American Bhogee by Tai Eagle Oak - HTML preview

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Hey, hey, I am back united with my true love Kelly.  She spent the summer in Cave Junction and I had spent it just hitching around the US of A.   I’d been staying at a cabin of some friends up in the woods by myself, a pretty little place surrounded by oak, madrone and mazanita with a good sized stream running through it and one of the largest valley oaks I have ever seen.  It's huge and always full of birds.  I’d decided to hitch to the City for the Mighty Quim’s birthday party and there she was.  We were really happy to see each other again and spent most of the party hanging out together just talking.  When it came time to crash she said she'd like it if I would sleep with her and man, I sure did.  I told her that the next morning I’d be hitching back to the country and if she didn't have anything better to do why not join me.  She said that sounded good to her and we spent the entire night together rolling around on the living room floor.

Next morning around 10 a.m., bright and early for us anyway, we hit the road and made good time too.  By noon we were out of the bay area and in the country.  Another hour and we were going over the mountain pass.  When we did something truly majickal happened, Kelly and I became totally telepathic with each other.  We'd look into each other’s eyes and hear the same voice.  It wasn't mine and it wasn't hers.  It was like listening to a radio station that only we could hear.  I would look at her, she would look at me and we would hear the same thing then just nod.  The freek who picked us up was an instructor for a yoga retreat a couples miles from where we were going.  If he knew what was happening he didn't let on.  He just talked about teaching yoga to straight folks the whole ride while Kelly and I marveled at our new ability.  He dropped us at our road and we walked the last few miles hand in hand not saying a word and not needing to.

When we got to the cabin, we stashed our packs and I showed her around, sometimes talking, sometimes just listening.  When we got back to the yard something even more majickal happened.  My reality split into two separate and distinct planes, which I could perceive equally and concurrently.   I could see and hear Kelly in the yard of the cabin but could also see and hear the Priestess in her realm of space at the same time, and I could communicate with them equally.  

At first I was dazzled by this, but soon settled down and paid attention, as I knew that both of these happenings were very important to me.  On one level, Kelly was saying how much she liked me, and liked being with me, and how much she would like it if we could stay together for awhile.  I was saying that I felt the same about her and thought it would be really nice to spend some time with her.  The Priestess, known as Durga in the east, Athena in the west and to primitive peoples simply as the Warrior Goddess, was asking me if I would like to be Her champion, if I would join Her in her battle against the demons of the world.  I said I would be and that it be an honor to join Her in her quest. 

Kelly smiled and said how happy she was to hear that and gave me a kiss.  I reached into my pocket and pulled out a small green stone that I’d found and had been carrying around for sometime then handed it to her saying that it was a symbol of my Love for her.  She accepted it, looked at it, thanked me, kissed me again then put it in her pocket. 

At the same time The Priestess asked if I was sure, the fight would be dangerous and being mortal I could easily be killed so I should be positive before I pledged my life to Her cause.   She had had many champions through out the ages and they had all died eventually.  I then pledged my life to Her saying that I was sure and did not fear death because being mortal, I knew that I would die someday anyway, so if it was for as worthy of cause as Hers, ridding the world of demons, then it would be a privilege. 

Kelly asked me what should we do now that we were together.  I told her that I didn't know but would think about it.   The Priestess told me to prepare myself for the coming battle.  It would begin at sunset then continue through out the night until either I or the demons were vanquished or until dawn came when I could rest until the next sunset then the whole thing would start again until there was a victor.

 I told Kelly and The Priestess that I had to go and meditate on what to do next.  Kelly said fine, that she wanted to think about what was next for us too.  The Priestess told me to go and prepare myself.  I walked over to the giant oak, sat on the grassy knoll by the stream and felt ecstatic.  Not only did I now have a girl who loved me, who wanted to be with me and share my life, but I was the champion of The Priestess and together tonight we would kick some demon ass.  I might die but so what, that only added spice to the whole shebang, and if we were victorious the world would be once again safe for democracy.  What more could one guy ask for.  Yes sir, I had never been happier in my whole life.

Sitting on the grass I gave the oak and the stream salutations then started to meditate.  As I was going into the meditative state I felt something crawling on my legs.  I cracked my eyes open enough to see what it was and saw a big fat diamond back rattler curl up in my lap.  I looked around and there were more coming my way and soon I was covered in snakes.  I knew that I couldn't move, that I had to go into a very deep meditative state until I became a stone, a part of the earth itself because the snake who lives and moves across the land would never harm the earth that Loves it and gives it Life.  Also, I knew that this was the first test to see if I were champion material, so I meditated hard and deep, letting go of everything until I became nothing, just another component of the universe. 

When I did, I found that I had only one single thought, one single emotion, and that was Love.   Pure Compassionate Abiding Love For Everyone And Everything That Has, Or Ever, Or Ever Will Exist.  Not only did I Love Kelly and The Priestess, but the snakes too.  And even though I hadn't met them yet, I Loved the demons.   I stayed in this state of Bliss until The Priestess came to me and asked if I were ready to do battle.  I told Her that I was but that I would use no other weapon than Love.  The Priestess said not to be a fool, if I persisted in that course the demons would kill me on their first attack. 

I looked at The Priestess with Love and accepted my Fate, then said, “Then I will die, but I will not fight.” 

The Priestess looked at me for awhile then she smiled sadly and said that I was not her champion.  She needed a warrior and since there was no use in me dying that She would release me from my pledge but I must be gone by sunset, for the demons would still be coming and if I were here they would kill me.  She then bade me to go in Peace.

With that she vanished and I was left alone floating in space.  Soon I saw a light and as I approached it I could see 3 figures.  The were dressed in black robes, a tall woman with long blond hair standing between two men who had short black hair and beards and looked like brothers.  I was lying on my back looking up like I was in a box. They were staring down at me with expressionless faces then woman looked at each of the men then said,  "Shall we let the baby out of his coffin?"  The men looked at her and nodded.

Instantly I was back sitting on the grassy knoll under the oak by the stream.  The snakes were gone.  I look at the sun, not much time so I get up go in search of Kelly and find her by the cabin.

She can tell the minute she sees me that something's up and asks what's happening.  I ask if she still has that green stone.  She says, “Yeah.” then reaches into her pocket and hands it to me.

I take it, look at it, hold it for a moment then hand it back to her telling her that this is my gift to her.  She doesn't know what's happening but takes it back and pockets it.  I notice that we are no longer telepathic so I tell her that I have to leave right away.  She doesn't even ask why, she just says  "Well, let's go then." 

Man, what a woman! We grab our packs and head for the road.

As soon as we get there we hear a big powerful engine rumbling our way.  Around the corner come a big black Olds Toranado and I know that I won't even have to stick out my thumb and it'll stop but what the hell.  I stick out my thumb and the Toranado stops.  I open the door and look in. 

Yup, it's Death all right, with His gleaming white skull and his bony hands on the steering wheel.  He’s wearing a black leather jacket and He’s smiling at me saying,  "Need a lift." 

I look back smiling and say, “Sure.  Thanks for stopping.  We're on our way to the City.” 

Death says, "Hop in, I'm going as far as Santa Rosa.  You can catch a bus from there." 

I tell Kelly to get in back with the packs.  I’ll ride up front with Death. 

As we get going, Death says, “I hope my driving doesn't scare you, but I like to drive without using the brakes, especially on mountain roads.  I like to think of it as a test of skill, and of faith."  He looks over at me and smiles that wicked grin of His again. 

I just smile back and say,  “Whatever." 

He asks if I want to use my seat belt. 

I tell Him, "Naw, I trust your driving."  I settle back into the seat. 

Death asks if I like the car. 

“Fine.” I say.  

He tells me that it's confiscated and that He's a under cover Narc that's just finished a job up here where He busted a whole shitload of dopers and their dealers. 

I tell Him that this doesn't look like a doper’s car to me. 

He says that I’d be surprised at what some dopers are into.  And by the way, I wouldn't happen to have any drugs on me now would I? 

I look Death right in the eye sockets and truthfully say,  "No, not on me."  It's all in my pack, but he don't ask about that so I don't volunteer that info. 

As we go over that twisting turning mountain road Death comes close to the edge more that a few times.  When He does, he looks over at me and grins His savage grin.   I smile right back.  We chat about this and that and pretty soon we're in Santa Rosa.  Death, as good as his word, drops us at the bus stand.

As we get out Death leans over, shakes my hand, ruthlessly grins at me one last time, then looking me right in the eyes says, "See ya later, Son." 

I smile back at Him saying, "I know that you will.  Later dude!" and slam the door.

As Kelly and I are sitting on the bench waiting for the bus to San Francisco, Kelly asks me, "What was that all about?" 

I say  "Don't you know?" 

She shakes her head then says  "Not all of it I don't." 

I smile at her saying,  "Don't worry about it, some day you will." 

We sit there as it gets dark holding hands not saying anything but thinking about what's next for us in this marvelous life.