A UFO Love Story 2, The Adventure Continues by Erik Neilsen - HTML preview

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Chapter Eighteen

 Waking Up To Love

 Not surprisingly, we both slept a little later than I had planned. I was the first to wake up. I opened my eyes and saw Sue sleeping like an angel next to me. Which brought a loving smile to my face. It also gave me some raging morning wood. Sue was sleeping on her side facing me. I thought about gently waking Sue and let her know how stiff I had become. But another idea came to mind. I decided to put off my own personal pleasure and do something else loving for Sue. As carefully as I could, I got out of bed on the other side. I made sure that Sue stayed covered. Quietly walking around to the other side of the bed I picked up mu underwear and put them on. Then I put on my pajama bottoms. I then carefully walked out of the bedroom and closed the bedroom door as quietly as I could. I then went into the kitchen and looked around for some food. As quietly as I could, I made Sue some scrambled eggs and toast. I also made a couple slices of toast. On which I put some margarine and jam. Putting everything on a plate, I got my wonderful Sue a small glass of milk. I found a tray and put the things on it.

 Then I went back into the bedroom. Sue was laying on her side facing toward the right side of the bed. It appeared as though I hadn’t woken her. I turned on the light, walked over to the bed and said softly, “Sue darling.” Sue opened her eyes with a sleepy but loving smile on her face. (Quite a long time later, Sue admitted to me that she had woken up from sounds she heard coming from the kitchen. Having a good idea of what I was up to, Sue got up, carefully opened the door a little and peaked out. Hearing me cooking, Sue carefully closed the door and got back into bed. It was so dear of Sue to let me have my illusion of surprising her) I said with a grin, “I’ve made you some breakfast my love.” Sue was grinning too as she sat up and said with a bit of sleepiness in her voice, “That’s so sweet!” As Sue sat up, her wonderful breasts popped out from under the covers. I said, “You should cover up a little sweetness. I don’t want you to get any crumbs on your boobies.” This made Sue’s grin widen a bit. Sue moved back a little and put the pillows behind her. Then Sue pulled the bedspread up over her breasts a little. But there was still an alarmingly wonderful amount of cleavage showing.

 I sat down with the tray and said, “I hope you like scrambled eggs sweetest.” Sue said, “Yes I do darling.” I took the fork and grabbed some scrambled eggs. I said, “Open wide!” With a loving expression, Sue opened her mouth and took the eggs. We both looked at each other lovingly as Sue chewed and then swallowed the eggs. I picked up more eggs to give to Sue. Sue said with a loving, kidding around voice, “What are you trying to do, spoil me?” I grinned. Which made Sue grin too. I said, “Only as much as I can honey bunch.” Sue took another bite and chewed her food as we smiled lovingly at each other. After Sue was through eating that bite, I started to skewer more eggs with the fork. Sue put her hand on my fork hand and said lovingly to me, “Let me give you some darling.” I said, “Ok sweetie.” Sue took the fork and fed me some eggs. In this manner, Sue and I fed each other, with a little loving chit chat going on here and there. When we were through, we wiped each other’s mouths off with a couple folded paper towels I had on the tray. Afterwards, Sue said lovingly, “Set the tray aside and get into bed darling.” Sue pulled back the bedspread from my side. Revealing her wonderful, nude body.

 This caused me to begin to become aroused. I sat the tray on the small night stand as well as I could. After doing that, I got into bed. Sue and I looked at each other with passionate looks as I moved over Sue. Sue scooched down a little and embraced me as I laid down on my side on the other side of her. We began to kiss each other passionately as Sue moved me onto my back and undid the tie to my pajama bottoms. I caressed one of Sue’s breasts as she did so. Both of us gave off little moans of pleasure. I gave off a bit more of a moan as Sue reached her hand into my pajama bottoms and caressed my genitals. Sue also gave off a little extra moan of pleasure. Then Sue began to shove my pajama bottoms and underwear off from my hips. I raised my hips a little to help Sue do so. Then Sue parted her kiss from mine and sat up a little. Sue then took my things off the rest of the way. With passion still on her face of course, Sue drank in the sight of my ready genitals. After my things were off, Sue caressed her hands up my legs to my genitals. For a few moments, Sue fondled them and passionately took in the sight of them.

 Then we looked at each other passionately. Sue said with a voice just dripping with passion, “Mind if I’m on top again darling?” I said passionately, “Whatever you want my love.” Sue then straddled me. Standing on her knees and one outstretched arm, Sue’s firm, hanging breasts looked wonderful. Then Sue took hold of my stiff appendage and moved it to where it needed to go. A look of ecstacy came over both our faces. We also gave off moans of ecstacy as Sue moved her hips toward mine. Causing my stiff appendage to slide deep into her. As usual, I will omit most of what followed. But, as usual, it was unbelievably wonderful. I caressed Sue everywhere I could as my dear, sweet, darling love went to work on me. Along with varied moans of ecstacy, there were the usual, interspersed, brief and impassioned statements of love or endearment. At times, I would caress Sue’s breasts. Or at times I would caress Sue in other places and allow them to wonderfully bounce with her movement. When Sue started to head toward her first orgasm, Sue sat up as we held each other’s hands with our fingers entwined. Sue moved her body up and down vigorously on her knees. This made Sue’s large, pert breasts bounce up and down even more wonderfully.

 Sue gave off calls of ecstacy as she climaxed. I was having trouble keeping from climaxing myself. Oh how I love the look of orgasmic ecstacy on Sue’s face. After things settled down a bit, I lowered Sue’s upper body and let her support herself on her outstretched arms. Both of us still held each other’s hands with our fingers intertwined. Sue slowed her actions down a little. Long enough for us to give each other a passionate kiss for a couple moments. Then Sue parted her kiss from me and continued to do her thing. I released Sue’s hands and started to caress her more. In all, our lovemaking lasted for about five minutes. Which, with Sue setting the pace, I thought was pretty good. Sue also managed to orgasm a couple more times. When It came to be about time for me to orgasm, I took hold of Sue’s hips. Even though I was on the bottom, I really started to go to town. I gave out three or four fairly loud calls of ecstacy as I exploded with pleasure. After things settled down, Sue stopped her actions as we looked at each other’s ecstacy filled faces.

 I said to Sue with a highly loving voice, “Oh darling. How can you be so wonderful.” Sue said with a highly loving voice, “You’re the one who’s wonderful darling.” We then started to kiss each other passionately. Sue tried to caress me to the best of her ability. I caressed Sue just about everywhere I could reach. As I had often done, and Sue had often done with me, I also made sure that Sue’s butt was well caressed and squeezed. My sweet, darling love was such an unbelievable dream. We must have kissed for the next two minutes. Then Sue slowly parted her kiss from me enough for us to look into each other’s loving faces. I said with a tender, loving voice, “I’m so glad you’re my woman darling.” Sue then said with a tender, loving voice, “And I’m so glad that you’re my man darling.” We then gave each other a tender, loving kiss that lasted for about thirty seconds or so. Then Sue slowly parted her kiss from me again. As we again looked at each other lovingly, Sue propped herself up on an elbow. Sue then gently caressed my cheek with her other hand. I slightly caressed Sue’s palm back with my cheek.

 Then Sue smiled lovingly at me. I did the same with Sue as she said, “There’s something I can’t wait to do for my man.” I caressed Sue a little extra and said, “What’s that my woman.” Sue said, “Wash your dishes.” This made me grin. Which made Sue grin too. As Sue caressed her hand up from my cheek to around my ear, I said, “I should do it darling. After all, I’m the one who dirtied them.” Sue said, “That’s ok darling. It’s just my womanly duty.” I said, “You could just use your dishwasher.” Then Sue said, “There isn’t enough to clean for that.” Sue and I lovingly kissed each other again for a few extended moments. Then after slowly parting our kiss again, Sue said as we looked at each other lovingly, “Well, for as much as I hate to do it.” Then Sue moved her hips forward little. My penis slid out of her. A brief look of pleasure from the feeling came over our faces as Sue did so. Then we smiled at each other lovingly. Sue said, “Why don’t you use the bathroom first darling. Then I will. After that, we can get cleaned up together.” I said, “That sounds like a wonderful plan darling.” We gave each other a brief but loving kiss.

 Sue then got out of bed. I got out of bed too as Sue picked up her panties. Then I went over to where Sue had dropped my underwear and pajama bottoms. I then put them on. Sue put on her largely see through, sexy nighty. As I started over toward Sue, I said with a loving voice, “You’re so beautiful darling.” Sue came over to me too and caressed her hands up my chest as I held Sue in a loose embrace. At the same time, Sue said with a loving voice, “So are you darling.” As we brought our lips together, Sue wrapped her arms around my neck and upper back. We kissed each other with a kiss that was halfway between loving and passionate. This caress filled kiss lasted for about a minute. Then we slowly parted our kiss and looked at each other lovingly. We then smiled at each other lovingly and parted a little. I said, “I won’t be long darling.” Sue said, “Ok honey.” We gave each other a brief but loving kiss. Then I started to back away from Sue in the direction of the bedroom door. Both of us slid our hands down each other’s arms as they parted. Then our fingers parted. I took another step back as we lowered our arms. Then I headed toward the bathroom.

 When I got into the bathroom, I used the facilities. When I was through, I left the bathroom. Sue was in the bedroom and changing the sheets. Sue had also put my suitcase in there. The tray and my pajama top was also gone. I went into the bedroom. We smiled at each other as I said, “I’ll finish that while you’re using the bathroom lovie love.” Both of our smiles turned to loving smiles. Sue said as she came over to me, “Ok honey bear.” I said, “Where do the love sheets go.” As we held each other in a loose embrace, Sue said, “There’s a basket on the right in the laundry room.” To the right of the bed, there was a door which I took to be a closet. Sue nodded her head slightly in that direction and said, “You can hang your clothes in there.” Then Sue nodded to the dresser and said, “You can find room in any of the drawers for your other things.” I said, “I take it that we’re going to be living in sin for a while.” This made Sue grin. Which made me grin too. Sue said, “Yes darling. A whole lot of sin.” This caused a loving look to come over my face. Sue took on the same look. Then I said, “Oh darling!” We began to kiss each other passionately. Both of us gave off slight moans of pleasure as we did so.

 After about a minute and a half, we both slowly parted our kiss and looked at each other lovingly. I said, “Go do your thing sweetness.” Sue also gave my butt cheeks a squeeze and said, “Ok honey buns.” We gave each other a brief but loving kiss. Then we released each other. Sue started toward the bathroom. I gave Sue’s wonderfully rounded rump a bit of a slap. Sue turned a little as we both grinned at each other. Then Sue turned back as she continued on her way. Then I started making the bed. When I was through with that, I put my clothes away. As I did so, Sue came out of the bathroom and went to the kitchen. I closed the closet door at about the time Sue returned from the kitchen. Sue stood in the bedroom door holding a blue plastic glass. It was just like the one that was already in the bathroom. We both grinned at each other as Sue said, “Ready honey.” As I went to Sue, I said, “I can’t wait to get you all soapy.” We gave each other a brief but loving kiss. Then we put an arm around each other’s lower backs and headed toward the bathroom. When we got inside, we did all of the usual bathroom things. There was also the kind of loving chitchat as you might expect. Along with kisses here and there.

 We flossed and brushed our teeth. Sue helped me shave. Then we got naked and went to the shower. Showering with Sue was heavenly. The shower had one of those hanging shower heads with a chrome hose. When our shower got to that point, I asked Sue if I could bidet her. Which Sue lovingly agreed to. So I adjusted the shower head and did so. I enjoyed doing so almost as much as Sue did. Doing so almost brought Sue to another orgasm. When Sue and I were through showering and dried off, I helped Sue dry her hair with a blow dryer. Even this was a pleasure. By the time we left the bathroom, I was even more in love with Sue than I was when we went in. No doubt Sue felt the same way. We went into the bedroom and got dressed. (Though when it came time, I didn’t put on my jacket) Helping Sue put on her bra was yet another pleasure. I told Sue that this was yet another first for me. Which pleased Sue a lot and caused some passionate kissing. Afterwards, I just put on the suit I had on yesterday. Though I used my other shirt. Sue chose for herself a dark blue skirt. Sue also chose a light blue, fuzzy, sleeveless shirt. It was a V-necked button up shirt.

 Even though Sue hadn’t put on any makeup, Sue still looked like a million bucks. Though as I said before, Sue was the kind of girl who didn’t even need any makeup. Sue put on a pair of attractive shoes that matched her skirt. Then Sue sat at her vanity and put on a little makeup. I sat on the bed and we chatted a little as Sue put some on. When Sue was through with that, we stood up. I complimented Sue on her makeup. We looked at each other lovingly and kissed. After about thirty seconds or so, we parted our kiss and again looked at each other lovingly. Then I picked up my jacket. Sue and I put an arm around each other’s lower backs and headed out of the bedroom. Lovingly chatting a little as we went. As we made our way to the kitchen, I laid my jacket on one of the stools. When we got into the kitchen, Sue and I made coffee. Sue also cleaned our dishes. Of course, we continued to talk lovingly about this or that.

When we were all through doing these things, Sue and I went to the dining area table with our cups of coffee. Sue sat in the chair near her computer. I sat in the chair that was on the livingroom side.

 All of the loving chatting Sue and I had done on the way to the kitchen and in the kitchen was nice. But I thought it was about time I told Sue about my terrible secret. I had hoped to bring it up before we became intimate. But things didn’t turn out that way. I hoped Sue wouldn’t find it too shocking. The apprehension of what I had to tell Sue brought a bit of a concerned look to my face. Sue took on the same look and said, “What’s the matter.” I said, “There are some things about my political beliefs that I have been dreading telling you. Because I don’t know how you’ll take it.” This brought a little more concern to Sue’s face as she said, “I hope it isn’t something really bad.” I gave Sue a slight smile and said, “No. It isn’t. At least not to me.” This brought a bit of a relieved look to Sue’s face as I added, “But it may make my having told you that I was an atheist seem like a minor thing in comparison.” I took Sue’s hands on top of the table.

 We looked at each other with more somber looks and said, “It’s nothing that is likely to threaten our relationship. But you and I have lived very different lives. Some of the things I have to say, you may not believe. But they’re true. You can even check them for yourself. Though in all, some of these things are things you may prefer to have not known.” Sue said, “Don’t worry about that. I can take it.” I said, “Though I’m not all radical about it. I really hate niggers, Jews and all non Whites. I really wish they were all dead.” A bit of a shocked look came over Sue’s face and she said with a slightly exclaimed voice, “Why!” Then I said, “I’ll tell you. But please don’t interrupt me until I’m through. I don’t want to lose my train of thought. First of all, throughout human history, there are countless examples of one group of people try to take what other people have. All of them have probably been fought for justifiable reasons as far as the attackers are concerned. The current economically friendly, politically correct dogshit this country is mired in isn’t going to change things.

 “Somebody once said that the more things change, the more they stay the same. With the way things are now, it allows many people to feel good about themselves. But it means strife for future generations. And you can’t give rights to one group of people without taking rights away from another group. Neither can you be friends with them without ultimately betraying your own kind. White people may not be perfect. But I am happier with my own kind of imperfect human than I am with another kind. Whatever the cost. I know you can’t expect life to be easy. But you have to draw the line somewhere. Which brings me to our Jewish slave masters. I think it was an English officer around the time of the first world war who said that in war, truth is the first casualty. And it remains a casualty. Especially when it comes to world war two. Have you ever read the bible?” Sue said, “Yes I have.” I said, “Then you know that Jewish history is full of them justifying wiping out one group of people or another. And being the supposed chosen of god by default makes everybody else shit. That many Jews reformed Israel only shows that their feelings haven’t changed.

 “They could have probably peacefully acquired a similarly sized piece of the Baja peninsula, Australia, southern Siberia or anywhere. But because of their religious based filth, they didn’t. And instead of sticking with their most common language, Yiddish, they went with Hebrew. I remember watching this show one time where a couple of Jews were pulling a prank on somebody. This nigger broad who was nearby told the person being pranked, “Those two white boys are messing with you.” The one Jew said, “We’re not white.” Then the other Jew chimed in and said, “Yeah. We’re not white.” This caused a bit of a surprised look on Sue’s face. Continuing on, I said, “Though both of those scum would probably go after a White woman just like any other nigger would. Over the centuries, the Jews probably learned how to fly under the radar of the countries they infected with their presence. Though there’s only about fourteen million of them on earth, they run just about everything.”

 Sue listened to me with an interested look on her face as I continued on, saying, “I saw one of the reasons how they are able to do so on TV a couple times. On one, there was this Christian evangelist they showed in Israel. He was talking to a group of Jews at what looked like a restaurant. He told them that they should really stick to their guns and protect the holy land. On another program I happened by once, they were showing a Christian fund raising thing. The purpose of which was to send some poor Jews to the holy land. Apparently, for many Christians, a way to prove the power of their god is to support the Jews. Coupled with the Jew’s success oriented form of warfare, it’s no wonder they’re running everything. Another reason is that the Jews really know the best place to stick a knife. Back at the advent of the movie industry, most if not all of the major movie studios were run by Jews. Like Warner Brothers, MGM, Columbia and others. Because after all, there is no better place to seize people’s minds than through mass media.

 “One of the countless examples was a movie called, “Pleasantville.” According to it, White people would be living in a bland, colorless existence without the nigger influence. Which I of course don’t agree with. Though not that it would come down to it, I would rather live like an Amish person rather than betray my own kind. Another disgusting, anti-White brainwashing Jewish movie was “The Last Samurai.” Where a nineteenth century American soldier in Japan turns against his own kind. It’s too bad that the traitorous white scum the star portrayed probably wouldn’t have known that centuries earlier, the Japs themselves nearly completely wiped out a species of human who had been living there before they showed up. Then there are the large numbers of movies that portray the White man as the villain in our conflict with the Indians. Even though the Indians themselves tried at times to wipe each other out. Sometimes they even skinned enemies alive with sharpened clam shells. Yet we’re supposedly the biggest assholes.

 “There are just too many examples of Jewish movies degrading the White species to go into. And now, they control the great god, TV. I was watching a program once where there was this blond actor and his friend who got dropped off by a bus on the wrong side of town. Though I don’t remember what happened to his friend, he got stabbed and was nearly killed by a bunch of niggers for being White.” Sue said, “I think I saw that.” I said, “Then you know that the solution he came up with was to put more of a lip lock on nigger ass. Though to be honest, I can’t say if came up with that solution because he was a brainwashed pussy. Being an actor, he may have not wanted to say anything that would have upset any potential Jewish employers. Though I would say that both reasons came into play. All of this, and more, shows to me that the Nazis were right in doing what they did to the Jews. When referring to what the Jews call “the holocaust,” the Jews are fond of saying, “Never again!” Unfortunately, they have a good weapon to help make their wish come true. The convolution they cause the White man is just added security to them.

 “For example, the Egyptians refused to take the Statue of Liberty for the Suez Canal. So they brought it here.” This again caused a brief bit of surprise to show on Sue’s face. Then I said, “It was some Jew who wrote that, “Give us your tired, your poor” crap on it. With there probably being so few Jews in the U.S. back then, they were being mighty free with a country they didn’t hold a very big stake in. But with other peoples to take the heat off them, I can see why a Jew would have said it. Though to be fair, the opinions of those who held sway in this country were no doubt eager for more people to exploit. For example, there’s that traitorous piece of shit, Bill Gates. I saw him sitting in front of a congressional committee and telling them that he wanted to see unlimited immigration of skilled foreign workers. There are enough skilled workers here to do such jobs. At least for now. Though who is going to go the trouble or expense of being an engineer for example if pieces of shit like him will just import people to do the work for a cheaper price. But once you’ve sold out your species, why not sell out your country too.

 “Needless to say, I don’t hold spicks in very high regard either. It’s bad enough that this country sent so many good jobs overseas. But now we have these beaner, scab invaders coming here to take what jobs are left. There is this racist Mexican organization called “La Raza.” Which in Spanish means, “The Race.” Which sounds pretty racist to me. Not surprisingly our government has given them tens of millions of dollars. (I of course didn’t remember Mav or his telling me that Bill Gates had also given millions of dollars to LaRaza) Against that, White people are free to say anything they want. As long as it’s something that doesn’t really matter. Show a Nazi flag anywhere, and you’re likely to get thrown in jail. White people have to support their own kind. Because no other species is going to. Another species I don’t like are gooks. There are too many reasons to go into. But some of things I don’t like is their fleshy slits for eyes. I was told that during the Vietnam war, women there spent more money on getting their eyes done to look more European than what the country’s gross domestic product was.”

 This again briefly caused a little surprise on Sue’s face. I then added, “And yet, we’re the assholes. Neither do I like their eating dogs or bird spit soup. What they call bird nest soup. Also, to still be using a medicinal tiger penis remedy when there is Viagra around is pretty screwed up. But the people I hate the most are niggers. Sure, they’ve written some interesting music. But big deal. Also, they have a few more of what they call quick reflex muscle cells. That gives them an edge in sports. Also, they have longer arms and legs. They also have narrower hips. These may be some admirable traits, but all of these things don’t make them worth having around. For example, look at what niggers did to niggers in Rwanda and other places. That blond actor found out what they can do to somebody who they are aesthetically jealous of. Also, they’re three times more likely to carry Herpes and nine times more likely to carry Chlamydia.” This again brought a brief bit of surprise to Sue’s face.

 Continuing on, I said, “There are other messed things up about niggers. No doubt some things I don’t even know about. Which is no surprise. Because such information isn’t something the media likes to talk about. Instead, we’re expected to concentrate on our sameness rather than our differences. But fuck them. In the town where I came from, there was a fairly diversified nigger population. Ninety eight times out of a hundred, every time I saw some nigger out in public with a woman, it was a white woman. Apparently, even those niggers find nigger bitches to be too ugly. Yet again, my not liking it makes me the asshole. And you can be sure that niggers don’t do it because Whites are being promoted in the Jew media. I told you about my mom’s boyfriend who I called uncle Bill. He told me a lot of this stuff. The reason being that he had three different members of his family killed by niggers.” This brought a bit of surprise and sympathy to Sue’s face.

 I said, “As I said, he was the kind of guy who you could trust. He told me of a couple instances where he heard niggers on TV calling White people “White devils.” I saw a thing on TV where they wanted people to have the “Race talk” with their kids. Meaning to get them to be more politically correct. Obviously, it wouldn’t have encouraged parents discussing why no nigger populated country on the planet is worth a damm. (I know it’s spelled damn. But I prefer my spelling) Or why blond hair coloring is the most popular hair coloring. Let alone any of the other things I’ve told you. Clearly, we can’t count on our government for any help with White sovereignty. In a surprising bit of honesty, I saw a politician on TV speaking some truth. He said that there was so much legal graft going on in Washington, that only a fool would get involved in the illegal kind. These are the last kinds of people I would look to for some sovereignty for the White race. Also, look at oil. I have a theory as to one of the reasons why we’re still so dependant on it. As long as oil is important, the middle east is important. And as long as the middle east is important, Israel is important. That is, apart from the importance Christianity places on it.

 “Our whole country is in a whirling vortex of shit. They say that you can’t fool all the people all the time. But all you need to do is fool just enough of the people for just long enough. There may not be much I can do about these things personally, but I will never surrender my principals. I know better than to throw this stuff into people’s faces. Most people don’t want to know the truth anyway. And unless there’s some reason for them to do so, I’m not sure a brainwashed mind could accept it. Despite being half Jewish, Einstein was pretty smart in some ways. He once said basically that the solution to a problem couldn’t be found by the same sort of mind that created that problem. As long as people can put gas into their car and have a huge selection at the supermarket to choose from, that’s all they really care about. All of which is part of the reason I was homeless. When you hear experts talk about it, they say that the whole thing will come crashing down someday for some reason or another. Though I have to say that what the government did for us turned out to be a good thing.”

 This brought a smile to Sue’s face. I smiled too. Then I said, “You can just look at some of the things I’ve said as a guy thing. I really wish that I didn’t have to tell you such things. But it’s important to me that you know the real me.” Sue smiled at me a bit more lovingly. I did the same with Sue. Then I said, “Besides, it would be doing you a disservice to remain silent. Even though all I want to do is protect and shield you from the world.” This caused Sue to look at me a bit more lovingly. I looked as Sue lovingly as Sue got up and came over to me. I moved my chair back a little to make room for Sue to sit on my lap. Sue sat across my lap. As we caressed our hands around each other, Sue said lovingly, “You’re so wonderful darling.” We then kissed each other lovingly. This lasted for about a minute. Then Sue slowly parted her kiss from mine. We smiled at each other lovingly as we caressed each other a little. Sue said, “Though nigger is such an ugly word. But until other people get to know you, if the subject comes up, I hope you’ll remember to say negro or black instead.”

 This made me grin. Which Sue did too. I said, “How about, “spade.” Sue chuckled a little. Which I quickly joined in on. Then Sue said, “No!” I then said, “Spook?” We chuckled a little again. Sue gave me a light slap on my arm and said, “No!” I said, “How about, “tar baby.” This made us both laugh a little. Then Sue gave me another light slap on my arm and said, “No!” This had turned into a fun little game. I then said, “How about, “jungle bunny.” We both chuckled a little. Then Sue gave me another light slap on my arm and said, “No!” We both then chuckled a little again. Both of us had similar fun as I went through, darkie; suction cup lips; spear chucker; humanzee and porch monkey. Then I said, “Have it your way darling.” We then gave each other a loving kiss.

After about another minute, we slowly parted our kiss and smiled lovingly at each other. I said, “Darling. Are you sure you can love an atheist, White Separatist patriot, Nazi sympathizer.” Sue said lovingly, “There’s only one way to answer that darling.” As Sue got up, Sue said, “Come with me.” I took Sue’s hands and stood up.

 We then held each other’s hand as Sue led the way and guided me over to the couch. I had a good idea of what