A UFO Love Story 2, The Adventure Continues by Erik Neilsen - HTML preview

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Chapter Nineteen

 My Love Awaits

 I put my phone back into my pocket. Then I reached into my other pocket and pulled out the small, travel bottle of mouthwash. Then I used it. After some good swishing and a gargle, I spit it out in the grass next to the bench. I put the cap back on the bottle and stuck it into my pocket. Then I walked a bit hurriedly to my car. When I was back on the road, trying to be careful as Sue asked, I drove as fast as I could without getting pulled over for speeding. It didn’t take me long to drive back to the apartment. After I parked, I hated to waste time with it, but I opened the back door and grabbed my bag of clothes. After closing the door, I hurried toward the apartment as I hit the keychain remote to lock the doors. I ran up the stairs and walked quickly to our apartment door. When I got there, I used my key to unlock the door. Then I opened the door. A surprised look came over my face. All of the lights in the apartment were off and the shades were drawn. I saw a path a little over three feet wide consisting of two rows of small candles. Each candle sat on a small tray.

 In the hallway, the candles were about a foot from the walls. Starting about three feet from the front door, this path led to the closed bedroom door. There were about fifteen candles on each side with a trail of red rose petals along the center of the path. Apparently Sue’s talk of whipping something up had been a ruse to cover her real surprise. My surprised look was replaced by a joyful, loving look of anticipation. I was absolutely delighted! Then I went inside and dropped my bag of clothes off to the side. I then closed the door and locked it. Then I headed toward the bedroom at a fairly quick pace. When I got there, I threw the door opened and looked inside. A look of awe came over my face and my mouth dropped open. Sue was sitting in the middle and near the head of the bed. My dear love was leaning back against our pillows. Sue’s arms were propped up a little on either side by a couple decorative pillows. My vision of loveliness was beaming a grin at me. And what a vision Sue was!

 The sexy clothing Sue was wearing made me wonder if she had stopped by a Victoria’s Secret store. But what I saw didn’t conceal many secrets. Sue had her knees alluringly bent a little to my side of the room. The nighty Sue was wearing was a white, see though, lacy top. It went down to just below Sue’s hips. Under which I could see that Sue was wearing some wonderfully lacy and largely see through white panties. Sue’s amazing, large perky breasts were a dream. They protruded wonderfully under Sue’s top. Sue’s silky, straight blond hair laid beautifully around her shoulders. There were lit candles here and there in the room. Though Sue had all the lights on. Which I really enjoyed. Because it helped me drink in this unbelievably wonderful sight. The trail of petals went from the bedroom door to the bed. There were also quite a few rose petals scattered around on top of the bed. Apparently, Sue had gotten some change. Because scattered on the bed, not only were there nice crisp hundred dollar bills, but a number of twenty dollar bills as well. Though most of this money was partially covered by rose petals.

 I slowly walked along the trail of petals toward the bed with an agog expression on my face. Sue said with a soft, sexy voice, “Welcome home darling.” I stopped a few feet from the bed and looked at Sue over with awe and passion on my face. After giving Sue a good looking over for a few extended moments, I said to Sue with an astonished tone to my voice, “You’re so beautiful darling! I’m afraid if I touch you, you’ll vanish like a wonderful vision!” A passionate look came over Sue’s face. Sue sexily writhed her body a little and said in a soft, passionate voice, “But I want you to touch me darling. As much as you can.” A look of even greater passion came over my face. I started to hurriedly take off my clothes as I kicked off my shoes. All the while, we looked at each other passionately. As I got undressed, I said with a voice just dripping with passion, “Oh darling! Can I ever love you as much as you deserve!” Sue squirmed with pleasure a little and said, “You know you can darling.” Then Sue’s eyes glazed over with passion as my rock hard penis came into view. I ripped off my pants, underwear and socks.

 As I made my way into bed, Sue held out her loving arms to me. At the same time, I said fairly quickly with a voice just dripping with passion, “If I don’t last very long darling.” Sue started to take me into her arms as I added, “You’ll only have yourself to blame.” We started to kiss each other passionately as I first caressed one of Sue’s breasts. Both of us gave off moans of pleasure as our tongues also caressed each other’s. I started to caress more of Sue as Sue caressed me back. Then I started to take off Sue’s nighty. We parted our kiss as I slipped it over Sue’s head. Both of us looked at each other with glazed over looks of passion. At the same time, I said fairly quickly with a passionate voice, “You’re such a vision darling!” I dropped Sue’s top off the side of the bed as Sue said with a passionate voice, “So are you darling!” Then I backed away from Sue a little and took hold of Sue’s hips. I then slid Sue back to lay more flat. Sue helped me do so as I said, “How can anybody be so beautiful!” Then I took hold of Sue’s panties and pulled them off. I looked at Sue’s amazingly perfect muff pie as I did so with the same glazed over look of passion on my face.

 I tossed Sue’s panties aside too. Then I caressed Sue’s mons pubis with one hand as I started to move back to Sue. I caressed my hand upwards more as Sue began to caress my genitals. As I started to move on top of Sue, I said with a highly passionate voice, “Put me inside you darling.” Sue said with a highly passionate voice, “Oh yes darling.” Then mu love did as I asked. A look of ecstacy came over both of our faces as I entered into Sue. Both of us also gave off moans of ecstacy. As usual, I will leave most of what followed to your imagination. It was such heaven. Through our lovemaking, here and there, there were short but impassioned statements of love or endearment. Along with all the usual and varied moans of pleasure here and there. Sue’s moans of pleasure were music to my ears. No doubt Sue felt the same about mine. Here and there, there were also brief but passionate kisses. Along with all of the loving caressing going on. Sue must have been fairly worked up. Because it only took about twenty five seconds or so for my dream love to reach her first orgasm. Which pleased me to no end. As did Sue’s cries of ecstacy. It also pleased me the way Sue squeezed my buttocks with both hands as she did so.

 This all made me wish I could turn off my orgasmic response and really give it to Sue. But I had to pace myself and try to keep from orgasming as long as possible. Because, as always, Sue’s pleasure was more important to me than mine. Nothing made me happier than making sure Sue as happy as possible. Sue and I made love for about the next five minutes. Which, considering the circumstances, I thought was pretty good. In that time, I also managed to bring Sue to another orgasm. As I started to approach a climax myself, Sue also approached another orgasm. I started to speed up my actions. Which soon brought Sue to a climax. I climaxed myself. Both of us gave off cries of ecstacy as our juices erupted. I had heard that girls experienced orgasm for a little longer than guys. So I kept going at a slower pace until Sue settled down a bit. Then I stopped and, of course, remained inside Sue. Sue and I looked lovingly into each other’s glazed over eyes with passion and ecstacy on our faces. Sue said with a slightly breathless, soft, loving voice, “Did I milk you good darling?” I said with an equally soft, loving and slightly breathless voice, “Oh yes darling. It’s like you milked my soul.” Sue said, “Oh darling!”

 We began to kiss each other passionately. My dearest sweet love was such a dream! Both of us gave off moans of pleasure as we kissed. While I had the firmness to remain inside Sue, I rolled over onto my back and brought Sue with me. With Sue now on top, I caressed the hell out of her. This caused us to give off more moans of pleasure. As I caressed Sue, my hands ran over a few rose petals that were still on her. Which was also endearing. At the same time, we also squirmed a little with pleasure against each other. After about forty seconds or so, I brushed Sue’s hair off to one side and slid my lips to her ear. I said in a soft, loving voice that was almost a whisper, “My darling everything!” Then I gave Sue’s ear a big, brief kiss. This made Sue writhe a little with pleasure as she also gave off a moan of pleasure. Both of us had our eyes lightly closed with looks of ecstacy and passion on our faces. I then said, “My life!” Then I began to kiss Sue’s ear again. At the same time, Sue massaged her genitals against mine ans started to give off more moans of pleasure. I stopped kissing Sue and said, “Are you getting ready to cum again darling!?” Sue said with an impassioned voice, “Yes darling!”

 That was all I need to hear. I started to roll Sue onto her back. This caused me to slip out of Sue, I quickly caressed my hand down to Sue’s muff. I started to massage Sue’s muff as I quickly slid my body down and brought my face down there. As I did so, Sue said with an impassioned voice, “Oh darling!” Sue’s moist pubic hairs were a dream. Then I started massaging Sue’s stiffened clitoris with my tongue. This may seem king of gross to some people. Considering what I had just been doing. But being so caught up in the passion, I was far beyond caring. And the more of Sue’s wonderful love juice I could ingest, the better. Sue gave off cries of passion as I merciless licked her. At the same time, Sue lifted her hips off the mattress. A few extended moments later, Sue exclaimed with a voice full of ecstacy, “I’m going to cum!” I repositioned my lips a little. Sue then gushed orgasmically and gave off cries of ecstacy. I eagerly took in what Sue had to give me through my massaging lips. Sue also writhed with ecstacy. As before, it was so far beyond heavenly, I couldn’t begin to describe it.

 After Sue settled down a bit, Sue lowered her hips onto the mattress again. I enjoyed Sue’s clitoris a little more, then I started to kiss my way up Sue. As I did so, Sue said with a slightly breathless voice full of loving passion, “Oh darling! You make me so happy!” I paused at Sue’s breasts. We looked at each other with glazed over eyes of loving passion. I said with a highly loving voice as I lovingly caressed one of Sue’s breasts, “You make me so happy too darling.” Then I kissed my way up toward Sue more. I kissed up the side of Sue’s neck and to Sue’s ear. After giving it a little loving, I kissed my way toward Sue’s lips. We kissed each other passionately when our lips met. After about a minute, I parted my kiss from Sue enough for us to look into each other’s passionate, loving faces. Then I started to roll over onto my back. At the same time, I gently pulled on Sue to indicate that I wanted her on top of me. Sue rolled over onto me and straddled my hips. I said with a passionate voice, “Feed me your breasts darling.” Sue said with a pleasured, passionate voice, “Yes darling.” Sue moved up a little and supported herself on her extended arms.

 Then Sue hung her huge, luscious, firm breasts near my face. I lovingly caressed them both as I sucked on one of Sue’s nipples. Sue had a loving, pleasured look on her face as I enjoyed myself. After sucking on one nipple as I caressed and gently kneaded both breasts, I switched and started to suck on the other. For the next couple minutes, I would switch now and then from one breast to the other. Every now and then, I would give off a moan of pleasure. Then I stopped what I was doing. Sue and I looked at each other lovingly. Then I said with a highly loving voice as I continued to lovingly caress Sue’s breasts, “I can’t wait darling until these bad puppies are producing milk.” This made Sue grin as I added with a half kidding around voice, “I’m going to want your milk in my cereal, coffee and everything.” Then I grinned too. Sue said, “You’re going to have to save some for the baby darling.” I said as I gave Sue’s breasts a slight shake, “These massive jugs could feed an army!” This made Sue laugh. I laughed too. As we did so, Sue moved back down a little and laid on me. After our laughter, Sue said, “Thank you darling.” I rolled Sue and I onto our sides. Then I said, “You’re welcome darling.”

 I then grabbed a decorative pillow for Sue and one for myself. We embraced and entwined ourselves on our sides as we laid our heads on a pillow. Both Sue and I smiled lovingly at each other. After a few moments, I then took on a bit more of a somber countenance. Sue did too. I then said, “Speaking of babies darling, did you take care of that matter I asked you to?” Sue lovingly caressed the side of my head. We both looked at each other lovingly as Sue said with a gentle, loving voice, “Yes I did darling. I’m all safe now.” I said with a gentle, loving voice, “Thank you darling. But someday, you are going to get pregnant. I promise. I just hope all of the babying and pampering I give you while you’re pregnant doesn’t make you sick of me.” Sue’s eyes glazed over with love. Mine did too. Then Sue fully and tightly embraced me. I did the same with Sue as we tightly closed our eyes with highly loving expressions on our faces. Sue said, “Oh darling! That will never happen!” I rolled Sue a little more onto her back. After a few moments of more intensive nuzzling and caressing, I said, “Oh my love!” Then I started peppering the side of Sue’s head with quick, loving kisses. These I moved around Sue’s face and then to the other side of Sue’s head.

 After that, Sue did the same with me. When Sue was through, Sue kissed her way back to my lips. Then we kissed each other passionately. Both of us gave off slight moans of pleasure as we also squirmed our bodies a little into each other. At the same time, we caressed our legs against each other’s a little more. As we had fairly often done before, a couple times during the kiss, we cocked our heads a little and switched the position of our heads. I brought my forehead to the right side of Sue’s face. After a little kissing, we repositioned our faces so that my forehead was on the left side of Sue’s face. After a few minutes of kissing and caressing, we slowly parted our kiss and fully embraced each other again. Sue and I lovingly nuzzled the sides of our heads together as we also lovingly caressed each other more. After about a minute of this, Sue said softly and lovingly, “Darling.” We caressed our heads apart from each other and looked at each other lovingly. I gently caressed Sue’s hair back a little as I said with a gentle, loving voice, “Yes darling.” Sue said, “I hope you don’t mind my misleading you about dinner.”

 This brought a loving smile to my face. Sue smiled lovingly at me too. My loving smile answered Sue’s question. But I said, “How could I mind darling. Your feast for my eyes was far beyond what any food could do for my stomach.” I then gave Sue a loving kiss. After a few extended moments, I slowly parted my kiss again. As we smiled lovingly at each other, I said, “I got something much better to eat anyway. I could live off your cum darling.” This made Sue look at me more passionately. I looked at Sue in the same way. Sue said, “Oh my love!” We then kissed each other passionately. With plenty of tongue action going on. As we did so, Sue rolled me a little more onto my back. After about a minute, we slowly parted our kiss and looked at each other lovingly. Sue then said lovingly, “I don’t think that’s a nutritious enough of a diet darling.” I said, “I suppose you’re right darling.” I then smiled lovingly at Sue. Sue did the same with me. Sue then said, “We can order something later to keep up our strength.” I said, “Ok darling.” Then I caressed my hand down between us and caressed around just above Sue’s pubic area.

 I said, “Now you have another hoard of my little wiggly spermies inside you darling with nothing to do.” This caused a bit more of a loving look to come over Sue’s face. I took on a similar look. Sue said, “That’s ok darling.” Then Sue slid off to my side a little and caressed her hand downward. I caressed my hand from Sue’s tummy, over her arm and to her back. Then Sue began to gently caress my testicles. This caused a more passionate look to come over our faces. Then Sue said, “I love having them in my stomach too. And they have nothing to do there either.” I said, “Oh darling!” We then started to kiss each other passionately again. Sue continued to lovingly and gently caress my testicles as we did so. I found out earlier, when we were showering together, how much Sue enjoyed to caress them. And I was more than happy that Sue liked to do so. After about a minute, we slowly parted our kiss and looked at each other lovingly. I said with a tender, loving voice, “The money and the flower petals were a nice touch darling.”

 Sue said tenderly and lovingly, “I thought you would like it darling.” I said, “You could have been laying on garbage. And all I would have seen was you.” Sue said, “Oh darling!” We then started to kiss each other passionately. Sue also briefly gave my testicles some extra caresses. As we kissed, Sue caressed her hand from my testicles and started to caress more of my body with that hand. After about a minute, we slowly parted our kiss again and looked at each other lovingly. Sue ran her fingers through my hair on the side of my head as a pleased, loving smile came over her face. Sue said, “They cut your hair just right darling. I love having a little something to run my fingers through.” I said, “Thank you darling.” Then Sue took on more of a concerned look and said, “Does the lump on your head still hurt?” A little reassurance accompanied my loving smile as I said, “Not really darling.” This news reassured Sue some. I said, “How does it feel.” Sue caressed her hand up through my hair and gingerly caressed the lump. Then Sue said, “The swelling seems to have gone down.”

 We smiled at each other lovingly as Sue moved her hand and caressed my chest with it. I said, “I’m sure your kiss is causing it to heal faster.” Sue said, “Thank you darling.” We then gave each other a tender, loving kiss. After close to a minute, Sue slowly parted her kiss from mine. We smiled at each other lovingly. I then picked up one of the flower petals and gave it a bit of a lick. Then I stuck it to Sue’s upper arm. We smiled at each other with a little wider, loving smiles. I said, “I should paper mache you with these darling.” Sue grinned. Which made me grin too. Sue said, “That gives me an idea darling.” Then Sue got up as we released each other. Sue then went to sit over my thighs. I was again taken with how beautiful and sexy Sue was. Sue picked up a flower petal and gave it a good lick. Seeing Sue use her tongue was so sexy. Then Sue pasted the petal to my penis. This made us both laugh. Afterwards, I said, “I hope those are clean enough.” Sue said with a grin, “They are darling. The place I got them from grows them organically and washes them before putting them in the cooler.” Sue then licked another petal and pasted it near the other.

 Then Sue said, “Some restaurants and bakeries use them as a garnish.” I leaned up on my elbows and said, “Are you going to do my whole wiener darling?” Sue was picking up another petal as I said so. With a happy face, Sue pursed her lips together. Though the outer edges were upturned a little in a smile. Sue nodded her head a little a few times in the affirmative and hummed in the affirmative, “Um hum!” It was so utterly adorable, I couldn’t help but laugh a little with delight. Sue also laughed. After the laughter, I pulled a pillow under my head and leaned back with my arms a little above my head. I also rested the back of my head in my hands. Sue licked the petal and pasted it to my penis. Both of us had happy, loving smiles on our faces. I was happy to let Sue have some fun with her play toy. Sue then said as she went for another petal, “Your wiener is as sweet as a flower darling. I thought this would look nice.” Then Sue licked another petal and stuck it to me. I said, “I hope you don’t take too long darling. Or you’ll be needing more petals.” We briefly grinned at each other before Sue reached for another petal. Then Sue turned her grin back to me. We were both deliriously happy.

 Sue said, “I’ll try darling. But haste makes waste.” Then Sue speeded up her actions a little. It was such a joy to watch Sue have fun with her new play toy. Sue took some time to make sure that the petals conformed to the head of my penis. When Sue was through, Sue picked up a few of the hundreds and laid them under my penis. Sue laid them one next to and above the other horizontally. Even in my more flaccid state, my penis easily reached halfway across the third bill. With a happy, grinning face of accomplishment, Sue said fairly quickly, “Hold on darling!” Sue then got out of bed and happily scampered over to her dresser where she had her purse. Then Sue reached into it and retrieved her phone. This caused me to laugh as Sue hurried back over to the bed. I knew what Sue had in mind. I said with a mirth filled voice, “I hope you’re not going to show that to anybody.” Sue said with a wry tone to her voice, “I’ll never tell.” This made me laugh again. Sue did too. Then Sue looked at the view screen as she kneeled on the bed. Sue was so utterly beautiful and sexy, how could I refuse her anything.

 Then Sue then leaned in for a bit of a closeup. The phone then flashed. Sue looked at the picture with a big grin on her face. Then Sue walked over on her hands and knees to me. Sue then came over and laid next to me. I moved my arms and put one under Sue. As Sue laid there propped up on an elbow, Sue proudly showed me the picture she had taken. When I looked at it, I laughed again. Which Sue quickly joined in on. After the laughter, I said, “You’re so silly darling. I love you so much.” Sue expression took on more of a loving tone.

Mine did too. Then Sue said, “I love you so much too darling.” We then gave each other a brief but loving kiss. Then I said, “Set up on me again darling and bring your wonderful boobies close.” Sue said lovingly, “Ok darling.” Then Sue sat up. Sue placed her phone on the night stand and then straddled me. With her arms extended to support herself, Sue then hung her amazing, luscious breasts within easy reach. As I caressed Sue’s breasts, I sucked a little on one of Sue’s nipples.

 I then grabbed a petal and gave it a good lick. Then I put it on Sue’s wonderfully protruding, fairly thick nipple. I then formed the petal over it to make it stick. Then I did the same with Sue’s other nipple. I then said, “Lean up darling and let me take a look.” This made Sue grin. Which made me grin too. Sue leaned back on her knees and sat up. Then Sue put her arms behind her head and stuck her amazing breasts out a little. Sue turned her upper body a few times to make her breasts sway a little and said, “Whaddya think.” It caused feelings of arousal to run through my loins. I said with a little passion in my loving voice, “Very nice darling. What do you think.” Sue looked down at her nipples with a smile on her face. Then Sue moved her hands from behind her head and reached under her breasts. Sue then lifted them a little to get an even better look at her nipples. This too was extraordinarily sexy. Sue said, “Very nice.” Then Sue let her breasts go. I reached for Sue’s breasts as I said, “Now let’s see how edible the petals are.”

 A passionate look came over my face again as Sue brought her breasts to me. I caressed them and ate one of the petals off Sue’s breast. Giving off a slight moan of pleasure as I did so. After eating it and sucking on Sue’s nipple a little, I then went to work on Sue’s other nipple. The whole time, Sue had a loving, pleased smile on her face. After I was through with that, I smiled lovingly at Sue. Which Sue did with me. I said, “I don’t think your petals are fitting anymore darling.” Sue said lovingly, “Oh goodie!” Sue moved off me and looked at my penis with a little more passion on her face. I was fully erect. Sue looked at me lovingly and said, “I guess they don’t.” I grinned and said, “Would you like to take another picture?” Sue was grinning too at this point. Sue said, “Sure!” Then Sue reached for her phone and grabbed it. Sue then went to kneel between my calves. Then Sue sat the phone aside and rearranged the money. This time, my penis extended beyond the width of the three bills. Sue also picked up a couple of the petals that had come off and gave them a lick before reattaching them.

 Then Sue picked up her phone and prepared to take a picture. The phone then flashed. After that, Sue said with a loving grin, “That will make a good before and after picture.” Then Sue set the phone aside and started pealing petals off my penis. The first on Sue took off from the head of my penis, Sue ate. Both of our expressions turned to passion as Sue did so. Sue just pealed off the other petals and sat them aside. When Sue was through, Sue turned her passionate look to me as she backed away a little. Then Sue took hold of my penis and said with a passionate voice, “Now for some nutrition for me darling.” Leaving the bills where they were, Sue then started pleasuring me orally. My passionate look turned to one of ecstacy as I gave out a moan of ecstacy. As usual, Sue started out slowly and with much relish. At the same time, Sue gently caressed my testicles with one hand. Sue also gave out an encumbered moan of pleasure. Then, with a look of ecstacy on my face of course, I said with a voice full of ecstacy, “Oh! Darling!” Through the whole process, here and there, I would make brief but impassioned statements of love or endearment. That is, when I wasn’t giving off moans or sighs of ecstacy.

 Sue certainly enjoyed herself. At a couple of points, Sue swallowed me down farther than I thought it was possible for Sue to do. It was quite impressive. After about a couple minutes, I did that thing Sue and I had come to do to enhance each other’s enjoyment. I basically told Sue with a voice full of ecstacy that I was about to orgasm. Needless to say, this was information that Sue happily received. A couple moments later, Sue happily received something else. I gave out calls of ecstacy as I exploded. Sue gave off encumbered moans of pleasure. Again, it was all just too wonderful to describe. About thirty seconds later, when I was less rigid, Sue briefly swallowed me down again. Taking me down further than she had before. I hoped that in Sue’s enthusiasm, she didn’t hurt herself. About thirty seconds alter, Sue stopped what she was doing and started to kiss her way up to me. As Sue did so, I said with a voice full of loving passion as I lovingly caressed her, “Oh my dearest darling!” Once Sue got near me, we looked at each other passionately. Though my expression was a bit more passionate.

 Then Sue said with a soft, loving voice, “I just love milking you darling. It’s interesting how your balls shrivel up when you’re about to give milk. How did I do.” I caressed Sue’s cheek as my passionate look began to be replaced by more of a loving look. Sue lightly closed her eyes and caressed my hand back a little with her cheek. As Sue did so, I said with a highly loving voice, “Just fine darling.” Then Sue turned back to me and slowly opened her loving eyes. After a couple moments, I grinned. Which made Sue grin too. I then said with a mock, determined look and tone to my voice, “But I don’t care what you do. I’m not going to propose to you until I’m good and ready.” This made Sue laugh. Which I quickly joined in on. After the laughter, we grinned lovingly at each other. Then I took on a bit of a concerned look. Sue gave me a bit of a somber, questioning look. I said, “That swallowing thing you did was nice darling. But it isn’t any better than the other things you do.” Knowing the reason for my concern, Sue took on more of a loving look. I then said, “It certainly isn’t worth hurting yourself over.”

 Then Sue lovingly caressed my cheek with her hand. I slowly closed my eyes and caressed the palm of Sue’s hand back with my cheek. Then I turned back to Sue and slowly opened my loving eyes again. Sue said, “I’ll try to be careful darling. But I just love your dick so much.” We then kissed each other passionately. Both of us gave off a slight moans of pleasure. I rolled Sue a little more on her back to give her a turn to caress me more. After about a minute, we slowly parted our kiss and looked at each other lovingly. Then I lightly pulled on Sue to indicate that I wanted her to lay on her side facing me. That was all it took for Sue to do so. As we laid on our sides facing each other, I said softly and lovingly, “Just a moment darling.” I moved the smaller decorative pillows and grabbed one of the normal ones for my love to lay her dear, sweet head on. Then I got another pillow for me to lay my head on. Then we entwined ourselves a little more as we looked at each other lovingly. I then said, “I love you so much darling.” Sue gently caressed the side of my head and then my cheek. I lightly closed my eyes to let myself be swept away a little by the pleasure of it. At the same time, I again caressed the palm of Sue’s hand back a little with my cheek. Then I turned back to Sue and slowly opened my loving eyes.

 Sue said with the same soft, loving voice, “I love you so much too darling.” I then gently caressed Sue’s cheek. Sue caressed my arm and lightly closed her eyes. Then Sue again caressed my hand back a little with her cheek. Sue then turned back to me and slowly opened her loving eyes. We brought our lips together and lovingly kissed each other for about a minute. Then I slowly parted my kiss from Sue. We looked at each other lovingly as I laid my head back down on the pillow. After a few extended moments of drinking in each other’s love through our eyes, Sue smiled lovingly at me. I did the same with Sue. Sue said, “You’re such a naughty boy.” This made me grin. Which Sue did too. Then Sue added, “It makes me so happy.” I said, “And you’re such a naughty girl. It makes me so happy too.” We gave each other a loving kiss. After about thirty seconds or so, we slowly parted our kiss and smiled at each other lovingly. Then a more somber look came over my face. Sue took on the same sort of look as I said, “You know darling. All of our lovemaking seems so natural. Almost familiar at times. Sometimes it almost seems like something we’ve done before we first made love.”

 Then Sue said, “From time to time, I kind of get the same impression darling. Even my swallowing you down gave me a slight, familiar feeling for a moment. But as I said, in our missing time together, I would have known if we had vaginal intercourse. And I would doubt that we had oral sex.” I said, “I doubt it too darling. But I don’t doubt that I would have thought about how nice it would be. Though I had no idea how wonderful it is.” This caused a more loving look to come