10 Great Ways to Self-Esteem by James Vanstone - HTML preview

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Tip 8 Live In The Present, There Is Nowhere
“The ability to be in the present moment is a major component of mental wellness”

Abraham Maslow

Whether we like it or not, much if not all, of our unhealthy thoughts and feelings which lead to low self esteem, are based on past and future events. Regrets from the past bring guilt in the present, guilt in the present lays a foundation for inner turmoil and anxiety about tomorrow. Many of us are that inclined to dwell on the unpleasant experiences of the past, that we attempt to predict our future in negative ways. What follows is a constant stream of unrest, irritability, and fear which paves the way for a general sense of unhappiness and lower self esteem.
Many Of us in this western culture, have been conditioned into believing that joy and happiness are out there, under the condition of various things. We say things like “I'l be fine in a weeks time when I go on holiday”, or, “Can't wait until next year when Fred comes home”, or “Can't wait until the weekend” or “Everything will be fine when I get promotion”. The list goes on, we have this habit of believing happiness is out there when certain conditions are met.
Your present experience is full of beauty and can be so much more enjoyed and appreciated, If you would stop, and really come to know it. The true joy available to you in each moment can be greatly appreciated through all of your senses including smell, touch, sight, hearing, and taste. Many of us find the comprehension of the present moment something difficult to know, because we are unfortunate enough to be overwhelmed by our past or future.

You have within you, the amazing capacity to find greater self esteem by merely being present in this moment. Here is something you can do right now to appreciate the present. Sit in a comfortable position wherever you may be. Relax your feet on the floor and your hands on your lap. Relax your shoulders down and take some nice relaxing breaths. Now, with your ears be aware of all the sounds going on around you. Notice every sound but try not to analyze what you hear. Relax your eyes and be aware of any colors you might experience behind your eyelids. Become aware of the beating of your heart and the constant flow of energy circulating around your body. By simply focusing on the base of your tummy and your breathing, you might find a greater awareness of the current moment. Learn that the future or the past is of no immediate threat to you. You can be free from these burdens by simply being more aware of what is going on 'now'.
Heres another exercise you can do to help you live in the moment

Ï Next time you have a mundane task to do like washing the dishes, focus your attention on your surrounding environment. Be aware of the feeling of your hands in the water
Ï As you clean each item, look closely at it, listen to the sound of the water, the scrubbing motion, the different colored bubbles, the 'squeaking and squelching' of the crockery
Ï Generally become fascinated by the shape and feel of each pot, listen closely to the different sounds coming from the murky waters
Ï Look at every minor detail, the smallest soap sud through to the ripples in the washing up bowel
Ï Be aware of how you are feeling, what posture you are standing in, the speed of your breathing, the beating of your heart
Ï Begin to develop an attitude of utter amazement at anything you wish to focus upon Remember, learning to be content and at peace in the present will determine a happier outcome, regardless of whatever lies ahead. Worry is a problem of it's own and can not add or take away from unwanted experiences. Be free and learn to live joyously this very moment.