A Simple Plan to Create the New You by Jim Cooper - HTML preview

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The success of Jenny Craig can also be attributed to the fact that Jenny Craig offers pre-packaged portion-controlled meals. This is a more 'natural' way to plan meals and it works with your body to help you lose weight.

Weight Watchers relies upon a points system. The points are spread out over the day so there is some flexibility in the program. You have the option of trading points so that you can use fewer points during the day in order to allow you to have dessert after dinner.

Bottom line, Jenny Craig and similar diets offer you a relatively easy way to lose weight. However at some point you must be responsible for your own nutrition so become informed and prepare for the day when you want to leave these diets and go on your own.

What Draws Us To These Diets?

So what draws us to them? It’s the allure of quick results with very little effort. We live in an instant gratification society; we want everything now with little work. If you want anything worthwhile in life, it will always require effort. When you commit to something completely and follow through every day you will achieve great success. On the other hand, if you do not commit and do not follow through you will find yourself further behind and without a plan to change your direction. Take the time to create a plan that fits your lifestyle ane schedule and then pursue it with relentless passion. If you do this there are very few goals in life that you will not be able to achieve.

Weight loss is no different. If you want to lose weight you have to earn it, it’s going to take some work, but think of all the benefits you get back in return. The benefits far outweigh any sacrifice. Always ask yourself one question before you start a new endeavor, "Am I worth it?' The answer should always be "YES" so make your plan and move forward.

Factors Affecting How We Lose Weight

There are several reasons why we gain weight which we will discuss in more detail.