The Other Side: A Collection Of My Thoughts by DR Ram Lakhan Prasad - HTML preview

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I have often wondered about these visionary episodes that occurred many times in my life. What if I slept tonight and what if in my dream I went to the heaven and there I picked many strange, sweet  and beautiful flowers and fruits and what if when I woke up I had some of those flowers and fruits in my hand and continued with my dreams.? I should then be blessed to make all my continuous dreams a reality. This will become my spiritual journey that will be very personal and an individual happening for me to listen to all the truths, goodness and beautiful events about myself.  I would then like to tenderly hold on to all those kind words, worthy actions, divine thoughts, my best character and sincere heart. If we learn to trust our dreams I am told that in them are hidden the gate to eternity.


Every day I then would like to be happy, smile at events and people and laugh heartily because those will provide sweet and peaceful music to my soul.

It is good human nature and conduct to be kind, caring and considerate in this short human life because many people we meet in our daily activities are fighting a hard battle of life and living.

I have lost many of my dear ones and it is my personal experience that the bitterest tears that I had shed over the graves and funeral gatherings have been the words that are left unsaid and all the deeds left undone.

After reaching my 80th birthday it has become my clear understanding that the little things in life are infinitely vital and important so it is better to love your family with the times at your disposal with your hands and your hearts and always remember to share all that you have been given and have. I have come to know that those whom true love has held, it will go on holding forever.

Whatever has gone around in life I believe will certainly come around in one form or the other. Therefore, I have decided not to take my life’s experiences too seriously. Above all I do not let them hurt me because I know that they in reality are nothing but dream experiences.  I know that if circumstances are bad and I am asked to bear them I quickly decide not to make them part of myself but keep playing my part in life not forgetting that they are only temporary events and roles. 

My ancestors made me believe that not everything that can be counted in life counts and not everything that counts can be counted. Similarly if the sculptor is constructing his art the more the marble is wasted the more the statue grows and shapes better.

We are given many lessons in life by our parents, teachers and faithfully friends but it is with the clear mind and sincere heart that we can perceive things rightly. As a student I had to be ready and then my masters appeared to let me have the knowledge, talents and skills. I was able to get those and use them to my advantage.

There have been many days of interest to me however, there have been two special days in a week about which and upon which I never did worry. One of these days is yesterday and the other is tomorrow. I just worry about today and learn from yesterday to build my tomorrow even better

I believe that all things grow with time except grief. However, all kinds of pains are meant to go away when attended to with care. Everyone goes through hardship in life and the more we go through them the more we learn and grow.

As a son of a farmer I knew that I should hold on to what is good even if it is a handful of earth. Then we should hold on to what we believe even if it is a tree which stands by itself. Of course, it is good to hold on to what you must do even if it is a long way away from you.  Hold on to life even if it is easier to let go and hold on to the hand of your loved ones even if they have gone away from you.  These will certainly help you to retreat, refresh, remember and respect.

When I am alone and lonely I think of all the beauty that is still left around me and remain happy because there may be no tomorrow for me. So I do not squander today for there may be no tomorrow for me.

If we believe that death is but a transition from this life to another existence we will always be careful and do the right things. That is life but we must try to understand the whole of life not just one little part of it. That is the reason we must stop, look, listen, read, sing and dance whenever we get that opportunity.

Do not suffer in silence but be creative in order to fully understand life. It is wise to open our hearts and let the goodness flow from those deep wells and springs within and give hugs our loved ones to warm the souls and places around you.  That is why it is believed that a tender hug warms the soul and puts a cheery smile in the heart.