American Bhogee by Tai Eagle Oak - HTML preview

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I have just had a true psychic experience.  Kelly and I are in Thailand and we haven't heard from our daughter, who is traveling in Europe by herself and is only 19 years old for almost two months.  Which isn't unusual for a teenager on her own, but still we are a little worried.

Last night I had a dream and in it she comes to me and hands me a bunch of red roses wrapped in blue paper.  She doesn't say anything, she just stands there and smiles at me.  I get a bit pissed off and say, "I don't want any damned roses.  I want a letter from you telling your Mother and me about how you're doing."  At which time she disappears and the dream ends.

Next morning I tell Kelly about the dream and she says that we should go check the mail which is at Poste Restante in Chiang Mai.  We had just checked it a couple of days ago but since were not doing anything important anyway, why not?

We go to the post office and check, and sure enough there's a big blue envelope for us.  Kelly opens it and inside is a birthday card for us. (Our birthdays are only a day apart.)  There's a bunch of red roses on the front and the card is signed by our daughter.  But there’s no letter, not even a note in it.  Damn it, I wanted a letter from you letting me know that you’re all right, not just a bunch of roses.