From the Universe to You by Ofentse Motumi - HTML preview

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It is my privilege to unfold unto you chapter two with a quote by Saint Augustine:


“Men  go  abroad  to  wonder  at  the  heights of the mountains, at the waves of the sea, and the long courses of the river and the vast compass of the ocean, at the circular motion of the stars and they pass by themselves without  noticing”.


This chapter is not meant to perplex or confuse you with massive figures but to bring your attention to the magnificence of your body and thereafter show you something that‘s even more awesome. Before showing you the wonders of your body, why don‘t I take you through a tour of the Universe? Free of charge of course. Relax, we will only go as far as the milky way galaxy.


Planet earth, the planet that you‘re now living in is situated within the milky way galaxy, amongst many other countless galaxies. And this milky way galaxy is a hundred million years across (that‘s an equivalent of 5.88 trillion miles). I can almost hear you ask what kind of a calculator managed to find that figure. Here is an illustration to help you understand: If the sun were a size of a golf ball and its realitive size from the earth is five feet away, then the solar system (a piece of our neighborhood within the milky way galaxy) would be a fifth of a mile wide and the milky way galaxy would be six million miles wide. And keep in mind that the Universe is constantly growing and expanding, with billions of stars found within the milky way galaxy. And all this is just a glimpse of the Universe, a tip of the iceberg, a drop in the ocean. No man can ever comprehend the fullness of the Universe, this is all beyond human understanding and one can never get their mind wrapped around all this. If the human brain was big enough to understand all the greatness of the Universe, then the Universe would not be big enough for human power. A hundred million light years across space is a massive figure, but here is something more crazier than the milky way galaxy.




Your eye is the most complex computerized mechanism that one could ever fathom. There are hundred and twenty million rods and cones and they can distinguish between so many variations of light. For all the reflections of light coming to your eye, billions of computations every single second are going on,  sending signals to your brain which is computing the world around you and what it looks like.


Of course the Universe is grand and it freely shows off its magnificence, but aren‘t you grandeur? more especially when you start to dig deep down into the intricacies of who you really are, you‘ll find that you‘re even more stunning and amazing.


During the time that you‘re in your mother‘s womb before birth, one million optic nerves start moving out of your brain, all of them with a protective coding on them. And one million optic nerve ending start moving out of the flesh of your eyeball and all this is taking place before you‘re born. All the million optic nerves from the flesh of your eyeball must come together with the million optic nerves from the brain, and they don‘t only come together; they all have to match up! Optic nerve number seventy two from the brain has to match up with optic nerve ending number seventy two from the eyeball, optic nerve number six hundred and fifty seven thousand from the brain has to find and match up with optic nerve ending number six hundred and fifty seven thousand from the eyeball. All one million of them have to find their exact match and partner up before you ever see one single thing. And all this is happening while you‘re smaller than the pen you‘re using to take this notes (if you‘re not taking notes then start taking them and I‘ll explain later why). The very same untapped power that created the Universe has formed, crafted and created you. Your intricacies and your uniqueness are absolutely astounding.


It‘s easy and amazing to look at the galaxies and smile in awe at the wonders of the Universe, but will you take a moment right now to study your own body? Peel back the layers of that skin and see the circuitry that‘s in there and the uniqueness of your body and I promise you‘ll be more respectful of it.


Your body contains a sum of seventy five trillion cells. Okay now, a trillion is a thousand billion, you multiply that by seventy five it will give you the number of cells in your body. By the time you finished reading the first sentence of this paragraph, fifty thousand of those cells died and were replaced instantly, that‘s what happens every four to five seconds all day and all night and the process never stops. Let‘s go deeper now shall we?


There are two billion stars in the milky way galaxy. But there are seventy five trillion cells in your body!, "So?" one might ask... That‘s three hundred and seventy five times the number of the stars in the milky way galaxy! Out of all your cells, twenty five trillion of them are workers, they‘re called red blood cells and their only job is to carry the oxygen to all your  body all the time, they‘re constantly traveling from the lungs to the body. These cells only live for a hundred and twenty days so they‘re not with you very long, just three months and they‘re done.


And then there are twenty five billion of them that are called the white blood cells, they are the fighters, their job is to fight against infections and all illnesses. From a drop of blood you could possibly spill, billions of cells are there. These white blood cells only live for twelve hours, so since you had dinner last night, you‘ve probably replaced twenty five billion white blood cells out of your bone marrow, yes, that bone marrow you‘ve never thought anything about is a factory and it‘s always working like crazy-because it has to make fifty billion white blood cells every single day, you‘re doing all this by yourself... from the subconscious mind.


In that same body, there are arteries, blood vessels and capillaries, and there are seventy five thousand miles of them. Let me get off track a bit here: If you wish to become healthy, study health, buy the books you can find on a healthy lifestyle (don‘t study or focus on the opposite of what you want). Disease as a science of health won‘t make you healthy. Of all the information you‘re received so far in this chapter you may find a reliable source to confirm it all. So, having stated that the arteries, blood vessels and capillaries in your body are seventy five thousand miles means if they could be stretched, wait for it... if they could be stretched, they‘d go around the earth three times, yes that‘s right, three times around the planet and all this inside of your body. And you think that your body is amazing? IT‘S A WALKING MIRACLE!!!


Scientists are getting smart, so smart that they‘ve decoded the human DNA, they‘ve just finished this a few years ago, they‘ve got it all mapped out, it took them a while though. The further they go, the smatter they keep getting, and the more complicated their discoveries. They no-longer use the term 'simple cell‘ any more, because inside that 'simple cell‘, there are fifty billion atoms, making up hundreds and sometimes thousands of protein. And out of all those proteins, if one doesn‘t work, the whole cell shuts down. There‘s no simplicity any-more, it‘s all complexity and it‘s all wrapped up in your body.


Before your body was formed in your mother‘s womb, you got one cell from your dad and one from your mom, and it is a well known fact that from your father‘s side there was a massive and amazing championship event of all time because only one of the millions of sperm cells had to form your body, these sperm cells had the same objective but only one had to win the fight and form the kind of being that has never existed in the history of mankind: AND THAT HAD TO BE YOU! Inside your body is a map of you, your DNA is in every one of those seventy five trillion cells and here is something that will blow your mind: If you could unravel  your DNA from inside every cell it would be six feet long, multiplied by seventy five trillion cells? In one long strand it can go to the moon and back twenty thousand times.


Again, yes the entire Universe is amazing, but isn‘t your body even more so?




Now let‘s talk about you, no, not your body... the real You. Doesn‘t it surprise you that through-out this chapter I‘ve been referring to your body as something that belongs to you? The reason is because your body is not You. You might look at yourself in the mirror and say this is me, but the truth is that‘s really not the case because you‘re a spirit, you‘re non-physical but you do occupy that physical body therefore I‘d like you to eliminate the tendency of referring to your body as you. Start directing all your efforts to the realization that you‘re a spirit living a human experience, stand above the body and  mind. When you start taking this position, you will have found a source of power which will enable you to take care of any situation from the throne that‘s rightfully yours. Let‘s break this concept down for you to understand it:


The 'You‘ we‘re referring to is definitely not the body as I have already stated that the physical body is simply an instrument that 'You‘ use to carry out your purpose. And the 'You‘ can‘t possibly be the mind because the mind is yet another instrument that 'You‘ use to think, reason and plan.


Then we must conclude that 'You‘ must be something that somehow controls both the body and the mind. The body goes where You tell it to go, the mind thinks what You tell it to think. The power that the real you carries is the purpose of this book, it‘s the power to attract and the authority to control. I therefore advice you right now to walk away from the majority that‘s living within the limits of their bodies, they‘ll do you no good, you‘re a massive giant in the unseen. Your individuality must out-shadow and outgrow that body you‘re carrying if you wish to be transitioned to a higher scope of humanity; it‘s even so in the professional field as you will never be promoted until you become over qualified for your present assignment. Make it your obsession to become more powerful, to become stronger, better and wiser because you will only have significant success with something that is an obsession and only if your desire is strong enough, make it one with your will and watch yourself become the person you want to become. It has to start with but a desire.


Let the real you go to the highest and loftiest mountain you can find and your circumstances will elevate to greater success because you can‘t be moving within and yet remain still without, every movement of the real you will reflect upon  your life as circumstances because the only reason someone moves mountains, wins friends, influences people, amasses a fortune, or anything else is because they thought and imagined that they would, and you can do this. Your desires, your thoughts and your dreams are the only seed you have and this seed is the only influence you have over your future.


Your understanding of this concept will determine your life henceforth, keep feeding your faith by imagining the best and expecting the best and sit back to watch your doubts die of hunger.


When the promise of a bright future is clear in your mind then the price won‘t be too much to pay. You don‘t inherit this power, you were born with it, you have all you need to become wealthy and happy, if your fore-fathers didn‘t lead great lives, you‘ll lead a great life and it will be clear that they did not work with the laws. Keep planting the seed, keep watering the soil and don‘t stop cultivating until the fruits are in your hands, this is your future we‘re talking about, plant what you‘ve been given and you will reap what you‘ve been promised.


We have found that when you start thinking and saying what you really want then your mind automatically shifts and pulls you in that direction. And sometimes it can be that simple, just a little twist in vocabulary that illustrates your attitude and philosophy.


Your language can also affect how others perform and behave around you. A teenager says to a parent, "I need $10". If the parent learns to say, "That kind of language doesn‘t work here. We‘ve got plenty of money, but that‘s not how you get $10", then you teach your teenager how to ask, "How can I earn $10?", that is the magic of words. There is plenty of money here. There is money for everybody, but you just have to learn the magic of words to get them-for everything you could possibly want, if you just learn the philosophy. How could I earn $10? Because you can‘t go to the soil and say, "Give me a harvest". You know the soil smiles and says, "who‘s this clown that brings me his need and brings me no seed". And if you said to the soil, "I‘ve got this seed and if I planted it, would you work while I sleep?" the soil says, "No problem. Give me the seed. Go to sleep and I‘ll be working while you‘re sleeping".


If you just understand the simple principles, teaching them to a teenager (or adult) is sometimes just a matter of language. It‘s like an investment account instead of a savings account. Simple language but so important. It is easy to stumble through almost a lifetime and not learn some of these simplicities. Then you have to put up with all the lack and all the challenges that don‘t work out simply for not reading the book, not listening to the audio, not sitting in that  seminar, not studying your thinking and language and not being willing to search so you can find them.


“You  can  start  this  process  anytime.  For  me  it  was  at  age  25.  At  25  I'm broke.  Six  years  later  I'm  a  millionaire.  Somebody  says,  “What  kind  of revolution, what kind of change, what kind of thinking, what kind of magic had  to  happen?  Was  it  you?”  And  I  say,  “No.  Any  person,  any  six  years, 36 to 42, 50 to 56. Whatever six years; whatever few years you go on an intensive, accelerated personal development curve, learning curve, application  curve,  and  learning  the  disciplines”


-Jim Rohn


Now it might not take the same amount of time, but I‘m telling you the same changes and the same rewards in some different fashion are available for those who pay the six year price.


And you might find that whether it‘s in the beginning to help you get started, or in the middle to keep you on track, that your language can have a great impact on your attitude, actions and results. Once you know what to do next you don‘t need to worry about the rest, a way will unfold as you move forward.


Your life is here, waiting to be celebrated: If you don‘t enjoy this day, if you don‘t learn anything from this day and if you don‘t take even a baby step towards your goal in this day then you‘re messing up your life.


Move towards the infinite, feel yourself rise above the usual and your weakness in character will die, don‘t lose focus or it‘s your dream that will die. Forget about your past, the Universal laws will never consult your past to decide your future, the past is what you choose to remember, if you even chose to remember it at all. In your mind create an ideal lifestyle, from within keep moving towards order and somehow pleasure will be created on your outward world, it‘s no magic, it‘s just me responding to your movement. Prosperity and all the positive forces of life will be attracted to you.


The only time that your life will change is when you start thinking and acting in a way that 'those kind of people do‘. If you find yourself surrounded by the negative friends, they will fall off you like a garment cast aside, new relationships will be born, new and positive people will flow into your life because the first step towards change is loss.


Your future will only be decided by what you‘re willing to change. Yes you may fail on your way to wealth and happiness but you‘ll get there if you apply the system. All people do fall... the great ones get back up.




Here is a story that will help you understand this 'mysterious‘ power, it‘s so powerful that I‘ll let Jack tell it himself:


"I have a friend named Monty Roberts who owns a horse ranch in San Ysidro. He has let me use his house to put on fund-raising events to raise money for youth at risk programs.


The last time I was there he introduced me by saying, "I want to tell you why I let Jack use my house. It all goes back to a story about a young man who was the son of an intenerant horse trainer who would go from stable to stable, race track to race track, farm to farm and ranch to ranch, training horses. As a result, the boy‘s high school career was continually interrupted. When he was a senior, he was asked to write a paper about what he wanted to be and do when he grew up.


That night he wrote a seven page paper describing his goal of someday owning a horse ranch. Showing the location of all the buildings, the stables and the track. Then he drew a detailed floor plan for a 4,000- square foot house that would sit on a 200-acre dream ranch.


"He put a great deal of his heart into the project and the next day he handed it in to his teacher. Two days later he received his paper back. On the front page was a large F with a note that read, 'See me after class‘.


"The boy with the dream went to see the teacher after class and asked, 'Why did I receive an F?‘


The teacher said, 'This is an unrealistic dream for a young boy like you. You have no money. You come from an itinerant family. You have no resources. Owning a horse ranch requires a lot of money. You have to buy the land. You have to pay the original breeding stock and later you‘ll have to pay large stud fees. There is no way you could ever do it‘. Then the teacher added, 'If you will re-write this paper with a more realistic goal, I will reconsider your grade‘


The boy went home and thought about it long and hard. He asked his father what he should do. His father said, 'Look, son, you have to make up your own mind on this. However, I think it is a very important decision for you‘. "Finally, after sitting with it for a week, the boy turned in the same paper, making no changes at all.


He stated, "You can keep the F and I‘ll keep my dream".


Monty then turned to the assembled group and said, "I tell you this story because you‘re sitting in my 4,000-square-foot house in the middle of my 200- acre horse ranch. I still have that school paper framed over the fireplace". He added, "The best part of the story is that two summers ago that same schoolteacher brought 30 kids to camp out on my ranch for a week". When the teacher was  leaving, he said, "Look, Monty, I can tell you this now. When I was your teacher, I was something of a dream stealer. During those years I stole a lot of kid‘s dreams. Fortunately you had enough gumption not to give up on yours".


Don‘t let anyone steal your dreams. Follow your heart no matter what.


So now I ask, why don‘t you make your dream big and beautiful? Why not work on what you believe to be your purpose? Your dream should be beautiful, it should be big enough to inspire you to wake up each morning, it should scare you at times, otherwise why dream at all? You were born without wings but don‘t prevent them from growing.


“If  you  want  to  live  a  happy  life,  tie  it  to  a  goal,  not  people  or  objects”


-Albert Einstein


Forget about obstacles, you will only know that they exist when you take your focus off from your goals, live purposefully, write down your goals and ambitions or there‘s no point saying that you have goals, they begin when they reach the paper.


If you want wealth and happiness it‘s important that you have goals to reach. School goals, personal goals, family goals, financial goals, etc. Losers and failures‘ only objective each day is to inhale and exhale for sixteen hours and see how the day goes by, they suck up the oxygen and cross their fingers hoping for the best before they go to bed again, and the following day the same routine begins.


But you my friend, you should read the books, attend seminars, focus on self development and do those things that will improve your productivity and the moment you start achieving your goals it will be the start of a whole new routine for you, the beginning of exhilaration, the beginning of excitement. Then you will want to set another goal, and your life will be goal orientated. To maintain your success, your main objective should be to cross off your goals from that list, that‘s all you should think about.


And teach this to your teenage kids, even the younger ones, and if they think goal setting and having a vision is not important, take them downtown; where  everybody is making a lot of noise, where the struggling men shop for clothes... where those who shop pick up clothes and groceries from the ground in the streets, and tell this to your kids, "These are the people who a while back thought that setting goals and visualizing was a waste of time, and now they‘re blaming the government for everything". Those are the same people who complain about high prices, teach your kids that there‘s no such thing as high prices, teach them that it has nothing to do with the price; the problem is that they (the 'downtowners‘) can‘t afford, yes, they are the problem. Know where you want to go, then read all the books that teach you how to get there, books like the one you‘re reading right now.


There are so many truths about yourself that once you know them, will change your entire life. Living out of somebody‘s hand is not the life you‘re meant for and you know it, nail the idea of abundance upon your subconscious mind. You‘re meant for abundance. Yes people will oppose you, yes sometimes things will go wrong but if you believe in your dream then you can be sure that it shall come to pass. Circumstances will never affect your vision, in your mind see yourself inside that vision because you can be living in the squatter camps and not be poor, poverty is a state of mind. Your future has no place in it for the past or the present circumstances except what you have learnt and are continuing to learn, you can never make any progress towards your abundant living if you enter today feeling disappointed and guilty about yesterday.


Write down your vision, say it with your mouth, believe it in your heart and start being grateful. That desire to be more and to have more, that feeling that you have of not fitting in is me, the divine and infinite power letting you know that you‘re meant to stand out and not fit in, eagles go where lesser birds cannot fly, you need a dream that‘s bigger than your present circumstances, a kind of dream that calls you out of normalcy. The person who says, "I‘m ready for anything" will never get it. "What are you seeking my sister?" "Oh, I‘m ready for anything"..."well, you will never get anything.




The moment you start believing, you find that everything is possible. But there are times when there seems to be a rock wall in front of you, I mean no movement, no progress and you begin to think no door will ever open up. There are times when there are no feelings. There are times when everything seems as black as midnight and there is nothing left but confidence in your dream. What you must do is have the devotion and confidence to believe in your purpose, and that you cannot fail.


You can never get anywhere if you rely upon your five senses to change your destiny.


There is something a thousand times better than what your five senses can reveal to you, and it is the powerful vision you carry. Many people fail to realize the largeness of the cosmic supply when they create their visions of the future. They forget that the Universal supply is the kind that cannot be exhausted. These kind of people can never grow in their lives or as individuals. There is only one place to look, and that is at the vision of your future. If you do not venture out in vision and faith, you remain ordinary as long as you live. To have a vision is to see a new way, if you want to have assurance of how your future will be like, then  believe in your vision. Don‘t be discouraged by closed doors, just keep moving because somehow the Universe will use closed and opened doors as re- direction to the places you want to go. If you find yourself faced by a situation that looks like a wall then jump over the wall, if the wall is too high the only way might be to break it down, and if that also doesn‘t seem to work then take seven steps backward, close your eyes and imagine yourself going through the wall effortlessly, in faith and in vision take fourteen steps forward and when you open your eyes you‘ll find yourself on the other side... sometimes the only way is through. People with a vision have no time to gossip, slander, lie or speak against others, all their words are spent talking about their vision. No matter how long it takes or how slow your progress might seem at the moment, you‘re still way ahead of the multitudes with no vision and take this note: It is unnecessary to revisit your past as there‘ll never be anything new there, all you need to know is the next step forward. I repeat this as it is of great importance: Walk away from those people who belittle your ambitions, small people always criticize and discourage those who‘re not like them.


There comes a time in life when you‘ll have to leave everything behind, a time to throw away wrong beliefs, a time to dump your 'blame list‘, it's just part of the change, but this time calls for you to start something new because every exit is an entrance somewhere, during this time my only advice is that you don‘t forget the ones who stood by your side, especially the ones who never gave up on you and that time for you has come. At this point, you have to realize that some people can stay in your heart but not in your life.


Now is the time to enlarge your territory, go ahead, hold that vision all the time with faith, stretch, lengthen and spare nothing, you can never take too much no matter how much you take.


The best part about this is that you can never take more than your share, but you decide how large your share will be.


Don‘t even think of failure as a possibility, it‘s impossible for you to fail, unless you stop trying, failure is just an illusion, it‘s never final.


Get ready for a promotion, all this is working out in your favor. All your difficulties are just but an illusion, whatever you might be going through just know that it‘s all working out in your favor.


Your report might say one thing and you find your vision saying another, believe the latter. Somehow the Universe has the ability to take all the things in your life that seem to make no sense and use them all for your growth and purpose. Nothing you‘ve been through will be wasted. Just like the ancient scriptures says that the boy Moses was hidden in a basket and placed in the Nile river, the Universe has hidden its power and glory in you and from within you a giant shall come forth. Moses‘ life was preserved to save a nation and your life by far has been preserved for greatness, you will become as great as you want to become, it‘s never too late. When asked, "how did you come out or what happened?", just tell it like it is: "my vision overpowered my circumstances".


You‘re a bundle of success getting ready to happen, you‘re a victor, you‘re far more magnificent than you think and all religions and philosophy point to this truth. A man or a woman with a vision can‘t be deceived, and believe me when I tell you this: when you have a vision, everyone around you will experience something... are you hearing this for the first time? If yes then you‘re telling the truth, why? Because it‘s a message From the Universe... To You!
