A UFO Love Story 2, The Adventure Continues by Erik Neilsen - HTML preview

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Chapter Twenty

 Another Big Day

 While Sue was in the bathroom, I took my other clothes out of the bag and gave my shirt a sniff. It smelled ok. So I laid my shirt over the back of Sue’s rocking chair and my pants over the arm of it. I then took out some socks and underwear from Sue’s dresser. Those I sat on the bed. Then I went to the closet. During the course of things, my dark blue suit had been put away. But I decided to wear the dark grey one. It was going to be a big day today. And I wanted to look nice. I laid the suit on the bed. After that, I went out to the dining area. Sitting at the table, I turned on Sue’s computer. When it loaded, I turned on a writing program on it. Then I typed in, I LOVE YOU !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! : ) This is me when you’re away : ( No doubt, Sue would enjoy reading how I felt. Then I heard the bathroom door open. I got up and headed to the hallway. Sue was standing by the bedroom door. We smiled at each other as Sue came my way too. Sue said, “Your turn honey bear.” We came together, held each other in a loose embrace and gave each other a brief but loving kiss. We then parted and smiled at each other. I said, “I won’t be long lovie love.”

 We then gave each other a quick peck on the lips. Then I headed toward the bathroom. Sue headed for the kitchen. When I got to the bathroom, I just leaned against the far door jam with a big smile on my face. I figured it wouldn’t take Sue long to see my message. I heard Sue give off a slight, loving exclamation, “Oh!” Then Sue came scampering back toward the hallway. I had a big grin on my face. I so enjoyed seeing Sue expression of joyful sentimentality. But seeing Sue’s large, pert breasts bounce as she ran a little toward me was wonderful too. I took a couple steps away from the door jam toward Sue. Sue said, “Oh darling!” Then Sue and I fully embraced each other. I lifted Sue off her feet and spun us around. As I did so, Sue said, “I love you too! And I’m sad when you’re away too!” After turning us around a few times, I sat Sue on her feet. We parted enough to grin lovingly at each other. I said, “I thought you would like my message darling.” Sue said, “I sure did darling.” We then kissed each other passionately. Caressing each other passionately as we did so.

 After about thirty seconds or so, we slowly parted our kiss and smiled lovingly at each other. I said, “I’ll see you in a few sweetness.” Sue said, “Ok dearest.” My dear, sweet love and I gave each other a brief but loving kiss. Then we caressed our hands off of each other as we parted. The last thing to part was our fingertips. We continued to smile lovingly at each other as I slowly closed the door. I did my thing in the bathroom. When I was through, Sue was in the bedroom when I opened the door. I told Sue that I was ready. Then Sue came into the bathroom with me. Just like before, with all of our loving talk, kisses here and there and everything else, getting cleaned up with Sue was a dream. After we were all through, we left the bathroom and went into the bedroom. Then we got dressed. We of course lovingly chatted about this and that as we did so. Sue had chosen a white, button up shirt. The embroidery of the fabric almost gave it a lacy appearance. Sue’s shirt also displayed some cleavage. The sleeves went down to Sue’s wrists. Both the cuffs and the collar of Sue’s shirt was a more lacy fabric.

 Sue had also put on a pair of neatly pressed, cream colored pants. The tail of Sue’s shirt was tucked into them. Sue also wore a thin belt that was the same color as her slacks. Keeping up with the color scheme, Sue also wore some sensible but attractive slippers that were about the same color as her pants. After Sue was dressed, Sue put on a little makeup. When Sue was through, Sue dug out some money. I after we got all loaded up with cash, Sue took the purse she had chosen and we went back out in the kitchen. We of course kept talking about this and that. Sue and I made some coffee. As it brewed, we sat at the table. Sue called Becky and they happily chatted. When the coffee was done, I got up to make it as Sue and Becky continued to chat. We decided to pick Becky up. Soon after I brought the coffee to the table, Sue and Becky ended their conversation. Sue and I continued to happily talk about this and that. Both of us knew that it was going to be a wonderful day. But Sue didn’t know how wonderful.

 When we were through with our coffee, we left the apartment. We decided to use my car again. Sue and I drove to Becky’s place. The apartment complex where Becky lived seemed to be just about as nice as the place where Sue and I lived. Becky was apparently waiting by a window as we drove up. Because it didn’t take Becky long to come out. Becky was wearing a frilly blue top. She was wearing a nice pair of darker blue slacks. We grinned widely at each other as Becky came up to the car. Becky got in and we all greeted each other. Knowing how much girls liked such things, I complimented Becky on her outfit. Which of course pleased her and caused her to thank me. Needless to say, more happy conversation ensued. Though most of it was between Sue and Becky. We eventually pulled up to a place with plenty of stores around. After we got out, Sue and Becky happily hugged each other as they spoke happily. When I came around the car, Sue took my one arm. Becky took of Sue’s other arm. We then headed to a store. Becky let go of Sue’s arm as we went into a store. Sue let go of me too once we went inside.

 The girls started looking at some cloths for me. I tried to keep up. But shopping wasn’t something I enjoyed a lot. I took out my wallet and took out some money. Then I said to Sue, “Shopping isn’t really my thing darling. You know what my measurements are.” Sue said in a kidding around kind of voice, “Most of them.” This made Becky look at Sue with an amused, slightly open mouthed look of surprise. Seeing Becky’s reaction, Sue giggled. Which Becky quickly joined in on. I chuckled too. Afterwards, I handed Sue some money. Sue took it as I said, “You guys might want to pick up some things for yourselves too. Then I’ll really be lost.” I then handed Becky some money and said, “It may not buy a lot these days. But here’s three hundred. Just in case you find something you like.” Becky got a really happy expression on her face. Becky took the money, and said, “Thank you!” Sue was grinning at Becky as she said with a half way kidding around voice, “Just don’t get used to it.” This caused us all to chuckle a little. Becky then gave me a quick kiss on the cheek and a little hug. Then Becky parted her hug and stepped back over to Sue.

 Sue said to me, “What are you going to do darling.” I said, “Don’t worry about me honey bunch. I think I’ll just go look at some guy stuff. Maybe I’ll pick up a tape measure.” Then I gave Sue a bit of an overly exaggerated, playful wink. With this, along with Sue’s kidding around comment about my measurements, they knew what I was referring to. This made Sue and Becky look at each other with amused, slightly open mouthed looks of surprise. Then they started laughing. Which I quickly joined in on. After the laughter, I said, “I think I’ll pick up a small tarp. You can put whatever you buy in the back of the car and I’ll cover it with the tarp. Just to keep anybody from seeing what you bought and stealing it. Even so, keep your receipts on you just in case I do have to turn something into the insurance company.” Sue said, “Ok honey.” We gave each other a brief but loving kiss. Becky looked at us with a sentimental smile. I said, “Just give me a call if you don’t see me. I won’t be far.” Sue said, “Ok sweetie.” We gave each other another brief but loving kiss.

 Then I started to leave. Though I was turned a little as I said, “Have fun you two.” Sue said happily, “We will.” Becky said happily, “See ya soon.” I then left the store. As I walked around in no big hurry, I found a place that did sell small tarps. After looking around a little, I purchased one. Afterwards, I headed back to the car. As I did so, I saw Becky and Sue heading into another store a little farther away. They were both carrying bags. When I got to the car, I opened the back. I put the tarp package in and opened the back compartment to check on the ring. After that, I closed the back and continued to walk around and window shop. Then I ran across a store that sold computers. Just for the heck of it, I went in and asked the salesman about their laptop computers. They didn’t carry any Apple laptops in the store. But they could get them. We talked about them and other laptops as he led me over to their display models. I found out that other kinds of laptops really rocked it when it came to memory and disk space. Not only that, but comparable Apple laptops were pretty pricy. It looked like microsoft based computers really had me by the balls.

 I then left the store and walked around more. I also stopped someplace for some coffee. After about an hour, I decided to go looking around for Sue and Becky. Though I was in no hurry. Because I knew that they were still shopping. I found them about fifteen minutes later. They were both coming out of a store and happily chatting. Both of them were now carrying a number of bags. Being caught up in their conversation, they didn’t spot me as they went in the other direction. I didn’t call out. Instead, I started walking a little faster to catch up to them. Seeing them chatting, I kind of wondered how much of their talking was about me. I hoped that Becky didn’t spill the beans about what I had planned. But after getting to know her, I knew that she probably wouldn’t have done that. As I got closer to the girls, I called out, “Oh ladies!” They turned with big grins on their faces and stopped. I was grinning too as I walked toward them. As I did so, I said, “It looks like you guys have been buying everything in sight!” Both Sue and Becky giggled. I laughed a little too.

 Afterwards, Sue said, “Maybe we did get a little carried away.” Becky said, “But it was fun.” I walked up to them. Sue and I gave each other a brief but loving kiss. After parting, I said, “Let me take those darling.” Sue started handing me her bags and said, “Thank you darling.” After taking Sue’s bags, Sue took some of the bags Becky was carrying. We talked happily as we headed toward where the car was parked. From Sue’s demeanor, I could tell that Becky hadn’t spilled the beans about the surprise I had planned. When we got to the car, Sue reached into my jacket pocket for me and got my keys. Sue opened the back hatch. I then put the bags in. As one or the other of us continued chatting about this or that, I took the tarp I bought out of the package and used it to cover the things. When I was through, I closed the back. Then I said to Sue, “I found a place that sells laptop computers. There’s just no getting away from the influence of that microsoft maggot Bill Gates. So I decided to buy one. But I thought I would wait until I found you guys.” Sue and Becky grinned. I grinned too. Sue said, “Ok. Let’s go.”

 As we started walking to the store, Becky said, “Why don’t you like Bill Gates.” I said, “I have my reasons. But I would prefer to not go into it.” Becky said, “Ok.” I then said, “I found out that Apple laptops were pretty pricy for their specifications. Though they didn’t carry any in the store anyway. I found another laptop that looked pretty nice.” We continued talking until we got to the store. When we got inside, the salesman was of course pleased to see me again. He came up and gladly greeted us all. I had him bring us over to the display model I was looking at earlier. It was the best they had in the store. As we went and as we stood by it, for Sue and Becky’s benefit, he talked about all of its positive attributes again. Sue said, “That’s a little nicer than mine.” Sue and I smiled at each other. I then turned my smile to Becky and said, “Is Sue’s computer better than yours?” Becky said with a bit of a hopeful look on her quite attractive, sweet, smiling face, “Oh yes! It is!” Both Sue and I grinned at her as Sue held my arm a little tighter. Becky grinned too. I said, “How do you feel about hand me downs.”

 Becky took on a happier look and said, “That would be wonderful!” I then said, “Well I don’t like hand me downs.” This caused Becky and Sue to take on surprised looks as I turned to the salesman. I said as I gestured to the display model, “We’ll take three of these.” Becky’s look became overjoyed as she held her hands clasped over her chest. Sue grinned at me widely. Becky said, “Oh! Really!” I grinned at Becky and said, “That’s what you get for being such a dear friend of Sue’s.” Becky said, “Oh!” Then Becky gave me a big hug and said, “Oh! Thank you!” Sue said to Becky, “I told you he was wonderful!” As Becky hugged me, the salesman said happily, “I’ll get those right away sir!” He then walked away fairly quickly. Becky was doing better than I had been doing until recently. Even so, it made me feel really good to do something nice for her. Becky parted her hug from me and took hold of my other arm. Then Becky said, “I wish you had a brother!” This made us all laugh. Afterwards, I said, “Well Sue has a brother.” Becky said, “I know. And he seems nice. But you know how it is with going to collage, long distance relationships and all that.”

 Sue said to Becky, “Well, however things turn out, I’m sure you’ll find your prince charming one of these days.” Becky said to Sue, “I’m still going to try and hold out for a guy like yours.” I said, “Thank you.” We continued happily chatting. It wasn’t too long before the salesman brought the computer boxes up to the checkout counter. We went over to it and I paid for the computers. Once that was done, we left the store. As we headed back to the car, we continued to happily talk about this or that. Sue held my one arm and Becky held my other arm as I carried the three computer boxes in my hands. When we got back to the car, Sue again got my keys and pressed the button to open the back. Then Sue put my keys back in my pocket. I put the computers in the back and covered them with the tarp. Once that was done, we got into the car and decided to drive around. We stopped at one of the attractions they had there and looked around. As usual, the whole time, there was a lot of happy conversation and some laughs going on. After that, we went to another place and did the same. We spent about an hour there.

 After that, we stopped by a couple more attractions. By the time we were finished with the last one, most of the afternoon had gone by. Then I suggested that we go get something to eat. Which Sue happily agreed to. Knowing what I had planned, Becky of course happily agreed too. But Becky didn’t let on that there was anything out of the ordinary in the works. I told Sue that I would like to go to that restaurant with the nice waiter, Philip. Sue and Becky happily agreed. I had already used a bathroom earlier. And I needed to get Sue’s ring from the back of the car before we went to the restaurant. So I asked them that if while we were here and before we went to the restaurant, if they might need to use the bathroom and freshen up. Both Becky and Sue thought it was a good idea. I told them that I would go get the car while they were doing that. Sue and I gave each other a brief but loving kiss. Then Sue and Becky took each other’s arm and headed toward the bathroom as they continued to happily chat. I went toward the parking lot.

 When I got to the car, I made sure that Sue and Becky were out of sight. Then I opened the back and opened the rear compartment. The things we bought didn’t get in the way much. I retrieved the small velvet covered box with Sue’s engagement ring in it. After slipping it into my jacket pocket, I closed the back. After doing that, I got into the car and brought it around to where Sue and Becky would be coming out. As I waited, I thought about how surprised Sue would be. I couldn’t wait. It took about five minutes for Sue and Becky to come out. They were again holding each other’s arm and chatting as they came to the car. Once they were back in the car, Sue and I gave each other a brief but loving kiss.

Then I started to drive. As we went, there was the usual, happy conversation going on. When we got to the restaurant, we got out and headed for the outside tables. There were a few more people around than the last time Sue and I were here. After we sat down, Philip, the head waiter, came over. He said, “Hello Mr. Neilsen, Ms. Richards. Happy to see you again. And who is your lovely guest.” Sue introduced Becky and they exchanged pleasantries.

 Sue thanked Philip for emailing her the pictures he had taken of Sue and I. After a few more pleasantries, the waiter came over and Philip bid us a good dining experience. We thanked him and he excused himself. The waiter gave us our menus and left himself. Sue, Becky and I chatted a little. About a minute and a half later, the waiter brought us some glasses of water and some silverware. He asked us if we had made a selection yet. We told him that we hadn’t. He excused himself and left. Then I said to Becky, “How would you like to take a picture of Sue and I.” Becky said with a big grin, “Sure.” Sue and I were grinning too. Becky knew what it would mean when I asked her to take a picture of Sue and I. I was glad that Becky was able to compose herself so well. Then Becky sat down her menu and reached into her purse. Becky then got her smart phone out and stood up as she fiddled with it a little. Then Becky took a few steps back as she aimed the camera at Sue and I. Though instead of setting her smart phone to take a picture, as we arranged the other day, Becky set it to record video. While Becky did this, Sue and I sat down our menus, took each other’s hands and leaned toward each other a little.

 I said, “How do things look.” Improvising, Becky took another step back and said, “It’s missing a little something.” My grin got a little bigger as I said, “I can fix that.” Letting go of Sue’s hands, I stood up and took a glass and knife. Sue got a surprised look on her face. I then stood up on my chair as Sue’s expression became even more surprised. Then I tapped the glass with the knife as I looked around at the people. They all looked at me with surprise on their faces. Though Sue’s was more surprised as I then said, “Attention fellow Bransonians and welcome visitors!” While I did this, an emotional look accompanies Sue’s surprised expression. Figuring out what was going on, varying degrees of happiness came over everybody’s faces. Most of the women started reaching for their smart phones. Sue’s mouth dropped open a little as she held up her fingers to her cheeks. Tears also started to well up in Sue’s eyes. No doubt, Sue also knew what was coming. Tears also started to well up in Becky’s eyes as she recorded the scene. Seeing what was going on from inside the restaurant, Philip too came out with his smart phone in hand. He had a slightly thrilled look to his sentimental expression. Philip started recording while he got closer.

 Then I held the knife and glass in one hand. Other people were recording also. Then I gestured to Sue with my other hand. I said to all of the people around, “Believe it or not, this lovely lady is more beautiful on the inside than she is on the outside!” Tears started tunning down Sue’s emotional face as Sue held her hands clasped over her chest. I then said, “And she claims that she loves me! Let’s put her to the test!” Sue and I looked at each other as I stepped down from the chair. I had an emotional, loving look on my face. Sue had tears of joy running down her cheeks. I sat the glass and knife down. Sue said with a highly emotional voice, “Oh darling!” I then move toward Sue as Sue turned in her chair toward me. Then I knelt down on one knee in front of Sue as tears started to well up in my eyes also. I said with a highly loving, but little louder voice than normal for the people around to hear, “Oh my darling love! My heart is in your hands!” I could hear this cause murmurs of sentimental joy coming from most of the people. Then I reached into my pocket and produced the decorative box with the ring in it.

 I opened it and showed Sue what was inside as I said, “You mean everything to me my darling! Please tell me that you’ll be my wife!” Sue said with a highly emotional voice, “Oh yes darling!!! I will!!!” This caused more murmurs of sentimental joy to come from most of the people around. I took the ring out of the box as tears of joy also ran down my cheeks. Setting the box aside, I then took Sue’s left hand and slipped the ring on her ring finger. Many of the people started applauding or tapping their glasses with silverware. There were also many happy murmurings going on as people spoke a little about what they were witnessing. I hardly noticed. Sue and I were in our own world. Most of the female patrons both inside and outside the restaurant were misty eyed. I said, “Oh darling! You’ve made me happier than I thought I could ever be!” Then I gave Sue’s ring a brief, light kiss to seal it. Sue said, “Oh my love!” Then Sue leaned over a little more and we fully embraced each other as well as we could in this position. Both of our teary eyes were tightly closed with looks of emotional joy on our faces.

 Becky moved in a little closer to get a better shot of Sue and I. First Becky made sure she got a shot of Sue’s emotional, joyful face. Then Becky moved around us to get a shot of my emotional, joyful face. Becky at this point had tears of joy rolling down her cheeks. After a few moments, Becky moved back a little closer to where she had been to get a little wider shot of us both. About twenty seconds or so later, being mindful that we were out in public, Sue and I kissed each other with a kiss that was halfway between loving and passionate. This caused the people to chat sentimentally with the people they were there with. Sue and I kissed for about thirty seconds. Then we parted and looked at each other with emotional, loving joy. Becky said with some emotion in her voice, “That was so beautiful!” Sue and I both beamed tear moistened grins at her. Then some of the other people that were around voiced congratulations to Sue and I. Sue and I happily thanked them as I we stood up. Becky stopped recording and stepped over to Sue and I. Sue and I parted. Then Becky and Sue embraced as Becky said, “I’m so happy for you!” Sue said, “Oh thank you! I’m so happy!”

 As they did this, Philip came over with a sentimental and happy look on his face. He said with some emotion in his voice, “That was just beautiful!” Then he put out his hand to shake mine and said, “Congratulations!” I shook his hand with a big, still somewhat emotional grin still on my face and said, “Thank you!”

After we shook hands, he said, “If you would like, we have a much more comfortable booth inside for you.” Becky and Sue let go of each other, but continued to hold hands and grin at us. I said to my fiancee, “You’re the boss now darling. What do you think.” Sue and Becky let go of each other’s hands. Then Sue and I fully embraced. As we did so, Sue said, “That would be just fine darling!” Philip said, “I’ll go and get things set up. Come in whenever you’re ready.” I said, “Thank you.” He then turned to go back inside. After Sue and I enjoyed each other’s loving embrace for a few extended moments, we parted a little and looked at each other lovingly. Becky said to Sue, “Ok! My turn!” Sue and I grinned at Becky as we let go of each other. Then Becky and I hugged. As we did so, Becky said, “You’ve got yourself quite a girl there! I know you’ll both be very happy!” I said, “I know! And thank you!”

 After a few moments, we let go of each other. Becky took a step back as Sue and I grinned happily at each other. I stepped over to the table and picked up the ring case. Then I closed it and put it back into my pocket. As I did so, Sue picked up her purse and put the straps over her shoulder. I then reached for Sue’s hands and said with a voice just dripping with joy and love, “Shall we go inside future wife?” Becky also went over and picked up her purse. Sue said with the same joyful, loving voice, “Ok future husband.” We gave each other a brief but loving kiss. Then Sue and I parted and put an arm around each other’s lower backs as we grinned lovingly at each other. Becky led the way as we started to head inside. Everybody we passed on the way gave us congratulations, well wishes and compliments. Sue and I thanked them and briefly shook some people’s hands. Some of the patrons also exchanged sentimental statements with some of the other patrons. When we got inside, we got the same treatment from the people who were inside and witnessed the event too. Sue and I thanked them also.

 Philip directed us to our booth. A waiter also was heading in that direction with a bottle of champaign. It was in one of those decorative, silver bottle holders that sat on a stand. We all sat down. I made sure that Sue and Becky would be sitting next to each other. Knowing how they could be together, I didn’t want to be between them when they got to happily chatting. Then Philip said, “The champaign is compliments of the house.” We all thanked him as he opened the bottle. Then he poured some champaign for each of us. When he was through, he said, “Order whenever you wish.” We all thanked him again. Then he moved away. We all picked up our glasses. Becky held hers toward us a little and said, “To the happy couple.” Sue said, “Thank you Becky.” I said, “Thank you.” We all clinked glasses. Then we all then took a drink. After setting our glasses down, I lovingly said to Sue, “Now you know what my loving little secret was darling.” Sue said with a big, loving grin, “That was so embarrassing darling! But so wonderful!” I said with a loving grin, “I want the whole world to know how I feel darling.”

 Sue’s eyes, then mine, glazed over with love. Sue said with a highly loving voice, “Oh darling!” Still being mindful that we were out in public, we then began to kiss each other with a kiss that was halfway between loving and passionate. Sue and I also embraced and caressed each other as we did so. Becky looked on with a happy, sentimental and slightly emotional look on her face. Knowing that we needed to control ourselves, Sue and I slowly parted our kiss after about twenty five seconds. We looked at each other with loving smiles as we parted a little more and took each other’s hands. Becky said with a bit of emotion in her voice, “It’s so wonderful!” Sue and I released each other as Sue turned to Becky and said with some emotion, “Oh Becky!” Then Becky and Sue hugged each other with happy emotion. They hugged for about fifteen seconds or so. Then they parted with happy looks on their faces. Becky said excitedly, “When you were zip lining yesterday, Erik told what he had planned!” A slightly open mouthed, happy, but surprised look came over Sue’s face as she said, “You knew!” Becky said, “Yes! And trying to keep it secret was killing me!”

 This caused us all to laugh. After the laughter, Sue and Becky hugged again. Sue said, “I’m glad you did! It was such a surprise!” I was still grinning too as I said to Becky, “I’m glad you’re the trustworthy type.” Sue and Becky parted their hug and turned their grins to me. As Sue and I went to take each other’s hands, Becky said, “I knew Sue’s surprise would be worth it.” Sue and I turned our grins to Becky. Sue said, “You’re such a good friend!” Becky said, “I try. Now let’s take a look at that ring.” Sue released her left hand from me and showed Becky the ring. Becky held Sue’s fingers with both hands as she looked at the ring. Then Becky said, “What a rock!” This caused us all to laugh for about ten seconds. During which time, Becky let go of Sue’s fingers. The ring wasn’t all that spectacular. But it was nice for Becky to say. Of course, Sue and Becky’s excitement didn’t die down much as they talked about wedding plans and all that sort of thing. Though being considerate, they both included me in their conversation as much as possible. We were all having such a wonderful time. Sue said that she wanted to get married back home in St. Paul. But that she planned on having Becky there to be her maid of honor. Which of course pleased Becky greatly. At one point, Sue gave Becky her phone to take our picture. Sue and I sat closer together and with the sides of our heads touching. We grinned as Sue held up her hand with the engagement ring. Becky took the picture. Sue said that she would send it to her mom tomorrow. Because if she sent it now, she would never get her off the phone. This caused a bit more laughter. We eventually ordered some food. Though I and no doubt Sue were a little too excited to be hungry. So we didn’t order anything very big. We continued happily talking until our food came. Though we would talk more in between bites of food. At one point, Becky asked what we had planned for the future. I said that we hadn’t really made up our minds yet. But whatever we decided, she would probably be the first to know. This caused a little more laughter.

 After we were through eating, I called Philip over to pay the bill. Philip came over with a grin on his face. He said that a couple from outside had insisted on picking up the tab. Then Sue, Becky and I briefly looked through the windows with happy expressions on our faces. Sue asked who it was. Philip said that they had already left. Sue, Becky and I voiced a little disappointment that we couldn’t thank them. But Philip said that he sees them every now and then. And that he would pass on our thanks the next time they came in. Sue and I thanked Philip with big grins on our faces. Then I grabbed my wallet and took out three hundred and forty dollars. After putting my wallet back, I folded the money over and handed it to Philip. I asked him to make sure that the waiter got fifty of it. To which Philip happily agreed. Sue Becky and I then started to leave. There were still some people around inside and outside who wished Sue and I well again. For which Sue and I thanked them. Of course, there was more happy conversation as we went back to the car. Sue was holding my arm and Becky was holding Sue’s.

 When we got into the car, the happy conversation continued. It continued as we drove back to Becky’s place. The happy conversation continued as we got to Becky’s place and parked. It continued as we got out and unloaded Becky’s things. I was holding Becky’s computer as I said, “You may as well show me your place. And I can make sure you don’t have any intruders. I wouldn’t want anything to happen to our maid of honor.” Sue and Becky gave me happy, appreciative and sentimental smiles. Then Becky said, “Ok.” On the way to her apartment, Becky explained that they didn’t have to worry about intruders much around there. The happy talk continued as we went inside and sat the things down. Then Becky showed Sue and I around. But Sue was already familiar with the place. It was almost as nice as Sue’s place. I went up to Becky’s closet and opened the door quickly. In a kidding around manner, I looked around in it quickly and intently to make sure there were no intruders hiding in there. This caused Sue and Becky to laugh. Which I quickly joined