How to Meet the Woman of Your Dreams Overseas - When You've Given Up on The Girls Next Door by Mark Edward Davis - HTML preview

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Date, Date, Date . . .

Then Date Some More!

Dating is a blast. You’ve already met a girl and had a decent connection – even if it was in a crowded room. Now you get to spend more time with her in a very cool and exotic city.

Oh, and she’s HOT! THEY’RE ALL HOT! But by now, you are getting to be very comfortable with that. You’re starting to relax and enjoy being with beautiful women –

who are genuinely enjoying being with you. I hope you’re taking pictures. The guys at home are gonna die!

So, here’s how it works. Now you have a girl’s name, her cell phone number, and a time you will be meeting, and the place you will meet. The translators and agency staff helped you get all of that done while you were at the introduction event or set some up with you the next morning.

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The first concern I had was, what are we going to do on this date? Let’s face it – we’re accustomed to being the ones in charge and making all of the arrangements. But we don’t know this city. Now what?

I was surprised to see how easily that all worked out. If the staffer knew the girl they would sometimes say, “I know this girl and I think she would really enjoy going down by the river. There is a great little café there you guys could stop and have something to eat.” What do I know? I just made the decision that I would be focused on enjoying the company of the woman I was with and it didn’t matter where we were.

The staffer would get on the phone with the girl and suggest the agenda and confirm the meeting. They would then arrange the taxi to pick me up and told the cabbie where to take me to meet my lady. We would pick up the girl and now my date became my tour guide.

It was always their joy to be my guide. I became their man – even if it was only for a few hours. They would tell me about the things I should be careful to do or not do.

Often they would say, “Let me order the food and talk to the taxi drivers. I since this is my country they won’t overcharge or make any mistakes.”

I always paid for everything. I want to be the man and pay for dinner and the taxis. I had been warned about girls who start asking for me to buy them things. As long as they weren’t asking – I felt the liberty to be generous with them. That way it was coming from my heart.

If it worked out to do so, I would give some small gift or a flower. I wanted them to have a good experience with me and to have something to remember our date by. If nothing else, they would remember the day that they had a good time with a good man.

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At the end of the date the girl would instruct the taxi driver to take me back to my hotel.

Then the process repeats.

One of the tactics that you will encounter is the girl who had a good date with you and wants to keep you from seeing any others. This is very understandable – and you would feel the same way. But you owe it to yourself to see enough other women to be certain about who you are selecting to be the one for you. Keep going. You can always come back to her.



I was asked by the girls on several of my dates, so I decided to make a science of how to answer it – and have some fun with it.

“That’s a great question,” I would say. “You have probably seen a lot of American movies, so you know that there are many beautiful American women. But I don’t enjoy dating them anymore. They tell me things like, “I make good money at my job and drive a nice car. What are you going to do for me?” I am not looking for a relationship where I have to prove anything. I just want to be a good man who loves a good woman. I only want the best and I heard that the greatest women in the world were here; so I came to find out for myself.”

I then turn my attention to them and ask this question with a half smile, “So, why did you sign up with the agency? You couldn’t find a man in all of Ukraine?”

At that point, I’ve got them at their own game and they know it. We break into a good laugh. That’s when they begin to tell me about how hard it is to find a good man. And 118 | P a g e

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that’s an open invitation to a great conversation on what they are looking for in a man.

Go with it.


Anna said that she would feel more comfortable on our date if there was a translator with us. She spoke broken English – enough for us to communicate, but she wasn’t satisfied with simple communication. She wanted to feel that she could fully communicate all of her thoughts with me and wasn’t confident that she would be able to find the right words in English. So, I started off that next morning by connecting with the agency staffer. I told her about my 1:00 o’clock and 4:00 o’clock dates and gave her the names and cell phone numbers of both girls. I also explained that my 1:00 o’clock date had requested a translator. It was all set up in less than five minutes and I went off to enjoy a leisurely morning of walking the streets of Nikolaev, Ukraine! What a life. I wondered what the guys back home were doing!

12:30 rolled around and I started asking about the arrangements. I was told that the translator would meet me in the hotel lobby at 12:45. I went to the lobby and waited. At 12:45 a middle aged woman walked in and asked for Mark. I was surprised since most of the other translators had been younger women. But I reasoned that I was not there to date the translator so I greeted her cheerfully. She introduced herself as Vera.

We went to the curb to wait for the taxi. By the time we got in the taxi it was already 1:00 o’clock so I gave her Anna’s number so she could call her to let her know we were on our way. Anna was already at the street curb in front of her house waiting and asked 119 | P a g e

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the translator, “Where is my boy?” It was very cute that I was already her boy after one date the night before.

I have to admit that she took my breath away. Just the site of her as we drove up caught me off guard. I had not captured her full image in daylight before. She looked radiant in her high heel boots and long black coat. Her blond hair was long and full – flowing down to her belt line. She had a lady-like posture and grace about her that was noble and elegant.

We drove to a local restaurant that had a wonderful atmosphere. Stone work walls with tapestries. A fish tank was made part of one wall. Smooth jazz music played.

Working with Vera was effortless and it was like she was part of the dialog. And yet, at the same time, it was as if the two of us were alone. I don’t even remember all that was said that first hour of our date, but I knew she was the one. It struck me in a profound way. I had been so specific about what I was looking for, how we would interact, and how I would feel in her presence. Now, to be with her, it was like déjà vu. This was the one. I was done. I just didn’t know what to do next.

I told Vera quietly to the side that I thought Anna was the one for me. I didn’t know what to do now. She was delighted. The matchmaker in her came out and she quietly said, “I will help you.”

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Vera was very helpful to both of us. Don’t be afraid to use a translator. They are a valuable resource.

The three of us feasted on delightful conversation for another two hours. Once Anna understood that I was interested in her exclusively, we set up more dates together –

including dinner later that night. We came back to the same restaurant and ended the evening on the dance floor in the back room where we slow danced together – just the two of us. We gazed deeply in each other’s eyes for minutes on end, and then held each other again as we slowly moved in rhythm.

More Dating to Do

Even though I had met the girl I thought I had come for, I still had one date set up for me in the next town with a wonderful lady I had written to. Anna had to work that day anyway, so I went with the guys to the next city and kept my date with Tatyana.

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Here’s an important thought you should keep in mind: Even though you may think you have found the one, don’t close off your options yet. The next city had the best party atmosphere for a introduction event I’d seen yet. There were over 200 ladies and they seemed to be even more beautiful than the previous two groups. All I could say was,

“Wow!” Tatyana didn’t want to go to the introduction event, so she met me outside where she had a taxi waiting. She selected a taxi driver who owned a Rolls Royce. I hadn’t seen such a beautiful car in the entire country until that point. She took me to a very upscale Japanese Sushi restaurant that could have been a hot spot in San Francisco or New York.

She had already arranged for a translator, who was a delightful woman in her mid 20’s.

The evening was magical. In all honesty, if I hadn’t already met Anna, I would have had no hesitation in pursuing Tatyana – and we would have made for a great couple.

That is the power in having options. Go with your heart, but don’t leave the country without at least one or more girls you wish to follow up with. It may be in future correspondence with girls you dated that one rises to the top as one you want to pursue as a life partner.

This is the way the dating vacation works. Every trip is unique in some regards, but usually half of the guys have found one or more that they want to pursue. The other half found some ladies of interest to continue dialog with, but one hadn’t risen to the top during the short visit.

When I returned from Kherson to have my date with Anna the next morning, I had mixed feelings. I was glad to have enjoyed such a great time with Tatyana, but when I saw my Anna again, no more confusion: my heart confirmed that she was the one.

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How to Meet the Woman of Your Dreams Overseas


Anna ( my wife), 20, 114 lbs., 5’6”, Ukraine – Profile 83170

Self Description: I think I am all-rounded person. I am serious, attentive and caring.

I am also curious, cheerful and friendly. When meeting new people, I do not open up at once, at first I need to know the person better to see if our souls are in tune.

Friends appreciate my sincerity and sensitivity.

Comments: I see my man as a tender, caring and kind person, who likes children and animals, who prefers healthy lifestyle.

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