark gray, slightly shiny fabric. His pants were dark blue in color and made out of a thicker material than his shirt. They too were neatly pressed and didn’t have that slightly shiny appearance like his shirt or Bev’s pants. Zem also wore a black belt like me. His shoes were black loafers like mine. They weren’t too ornate, or plain. Sue said, “Where’s Til and Mav.” Zem said, “I expect they will be along soon. But you never know.” I gave Panny a good pet and sat him on the deck. Sue went to set Lika down too. But Lika jumped the rest of the way. Lika then went to playfully chase Panny as she made happy chattering sounds. Panny playfully ran away as he made happy chattering sounds too. We all briefly smiled at them as they did so. Sue and I took each other’s hand and continued over to Zem and Bev, we all smiled at each other. Then Zem said more directly to me, “The question you asked had a pretty strong effect on them.” Sue sat the pad of paper face down on the table as we got extra wide grins on our faces. Then we went to stand behind Zem and Bev as Bev added, “As it did for us.” Sue and I leaned over and gave Zem and Bev a hug. Zem and Bev grins widened a bit too as Sue said, “We’re so glad it did.”

 After hugging them for a couple moments, Sue and I stood erect. We all continued to grin. As Sue and I went to the seats on the beach side of the table,Bev said, “I take it you enjoyed your ride on Grabby.” Sue’s said, “It got pretty lonely without you guys around.” We all laughed as I sat in one of the chairs. This was the same sort of lie I had told them when they came for a visit back on their island! Sue sat across my lap facing them. After the laughter, Bev said with a mirth filled voice, “What a liar!” This caused even more laughter. It was the same response I got from Zem when I told the lie! We all got a good laugh out of it. After the laughter, Bev said, “I saw your pad of paper on the maketake counter a few minutes before you guys came out. Mim suggested that we wait for Til and Mav. Then let you guys tell us what’s on it” Sue beamed a wide, happy grin up at Mim and said, “Oh Mim! You’re so thoughtful!” Zem and Bev also turned their grins to her. Though there was also a bit of pride also showing on Zem and Bev’s faces. Mim and Pim started circling around each other’s surfaces at differing angles a little faster. San did the same with Pam. As Tal did with Sas.

 Mim said verbally with a sentimental tone to her voice, “I try to be.” After a few moments of these appreciative looks, Zem, Bev, Sue and I turned big smiles to each other. Then Zem said more directly to me, “Mim said you wrote it when you were on Grabby. I highly suspect a leaim letter.” Zem then grinned as Bev let out a little giggle. Sue and I took on a bit of a puzzled look. I said, “What is a leaim letter.” Zem and Bev briefly smiled at each other. Though there was also a hint of embarrassment on their faces. Then they turned back to us. Zem then said, “I don’t want to embarrass you. But it’s nothing to be ashamed of.” Sue and I took on surprised looks. It looked like our naughty little secret about how the letter had originally been composed was going to be out. Zem said, “I figured that you two didn’t spend your time on Grabby writing love letters, in the conventional sense. A leaim letter is something a guy writes in his girl with his tongue during the act of what humans call cunnilingus.” Sue and I looked at each other with slightly embarrassed looks.

 Zem then said, “I just thought I would tell you because it is going to be easy for Mav and Til to figure out too.” Sue and I turned our slightly embarrassed looks back to Zem and Bev. Then Sue said, “Maybe we should dispose of the letter.” Zem and Bev smiled reassuringly at Sue and I. This brought slight smiles to Sue and I’s faces. Bev said, “Out of propriety, we don’t normally speak of such things in mixed company. But it will be alright.” Zem then said, “With humans and Reall basically being the same in regards to how we work, it shouldn’t be any surprise that Reall guys compose leaim letters too from time to time. Though we might also use mathematical equations or sine wave patterns.” We all grinned as Bev gave Zem a little extra hug. Bev then said, “Zem can be very scientific.” This caused us all to laugh a bit. As always, it was wonderful to share in each other’s laughter. We were all of course grinning as Sue turned to me and said with a kidding around voice, “You need to learn some higher mathematics darling.”

 This made us all laugh a little again. After the laughter, Zem said, “Besides, if I was prone to betting, I would bet that Mav has been doing some writing himself.” We all laughed. Everything that Zem and Bev have been saying greatly relieved any embarrassment Sue and I have been feeling. Sue said, “I’m sure you guys will like Erik’s letter. For as wonderful as you guys have been, it’s nice that we can at least be the cause of love between you.” Then Sue looked up at Mim and said, “And it was wonderful for you to be so considerate.” Sue then released me and held out the palms of her hand. Then Sue said to Mim, “Can I borrow you for a second.” We all had sentimental smiles on our faces as Mim came down and rested in Sue’s hands. Sue then pulled Mim in and gave her a brief kiss on her surface. Then Sue held Mim out a little. Pim came down next to Mim and said, “What about me!” Then Sas came down too. Quickly followed by Tal, Pam and San. Each in turn said, “Or me!” We all laughed. Afterwards, Sue said with a mirth filled voice, “Ok!”

 We were all grinning as I took Mim from Sue. I gave Mim a quick kiss on her surface. Sue took hold of Pim and gave him a kiss too. After releasing Mim, she floated up. I then took Pim and said to him with a kidding around voice, “Just don’t think I’m gay.” This caused everybody to laugh a bit and our Nal to emit telepathic humor. Then I gave Pim a quick peck of a kiss too. After holding him out, Pim said with an amused voice, “I wouldn’t think that.” Pim floated up and joined Mim. They circled around each other’s surfaces at differing angles. Both Sue and I gave Sas, Tal, Pam and San the same treatment. After I held San out, he said in the gayest gay voice, “Thank you Erik.” Everybody busted up laughing. Except for me. I got a disgusted look on my face and said, “Oh, Yuk!” As I wiped my lips, everybody laughed even harder. After a moment, I joined in on the laughter. I knew that San was only kidding. We must have laughed for about thirty seconds. Then Bev and Zem turned their attention toward the house. They both then waved as they grinned. Mav and Til must have been approaching.

 Sue and I turned and saw them crossing the patio. Sue and I waved at them too as we grinned. Mav and Til were grinning widely as they walked toward us with an arm around each other’s lower backs. They also held each other’s forearms in front. Apparently, they too had gotten cleaned up and changed clothing. Til was wearing a fuzzy, light orange pullover shirt. It was V-necked and, just like Sue and Bev’s tops, showed a tasteful amount of cleavage. The sleeves came down to just below her shoulders. The outer edge of the sleeves were a little longer than the inner part. The bottom of Til’s top sat about three and a half inches below where I imagined the tops of her pants were. There was no discernable hem to her top. Til was also wearing light beige colored slacks that seemed to have a velvet quality to them. Her slippers were the same color, but a bit darker and decorative. They were an open toed design. Even though Realls only had four toes that were slightly thicker than a human’s, and just the slightest hint more widely spaced, I knew from seeing Bev’s toes that they were still adorable. Though Sue’s toes were adorable too of course.

 Mav was wearing a deep purple button up shirt that was tucked into his pants. His pants were like dark green jeans. Though neatly pressed. Mav’s belt and loafer style shoes were black. His shoes seemed to be made of a stiff, shiny fabric. As Mav and Til approached, their grins turned to big smiles. Seeing how happy Mav and Til seemed to be, we all smiled at them too with a hint of sentimentality on our faces. After a few moments Zem then said in a slightly louder than normal voice, “What kept you two.” This caused grins to come over everybody’s faces again. Panny and Lika were sitting in a slightly excited state off to the side of where the dock met the gazebo. Then Bev said, “I thought you were never going to come out.” This made Mav and Til’s grins widen a bit. Til answered in a slightly less louder voice than Zem’s and said, “For a while, neither did we.” Mav then said, “But it looked like you were doing ok without us.” This made Zem, Bev, Sue and I’s grins widen a bit as well. Sue and I briefly beamed our grins at each other. As Zem and Bev did. We then turned them back to Mav and Til.

 Sue then said, “Well I’m glad you changed your minds.” As Mav and Til got on the gazebo, Panny and Lika happily scampered around their feet. Mav and Til stopped briefly and released each other’s forearms. Panny and Lika both stood at one of their legs with their front paws on them. Mav and Til bent forward to give Panny and Lika a quick pet. Then they stood erect again and continued toward the table. Panny and Lika followed them. As Mav and Til approached, Mav said, “We couldn’t be so inconsiderate.” Mav and Til walked up to Sue and I. They released each other and leaned over to give Sue and I a hug. No doubt they were grateful for the love between them that Sue and I caused. Til gave Sue a kiss on her cheek and Mav gave me a few extra pats on the back. Mav said, “You’ve shown Zem to be right again when he said that you two were fun to be around.” Til then said, “And you’ve shown again that you’re both a joy to have around.” Mav and Til then released us, stood erect and took a step back. If Sue and I’s grins had gotten any bigger, it seemed as though our faces might break. Sue said, “Thank you!” I said, “We’re happy that you’re happy.”

 Mav and Til gave Sue and I appreciative smiles. Then Mav and Til took each other’s hand and made their way over to the chairs on the far side of the table. Zem, Bev, Sue and I happily grinned at each other. We then turned our grins back to Mav and Til. They were looking in the direction of the bartok. Til said, “It looks like the bartok are comfortable.” We all turned to look at them with smiles on our faces. All of the bartok were laying down and appeared to be napping. All had their weapons laying near them. The young female was cuddled with a larger female. The toddler was laying between who I took to be Lega and Weem. The other females were also laying with other males. The smaller male was on his own blanket. The houks we had been riding were nearer to us. They were laying on their stomachs near the beach in pairs. Some were napping too. It all looked very idyllic. We turned back to Mav and Til. Mav had taken a seat and Til was sitting across his lap. Sue said to Til, “Your camp was very sweet.”

 This made everybody’s smiles widen a bit. But Til grinned. Panny and Lika jumped up on Mav and Til’s lap. Mav and Til paused the conversation for a couple moments as they petted them. Then Mav looked at Til with a loving smile. Mav said, “You’re nothing but sweet darling.” Til’s grin turned to a loving smile as she said to Mav, “You’re sweeter darling.” Then they gave each other a brief but loving kiss. Afterwards, Mav smiled at Zem and said, “What were you guys laughing about.” I started to tell Mav, Til, Zem and Bev about what I had said to Sas after our forlix ride. How I asked Sue to give San a kiss. Because I didn’t want him to think I was gay. This caused a little laughter. Even the Nal emitted some telepathic humor. Then I told them what San did before. This caused more laughter. Then I told them the similar thing that caused the laughter they saw. This caused even more laughter. Afterwards, we all grinned at San. Til said, “You’re just adorable!” All of our Nal circled around their partner’s surfaces a little faster for a few moments. As they did so, San said, “Thank you.”

 After a couple moments, we all grinned at each other again. Sue said, “Mim is such a dear too. Erik wrote me a love letter. Mim suggested to Bev and Zem that they wait until we were all together before they heard what it said.” Til said, “I can’t wait to hear what you wrote!” Sue and I smiled sentimentally at everybody as Sue said with a bit of sentimentality to her voice, “It might make you guys disappear again.” Everybody else took on sentimental smiles. Mav said, “We’ll just have to be strong.” I put my hand on the pad of paper and slid it a little closer to me. I then said to Mav and Zem, “Will you guys do me a favor?” Zem said, “Sure.” I said to the others, “As you know, even though it is a little like throwing gasoline on a fire, it pleases Sue and I to be the cause of love. Seeing how as mere humans, we aren’t good for much else.” Zem, Bev, Mav and Til briefly took on expressions with a bit of a dismayed look. Then Til said with a bit of a plaintive, sentimental tone to her voice, “Oh! Don’t say that! You’re both such dears!” Zem, Bev and Mav gave a couple sentimental nods in agreement with smiles on their faces as Til smiled sentimentally too.

 A look of appreciation accompanied Sue and I’s sentimental smiles. Sue said to Til with a sentimental voice, “Oh! Thank you!” After a couple moments of enjoying this love, I said to Zem and Mav, “No doubt after all the eons you guys have been with your wonderful ladies,” This caused a bit of appreciation to accompany Bev and Til’s sentimental smiles as I added, “you have said equally loving things to them.” Then I added, “But I would like to transmit what I read to your minds privately. Though it’s ok if Sue hears my thoughts as well. As I do so, I would like you to think the words to the holders of your love like they are your own thoughts. Which at one point or another, they probably were.” Zem and Mav were smiling at me a bit more sentimentally. There was a bit of loving emotion that showed on Bev, Til and Sue’s faces. Mav said with a sentimental voice, “Alright.” Pim said, “Excuse me.”

 We all looked at Pim with the expressions we wore. Pim said, “San, Tal and I would like to join in. We will all temporarily file away our memory of your letter.” I said with a sentimental voice, “All the better. Thank you all.” The Nal couples extruded loving tendrils over the surfaces of their partners. But for the time being, they just held each other with them. Pim and Mim moved about ten feet from the left side of the gazebo. At the same time, San and Pam did the same on the lake side. Also at the same time, Tal and Sas did the same off to the right of the gazebo. It only took a couple moments for all this to happen. I picked up the pad of paper and turned it toward me. Zem and Bev looked lovingly into each other’s eyes. As did Mav and Til. While they did this, Sue laid her cheek near the top of my head and embraced me a little more with the arm she had around my back. At the same time, Sue put her other hand between the base of my heck and other shoulder. Sue lovingly kneaded me with her fingers there. I thought, “To my loving wife, My darling love.”

 Both Mav and Til looked at each other more lovingly. As did Zem and Bev. The Nal couples began to caress their partners with their tendrils. I thought, “Your love is my life.” This made the others look at their spouses even more lovingly. Sue caressed my head a little with her cheek. The tendrils of the Nal began to glow with their chosen color. Then I thought, “I want your eyes to be my destiny.” Both Mav and Til’s eyes glazed over with love. As did Zem and Bev’s. The rest of the Nal began to glow with their chosen color. I thought, “I want to spend the rest of my life filling your life with joy.” Tears started to well up in Zem, Bev, Mav and Til’s eyes. The Nal couples began to glow a little brighter. Seeing the loving emotion the others were showing to each their partners was so beautiful. I thought, “Because your happiness is like a bright flame in the darkness.” Tears started to slide down everybody’s cheeks as Zem and Bev embraced each other. Mav and Til did the same with each other. Sue also had tears welling up in her eyes.

 A darkened force field formed around the Nal couples. Like in the photo of Tal and Sas’s wedding. This extended around them about ten inches from their surfaces. I could make out the glow of the Nal couples inside. I thought, “My soul is merged with yours. When I see you tired, I love you more. When I see you asleep, I love you more. When I see you awake, I love you more. My very being will always be your home.” By this point, both Sue and I had tears rolling down our cheeks. Sue also caressed me more firmly. I thought, “If you ever tire of me,” Til grabbed Mav more tightly as she openly sobbed. Bev was openly sobbing to as she and Zem embraced each other more tightly too. Despite the darkened force field around the Nal couples, they were glowing brilliantly with their chosen colors. Continuing on, I thought, “just let me slip away and be forever grateful for any moment with you. The end.” As I sat the pad down, Zem and Bev started kissing each other passionately. Sue and I embraced and kissed each other passionately too.

 The Nal couples had wider than normal, side to side undulations that traveled down the length of their tendrils. At the same time, Til said with a sobbing voice, “Oh Mav!” Then they slid their lips toward each other’s and started kissing each other passionately. We all must have showed love to our partners in this way for at least a few minutes. Gradually, us partners began to separate a little and look at our mates with loving looks. The force field around the Nal couples had disappeared by this time. Though they still glowed softly as they caressed their partners. As each biological couple looked at our partners lovingly, we would dry the eyes of our partners. With some brief, tender, loving kisses in between. After a bit of soaking in the love of our partners, us couples turned loving smiles to the others. (Though the love was for what we were feeling for our partners of course. Not for the other couples) The Nal couples at this point had withdrawn their tendrils and were circling around the surface of their partners at differing angles.

 Panny and Lika were sitting up on the railing on the lake side. They too were lovingly embracing and nuzzling each other. Mav said to me with a sentimental tone to his voice, “You’ve expressed my feelings for my sweet love perfectly.” Til said with a sentimental tone to her voice, “Your letter was indeed beautiful. When did you write it.” The Nal couples began to return to where they had been. Sue and I briefly looked at each other a little sheepishly. Zem and Bev grinned. Sue and I turned our slightly sheepish looks to Til and Mav. Then Sue said with a bit of an embarrassed tone to her voice, “Erik wrote it when we were on Grabby.” Mav and Til grinned, then fairly quickly turned their grins to each other. They both gave out a knowing, drawn out, “Oh.” Sue and I buried our embarrassed faces in each other’s shoulders. Zem and Bev chuckled a little. Sue said with a slightly plaintive, embarrassed edge to her voice, “Zem said you would guess!” Mav and Til grinned at us. Then everybody smiled at us with a bit of a look on their faces like they were looking at something adorable.

 After a few moments, Til said with a soothing tone to her sentimental voice, “If it makes you feel any better, Mav was doing some creative writing himself a while ago.” Zem and Bev grinned at Mav and Til. Sue and I parted from hiding our faces and smiled appreciatively at Til. Mav was looking at Til with a surprised look. This brought grins to Sue and I’s faces. Mav said to Til with a slightly plaintive and slightly commanding tone to his voice, “Til!” Til grinned at Mav as Mav said, “How would you like it if I told them what you did.” Til said, “I think they can already guess.” Zem, Bev, Sue and I chuckled a little. Mav looked at Til with a slightly disapproving look on his face. Til gave Mav an apologetic, loving look. Then Til caressed Mav’s cheek and said with an apologetic, loving tone to her voice, “I’m sorry darling.” The rest of us smiled at them as Til’s apology melted Mav’s slightly disapproving look. As Mav’s expression turned to a loving one, Til said with the sweetest, tender voice, “Can you ever forgive me my darling?” Then, to seal the deal, Til stuck the tip of her tongue out to where it was just visible between her lips.

 Mav briefly took on a slight look of loving surprise. But this was quickly replaced by a highly loving look as he said, “Oh darling!” Mav brought his lips to Til’s as they embraced each other. No doubt, Mav sucked Til’s tongue in past his lips. Then they started kissing each other passionately. Apparently, Til certainly knew how to placate Mav. They both gave off slight moans of pleasure. The Nal couples began to circle their partners at a slightly faster speed. Zem, Bev, Sue and I looked at Mav and Til with sentimental smiles on our faces. These we then turned to our partners. Bev then stuck the tip of her tongue out enough for it to be just visible between her lips. Sue did the same with me. Both Zem and I gave our girls highly loving looks. Zem said with a highly loving voice, “Oh my love!” They brought their lips together. At the same time, I said to Sue with a highly loving voice, “Oh darling!” Sue and I brought our lips together too. Just as Zem and Mav had probably done with their girls, I sucked some of Sue’s tongue in past my lips. We then french kissed. Kissing each other passionately as the others were doing. Along with, of course, the usual loving caresses. And the interspersed, slight moans of loving pleasure. After about a minute and a half, Mav and Til parted their kiss and embraced each other lovingly. Soon, Zem and Bev were doing the same. Sue and I did the same a few moments later. All of us lovingly caressed and nuzzled our partners. We all had our eyes lightly closed with loving expressions on our faces. After about a minute, we heard Mav say, “It’s no wonder Zem and Bev are proud of you.” Sue and I parted our hug and leaned the sided of our heads together as we smiled appreciatively at Mav and Til. Zem and Bev did the same. Mav then said to Sue and I, “You know, sometimes love in a relationship has a tendency to settle a little like the flakes in a snow globe. It can even happen to Reall couples from time to time. With some flakes still floating about, but not quite so many. Though you two have given our snow globe of love a good shaking.” Til at this point gave Mav a little extra hug and laid her cheek near the top of Mav’s head. Mav also gave Til a little extra hug.

 Til then said, “It’s going to take quite a while for these flakes of love to settle.” Mav said, “If they ever do.” They embraced each other with both their arms as Til said to Mav, “I love you so much darling.” Mav said, “I love you so much too darling.” Then Mav and Til started kissing each other. Zem and Bev looked at each other lovingly. Sue and I looked at each other lovingly too. The words Mav and Til exchanged expressed what we were feeling for our partners. Zem and Bev started kissing. Which Sue and I did too. This carried on for about a minute before we started to break off the kissing of our partners and embracing them. These embraces were of course accompanied with loving caresses and nuzzles. Everybody of course with our eyes lightly closed and loving expressions on our faces. After about another minute of this, us couples began to break off our embraces and look lovingly at our partners. After a few extended moments, Sue turned to Bev and smiled sweetly. Then Sue said a gentle, contented tone to her voice, “Bev. Will you put the letter in Erik and I’s wedding album if I don’t get a chance to.”

 Everybody at this point was smiling at Bev too. Bev said with a gentle, contented tone to her voice, “I’ll take care of it for you dear.” Then Bev looked at Sas and said with the same tone to her voice, “Sas dear. Would you put the pad in our ship?” Sas and Tal separated. Then Sas came down and levitated the pad of paper up off the table. As she did so, she said verbally with a sentimental tone to her voice, “I’d love to.” Sue said with an appreciative tone to her voice, “Thank you Sas. You’re such a sweetheart.” Sas said, “My pleasure.” She and Tal then headed toward our ship with it. I grinned at Mav and Til and said, “Could I ask a couple favors of you two?” Ev