How to Meet the Woman of Your Dreams Overseas - When You've Given Up on The Girls Next Door by Mark Edward Davis - HTML preview

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Getting Over the Goal Line

What is the goal? The goal is to have this incredible beauty in your arms and waking up to her each morning. But you have to walk a path to get there. The biggest obstacle for US citizens is the immigration and visa process. Once that is done, the rest is romance and wedding planning. Let’s look at what it is going to take to get from “she’s the one” to “she’s on US soil”.

If you are not a US citizen, read this section to get an idea of how immigration processes work. Yours may be similar or simpler. But at least you’ll have an idea of what it takes to prove your love and bring home your prize.

What’s involved in the U.S. visa process? Many documents to fill out and an endless number of procedures that must be followed . . . but all basically come down to demonstrating these objectives for Homeland Security:

 Proof that you are a citizen

 Proof that you have a relationship with her that has included time spent in her country

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 Proof that you can financially support her;

 Proof that she is a citizen of the country she claims to be from;

 Proof that she has no criminal record;

 Proof that she is not carrying any disease into the country.

First, you will submit your application to an immigration office in the US. Once your application for her is approved, it then goes to the US Embassy in her country where she must bring her documents and be interviewed in person. If she is approved, she will be given a fiancé visa stamp in her passport. She must start travel to the US within six months and be married to you within 90 days after arriving or she must go back.

In my case, I met Anna on December 10th and we were married on October 13th of the following year. Ten months from first introductions to “I Do” is a very reasonable timeframe. I had no reason to complain. For me, it was the time I needed to get to know my future wife. By the time I was ready to go get her I was confident that we were right for each other.

Once you have your wedding certificate, you must present it, along with other documents such as a request for change of residence status, to the immigration office before the 90-days are completed.

Hire a Visa Attorney

I don’t even know why anyone would want to navigate the immigration legal waters without an attorney – especially when the rates are so reasonable. Most will even have 136 | P a g e

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people on staff who can work with your girl in her language. If you are good at paperwork you may consider those fees to be a waste of money. My personal advice would be to just go with an immigration attorney and make your life easier – but that’s totally up to you.

KNOW THIS UP FRONT: On your application you will have to demonstrate that you have spent time with your girl in her country. What they will ask for are things like receipts for travel, dining, lodging, and gifts. One of the absolute requirements is that you have 10 photographs of the two of you together in her country. I tell you this because I know that many people are not big picture takers. Or, if they do take pictures, they don’t want to be in the pictures – they just want pictures of their girl. Just have someone take at least 15 pictures of the two of you together in her country. And, be sure to save your airline and hotel receipts.

Finally, be the man and be sure to cover any out of pocket costs she may have on her end to get birth certificates translated, etc.

Set Up Ways to Communicate

This may sound simple, but it is often difficult. One of your top priorities has to be keeping the momentum going and the romantic flame burning. You have created such chemistry and energy between you two and the only way to maintain that momentum is to be in regular communication.

If you both have e-mail addresses and cell phones and speak English – you are so fortunate. Be sure to send text messages during the day and when you both go to bed at night. Call each other when it makes sense. Get a good international calling plan.

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You may have to buy a cell phone for her and purchase some minutes for her.

After my first trip to Ukraine, when I met my wife-to-be, I probably had the most difficult communication situation you could imagine. Her cell phone did not work with international text messaging – which I did not learn until I returned home. It also would not hold calls very well, which really didn’t matter since she was still not comfortable enough with her English to have direct conversations with me. She also had no computer or email address. Now what?

Fortunately, we had Vera – and you can continue to use your translators at a very reasonable rate as well. One solution could have been for me to send an email to Vera.

Then have Vera call Anna and read it to her in Russian. Anna could then tell her what to say in response and I could get an email back from Vera with the message. The process would probably take two or three days from start to finish, but it would work. That is close to what I ended up doing, but I made it one step more personal.

I had a personal website that I put up with Microsoft FrontPage. There was an option to create a bulletin board. I would send Vera an email with what I wanted to say and asked her to send it back to me in Russian. Then I would post the Russian message for Anna to read. She would go to an Internet café to rent a computer and pull up the bulletin board. She could then read my message in Russian and reply to it in Russian. I would look for her messages and then copy and paste them into an email I would send to Vera.

Vera would email me Anna’s message to me in English and the process would continue.

We kept on this way for two months until I flew out to visit her again. On that trip her English had improved enough that we were able to fully communicate with each other without Vera translating. I also bought her a top of the line cell phone and had it unlocked so she could use it in Ukraine.

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When I got home after that trip, we talked on the phone every few days and sent text messages to each other every day. The bulletin board was only used for me to send her photos.

That was a lot of freakin’ work and I could have saved a lot of time and money by just keeping up our letter writing through the agency. The cost will be defined. They can handle the translation. They can deliver photos back and forth. Why didn’t I think of that before? I don’t know. Maybe it’s a guy thing. We want to fix stuff ourselves and not ask for directions. Who knows?

Don’t be discouraged. There are always solutions. Just keep in mind that you have to keep up your momentum for six to eight months until you can be together forever.

Things She Will Need to Do as Well.

She will work with your immigration attorney’s staff to complete the documents she needs for her application. You may also want to help her start taking English classes.

Finally, you may also want to help her get some driving lessons and a driver’s license from her country. Check with your state, but California accepts valid out of state and country drivers’ licenses for temporary uses. Once she gets to your home, you do want to help her to be able to get around on her own and not feel trapped.

Get Back To Her

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Back to the subject of keeping the momentum going; you should plan on visiting your girl within 60 to 90 days after your first trip. Going on your own can be very reasonable.

When I went to see Anna in February after meeting her in December, I searched the Internet for discount travel and found some incredible deals. Lodging can be very reasonable if you let your girl set it up. They tend to hike the hotel prices for Americans in many cases. Keep checking those discount airline ticket websites for the best deals.

On a subsequent trip we took a taxi to a historical site overlooking the Black Sea

Try Not to Explode

At first glance you might think I mean that from a negative perspective. Quite the contrary. She is going to make you want to be with her more and more every day. The way she loves you and talks with you makes you want to hold her and be with her. You can’t help but look at her photos every day – especially her profile photos and the ones of you together.

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On my third trip I gave Anna a small digital camera with a 2GB memory card. When I saw her next she gave me the disc and asked me to bring it up on my computer for viewing. She had connected with a friend of hers and shot dozens of bikini pictures of her at the beach, laying on the rocks, etc. They know how to make you happy and it makes them happy to know they impact your life positively. They want to give you things to make you think of them. She wants to know that she is on your mind – all the time.

I gave Anna a digital camera she decided to create pictures that would keep her on my mind

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These will feel like the longest six to eight months of your life; but don’t go crazy. Just enjoy the anticipation. Someday this will just be a period of time you look back at as part of your courtship.

Go Get Her - She's Yours

Finally, when you have completed the legal process and she has the Fiancé Visa stamp in her passport, I recommend that you get on a plane and escort her home. Chances are she has not traveled much in her life. As bright and capable as she is, it is a much nicer touch – and more romantic – if you can go get her. It will be one of the most enjoyable trips you ever take.

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How to Meet the Woman of Your Dreams Overseas


Raisa, 39, 110 lbs., 5’3”, Ukraine – Profile 95903

Self Description: I am a kind and sociable lady. I appreciate home coziness and I get a great pleasure from the time past creating it.

Comments: I am here to find clever, kind, careful and tender man to share the life with. I want him to appreciate home coziness, warmth and mutual understanding in the relationships.

You’ll notice that I threw in a few 39 and 40 year old women just to show you how hot they can be too 143 | P a g e

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