The Other Side: A Collection Of My Thoughts by DR Ram Lakhan Prasad - HTML preview

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I must BE GENTLE because all our gentle times will heal our sorrows. I must BE SWIFT to love and make haste to be kind because our life is a journey not a destination. The journey of life can be made so beautiful that it needs no destination. We are all eager passengers on a boat called life and we are all alive in the moment called now. Life is a voyage that is homeward bound.

There are no angels in heaven in particular to guide us so we have to make our way there as we have been conducting our life on this earth. So while behaving here we must remember that there are three important things for all human life- to be kind, to be kinder and to be the kindest.

The reality of life is life itself whose beginning is not in the womb and the ending is not in the grave for the years that pass are naught but a moment in eternal life and the world of matter as well as all in it is but a dream. So let us forgive everyone for everything every day. There is only one path to joy and to heavenly living on this earth and we call it LOVE. I live my life and construct my daily affairs around ten Rs – risk, reopen, reconstruct, relax, release, refresh, rethink, reveal, regard and remember. I will never forget the time I spend peacefully with my Creator. I only want Him to continue to be my saviour and I promise to remain His friend. How can I turn back when I am bound to travelling to Him?

The most likeable people I have come across in my life are those merry souls who have known defeat, faced suffering, made continuous struggle and had some losses and then gradually found their way out of these depths of difficulties and then I agreed that such beautiful people do not just happen but they learn to overcome and live well.

In my many years of teaching I gathered a few drops of wisdom from my students. The ones that succeeded taught me perseverance, hard work, diligence and confidence and those that failed helped me learn the art of try and try again. I have never forgotten that all my decuples were once my greatest gurus.  If we all tarry a little and look back at our students we will be able to gather a lot of wisdom and knowledge. I have never let dust and foam gather on this great institution of reverse learning but I always remembered to be myself because there was no one better qualified to give me all I needed. I knew that we are each gifted in a unique and important way therefore it is our prime privilege and our continuous adventure to our own special bright light for the darker routes ahead.

In my days of learning from my many quality teachers I came to realize that it was hard to find a being of great wisdom and rare were those places in which they were born and bred so those of us who got the opportunity to accompany them when they appeared in search of knowledge had good fortune indeed. They made me realise that life is just another chance to grow up well and develop a peaceful soul. Let us play our game in life well because once the game of chess is over the king, the queen as well as the pawns go back in the same box.

It took me a while to get the message loud and clear that each small part of my everyday life is part of the total harmony of the universe. 
