American Bhogee by Tai Eagle Oak - HTML preview

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I'm hitching to town with my backpack empty to pick up some supplies for the coming weekend since there will be people arriving shortly and they do have to be fed.  Especially since they bring all the part favors.

Ah, here comes a car now and it's slowing down..  And I am in luck because it's a cute hippy chick driving. I jump in saying 'Hi, howzit goin', you know the usual but then I notice she ain't happy.  So I ask her what the problem is.

“My boyfriend is a lowdown scum sucking pig!” She says then, “When he came home this morning I could smell pussy on him and it wasn't mine.  You'd think if the bastard had any sense at all he'd at least take a shower before he came home.  I can't believe.........” she trails off kind of really mad and crying at the same time.

I there, there her and when she clams down a bit I ask what she intends to do about it.

Well,” she says, “I'd like to leave his cheatin' ass, but I love him.  So instead I gotta think of a way to get back at him, to show him what it's like to fuck around on the person you supposedly love.”

I ask her if her boyfriend is the violent type and she says, “Naw, he wouldn't hurt a fly.  In fact, except for his screwing any slut that's lets him, he's a real sweetie.”

I say, “Well then , you could always fuck another guy they drive straight home with foreign jism dripping out of your pussy then take him to bed.  I'm sure he'd notice another dudes cum in you.”

She pauses thinking about what I said then, “Yeah, especially if I ask him to give me head first.  That's really shake him up.” And laughs a little.

“So”, I go, “wanna do it?”

She looks over at me and says, “You mean now, with you?'

I tell her there's no time like the present.  Plus, if she thinks about it too much she just might forgive the jerk and let him slide until it happens again  Then she'd have to go through all this again.  At least if she does it now when she gets home and her boyfriend finds out two can play at the cheatin' game he'll probably either straighten up or or split.  Either way she's better off knowing.

She looks over at me and says,  “Okay, let's do it.” then “Where can we go?”

Hell, we're in the middle of the country.  I tell her just to take the next side road and pull over.  We'll hop in the back and have a little fun.

She does take the next right on a country road, drives down it a little, see a tree and pulls under it.  Then turns off the ignition and turns to me saying, “I'm kinda nervous.   I've never done this sort of thing before.”

I laugh saying,” It's just sex, no big deal.  And that's what you can tell your boyfriend when he complains, right?”

“That's right!” she says smiling, “because that's what he always says to me when ever I catch him screwing around.  Now he'll see if it just sex.”

So we get in the back when she tell me she don't want us to get naked.  She'll just pull down her jeans and turn around and I can just take out my dick.  That way it is just sex because she won't even see me.  Which is what we do.

After we're done she asks me where I was going so I tell her.  I also, tell her about the Tipi and how to find it if she ever wants to party or even just kick back with other groovy folks. 

She says that for helping her out she'll take me to the market and wait for me then drive me back to the tipi since she'd like to see it.  Which she does.

When she dropped me off I tell her to come by anytime.  She says she will but I never saw her again.  But I always wondered what happened when she got home and showed her boyfriend how it felt to be cheated on.