can lose the weight without having to do any exercise. The downside to not exercising is that while you may lose weight you are also losing lean muscle tissue. It is this lean muscle that burns the fat you are trying to get rid of.
In the Atkins Diet you are restricting entire food groups, foods that you need for a healthy body. Carbohydrates such as breads, grains, rice, and pasta actually help to add volume and mass to your colon and aids in cleaning out the bowels. Diets high in proteins have been linked to certain cancers. Nobody knows for sure what long-term health effects the Atkins diet will have on the body, but time will tell. Don’t sacrifice your overall health for the purpose of losing weight. There are better ways of losing weight while keeping your sanity.
In a recent study of people using the Atkins Diet more than 40% dropped out within the first 12 months. The reasons he dieters gave was that the program was too restrictive.
On a more positive note, those who did participate in the first six months the average weight loss was 16 pounds. But by the end of 12 months the average weight loss dropped to 10-pounds.
The results for nearly 50% of the participants did not experience permanent weight loss because people find it very difficult to stay on a diet that deprives them of their favorite foods and they cannot sustain long term success on diets such as these.
Quite often the weight will be gained back within a few months because participants will fall back into their old habits and go back to enjoying the foods they loved and missed.
It’s not their fault; it’s just the way the body is designed. It was designed to use all foods from all food groups and the elimination of entire food groups or eating too much of one particular group is not how the body functions best. Remember that your body will do what it needs to due to ensure its survival even if that means derailing your current diet.